SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION ~J]W~ J])ll@~~~ (In o.cI•• ing full t.xt 01 R.I ..... Ire. SEC Pulllicotion. Uttit cit. _ ..... ) FO R R E LEAS E _---=::Au&~u~at:....!:.27!..J,'_"_'19<..!7.:..l_ DECISION IN ADftINISTIATlVE PIDCEEDIMG BERBEIlT L. WlTTOW, JOHN F. OOJGBEIIOUi. SANCTIOMED. The c-iaa1on baa l.. ued an opinlou in which it fouDd that Herbert L. Wittow, doing busineas as Wittow & Caapany, and John F. Couahenour, both of Denver. Colo., had 9iolated proviaions of the Pederal securities acts in cODDection with unrelated tran.actions in atock of Worldwide Eoersy Ccapany. Ltd., aDd ilapOsed auspensions on thea of 14 days and 7 day a , relpectively. Wittow'l transactionl were effected pursuant to a cUlta.er'l order to sell Worldwide Iharel as a.ent and at lpacified prices or better. The c-ission found that in executing the order, however, Wittow lold at pricel which were below prevailing .. rket prices, and that be thereby partiCipated, together with aDOtber broker- dealer with who. the uDderpriced sale procedures were arranged and carried out, in a fraudulent Ich ... in viola- tion of the antifraud proviSions. Coughenour, the c-ission fouDd, sold unregistered snares of Worldwide for a peraon who bad ac~ired a block of such abares as partial consideration for his sale of properties to a corporation which controlled Worldwide and was under a ca..on control with it, and who .. I therefore a atatutory underwriter of the ahares. Accocding to the opinion, Coughenour did DOt .. ka reasonable inquiry into the facta relating to the saleability I of the sbares without regiatration, and his transactions were violative of Section 5 of the Securitie. Act. J (Release 34-9303) I InMISSION ARMOUIICEMEMT SEC ClmS VKRJION LEIIOf CaAYj MAXEL V. ClAY. The C-1aa1on has ordered adainiatraUve proceedinas ..atnst Vernon Leroy Gray and Maxel V. Gray of Midland, Mich. The ptoceedi •• are based on suff allegations that tha respondents ca.aitted viol.tions of the anti-fraud provisions of the Federal securities lawl. A public heari. will be scheduled by further order to afford relpondents an opportunity to refute the staff's allegations and to establish any defenses, and to deteraine, what, if any, re.. dial action is appropriate in the public interest. INVES'DWIT C(JQ>A)(Y ACT IlELIASI PAN AKlaICAM SULPHUI. The SEC bas issued a notice under the lavest-.nt eo.paay Act living intarested persons until Sept~r 3 to request a hearing upon an application of Pan "-aricen Sulphur eo.p&ny. Alexandria. V•• , for an order extending the period from 60 to 80 daya within which a ..eting of holders of its outstanding voting securities must be held to elect directors of Pan "-erican pursuant to provision. of the Act .s a result of the fact that a aajority of the directors of Pan "-erican nov holding office were DOt elected by holders of its outstanding voting securiti ••• l/(lelease lC-6696) HOLDING C(MPANY ACl' RELEASE ( INDIANA & MIQUGAN ELEcrRIC. The SEC has issued an order under the Holding Company Act upon an appli- cation of Indiana & Michigan Electric COmpany (I&MO, Fort Wayne, Ind. subsisid8ry of American Electric Power Company, Inc., and ita newly-organized Bridgman, Mich. subsidiary, Indiana & Michigan Power Company (I&M Power). with respect to a financing program for I&M Power. I&H Power wae organized to own and operate the Dooald C. Cook Nuclear Generating Plant which I&H is presently constructing at Bridgman, Mich. Thie order a.ong other things now authorize that I&H Power to issue and sell from time to time up to $200 million of note. to bank. to mat~re in 1977, I&M make up to $130 million of capital contribu,ions to I&H Power and I&M Power to make available to I&M all of the power available at the Donald C. CoOk Plant and I&H Power amounts sufficient for I&M Power to pay operating and certain expenses. (Release 35-17247) SECUl.ITlES Acr UiGISTIAnOllS HUNTINGTON BAMCSHARES INOOR~TED, 17 South High St., CoI¥!bua. Ohio 43215, filed a registration state- ment on Auguat 23 seelting registration of 66,900 .bate a of COlllllOll stoclt. It is proposed to offer theae snares in exchange for all the outstanding shares of capital .tock of The Pirst National Bank of Wadsworth, at the rate of 2.23 anares for eacb outstanding Bank share. Baneshar ... 1& a bank holding caapany and controlling eharebolder of eight Ohio baDks(Pile 2-41529) RESERVE OIL AND GAS OCMPANY. 550 South Flower St., Loa Anleles, calif. 90017, filed a registration state- ment on Auguat 23 aeeltiD8 rea1atration of 600,000 outatandlD8 sharea of COlllllOnstock. which may be offered for sale from time to time by the holdera thereof at prices current at the time of eala (*$10 per ahara .. xi.u.). (FUe 2-41532) ova SEC NEWS DIGEST, AUGUST 27, 1911 Page 2 AMREP CORPORATION, 16 w. 61st Street,N.Y. 10023, filed a registration statement on Aug.23 seeking registra- tion of 53,365 outstanding shsres of common stock, which may be offered for ssle from time to time by the holders thereof at prices current at the time of sale (*$18.25 per share maximum). (File 2-41534) PROVIDENCE MANAGEMENT CORP. (The Depositor), 1002 Wilmington Trult Bldg., 100 West 10th St., Wilmington, ~. 