CATALOGO DE LLAVES Y CERRADURAS 2007 IDN Hardware Sales CALIFORNIA 877-217-9396 Allied Locksmith Inc

CATALOGO DE LLAVES Y CERRADURAS 2007 IDN Hardware Sales CALIFORNIA 877-217-9396 Allied Locksmith Inc

CONFÍE EN NUESTRA RED DE DISTRIBUIDORES , E S P E C IALISTAS EN PARTES STRATTE C, ELLOS LE PROVEERÁN PARTES FUENTE CONFIABLE. MUCHAS SOLUCIONES® ORIGINALES QUE C U M P L I R Á N C O N S U S N E C ESIDADES AUTOMOTRI C E S . L LAME A SU DISTRIBUIDOR LO C A L H O Y . ARIZONA COLORADO U.S. Lock Corp. Lockmasters, Inc. NEBRASKA NORTH CAROLINA Fried Brothers, Inc. VIRGINIA Clark Security Clark Security Jacksonville Nicholasville IDN H. Hoffman IDN- Armstrong’s Philadelphia IDN-Armstrong Lock Products Products 904-783-3232 859-885-6041 Company Inc. 215-627-3205 and Supply Phoenix Denver Fax: 904-783-3523 800-654-0637 Omaha Raleigh 800-523-2924 Norfolk 602-275-4431 Fax: 859-885-7093 402-592-1652 303-288-9200 GEORGIA 919-277-0007 Fax: 800-541-3489 757-853-0611 800-775-5625 800-282-5625 800-824-0684 U.S. Lock Corp. 800-673-3330 IDN Hardware Sales 800-753-3334 Fax: 800-593-5625 Fax: 800-699-3329 IDN-Armstrong Lock Fax: 402-592-9604 and Supply Louisville Fax: 919-277-0014 & Supply Fax: 757-853-1832 IDN-West IDN Acme, Inc. 502-493-0212 NEVADA Atlanta Southern Lock & Pittsburgh Tweeds Security Tucson Denver 404-875-0136 Fax: 502-493-9130 520-322-5625 IDN-West, Inc. Supply Company 412-771-6122 Hardware 303-922-3041 800-726-3332 Las Vegas Fax: 520-795-5625 LOUISIANA Charlotte 800-837-5625 Wholesalers 800-445-4008 Fax: 404-888-0834 702-736-4553 IDN Acme, Inc. Fax: 412-771-6350 Portsmouth VA Phoenix Fax: 303-922-7493 Locks Company 800-546-7439 704-527-6777 New Orleans IDN Hardware Sales 757-399-2180 602-272-5300 Safe Depot Fax: 702-736-4579 888-571-9145 Intermountain Lock 504-837-7315 Philadelphia 800-544-4482 800-525-3131 and Supply Atlanta Intermountain Lock Fax: 704-527-0058 678-337-0010 800-788-2263 215-288-5588 Fax: 757-399-1636 Fax: 602-272-5777 Denver and Supply U.S. Lock Corp. 877-723-3001 Fax: 504-837-7321 800-233-3355 Security Plus, Inc. 303-698-1898 Las Vegas Charlotte Fax: 678-337-0014 Fax: 215-288-2511 WASHINGTON Phoenix 800-323-8046 MARYLAND 702-939-5625 704-597-4344 602-234-3883 Southern Lock & 866-809-5625 Clark Security Fax: 303-698-2094 Supply Company Clark Security Fax: 704-597-2988 TENNESSEE Products 800-426-0200 Products Fax: 702-939-5626 Atlanta Fax: 602-234-3882 CONNECTICUT Washington DC McDonald Dash Seattle 770-455-9233 NEW JERSEY OHIO 301-731-4100 Locksmith Supply, 253-437-0220 CATALOGO DE LLAVES Y CERRADURAS 2007 IDN Hardware Sales CALIFORNIA 877-217-9396 Allied Locksmith Inc. & Supply 800-578-5625 Accredited Lock 800-942-5275 Fax: 770-455-3969 Supply Co. Supply Memphis Clark Security Hartford Fax: 800-378-5625 Fax: 800-546-5625 Products Secaucus Youngstown 901-797-8000 860-289-9457 HAWAII KDL Hardware Anaheim MASSACHUSETTS 201-865-5015 800-238-7541 877-477-5625 Aloha Key 330-726-0866 