March 2011 Volume XL Number 3 The A Publication of the American Translators Association CHRONICLE In this issue: Social Media Strategy Post-Translation Client Review Doing What a Machine Cannot Suggestions for Tool Makers LANGUAGE ANALYSIS AT THE N ATIONAL S ECURITY A GENCY Make a critical difference with what you know. You already know that intelligence is vital to national security. But here’s something you may not know. The National Security Agency is the only Intelligence Community agency that generates intelligence from foreign signals and protects U.S. systems from prying eyes. If you would like to use your advanced language skills to break and make the most important security codes in the world, then explore NSA. At NSA you can experience a variety of careers as you work on real-world challenges with the latest technology. You’ll also enjoy a collaborative work environment with flexible hours that will enable you to strike a balance between work and life. 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March 2011 Volume XL American Translators Association 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590 • Alexandria VA 22314 USA Number 3 Tel: +1-703-683-6100 • Fax: +1-703-683-6122 Contents March 2011 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.atanet.org A Publication of the American Translators Association 12 Using Social Media to Boost Your 12 Language Services Business By Nataly Kelly Most language services providers agree that a social media presence is important, but very few stop to consider what kind of presence they want to create. 15 Creative Thinking: Doing What a Machine Cannot By Grant Hamilton Tomorrow’s successful translators will be beloved not for their huge store of technical knowledge, but for their nimble style, effortless fluency, and ready grasp of the communication objective at hand. 20 Post-Translation Client Review By Melissa Ramer Most of the pitfalls of the post-translation client review process can be avoided when all parties have a better 15 understanding of the process and the expectations for the end result. 24 Things Can Only Get Better! By Jost Zetzsche This month, in lieu of his regular GeekSpeak column, Jost gives translation tool vendors some suggestions regarding what users are looking for in terms of capability. 41 2011 Honors and Awards 24 Columns and Departments 6 Our Authors 31 Certification Exam Information 7 From the President 31 New Certified Members 8 From the Executive Director 32 Dictionary Reviews 28 The Entrepreneurial Linguist 37 Upcoming Events 29 Blog Trekker 38 The Translation Inquirer 30 Active Member Review 40 Humor and Translation 30 Member News 46 Directory of Language Services 3 The ATA Chronicle (ISSN 1078-6457) is published monthly, except bi-monthly in November/December, by the American Translators Association, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The ATA Chronicle, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, We Want You! Alexandria, VA 22314 USA. The American Translators Association (ATA) was established in 1959 as a not-for-profit professional society to foster and support the professional The ATA Chronicle enthusiastically encourages development of translators and interpreters and to members and nonmembers to submit promote the translation and interpreting professions. The subscription rate for a member is $43 (included articles of interest. For Submission Guidelines, in the dues payment). The U.S. subscription rate for a nonmember is $65. Subscribers in Canada and visit www.atanet.org/chronicle. The ATA Chronicle Mexico add $25; all other non-U.S. subscribers add $45. Single copies are available for $7 per issue. is published 11 times per year, with a combined ©2011 American Translators Association November/December issue. Submission deadlines are two months prior to publication date. Reprint Permission: Requests for permission to reprint articles should be sent to the editor of The ATA Chronicle at [email protected]. Editor Jeff Sanfacon [email protected] Proofreader Advertising Sandra Burns Thomson Art Directors Directory 10 Star Group America, LLC Ellen Banker 27 www.star-group.net Amy Peloff University of Arizona Advertising 5 National Center for Interpretation Caron Mason, CAE 27 Landmark Audio Technologies [email protected] www.LandmarkFm.com nci.arizona.edu +1-703-683-6100, ext. 3003 Western Michigan University Fax: +1-703-683-6122 2 National Security Agency 45 www.nsa.gov Department of Foreign Languages Executive Director Summer Translation Institute Walter Bacak, CAE 