Eastern Washington University EWU Digital Commons Eastern Washington University Digital History Student Newspapers Collections 1-25-2001 Easterner, Volume 53, No. 13 January 25, 2001 Eastern Washington University. Associated Students Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers Recommended Citation Eastern Washington University. Associated Students, "Easterner, Volume 53, No. 13 January 25, 2001" (2001). Student Newspapers. 1348. https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers/1348 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Washington University Digital History Collections at EWU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of EWU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LD1747 .E65E22 The Easterner. Eastern Washington University and Washington 8tate University Libraries Received on: 01-30-01 www.easterneronline.com EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY VOL 52, ISSUE 13 THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2001 Behind the ink ,, Eastern quartet Friday is EWU night at , '- /. the Spokane Symphony See: Page 9 Meet~*,.' The Easterner's- own cartoonist, Isaac Grambo. See: Page 8 Free advice for all of your utmost blundering question about sex, relationships and drugs See:.Page 2 2 e January 25, 2001 MTV'S Dr. Drew Pinsky to speak tomorrow pr.icuc-e, but college presentations are murually dena, and Chief of Services in the beneficial in a million ways." Renown physician, author to Department of Medicine. Ennis said the publicity ir brings boih Pinsky Though Pinsky 1s most famous visit campus as third speaker and the university make 1r a win-win s1tuauon for his work on television, he has Pmsky's presentation is the t111rd part of rhts in TutsternDialogues series gained recognition for his ot11er en­ year's Easrem Dialoh'lles senes.1l1e series, wluch deavors. Pinsky also co-hos!S a syn­ started in 1995, has an annual budget of S45,000 Steven]. Barry dicated radio program, also called to fund four presentations. Ennis said ihe coses As~;isUml Edilor Lovehne. He and his co-host fqr of crave! and hotel accommodarions are in­ both shows, Adan1 Carolla, have co- cluded in tl1at budget. She said Pinsky's appe-Jr­ Dr Drew Pinsky. co-host of MTV's authored The Dr. Drew and Adam ance cost a total of SJ 5,000. Loveline, will speak in the Showalter Audito­ Book: A Survival Guide ro Life and Ennis said since the budget for t11e progrJm num tomorrow at 10:30 p.m He will speak Love. has nor changed since its inception, making it and answer questions mnc-erning love, romance, In 1999, Pinsky launched and relauonsh1ps. drDrew.com. an information-shar­ more difficult to book quality speakers. The program was originally scheduled for ing Website rhar features live "In order ro keep bringing in good spe:ik­ - 30 p.m., but had to be rescheduled to con­ Internet broadcast cha!S wim Pinsky ers, the budget will h:ive ro go up,' she said. flim m Pinsky's agenda. Srudenr Activities Co­ and a vanety of celebrity guests and The funding for the series is provided by ordinator Stephanie Ennis said the activities provides answers ro a diverse r.inge . both the university :ind the student body, office is organizing enrenairunenr for those who of mental, emorional and physical making it necessmy for both parties to reac·h a don I receive notice of the time change. health-related questions Pinsky mutual agreement if they want ro raise the Pinsky has gained nationwide recognition sums up the topic of most of his budget. for he, expertise in interpersonal relationships work in a welcome lener at his "ASEWU contributes S22,500 and EWU and addictions. Website. contributes S22,500," she said. He earned his MD. from the University of "The individual human animal is Dr. Drew Pinsky Ennis said that the Student Activities offi ce Southern California·s School of Medicine, and trnly fascinating, bur we must nor for­ is currently planning next year's Eastern Dia­ he 1s a board-cerufiecl internist and get that what is most interesting stems from said booking the renown physician was a pain­ logues series, and that mey are currently taking addiaionologist. He is also the medical direc­ our interaclions--what we do wim and for one less process. suggestions for speakers. Sruden!S with sug­ tor for the Department of Cherrucal Depen­ another," he said in me lerrer "Ir was not a problem," said Ennis. "Defi­ gestions can call the Student Activities Hotline dency Services at Las Encinas l lospital in Pasa- Ennis, who organized PL11Sky's appearance, nitely his priority is his show and his private at 359-6718. Program offers teens some choices phasis on re-aching t11e girls life skills, goal set­ a week wim d1e girls participating in