20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Mar. 15. 19B9 CARS HOMES STORE AND I OFFICE SPACE FOR SALf HELP WANTED FOR SALE L i OFFICE space In Man­ Squabble One more Fix-up time THE Luck Of the Irish!! ¥ A Spcciolis^Dfftt! 1976 FORD Van, E-250, SAVINGS BANK OF chester. 3 rooms. To­ Clubwagon. Excellent Some lucky family can « ^ . ; 4 * « taling 900 souare feet MANCHESTER purchase this gracious i s on Spruce Street. Park­ condition. $800, negot|- Feud grows over Coventry cuts down Rams Home improvement: 7 room Colonial at the ing, one year lease able. 649-500 7., Full time Tellers N E W PRICE of ICARPENTRY/ I HEATING/ [MISCEUANEOUS $700. month. 643-6712 - evenings.__________ a supplement Inside wanted. $242,900! 3 spacious SERVICES 647-0069.____________ Dodge Dart 1973. 6 cy- architect choice /3 to earn berth In titie game / II bedrooms, 2.5 baths, LAWN CARE REMODELING PLUMBING Experienced or will MANCHESTER. One Under, automatic, large country kitchen power steering. $1750. train. Good wages with odlolnlng family Bucklond Souare, 1075 Tolland Turnpike, up Call 646-7788 otter 6pm. and benefit. Apply: room with fireplace, SPRING Clean Up 1st floor laundry, And­ RENOVATIONS Angelic Home to 4225 sq. ft. Available 84 CHRYSLER Laser . 5 Dethatching. Bush M & M O IL April, 1989. Call Mr. speed, dir, am/tm Savings Bank of erson windows. Situ­ Trimming. Edging. PLUS Care Registry ated on 2.3 acres on PLUMBING a HEATING Lawrence, 643-2161. cossette. Excellent. Manchester Mowing. Commercial Complete Home Local registry offers quality $4,000. 649-2783. Loomis Road. Suitable equipped. Consclent- • OH Burner Service & Sales care... lower cost to patients... 923 Main Street Maintenance 80 TC3 Horizon 1 owner. for horses!! Call Rose ous and dependable. • Automatic Oil Delivery companions, home makers, Manchester or Don Jackson to see Ray Hardy, 646-7973 Repair / Renew MANCHESTER Low miles, excellent • Wall Pumps Safes & Service A EOE today! Call Now! 647- Calllnoi, Walls, Painting, 6 4 7 - 1 9 5 6 MAIN STREET shape. $900. or best 8400 or 646-8646. Jack- • Water Heaters (Btetite a q m ) otter 646-3415._______ _ MEDICAL assistant Papering, Carpentry 1200 sq. f. Air condi­ son 8, Jackson Real Im u n d * Sdftlor Dltoounl 78 MONTE CARLO. Ron? wanted In business doc­ [BOOKKEEPING/ • Bathroom $ Kitchan tioning & heat in­ tor's office. Expe­ Estate, 647-8400.D INCOME TAX Remodeling Spring is coming good $750. or best otter. A Star Is Born!!! Pres­ 646-2253 • Senior Citizen Olacountt cluded, 2nd floor, 644-2042 after 6. rience preferred but For all your cleanup not necessary. Solory ently under construc­ • Electric work by prime office space, ________ ________________ i_ negotiable. Hours 10-6, tion, this delightful 7 Complete accounting services Precision Electric chores call Rudy, elevator service. Call 643-2711 to place your Including A/R, A/P, P/B, G/L. manrhpBtpr Mpralb Monday - Friday. Coll room Colonial has PAINTING/ FREE EStiMATES 647-9925. ad. many fine features! P&L Statement and quarterly $9.00 square foot. 528-7161 for Interview. PAPERING Reasonable, reliable, Located on Shoddy tax returns. Can design Phone: 649-2871 and references. Peter’s Furniture Mill Rd. In Andover on additional applications [TRUCKS/VANS ^ fT T I BUSINESS over 5 wooded acres, tailored for your business Building [FOR SALE 30 Cents OPPORTUNITIES this home offers 3 bed­ GCF PAINTING Thursday, March 16, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm needs. Call 644-6191. 6 4 6 - 2 3 6 4 rooms, 2.5 baths, fire­ Painting, Staining, Home DO DG E 1979 3/4 ton. STORRS. Unisex beauty Repair. Large Jobs, Small place, vinyl siding, LU. MANAGEMENT [MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPING Good Shape. V 8 aut6- salon with 7 stations Anderson windows, Jobs, Done with Care. motlc. Moving must located In plozo. Many generous allowances. SERVICES Call 645-6559 for a free (s e r v ic e s Tax Return P H IL 'S LAW N CARE sell $1000. or best otteK extras. $69,900. Sentry You can't beat the estimate. Merchandise Call after 5 p.m. 742- Weiss asks Real Estate. 643-4060. price of $229,900! Ap­ Preparatlon/Payrolls GSL Building Mainte­ Spring Cleanup. Bookkeeping Leave Message nance Co. Commerci­ 9813. proximately 1918 sa. ft. al/Residential building Weekly services. 