Minutes of 248th WRC meeting held on April I 1-12,2016 "..-'" OF WESTERN REGIONAL,COMMTffEE, NCTE, BHOPAL The 24}rh meeting of WRC was held on April 11-!2,20L6, THE MEETING WAS ATTENDED BY THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS:- 01 Shri L.S, Baghe! Mem ber @n for the present mee ust-- 02 Prof. J,S. Grewal Mem ber (onlv on 1L/04/2915) 03 Sh ri An il Bedge Mem b.er 04 Dr. Louis Vernal State representative of Goa ---l 05 Shri Prabhakar Shrivastava State representative of Madhya Prad esh --t 06 Shri M.S. Gautam State representative of Chhattisga rh Shri Satish Gupta Regional Director (Convener), WRc, NC'rE, l iI1l Smt. Mala Srivastava, Chairperson; Prof. Freny Tarapore, Shri Chandrashekhar Vazalwar, Members, WRC; Shri C.N, Subramaniam, Council Nominee expressed their inability to attend the meetirrg.Dr. T.S. Joshi, Smt. Shobha Khandare, State Representatives of Gujarat anC Maharashtra expressed their inability to attend the meeting, The Representatives of States/UTs of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli could not attend the meeting. The RD informed that Smt. Mala Srivastava, Chairperson, WRC is nr:t able to attend the meeting, since being out of station, The RD requested the Committee to nominate a member as a Chairperson for today's 248tn WRC meeting. The members unanimously nominated Shri L.S. Baghel as a Chairperson for the 248th WRC meeting. At the outset, Shri Satish Gupta, Regional Director and Convener. welcomed the Chairperson and all the members of WRC, NCTE to the 248th meeting of tlie WRC. The Regional Director, being Convener of the.WRC, presented each agenda item for consideration of the WRC. The agenda were taken up as follows:- 248.L Confirmation of the minutes of 24V'h Meeting of WRC The minutes of 247rh meeting were confirmed by the Committee. 248.2Action Taken Report of 247th Meeting of WRC The RD informed that Action Taken Report of the 247th Meeting wilt be placed before the next meeting of the Committee 248.3 Policy Decisions / Ietters received fronn NCTE Hq rs" / State Govts. None Minutes of 248th WRC meeting held on April 1 l-12,2016 MADHYA PRADESH 248.4.4 Consideration of Visiting Team Report of inspection conducted for the applications received for the academic session 2OL6-2OL7 s. NAME OF THE COURSE DECISION OF WRC NO INSTITUTION 1. APP2624 AASTHA COLLEGE OF B. Sc. B. Ed The case file \ /as;-een The case; APF EDUCATION MANASA, 2624 and APP2623 were taken together. PLOT /KHASARA NO : L406/ 4, The report of the VT, that visited the VILLAGE: ALHED, POST institution on 26/02/20L6, was perused OFFICE: ALHED, TEHSIL: and the CD was viewed, MANASA, CITY: MANASA, DISTRICT: N EEM UCH- On perusal of the CD, it has been found 458110, MADHYA PRADESH that the construction of the first floor is still not complete. There is no whitewashing of the building. Railings on the stairs of the first floor have not been constructed. An approach road to the institution is being built. The institution has submitted the Building Completion Certificate to the VT members which was been submitted earlier also. No new Building Completion Certificate has been submitted. The application is for one unit of B.Sc,B.Ed. course and two units of B,Ed" course. Thus, the institution requlres minimum 3000 sq. mtrs. of land and 3000 sq. mtrs built up a rea. The Bu ild ing Com pletion Certificate submitted by the institution reflects that it has built up area of 24960 sq. ft, which is less tlran the required area. The VT in its report has also mentioned that furniture and equipments in the Science Lab are insufficient. Hence, Show Cause Notice be issued on the above grounds. APP2 623 AASTHA COLLEGE OI- B. Ed. The case file was see n . The cases APP EDUCATION MANASA, 2624 and APP2623 were taken together. PLOT/KHASARA NO : L406/4, The report of the VT, that visited the VI LLAG E : ALH E D, POST institution on 26/0212016, was perused OFFICE: ALHED, TEHSIL: and the CD was viewed. MANASA, CITY: MANASA, DISTRICT: N EEM UCH- On perusal of the CD, it has been found 458110, MADHYA PRADESH that the construction of the first floor is still not complete, There is no whitewashing of the bu ild ing. Ra ilings on the sta irs of the first floor have not been constructed. An a pproach road to the institution .is being -l-he built. institution has submitted the Building Completion Certificate to the VT members which was been suL:mitted earlier a Bu ild pletion lso, No new ing Com I Certificate has been su Um itted . The I I *gpp!