recreational Maggie Miller ting, dem1on-making, career planning, furilier­ or other positive activities. Coupons or gift PhotuFLlflor Teen pregnancv In the area ing their education, and empowerment as certificates for activities such as movies or bowl­ women mg can also be provided so that mere isn't too In Spokane County, 353 girls between rhe "We rake them on field trips ro different much of a burden on participants. The United States has the ages of ten and seventeen became pregnant in expenent-es like t11e artS and culrural awareness The girls really enjoy going to the campus highest teen pregnancy rate ·or 1997 Of mose pregnancies, J37 were aborted Things that they might nm ever have me op­ with meir mentor to tour the campus and see any developed country. Your Choice, ot Chance 1s a community portunity to experience," said Yadao. ''Also what life at college is like. based program workmg to help prevent teen­ we try and do different communny service "I've had a couple [mentors] take d1em to One out of 10 girls will age pregnancies and 1s the only comprehen­ pro1ects with mem and expose them agam ro basketball games for their sd1ool and mey love beeome pregnant before the sive program in Spo­ different environments 11 They think it's really neat," said Yadao. ageof20. kane The program, "Mentoring gave me and my and different people in rhe ThLs year there are 48 girls in ihe program 1hrough the Spo­ community" and only 13 mentors. Eight Eastern swden!S, Every year in Washington, kane Regional Health mentee a feeling of self-worth Each girl in the program and two recent EWU graduates, are current there are 15,000 teen preg­ District, works and accomplishment because 1s matched with a mentor mentors for the program. nancies. mostly with teens of the deep relationship it based on information sub-­ "I really need volunteers," said Yadao. who are at high risk. mined d1rough an applica­ fanned. " Mentorship plays an important role in the Every half hour in Washingtoa "All te~ns are at tion and mterest form sub­ lives of these girls. For the past 5-· years a State, a teen girl becomes risk, said Lisa Megiui.Downey mitted by both parties research team from the Washington lnstill!te pregnant. Yadao, progrnm co­ EWUStudent Mentors and clien!S can be for Public Policy located at me Evergreen Sta;e ordmator for Your ----------------­ matched based on interes!S, College in Olympia, has evaluated the pro­ Choice, Not Ch,rnce. shared experiences, person­ gram. According to the evaluation, there is a ( In 1996inSpokaneCounty, Htgh nsk teens, however, can include girls who ality, and geographical area definite change when a client spends forty or there were 1,022 teen preg­ are from single parent households, are daugh­ "I hare to say it, bur sometimes it's hit and more hours with a mentor over the nine­ nancies. ters of teen moiliers, have trouble wim school­ miss" said Yadao. Mentors are a way of pro­ month span .. "The more service hours that work, come from low-income families, have viding the girls with an additional support we provide one client with groups and time Every day three teenagen low self-esteem, or who have become sexually system in addition to the groups that each girl wim a mentor, me more likely mere will be a beeome pregnant in Spokalle ac1ive at a young age. must anend two hours every week. behavior, knowledge and attitude change." County. The program focuses mostly on abstinence, Mentors are asked to participate mrough said Yadao. but also provides information for mose who out me duration of the program wluch is from For information on the program becom­ are already sexually at1ive There IS also em- September to June and spend ar least an hour ing a mentor, call Yadao 324-1460 .. visit us at www.easterneronfine.com January 25, 2001 r 3 Construction plan announced Irish addresses current and is whar they are doing," Insh said. Showalter Hall will be gelling some cos­ At Pearce and Dressler Hall,, a contractor lrish also addressed concerns about ways metic improvemems. The third floor hall­ will be working on sit<:: to replace the fire alarm upcoming on-campus lO conserve energy in Kingsron Hall "We way will be pmd1ed and painred where some systems until May 12. From Februaf\· 16 lO projects and activity ha,·e had many calls regarding why the lighLs display cases were removed. The remodeling May 17, t11ere will only be one ele,·,nor oper­ are staying on ,n Kingslon Hall. The lighting of room 312 should he compleled tl1is week. aling. system m lhal particular building is essential The main lobby is in the process of being ·'Any concerns or problems with either ol Brian Triplett w the building's healing design.
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