• . I / f :CATHOLIC WORKER Subscriptions Vol. XV. No. 6 September, 19~8 25c Per· Year Price le "There is a fight against "Why is it that Com­ Housirig Communism that produces The Jews. munism flourishes in coun­ Labor I have a vague· remembrance, no results. What really mat­ There• continues to be among tries that have Christians? In an article titled "Toward almost as though I had dreamed it, ters is to achieve, in the face some Chl'istians a ·persistent and Is it not the consequence Peace in Labor," (Colliers' March \ of my father telling me that the of Communism; the Chris­ never dying detestation of the Jew. of a great disappointm~nt? 6, 1948) Senator Robert Taft old Irish Brehon Code had a law, tian ideal of community. Our God, who as man was ~ Jew, This disappointment, how­ makes the outright claims that his called the Law of Ancient Lights, "The characteristic_of Ma­ would be unwelcome in· the-homes ever, comes not from Chris­ law has b1ought peace to the field forbidding anyone to shut out the terialism is violence; that of these Christians, He would not tianity, but from, Chris­ of labor relations, has kept the sun, and the moon and the stars, of Christianity is Love." · be acceptable "in the best circles." tians." rights granted labor by the Wag­ He and His Blessed Mother and St. from another man's window. The Cardinal Saliege . Cardinal Saliege ner Act intact, is supported by idea of such a good law, so full of Joseph would, by agreement among many union leaders, and has wisdom and depth, fascinated me, Chr~stians, be excluded from apart­ brought justice to, labor. In addi­ to the point that I began a story, .. ment hom1es and from occupations lET IT STAND THIS l'EARTOOC tion to these sweeping claims, he called the City of Ancient Lights. and from schools. He would be ~0-THAT' t MAY HAVE TIME TO implies that the law ha:i made the It told about a man who lived in lynched today, as a Jewish radical, ou;; .., l'UT OUN~ AflOUNO tT: field of labor relations less com­ one of those two-story framework by Christians. They who in theory l'E RUA f'.S tr . plicated because his law is clear, houses you sometimes can still see adhere to Christ, who agree that · MAY&EA~ easily understandable, and· quickly squeezed in between tenements in under the New Dispensation there fRUIT'" ' and easily enforced. Let us ex­ New York City. This hero of mine is neither Jew nor Gentile, but amine these- claims in the light of went to law against a landlord who that all men are of one family as FACTS and events. built a four-story tenement next actual· or pote'ntial members of ( 1) Has the Taft-Hartley Law doo1· to him. Every night when the Mystical B'ody of Christ-they brought peace to labor? there was a moon, the hero of my would still insist on these distinc­ Events which have taken place story had gone to sleep watching tions, still believe in Gentile supe-. since its passage· show the oppo­ the shadow of the apple tree riority, still relegate the Jew to site; it has brought brutality branches in the moonlight on the the Ghetto. Keep Christ in the against workers. It has brought bedroom .floor, but the 'building ris­ Ghetto. Keep Christ there · as a th~se of the injunction and war­ in.g beside him soon shut that off prime leader in a "Jewish Plot" to fare against strikers reminiscent forever. Of course when he went dominate the world. of the depression years. Thanks to law, although his case was well There are the Christians who to this law we ar~ moving back­ contested, the United States courts find Zionism acceptable because wards, not ahead in the field of paid no" attention to the old Irish they welcome a· solution which labor relations. An exam1)1e of Brehon Lav..- s-indeed I am sure would relegate the Jews to some the peace brought by this law: that the Irish cities pay no atten­ portion of the earth where they In Tennessee, recently, the work· t.ion to them either-and he lost would no longer have to rub ~rs at the Nashville Corporation his case. To make a long story elbows with them in the subways, went on strike when that corpora­ short, he and a group of friends nor be disturbed that other than tion refused to recognize the NLRB who agreed with him, decided to Gentile eats, sleeps, walks in white election. The company said the leave tile clty, and 10 off and found Gentile America. Christ walks in union officers had not signed the ever, . the t>lection had been held able and illegal {O trespass on a the side of His Jewish blood broth· the day before that section became