20-0 vote Jackson 8, Jackson Mark P. Morneiult [AUTOS FOR Real Estote, 647-8400.D [ROOFING/ repairs and home Im­ Call for free estimates full budget I INSTRUCTION 289-4573 provements. Interior I FURNITURE IRENT/LEASE ID E A L In-law apartment SIDING and exterior painting, 742-7476 possibilities. Bolton 1 SOFA bed, excellent con­ POSTAL Jobs. $10.93 to INCOME TAX light carpentry. Com­ DON’S UWN SERVia AND F R E E Mileage on low start. Applications are plus acre wooded lot Is PREPARATION LEAKY ROOF? plete lanttorlal ser­ GARDEMND dition, $100. Dinette set cost auto rental. Vil­ for schools being accepted tor the the setting for this vinyl Motl roofs can bo ropalrod. vice. Experienced, rel­ Call now for; with 4 swival chairs, lage Auto Rental, 643- greater Hartford area. sided Ranch with a In Your Home very good condition approves In plac* of lotil rtroofing •xponttl iable, free estimates. Yard clean-up 2979 or 646-7044. We offer a V/i hour recently remodeled Inicuding; Rental and Sola Compitt* reroofino of ad typos. 643-0304. Shrub & hedge trimming $90. Call 647-8874 be­ By Andrew J. D avis workshop which gua- kitchen, 2 fireplaces Propriatorahip. Call Jim Whaelar tween 5:15 but no later Manchester Herald FREE ESTIMATES HAWKES TREE SERVICE Rototilling and mowing rantes you a score of 90 and 2 baths. One end of " 7 4 2 -1 0 0 9 Manchester Roofing 10% Ssniir CHIzin rilsesunt than 7 pm, Monday - percent plus on the home makes possible Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump Frldoy.__________ VOLUME Town Manager Robert B. Weiss exam. $55.00 fee. Work­ In-law apartment with 6 4 5 -8 8 3 0 removal. Free aetlmatee. 646-7011 MAPLE dining room ta- shop this Thursday, full bath. $165,900. D.W. Special conalderatlon for will recommend that the Board of [CARPENTRY/ ble with 6 chairs on PRICING Directors not cut the Board of nominee March 16 at the Quality Fish Realty, 643-1591.0 elderly and handicapped. AUTO rollers In good condt- Inn conference center, G REA T starter home. REMODELING tlon. $200. 649-7230. Education’s proposed $40.5 mil­ Vernon, Ct. Call 203- ELECTRICAL SERVICES Coventry. Situated 6 4 7 - 7 5 5 3 COUCHS: 1 single USED CARS lion budget, even though funding 667-0049 for reserva­ near Coventry Lake. it will mean that an additional WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate Armed tions. Can't attend? FARRAND REMODIl IN G sleeper, 1 king size 4 Home completely rem­ Room additions, decks, roof­ DUMAS ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION tlE R IN N i’S cushion high back co­ BARGAINS $3.4 million in taxes will have to Services Committee voted 20-0 today to approve the order home study same odeled In 1983. Very nomination of Defense Secretary-designate Dick guarantees/price. ing, aiding, windows and gutt- Service changes, addi­ LABELS Automottvs Englntwlng, Inc. lonial, 1 modern sliver be raised. open floor plan plus sra. All types of ramodelingand tional wiring and repairs on trim, with 3 black One Republican director said Cheney, a six-term congressman praised by the newer 13 x 20 deck. repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. existing homes. Quality Tired of manually addreasinp 37S Hartford Rd., Manchaater leather cushions. One seoesA panel’s chairman for his "honor and integrity.” D.W. Fish Realty, 643- work at affordble prices. distribution mail — we can he may recommend reducing the Bus. 647-8509 automate this process providing armered wind chair, 1 1988 Buick LaSabra The vote came exactly one week after the Senate Real Estate 1591.D Entirely owner operated. 27 649-5323 1 budget. quality service for a reasonable maple coffee table, 4 Door Sedan COVENTRY. Lake view Res. 645-6849 years exp. Call Joseph Cart, Trucka, Vans. 4x4*a maple end table with In a letter to school board rejected the nomination of former Texas Sen. John Dumas 8^5283. price Call 644-6191 do fba unu$uM to tho ordinary" Tower and handed President Bush a major defeat in property. 2 bedroom bookcase In front, shelf Now »12.999»° chairman Richard W. Dyer, HOMES ranch with picture win­ CARPENTRY WORK on side. Two pinic ta­ made public Wednesday. Weiss his first high-stakes clash with Congress. I dow with view of lake, bles. Call after 4:30 «9202A FOR SALE All Phases HEATING/ VINYL SIDING & said he is making the recommen­ Majority Leader George Mitchell, D-Maine, said vaulted celling In kit­ Framing, Roofa, Siding, Trim. 644-8687.____________ 1987 Buick Park Ave. Wednesday that the full Senate probably would vote chen, full walk-out PLUMBING REPLACEMENT WINDOWS DRYWAa 4 Door Sedan dation because of an anticipated All real estate advertised In Raglatarad a Fully Insured FLO RAL print couch and loss of $661,000 in state aid for on the Cheney nomination Friday, before the Senate basement. N oC H FA or Vary Rduontbla Prion Expertly installed. chair, sleeper, queen the Manchester Herald Is FmHa. $105,900. Philips Now *13.880«> education and the school board’s begins a two-week recess. sublect ta the Fair Housing Quality Work f-Fraa Estimatas PJ’i Plumbino, Heating 6 Please call Paul Ryder FARADAY DRYWALL size. Good condition, The committee took only about 10 minutes to Act of 1968, which makes It Real Estate 203-742- best otter.
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