48 SDL International www.wmich.edu/languages/ [email protected] www.translationzone.com summertranslation Membership and General Information Maggie Rowe [email protected] website: www.atanet.org Moving? Find an error with your address? Send updates to: Looking for continuing education events in your area? The ATA Chronicle 225 Reinekers Lane Check out ATA’s online event calendar at Suite 590 www.atanet.org/calendar. Alexandria, VA 22314 USA Fax +1-703-683-6122 [email protected] 4 The ATA Chronicle n March 2011 Are You an ATA Member LOOKINGLOOKING TOTO GET Who Wants to Save Money? CERTIFIED?CERRTTIFIED? See what discounts your fellow members offer you through ATA’s Member-Provider Program! Get guaranteed member discounts and other benefits from ATA members such as: We Can Help YYoou Pass: &/ tƌŝƩĞŶ ĂŶĚ KƌĂů • The Tool Kit ŽŶƐŽƌƟƵŵ ŝŶ zzŽŽƵƌ ^ƚĂƚĞ ^ƚĂƚĞ ĞƌƟĮĐĂƟŽŶ • Payment Practices DĞĚŝĐĂů ĞƌƟĮĐĂƟŽŶ • Translate Write dƌĂŶƐůĂƟŽŶ ĞƌƟĮĐĂƟŽŶ ŶĚ DŽƌĞ͊ • The Translator’s Tool Box • Getting Started as a Freelance Translator 3-Week3-Week • Translation Office 3000 ŐŶĞƐĞ,ĂƵƌLJ/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞŐŶĞƐĞ,ĂƵƌLJ /ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ :ƵŶĞϲͲϮϰ:ƵŶĞϲ Ͳ Ϯϰ dƵĐƐŽŶ͕ƌŝnjŽŶĂdƵĐƐŽŶ͕ƌŝnjŽŶĂ Visit 2-W2-Weekeek www.atanet.org/providers.php MedicMedicalal InInterpreterterpreter to start saving! ddƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ ::ƵŶĞϲͲϭϳƵŶĞϲ Ͳ ϭϳ To become a member-provider or to learn about the benefits of ddƵĐƐŽŶ͕ƌŝnjŽŶĂƵĐƐŽŶ͕ƌŝnjŽŶĂ the program, contact ATA Member Benefits and Project FCICEFCICE OralOral TestTTeest PrepPrep Development Manager Mary David at [email protected]. PreparePrepare forfor the “Field Test”TTeeest” & ͞dŚĞZĞŐƵůĂƌĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶ͟͞dŚĞZĞŐƵůĂƌ ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶ͟ MarchMarch toto June ŝŶŝŶ AZ, CA,CA, CO,CO, DC,DC, FLFL,, GA,GA, MA,MA, MN, TN, TX Three Ways to Connect to ATA ContactContact Us Today!TTooday! (520) 621-3615 - nci.arizona.edunci.arizona.edu [email protected]@email.arizona.edu P.O.P.O. BoxBox 210432 - Tucson,Tucson, AZ 85721 Facebook LinkedIn Twitter http://tinyurl.com/38xqgsm www.atanet.org/linkedin.php http:// twitter.com/atanet The ATA Chronicle n March 2011 5 Our Authors March 2011 Grant Hamilton, a certified translator, Melissa Ramer began as a freelance editor and Spanish→English owns and manages Anglocom Inc., an translator. Currently, she manages translations for Valtera Corporation, a agency that works primarily with adver- human resources consulting firm. As an in-house translator at Valtera, tising agencies and Quebec government she continues to indulge her love of transforming Spanish into English. ministries, but also serves retailers, Contact: [email protected]. publishers, manufacturers, and tourist industry stakeholders. He also teaches Jost O. Zetzsche is an ATA-certified French→English translation for marketers English→German translator, a localization and advertisers as part of the certificate program at New York University. and translation consultant, and a published A regular presenter at ATA events, he is the assistant administrator of author of books and articles on the tech- ATA’s Translation Company Division. He is also a board member of the nical aspects of translation. A native of Ordre des traducteurs, terminologies et interprètes agréés du Québec and Hamburg, Germany, he earned a Ph.D. in of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards. He is a graduate of Laval University. Chinese translation history and linguistics, Contact: [email protected]. and began working in localization and technical translation in 1997.In 1999, he co-founded International Nataly E. Kelly is the chief research Writers’ Group on the Oregon coast and, in 2008, launched officer at Common Sense Advisory, a TranslatorsTraining.com. His computer guide for translators, Massachusetts-based market research com- A Translator’s Tool Box, is currently in its ninth edition, and his pany focusing on the language services technical newsletter for translators is published bi-weekly. Contact: market. She is a certified court interpreter, [email protected]. a former freelance translator, and the author of Telephone Interpreting: A Comprehensive Guide to the Profession. She researches a variety of topics, including community interpreting, ONLINE The ATA Compass domestic multiculturalization, and terminology management. Contact: www.atanet.org/compass [email protected].
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