family's sunlight and moonlight ers, fl.lls the Ghetto on Manhattans law. and starlight, as it now is to build lower. east side, rubs elbows with The NLRB ordered the company on his land. white Gentile Americans in the to recognize the election, but the subways-eats, sleeps, walks in When I used to visit children corporation refused, and instead, white Gentile America to the dis­ used violence to break the strike. boarded out in foster homes, we gust of those who worship Him were required to see that theil' bed­ Under the Taft-Hartley Law they as God.' got an injunction, and Lynn Bo­ rooms allowed a certain amount of Christ is the one meant when mar, Co~ ·1missioner. of Public Safe­ cubic air space per child. The Mott Street' the kids on Baxter Street wrote On Pilgrimage truth of the matter is that, to put ty, .had several union-officers beat­ Th~ Sunday_ afternoon seems "Jew's stink" in the wet pavement Again we print the it in that technical manner, we all par~g1·aphs en brutally. One of these union to be tbe hottest and sultriest beside the Franciscan Church. It "Do Not Register." Registration is officers went to the hospital with need a certain amount of cubic air that we have ever suffered here is He who is the object of "kike" space-, and also, as the old Irish the first step to war. During t4e broken ribs. The charges were on Mott street. , Most of our and "sheany" slurs. He is the sub­ trumped-up charges of reckless Brehon Code -comprehended so group have wisely departed for ject matter for innumerable· jokes. course ·of the month we distributed the paper in front of high schools driving and vagrancy. Thus, in wlsely, we all need sunlight and weekend visits, Jack English left (Continued on page 3) moonlight and starlight, and have and colleges throughout Marlhat­ the case of the strike at the Nash­ for a Catholic Act~on conference tan and Brooklyn. On August 30, ville Corporation, we see indUstrial a J\atural right to them. When you in Brookfield, Conn., Irene Naugh­ Robert Ludlow, Irene Mary Naugh­ warfare, not peace. However, this iet right down to it, why should ton joumeyed to our ""' farm in ton and I, setting our affairs in or­ is not the only -example of the the element of earth, of land, only Newbureh, while Cabot, · Eileen, real The Negro der, as the · saying goes; went outbreak Clf violence against labor have been considered estate Mary Lou and Cy spent the after­ and not to be trespassed on? The We have • postponed writing forth, I should like to say, like' an under the Taft-Hartley Law. noon at Coney Island. Despite ·army with banners. Wnich means The CIO meat packers struck for light of the sun and the stars are the heat numerous men congre­ about this place, because we real, even in the limited sense that wanted to visit it and write about that we joined about thirty-two 29 cents an hour and are, after gate in our courtyard in order to others on a picket line in front of weeks cf violent OlJposition, ready real estate operators use the word receive their bowl of · hot soup. it here, but we ·can wait no longer Washington Irving High School, to accept 9 cents an hour. By realty as denoting visibility. The thought of steaming hot soup but must give an idea of it from one of the places for the twenty­ violent-opposition, I mean that the When one goes out into the today causes one to flinch, but the what ·Fr. Andrew of the Missionary five year old to register. I must police took clubs ' and beat the suburbs and sees the little· houses men are hungry regardless of the Servants of the Most Holy Trinity (Continued on page 6 ) (Continued on page 3 ) (Continued on page IS) (Continued on page 8 ) and others have told us. The Sacred Heart Agricultural school is a high school for Negroes down in Camden, Mississippi, and Revolution & Detachm_ent the beginnings of a village on the On Distril)utism-3 land such as Peter Maurin has (We had printed the two former mind, and a way of life. This short By ROBERT LUDLOW been talking about for years. It articles on Distributi.sm in t he June explanation of the chief tenets of At the basis of per~onal and eco- !o establish all in luxury and to re~alls the work of the Jesuits in and July-August issues of The Distributism is presented with the nomic ills lies the failure to realize realize perfection within the tem­ Paraguay and of the Franciscan in Catholi,1: Worker, when we came hope that it will induce listeners to ~d practice the Christian virtue poral order.
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