Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase Word & Work HSRC Digitized Periodical Collection 8-1931 Word & Work, vol. 53, no. 8 (August 1931) Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/word_work Recommended Citation ORU Library, Holy Spirit Research Center, "Word & Work, vol. 53, no. 8 (August 1931)" (1931). Word & Work. 5. https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/word_work/5 This Periodical is brought to you for free and open access by the HSRC Digitized Periodical Collection at Digital Showcase. It has been accepted for inclusion in Word & Work by an authorized administrator of Digital Showcase. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL Llll NO 8. rR,\J\IINGHAM. M '\S5, AUGUST J 931. $1.00 a year. 10 cents a copy. The Giving Hand 811 Kmneth C, Olsen All lbat God is concerned with is alone on effort. George Mueller is is to t,1ke God's lhmgs :ind by alter­ governed by the most beautiful and but one example that along with ing them m,1ke them useful to him­ exact laws. ·1 he movements of the work and planning, there arc spiri~ self Ile can only rnt down God' i; sun, the moon. and the blinking stars tual forces which gave him over trees to make houses, but he can not can be charted by the astronomers $7,000.000 during his lifetime for cause one to grow. He can take God s with such exactness that a hundred lhc orphans and Christian work un­ iron from the ground ,me.I make lt years from now they can tell just in drr bis hand. Bcc,mse the spiritual into ,,n ,rntomobilc but the fact is what spot in the heavens every mov­ laws of incoml! an? discovered only that God owns the motor m.1chine. ing orb wil~ be. tvly grandmother through the Spirit ,1nd in IIis Word. 1-fe permits others rouse it and when told me that when she was a littk few brncfit from them. The Jaw of they arc dc,1d, the use p.isses to an­ girl there w.,s ., great comet which love opened the treasuries of this other Man really owns nothing and appeared in the skies. fhat wa~ many world and placed millions in the only has Litle to things while be lives. ye.us before the newspapers were full hands of ibis faithiul saint. Tht This viewpoint gives us a kss tight of stori<'s of the return of this sJmc same law of sacrifice for others. for grip on whal we falsely term our hcJvenly wanderer. Halley's Comet the poor and needy, for the orph.in own and we the more readily consult On the ver>· second that it was sched­ and widow, for the minister nod the with God concerning the disposal of uled. it appeared after almost a nm­ m1ss10nary. will open the sanw thl'sc things he has permitted us to rury · s absence sources of ,1ddition to your income. use. There is a law of increased in­ God's laws are not only exact. but 1 here is ,1 natural side of busi­ come wh<m w,· acknowledge our ob­ they arc discovered only by the most ness. lh,ll om· must pay [or things. ligation to God Jnd thank Hrn1 for delicate instruments. Spiritual prin­ whether it be for the use of ,1 house. that with which He has blessed us. ciples arc thf.' sa!lll'. they do not the rent of a fidd. the use of ., sum In the Old Testament, God states brazenly protrude themselves into the of money obt.iined from the bank or the plan which we .ire Lo follow for natural mind. ft requires the deli­ the food we cat and the clotlws we the use of His things. His work. cate instrumentality of tlw Spint of wc.ir. One is called ,1 thief who t.1kcs through the pril!sts and Levites was God co discover them. these things without paying for to be operated through the tithes and The Scriptures declare that the them. This is the natural lJw of offcnngs of the people. A tench oJ things seen arc made of things rhat propert}'. all that God g;wc to His children. do not ::i.ppear- rathcr a bold st::i.te­ The spiritual l,1ws for the use of He invited them to return into I Iis mcnt. is it not? But it is the \Vord God's property 1s the principk from work. That is sm.111 enough inter­ [ and can not be broken. The wis.:: which th<' 11.1tural J,1ws were dcvdop est to pay for he.11th. life, a <;;inc benrted seek out these hidden laws of ed. God made lhc world ,10d so