19801, filed a registration statement on August 23 seeking registration of $5 million of single investment plans and systematic accumulation plans with and without insurance. (File 2-41538) DESERET PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY. INC. 9450 South State St., SandY,Utah 84070, filed a registration statement on August 23 seeking registration of 16,000 shares of common stock, issuable pursuant to stock options previously granted by the company. (File 2-41539) FIRST HOME INVESTMENT CORPORATION OF KANSAS, INC., 310 North Market, Wichita, Kans.67202, filed a registration statement on August 23 seeking registration of an aggregate of $34.5 million of face amount certificates in Series 27, 20LA and 20L and 2,000,000 shares of common stock. The certificatea are to be offered for public sale in $1,000 face-amount certificates. The purchaser of a Series 20L or 20LA certificate may purchase up to 180 shares of common stock per $1,000 certificate and of a Series 27 face amount certificate 100 shares per $1,000 certificate. The offering is to be made by Bush and Company Inc., 310 N. Market, Wichita, Kans., which is controlled by certain officers and directors of the company. The company originates first-mortgage loans upon residential properties for sale ultimately to institutional investors. (File 2-41540) THE CINCINNATI GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY, P.O. Box 960, Cincinnati, Ohio 45201, filed a registration state- ment on August 24 seeking registration of 1,498,154 shsres of common stock, to be offered for public ssle (*at $25 per share maximum) through underwriters headed by Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc., 140 Broadway, and W.E. Hutton & Co., 14 Wall Street, both of New York 10005. Net proceeds of its stock sale will be used to repay a portion of the company's short-term indebtedness incurred in connection with its construction program. Short-term indebtedness is estimated at $77 million immediately prior to the stock sale and construction expenditures are estimated at $153 million for 1971 and $600 million for 19i1 through 1975. (File 2-4l5~1) CHRYSLER FINANCIAL CORP., 16250 Northland Dr., Southfield, Mich. 48075, filed a registration statement on August 25 seeking registration of $60 million of debentures, due 1991, to be offered for public Bale through underwriters headed by The First Boston Corp., 20 Exchange Pl., and Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc., 70 Pine St., both of New York. The company is engaged in the wholesale and retail financing of dealers in motor vechiles manufactured by Chrysler Corp., or its subsidiaries. Net proceeds of its debenture sale will be applied to the reduction of short-term bank borrowings. (File 2-41542) BANCOHIO CORPORATION. 51 North High St., Columbus, Ohio 43216, filed a registration statement on August 24 seeking registration of 96,250 shares of common stock. It 1s proposed to offer these shares in ex- change for all the capital stock of the The Niles Bank Company, at the rate of 2.75 shares for each Bank share. BancOhio is a bank holding company, which controls 28 Ohio banks. (File 2-41543) BALTIMORE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, Gas and Electric Bldg., Charles Center, Baltimore, Md. 21203, filed a registration statemer.t on August 24 seeking registration of 500,000 shares of cumulative preference stock, 1971 Series ($100 par), to be offered for public Bale through The First Boston Corp., 20 Exchange Place, New York. Net proceeds of its stock sale will be used for general corporate purposes, including repayment ~I of short-term borrowings incurred in connection with the company's construction program. Construction expenditures are estimated at $325 million for 1971 and $Z?O million for 1972. (File 2-41546) FULLVIEW INDUSTRIES, INC., 6001 North r.lark St., Chicago, Ill. 60626, filed 8 registration statement on August 2~ seeking registration of 700,000 shares of convertible preferred stock. It is proposed to offer these shares in exchange for unsecured debt of the company and its subsidiaries, Master Marketing Corporation and King Korn of Canada Limited, outstanding, at the rate of one share for each $10 of debt. The company is primarily engaged in direct mail merchandising and in the manufacture and sale of extruded aluminum windows and doors for mobile homes and recreational vphicles. Pursuant to a plan of recapitalization, the company proposes the exchange offer in an effort to eliminate conditions (including a deficit in net vorth) which have resulted in demands for payment of the comp8ny's indebtedness with possible foreclosure or all of its assets or bankruptcy in an effort to permit continuance of its operations without going into bankruptcy.
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