714-238-9000 800-652-2835 Supply Inc. Fax: 860-289-0309 Honolulu Clark Security 800-544-2102 Fax: 901-366-0005 800-889-5625 Fax: 201-865-5031 Seattle 808-593-9114 Products Fax: 330-726-0865 Fax: 714-238-9088 TEXAS 206-682-7383 FLORIDA 800-319-9116 Waltham Bell’s Security Sales, 781-893-5625 Inc. IDN H. Hoffman 800-926-7716 Clark Security Clark Security Fax: 808-591-2829 Clark Security 800-746-5625 Bloomfield Company Fax: 206-624-9305 Products Products Products ILLINOIS Fax: 800-596-5625 973-743-3709 Cincinnati Sacramento Orlando Houston 916-372-6630 800-772-2266 513-271-8530 WISCONSIN 407-226-6770 Clark Security Stone & Berg 713-699-1122 800-245-3003 Products Wholesale Locksmith Fax: 973-743-6357 800-457-3963 IDN H. Hoffman 800-669-5625 800-483-5625 Fax: 916-372-7221 Chicago Supply Company Fax: 407-226-6568 NEW MEXICO Fax: 513-271-8567 Fax: 713-692-9988 630-350-8500 Worcester Milwaukee Clark Security IDN Acme, Inc. IDN Hardware Sales Hans Johnson Products IDN-Armstrong Lock 800-755-5625 508-753-3551 Albuquerque & Supply Company 262-790-9750 San Diego and Supply Fax: 630-350-8535 800-225-7405 505-816-0100 Cleveland Dallas 800-882-9899 619-718-9750 Jacksonville IDN H. Hoffman Fax: 800-535-5625 800-291-1222 Fax: 262-790-9754 800-542-5625 904-387-0063 Company 216-335-9740 214-879-1500 MICHIGAN Fax: 505-816-0111 Fax: 619-718-9769 800-341-7857 Chicago 800-247-8217 888-879-1500 CANADA Fax: 904-387-4568 708-456-9600 IDN H. Hoffman Fax: 216-335-9745 Fax: 214-879-1530 IDN-West, Inc. 800-433-6608 Company NEW YORK A-Line Distributors Los Angeles IDN-Armstrong Lock Grand Rapids Fradon Lock IDN- H. Hoffman Herbert L. Flake Co. and Supply Fax: 708-456-0878 Edmonton, AB 562-463-4870 616-534-1067 Company, Inc. Columbus Houston Miami The Locksmith 780-451-6545 800-203-1577 Store, Inc. 800-244-0777 Syracuse 614-436-6619 713-926-3200 305-651-1598 888-451-6545 Fax: 562-463-5570 Chicago Fax: 616-534-1904 315-472-6988 800-774-3255 800-231-4105 800-827-3332 800-447-0591 Fax: 780-452-7551 LV Sales, Inc. 847-364-5111 IDN Hardware Sales Fax: 614-436-6697 Fax: 713-926-3399 Fax: 305-652-1709 Fax: 315-472-0958 A-Line Distributors Los Angeles Fax: 847-364-5125 & Supply IDN Acme, Inc. Key Products 323-661-4746 IDN-Armstrong Lock Wacker Hardware Livonia IDN Hardware Sales Bellaire Calgary, AB and Supply & Supply Columbus 800-894-5397 Co. 734-591-1150 713-668-0022 403-301-4802 Fax: 800-976-8044 Orlando Chicago 800-521-0955 Cheektowaga 614-876-7704 866-601-4802 716-683-1935 800-359-2263 MB Key 407-297-7722 312-733-6070 Fax: 800-272-4409 800-457-1019 Fax: 403-301-4858 888-588-5768 Fax: 713-668-8050 Los Angeles 800-775-1220 800-956-3343 Key Sales And Fax: 614-876-1437 Fax: 716-683-2464 IDN Acme, Inc. D.G. MacLachlan 562-699-0060 Fax: 407-297-9522 Fax: 312-733-7001 Supply Co. Inc. Fort Worth Ltd. Fax: 562-699-6445 IDN-Armstrong Lock Detroit IDN Hardware Sales OKLAHOMA INDIANA & Supply Burnaby, BC and Supply 313-931-7720 IDN Acme, Inc. 817-284-5696 