mmd, clothes. food shelter. and even 1 the Spirit and then attune their lives owns its broad acres: God made and conwnicnccs and comfort. is it not to their bemficent influences. The so own~ the cattk and the sheep and But free will offerings were added dull of mind and spirit stumble along the fowls of the ,1ir: God n1ade and to the tenth. when one desired to more or less blindly trying to nuni­ so owns th~- fruits nuts. and vege­ show special thanksgiving to God pulate the natural laws that scrm to tables. But unlike m.111. (iod fn·cly When Jesus c,1mc. bringmg the Gos he the governing factors around gives 1hcm to us Ncvcnhclcss. there pd for the law He did not do away them. is the law of givini back to G~id with the rcsponsibilitr of giving Nothing is more plain tban the something for th~· 11sr of His gwund. back to God the tithes and offerings natural law tbat if a man will nol His air and w,111:r. I !is timber and in rh:111kfulncss for I tis blessings. work. he shall not c.tl. But it is not metal. His fruit .10d vegetables, His One day as Jesus stood.in the temple altogether true that income depends wool and cotton. All m.1n c,rn do and observed them casting their tithes ORU Lib:Pal'J' lo1Y S~lri t Reaearoh Cent•~ 2 WOH.D AND WORK of I !is goods and blessings w.1s r.11s­ TIIE REALITY OF THE GIFT rd to .1 higbcr level tlun the men· OF ·1ONGUES '"'"". -~·~~ tenth. ' .il] ' ~· Often the gift of tongues is mini­ .:;.~=-,~-~ In the Aas. this i\ cvident. for it mized and in some cases neglected s,1ys that .111 who had possessions and not esteemed, even by those who PAUL B. PtTU.<ON, Eon-OR sold them and brought the price and actually possess the gift. although AM«iate Editon laid it at the Apostle's feet. · Neith­ God does not give anything th~t :s OoNAU> Gu. W. E. Mooov H.ultY LoNc K£t1snH G. Ou&N er said any of them that aught of unimportant or unnecessary. All Tue A11cuc FAMILY the things which he possessed was his His works and gifts are perfect and own." Acts 4: 32. The disciples the more we use them as God has in­ Submiption p11ce $1.00 ( -4 shilling,) a ,rear did not sell everything. but onlr those tended them to be employed. the to •II parts of 1hc world. ln bUJ1.dlcs, 20 copiea. who had large and extra possessions more His power and glory will be $1.00; 50 copie1, $2.00; 100 copies $3.00. po,tpaid. did. Th~ rrm.1indrr still owned manifested in and through us. Thi-. their homes and nect:'ssary things, but Entered r.t the Framingham P. 0, u ,econd­ is illustrated by incidents which rook clau matter, did not s,1y lhat lhese lhings bi.dong­ place in meetings he.Id at Zion Col­ Accepled for mailing al special rates of po,taac ed to tbcm. They recognized that lege in London. provided for in Stttion 1103, Act of Oct. 3, they belonged to God and in this On one occasion a message was 1917, authoriud Nov. S, 1920. sense had all things common. Thr given in tongues, and the chairman needy brother. the e\·angelist, the of the meeting. who was the princ;­ Publishrd monthly by the pastor. the missionarr were all wel• pal of the Pentecost.11 Bible School RUSSJAN AND EASTERN EUROPEAN come to whatever the discipks saw in London, gave the interpretation. MISSION llwy needed. Today this is the rule 7 Auburn S1reel, It so happened that a university pro­ f ramiogham, Ma... , U.S. A. ol s0me, for their homes, their cars. fessor was present on the platform tbeir bank accounts ,ue in the hands and when he arose to speak. he re­ of God and free! y put at the disposal ferred to the message given in ton­ Chicago Hu.dciuuten of the Lord to meet the needs of His gues a fow min u ces previous( y. say­ Room 788, 35 E. W ackcr Drive work. The power of the early church IMPORTANT INFORMATION ing tbac it bad been delivered in pure is connected with their free hearted Arabic and though he himself knew I. Send money by Check, Bank Draft, Ex­ placing of their all in the hands of pre•• or P. 0. Money Order, or r~•tered letter. Arabic vcry well, he could not have pay~l,le lo lh(' Ruwan and l~tolern Eurof}t';tn the Lord. But in these days, many spoken it so fluently, it being very Mis.ion.
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