9 Dunked Peter Winograd returns to Tide view Westfield boys swim team the Westfield Symphony of publishing upset by Bergen Catholic Area pupils design ads, 8M thta waak'a t-shirt, write stories for See Sports, page B-l unique section WeekendPlus S— 12-page putlout tnskto Record Vol. 4, No.'9 Thursday, March 4, 1993 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents Briefs Bomb's terror lost on lucky town trio Big auction all set By II11UMIII building was going to topple over," the Elm "My first assumption was that it was a about going back to the towers, but also will for tomorrow night TOE RECORD Street resident said. bomb," she said. be working out of the airport for at least Tha Junior Woman'* Club is Their Journey down to the street took less She had heard of bomb scares on other another week, maybe two. He has been hokfng Ms 16#I annual auction to Friday's explosion at Manhattan's World than 80 minutes and people moved easily floors in the past, but she did not think that working at the Port Authority for eight banaflt ttw Vatorto fejnd, wftiich av Trade Center interrupted financial markets down the steps, they said. it was in the basement because of the great years, but had not previously given the safe- •OCB CnaurBn Will GBnOBT onO and television broadcasts — and the lives of "Nobody was hysterically panicking and impact of the blast ty of the building a thought noon QMoraars. Among na amis many WestflekJers, too. running," ML Ceklosky said. Both residents contacted family members "You never think about someone bombing bsiriQ offered Ms year ara hotol For three of them interviewed by The The doser they got to the first floor, the soon after they reached the ground. Mr. a building in New York City," Mr. Doherty asuouwnodaBons at resorts In ptso* Record, the shock of the tragedy was coun- more smoke they encountered until they Doherty called his wife Susan who works at said. as such as Arizona, France and the tered by their own sense of personal good could not even see the person in front of the World Financial Center and left a mes- One of their neighbors at the World Trade Islands. There wi also be oWwm luck, and the orderliness with which their them, the Westflelders sakL sage on her machine. Although his family Center, and fellow WestfieWer Robert Aus- and memberships to tfie WasMold co-workers evacuated the building. "On the first floor we couldn't see our could not get in touch with him, they called tin, works at nearby 2 World Trade Center. Y and ottwcamator Items lor bid, In Prisdlla Ceklosky of Willow Grove Road hands in front of our faces,"Mr. Doherty Mrs. Doherty and were reassured that he He saw the smoke rising from the other addition to a 50-50 table and door was on her way to hinch when the bomb said. "There were people with flashlights was all right building. He had heard the blast but thought prizes. Make your bids at 8 p.m. on exploded. Standing near the elevator on the and everyone said,'follow the lights.' " Ms. Ceklosky has worked for the Fort Au- it was a transformer, because one exploded Friday, March 5 at LTMMre on 28th floor, she not only heard it, but could Mr. Doherty said that everyone was civil thority for just over two years, and is now last August But that time, the smoke was Routs 22. feel the building move. and calmer than those watching the news working out at Kennedy Airport The next white and this time it was black, he said. "I could feel it and see the walls shake," might expect time the building is open, she will have to It took about an hour and 10 minutes for Ma. Ceklosky said 'TrVe had no reason to panic because we go back to finish up some business. But she him to get down from the 64th floor. He Rotary pancake Her co-worker, Mark Doherty, who walked didn't know the cause," Mr. Doherty said. does not feel squeamish about going back, immediately called home from a hotel day is Saturday down the stairs with her, agreed that the The consensus was that something me- under one condition. across the street and noticed all the cover- The Rotary Club of WesdWd vM impact was considerable. He was in an office chanical blew up." "As long as they don't send me to the age on CNN on the bar's televisions. Until p be up aarty Saturday. March 6. near a window at the time. But Ms. Ceklosky thought that it might be basement," she said. then, he did not think it was anything very for the 27th annual Pancake Day. "It was like an earthquake, it felt like the a bomb from the beginning. Mr. Doherty said he has "no hesitation" (Please