_cdign_ iS for one___Un i!_ *gl*g,SQ.!. EQ_,_.j Minutes of 248th WRC meeting helcl on April 1 1- 72,2016 s. CODE NAME OF THE COUR.SE DECISION OF WRC NO NO. INSTITUTION course and two units of B.Ed. co)u rse. Th us, the institution requires minimurm 3000 sq. mtrs. of land and 3000 sq, mttrs bu ilt u p a rea . The Bu ild ing Com pletionr Ce rtificate submitted by the institution refl'lects that it has built up area of 24960 sq. ft. wh ich is less than the required area. Th1e VT in its report has also mentioned theat furniture and equipments in the Sciencce Lab are insufficient. i I Hence, Show Cause Notice be issued i grounds. I on the above i I I I MADHYA PRADESH 248.4. Consideration of Visiting Team Reports of the inspection conducted uls L4ILS of the NCTE Act, 1993 s. CODE NAME OF THE couRsE DECISION OF WRC _N_q NO. INSTITUTION 3. APP2694 SWAMI PRAGYANAND B.A. B. Ed. The case file was seen. The cases APP SHIKSHA MAHAVIDYALAYA, 2694 and APP2696 were taken together. PLOT/KAHASARA NO : 4B/2, The report of the VT was perused and PLOT NO : 25/50, VILLAGE: the CD was viewed, On perusal of the CD GRAM KULHVA, POST it has been found that the institution has OFFICE: KATANGI, TEHSIL: the required infrastructural and MAJHOLI, DISTRICT: instructional facilities. The VT has ]ABALPU R- 483105, recommended the case. MADHYA PRADESH Hence, LOI be issued for one unit of B.A.B,Ed. and two units of B.Ed. cou rse. The Applicant be informed that the cas will be considered for the session 2OL6- 2OL7t only if the formalities necessar after issue of LOI are completed wel before 2nd May, 2016. APP2696 SWAMI PRAGYANAND fhe case file was seen, The A;es APP SHIKSHA MAHAVIDYALAYA, 2694 and APP2696 were taken together. PLCT/KAHASARA NO : 4B/2, The report of the VT was perused and PLOT NO : 25150, VILLAGE: the CD was viewed. On perusal of the CD GRAM KULHVA, POST it has been fou nd that the lnstitution has OFFICE: KATANGI, TEHSIL: the req u ired infrastructu ra I a nd MAJHOLI, DISTRICT: instructional facilities. The VT has JABALPU R- 483105, recommended the case, MADHYA PRADESH Hence, LOI be issued for one unit of B.A.B.Ed, and two units of B.Ed. cou rse. Minutes of 248il' WRC meeting held on April 1 1- 12,2016 s. CODE NAME OF THE COURSE DECISION OF WRC NO NO, INSTITUTION The Applicant be informed that the case will be considered for the session 2OL6-2OL7, only if the formalities necessa ry after issue of LOI a re completed well before znd May, 2016. 5. APP2620 SARDAR PATEL COLLEGE OF B.A. B. Ed, The case file was seen. The cases APP EDUCATION , PLOT NO : 36, 2620 and APP2635 were taken together. 60/10 59 6518, 6LlB, 13 The report of the VT was perused and 68/2, STREET : GONDIA the CD was viewed. On perusal of the CD ROAD, VILLAGE : it has been found that the institution has KHURSODI, POST OFFICE the required infrastructural and :KHURSODI, TEHSIL : instructional facilities. The VT has BALAGHAT, CITY : recommended the case. BALAGHAT, DISTRICT : BALAG HAT- 4BLOO 1, However/ on perusal of the records, it MADHYA PRADESH has been found that the institution has submitted CLU for 2024 sq. mtrs. of land whereas/ the diverted land should not be less tha n 3000 sq. mtrs. The institution in its affidavit has a lso mentioned that it has la nd with d iverted a rea 2024 sq. mtrs. Hence, Show Cause Notice be issued on the above grounds. 6. APP263 5 SARDAR PATEL COLLEGE OF B. Ed. I The case file was seen. The cases APP EDUCATION, PLOT NO : 36, | 262A and APP2635 were taken together, 60/10 59 65/8,6L/8, 13 I fne report of the VT was perused and 6812, STREET : GONDIA I the CD was viewed, On perusal of the CD ROAD, VILLAGE : I it has been found that the institution has KHURSODI, POST OFFICE I the req u ired infrastructu ra I a nd :KHURSODI, TEHSIL : I instructiona I facilities. The VT has BALAGHAT, CITY : I recommended the case. : BALAGHAT, DISTRICT I BALAG HAT. 4BTOO 1, lHo*ever, on perusal of the records, it MADHYA PRADESH I has been found that the institution has I trbmitted CLU for 2024 sq. mtrs, of land I whereds, the diverted Iand should not be I less than 3000 sq, mtrs. The institution I in its affidavit has also mentioned that it I has la nd with d iverted a rea 2024 sq. I mtrs, Hence, Show Cause Notice be issued on the above grounds. _ b,z Minutes of 248tt' WRC meeting helcl on April 1 1 -12,2016 MADHYA PRADESH 24E^.4.
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