FEDERAL REGISTER VO LUM E I 'S * , 1934 ^ NU M BER 165 ^^AîITEO^ Washington, Saturday, October 31, 1936 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. cation publication was not required, such applicant, prior to General Land Office. the inclusion of such lands in a lease, will be required to fur­ nish evidence to the effect that the applicant who paid the [Circular No. 1412] expense of publication has been reimbursed for such cost or part thereof. I nstructions R e la t iv e t o t h e I s s u a n c e o f O n e Y ear Te a se r The following form of notice will be used when ordering U nd e r S e c t io n 15 o f t h e T a y l o r G r a z in g A ct publication: O ctober 22, 1936. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office_________________ ______ Registers, U. S. Land Offices. Notice is hereby given that ____________________________________ _ of (applicant) S ir s : With a view to expediting the issuance of grazing leases under section 15 of the Taylor Grazing Act approved ___________________ r __________ , has filed application___________________ (post office address) (serial No.) June 28,1934 (48 Stat. 1269), as amended by the Act of June under the Taylor Grazing Act to lease__________________________________ 26, 1936 (Public, No. 827) \ you will, until further instructed, (description of take action on applications for such leases as herein directed. In order that the procedure followed in each district land land applied for) office may be as uniform as possible, the following instruc­ Said lands are offered for lease upon such terms and conditions as tions are issued: may be prescribed. Any and all persons desiring to lease all or any part thereof for grazing purposes under authority of said act, must Copies of all pending applications in this office, embracing file notice of their claims, or proper grazing lease applications, in lands in your district and outside of established or proposed this office within 90 days from date of the first publication of this grazing districts, are being forwarded to you under separate notice. cover together with copies of reports that have been received R egister. from the Special Agents in Charge. Date of first publication:__________________________________ _ You will immediately take up these and all other such cases In directing publication you will be guided by the instruc­ for action in the order of their filing, in so far as practicable, tions contained in paragraph 15 of Gircular 1401, except that and obtain the status of the lands involved as shown by the you will direct publication in all cases whether they are pend­ records of your office, noting all conflicting lease applications ing in this office or not. and other conflicts. When such status is obtained, you will To assist you in adjudicating applications there will be de­ not consider the applications as to any lands not properly tailed to your office by the Division of Investigations a spe­ subject to lease, thereby eliminating from consideration all cial agent or agents familiar with the land within your land but the vacant, unreserved, and unappropriated public lands. district who will act in an advisory capacity to you especially However, when it is found that any application for lease con­ regarding the carrying capacity of the land involved and as flicts with an application under any other section of the to any division of .lands to be made between conflicting appli­ Taylor Glaring Act as amended, regardless of the date of cations based upon information obtained by them through filing of such other application, or when it is found that the previous investigations in the vicinity. This procedure will, application for lease embraces withdrawn or reserved lands, #for the time being, eliminate the submission of formal reports the lease application will be suspended as to such tract or by the Division of Investigations as heretofore required under tracts until such a time as a determination can be made by former instructions (Circular 14012). this office regarding the respective rights of the parties As to applications for lease embracing a tract or tracts in interested. excess of 760 acres which are properly subject to lease, you If it is found that any application embraces isolated or dis­ will in each case make a determination as to the lands which, connected tracts of 760 acres or less you will, at the earliest in your opinion, the applicant is entitled to lease. In making date possible, direct publication in the manner hereinafter this determination you will take into consideration all in­ prescribed. When an application embraces tracts in excess of formation contained in your records, together with such other 760 acres no publication will be required, and where it is found information as the special agent is able to furnish. This that an application includes tracts of 760 acres or less and course of action will also be followed on applications which in­ also tracts in excess of 760 acres, you will direct publication clude both tracts of 760 acres or less and tracts in excess of only as to the tracts of 760 acres or less. Care should be 760 acres except that you will not withhold the issuance of exercised in ordering publications in order that the same leases on such applications as to the tracts in excess of 760 tract is not included in more than one publication. The acres, pending the expiration of the 90-day preference period expense of such publication will be paid for by the applicants. allowed in the published notices. Publication will be required on the senior application as to In determining the rental to be charged, you will use as a tracts of 760 acres or less. However, if a lease for all or any basis the chart to be furnished you by this office, which is part of the tracts is awarded to an applicant on whose appli- self-explanatory. It indicates the theoretical number of acres *49 Stat. 1976. *1 P. R. 1158. 1971 1972 FEDERAL REGISTER, O ctober 31, 1936 lands applied for but not included in the proposed lease will, in due course, be adjudicated by the General Land Office and such lands included in a supplemental lease to him if war­ ranted. If, within the time allowed, the applicant returns the lease F E D E B A L® REGISTER forms properly executed, together with the amount due as rental, you will date and sign the four copies and make ap­ ' V , 1934 * Sauted ^ propriate notations on your records. You will then forward one copy of the lease to the applicant, retain one copy for Published by the Division of the Federal R egister, The National your files, and forward the original and one signed copy to Archives, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal this office, together with copies of all correspondence had in Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. L. 500), under reg­ ulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee, with the connection with the issuance of the lease. approval of the President. If and when an appeal is filed from your award of the The Administrative Committee consists of the Archivist or Acting lease, you will immediately forward the same, together with Archivist, an officer of the Department of Justice designated by the copies of ycfur correspondence to this office, and any decision Attorney General, and the Public Printer or Acting Public Printer. rendered by this office will be subject to the right of appeal The daily issue of the F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to the Secretary of the Interior. to subscribers, free of postage, for $1 per month or $10 per year; Upon expiration of the 90-day period allowed in the pub­ single copies 5 cents; payable in advance. Remit by money order lished notices, relative to tracts of 760 acres or less, you will payable to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. consider all protests, objections, and other lease applications for any or all the lands involved that may have been received 4 Correspondence concerning the publication of the Federal R egister should be addressed to the Director, Division of the in your office and proceed to make such determination as to F ederal R egister, The National Archives, Washington, D. C. the award of the lands as outlined above. These regulations are not to be considered as a revocation of Circular 1401, as amended by Circular 1411, but are to be considered a temporary modification thereof in so fax as said TABLE OF CONTENTS circular is inconsistent herewith. Very respectfully, Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Adjustment Administration: A n t o in e t t e P u n k , Agricultural conservation program, 1936: Page Acting Commissioner. Northeast region, Bulletin No. 4, Revised, I concur: Pennsylvania.:-------------------------------- ----------------- 1972 Bureau of Biological Survey: J u l ia n T erk ett, Order permitting and regulating hunting of certain Acting Director, Division of Grazing. game birds within Tule Lake Wildlife Refuge, Calif ____________________________________________________ 1973 I concur: Department of the Interior: B . B . S m it h , General Land Office: Acting Director of Investigations. Instructions relative to Issuance of one year leases under Taylor Grazing Act------------------------------------- 1971 Approved, Oct. 22, 1936. Interstate Commerce Commission: Notice of hearing, application to operate as common T . A . W a lt e r s, carrier: First Assistant Secretary. Pickwick Sleeper-Coach Lines, Inc------------------------------ 1973 Securities and Exchange Commission: [F .R . Doc. 3172— Filed, October 30,1936; 9:39 a.m .] Notice of hearings, etc., in matter of: Monarch Mills_________________________________________— 1974 Utilities Power and Light Carp., Ltd— 1— -----------— 1974 Order denying unlisted trading privileges: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.
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