turn to page A-2) ITHS DreafaasrOiuncn mass wnos far ichotorahips for WseMeM High School graduates. The Rotarisns have given over $800,000 in schcf Happiness is... Five seeking three arahlps over the past 26 years. Them wM be Ive entertainment, In- cuoviGj a cnmonstaDon or ooutxe dutch rope jumping by the police school board seats athtoec league members. The feast is at the high school, 8 am-2 p.m. Mr. Sweeney said. He called for a close relationship Students Invited THE RECORD with the elected officials from Two more school board candi- Westfield to reflect the educational to enter contest dates have emerged, bringing the needs of the town's children. The BeautMcaton Committee of ballot total to five seeking three The Sweeneys have lived in tw WasOaM Am Chamber of three-year terms on the board in Westfield since 1981. He has three Commerce trifles a> studeottt to the April 20 voting. children in the schools. He also William Sweeney and Bill Rein- serves as the chairman of the otsan and Ktsr*ftes community, hardt are the last to announce that board of architectural review. This Prizes *M be awarded in catego- ries. The deadlne for fudging Is they will run. is his second try for a board seat March 31 at 1 pm Posters wf be Other hopefuls are incumbents Bill Relnhardt is ready to give displayed in town etonaonts to Susan Jacobson and Melba Nixon his time to contribute to the town. pubfctae dean Up Dey April 24. and Jean Benisch, a first-time can- His main concern is being able to For more Wbrmelon, oal the didate. manage the schools effectively, es- chamber at 232-3021. Mr. Sweeney would bring ex- pecially considering the "social and perience as a lawyer who deals political forces over which we have Volunteers sought with many business clients to the little control," he said in a press board. This background would help release. for Spaulding office with cost management, one of the He commended board President Spat*** for Chldren, the free areas in which he would work, if Susan Pepper and Superintendent adoption agency, Is looking to add GEORGE PACCIEUO/THE RECORD elected, he said. He noted the need Mark Smith for their roles in the to Us 1st of volunteers for tasks ... cresting a goal, and Michel* Plcou, manager; Robert Nawall, chairman and Warren Rorden, for managing the costs of facilities GSCS, but he noted that the needs such as preparing the newsletter vlca chairman of tha Weatfield Downtown Commute* poalng at Eton and Oulmby Streeta maintenance and health care ben- of the inner city schools and the for malng and working on fund efits. raising events, Ike (he Big Band Tuesday ara celebrating mora than 125 rataHara and profaatlonal aarvlca buslneasea and social concerns do not go away. othara in town whoaa pledges totaled mora than 95 percent of tha $100,000 Main Straat U.S.A. Mr. Sweeney also wants the "They have done yeoman duty concert and dance coming up in board to seek a strategy for dealing April. Spaulding brings together flrat-yaar funding goal. in trying to shape discussions (in with the state school financing Trenton) and representing West- adoptive parents and older and dis- problems. The current plan which abled younsters of al races. The field's interests," Mr. Reinhardt allots money to school districts is Volunteer AuxJftary wW meet Tues- said. day at 7:30 p.m. at the Spaulding temporary, but state lawmakers and school representatives are con- A Westfield resident of six years, office, 36 Prospect SI Cal 233- Record office consolidated he wants to give back to the com- 2282 for more information. tinuing to draft a permanent sys- tem to take effect in the 1993-94 munity. 9 school year. The school board 'This is a very well run town and Chamber legislator needs to look ahead on the issue of I want to contribute to that suc- day Is on March 24 at Forbes Cranford site public school finance, Mr. Sweeney cess," Mr. Reinhardt said. it was taking to guarantee organi- said. He ran for Town Council three The WestteJd Area Chamber of In order to better serve the read- Cranford Display advertising may years ago, but was defeated. After Commerce wi host Meet Your '93 ers of the Westfteld Record, Forbes be placed by calling 2764000. Wert- zations that their stories and pic- "Westfield needs a political ac- establishing his career as a writer Legislators After Hours Wednesday, Newspapers is consolidating its re- field Record Advertising Manager tures will be published in the tion plan," Mr, Sweeney said.
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