National Auto IDN H. Hoffman Syracuse 604-294-6000 Lock Service Tampa 800-445-5397 800-859-2263 Company 315-432-8450 Oklahoma City 800-665-0535 S. San Francisco 813-886-8007 Fax: 313-931-7758 Fax: 817-284-3501 Indianapolis 800-805-0408 405-942-8750 650-875-0125 Fax: 604-294-3333 800-272-5184 317-635-8100 MINNESOTA Fax: 315-432-8474 800-664-2263 IDN Acme, Inc. Fax: 650-875-0123 Hardware Agencies Fax: 813-886-5696 800-428-9313 Fax: 405-942-0523 Dallas Fax: 317-637-2358 Doyle Security Mayflower Sales Toronto, ON R&H Wholesale Lockey Distributors Products Co., Inc. 972-664-1240 Corp. Miami Minneapolis Brooklyn OREGON 800-372-2263 416-462-1919 San Francisco IOWA 305-593-5300 612-521-6226 718-622-8785 H.E. Mitchell Co. Fax: 972-664-1252 800-268-6741 415-863-0404 IDN H. Hoffman Fax: 305-593-5305 Company 800-333-6953 800-221-2052 Portland U.S. Lock Corp. Fax: 416-462-1922 800-FOR-LOCK Fax: 612-521-0166 Fax: 718-789-8346 Fax: 415-863-7046 Locks Co. Quad Cities 503-236-9444 Dallas Jo-Van Distributors Miami 319-391-8366 E. L. Reinhardt Maziuk Wholesale 800-626-5625 972-660-8405 Scarborough, ON U.S. Lock Corp. 800-391-4633 Co. Inc. Distributors 305-949-0700 Fax: 503-238-5715 Fax: 972-660-8409 416-752-7210 Ontario Fax: 319-391-7949 Vadnais Heights Buffalo 800-288-0801 888-752-7210 909-673-0563 651-481-0566 716-684-9133 Wholesale 4, Inc. UTAH Fax: 305-949-3619 Fax: 416-752-3845 800-321-6905 KANSAS 800-328-1311 888-777-6981 Portland Southern Lock & Clark Security Fax: 800-750-3119 IDN H. Hoffman Fax: 651-481-0166 Fax: 716-684-5192 503-238-8605 Serrubec Supply Company Company Products Wilco Supply Co. IDN H. Hoffman Maziuk Wholesale 800-547-0921 Salt Lake City Montreal, PQ Oakland Largo Kansas City Distributors Minneapolis Fax: 503-813-9290 801-487-3227 514-631-6791 510-652-8522 727-541-5536 913-599-4111 953-886-3840 Syracuse 800-453-6430 800-361-0234 800-745-5450 800-237-2875 800-526-5897 Fax: 953-886-3841 315-474-3959 Fax: 913-599-4160 PENNSYLVANIA Fax: 514-631-0494 Fax: 800-876-5397 Fax: 800-447-2299 800-777-5945 Fax: 801-487-3254 MISSOURI Andrews Wholesale Shield Supply & Intermountain Lock Southern Lock & KENTUCKY Fax: 315-472-3111 Intermountain Lock IDN H. Hoffman Lock Service and Supply Supply Company Company U.S. Lock Corp. and Supply Clark Security Lebanon Winnipeg, MB Los Angeles Pompano Beach Products St. Louis Brentwood Salt Lake City 818-751-9999 954-943-1177 Lexington 314-692-8391 631-243-3000 717-274-8733 801-486-0079 204-774-1921 800-729-5444 888-780-6071 859-425-7879 800-392-1303 800-925-5000 800-544-0519 800-453-5386 888-301-1921 Fax: 818-781-8171 Fax: 954-943-4211 Fax: 859-425-7872 Fax: 314-692-8395 Fax: 800-338-5625 Fax: 717-274-8659 Fax: 801-485-7205 Fax: 204-774-5627 AS6821SP-3/07 STRATTEC SECURITY CORPORATION 3333 WEST GOOD HOPE ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53209 877.251.8798 ©2007 STRATTEC SECURITY CORPORATION.

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