arp PARSHASPARSHAS MISHPATIM VAYEIRA, פרשת ohypanוירא NOVEMBERFEB 18 ‐ 519,‐6, 2016 יח ca, חשון תשע"ohfrcnז 18 CHESHVAN27 SHEVAT 57775776 u"ga, yca zf ADAR II 5774 20 שמיני PARSHAS SHEMINI MARCH 21 - 22 2014 SHABBOS PARAH WELCOME TO ALL OF OUR MEMBERS & GUESTS To To Joshua Benbassat Hannah Yael Halberstadt on the occasion of his on the occasion of her Bar Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE זמני שבת | SHABBOS SCHEDULE We are pleased to welcome Miriam Peretz and Rabbi Avi Berman ערב שבת | EREV SHABBOS PARSHA & KUGEL with Rabbi Spitz 4:15 PM to the BAYT Turk Family Bais Medrash For a full schedule of their speaking CANDLE LIGHTING 4:31 PM engagements this Shabbos MINCHA/KABBALAS SHABBOS Main Shul 4:35 PM please see page 3 שבת | SHABBOS HASHKAMA MINYAN Perlis Hall 7:30 AM BAIS MEDRASH SHIUR Simcha Suite 8:20 AM with Rabbi Aaron Eisenberger BAIS MEDRASH MINYAN Simcha Suite 8:50 AM SHABBOS PROGRAM PARSHA SHIUR with Rabbi Spitz 8:50 AM High School Minyan West Wing Library 9:00 AM Turk Family Bais Medrash Middle School Minyan Jarvis Freeman Library 9:15 AM SHACHARIS Main Shul 9:00 AM Teen Minyan & Shiur Moshe & Mania Gruda 9:15 AM NO FRILLS MINYAN Turk Family Bais Medrash 9:15 AM Bais Medrash YOUNG ADULT with Rabbi Aaron Greenberg 9:30 AM Early Drop Off Nursery‐Grade 3 9:00‐9:45 AM & UNIVERSITY MINYAN Perlis Hall Classroom 7 MINCHAS CHINUCH SHIUR with Rabbi Dr. Shmuel Spiegel 9:30 AM Parents & Tots Classroom 5 9:45 AM “The Taste Is The Thing” Nursery Program Classroom 2 9:45 AM Rabbi’s Classroom Kindergarten Classroom 3 9:45 AM שיעור בעברית with Miriam Peretz 3:25 PM Girls Grades 1‐3 Classroom 1 9:45 AM “Choosing Life” Boys Grades 1‐3 Classroom 4 9:45 AM Simcha Suite TA’AMEI HAMINHAGIM with Rabbi Neil Cohen 3:25 PM Jr. Congregation 10:00 AM West Wing Classrooms 2 & 3 (for Men) Dr. Stephen Speisman Board Room Mom‐and‐Tots Classroom 5 10:30 AM MISHNAYOS (for Men) with Rabbi Aaron Eisenberger 3:25 PM West Wing Classroom 1 AFTERNOON PROGRAMS DAF YOMI Rabbi’s Classroom 3:40 PM Girls Chumash Shiur West Wing Classroom 3 3:25 PM tghmn tcc Bnei Akiva Moshe & Mania Gruda Bais Medrash 4:45 PM נד /Bava Metzia 54 MINCHA Main Shul 4:25 PM Third Floor Classrooms 1,3,4,5 & 7 HAVDALA After 5:34 PM Bnos 4:10 PM North Lobby & West Wing Classrooms 1, 2, & 3 Kel Maleh: This Shabbos YES Next Shabbos YES MOTZEI SHABBOS PROGRAMS SHABBOS TORAH/HAFTARAH READING Father & Son Learning 7:00 PM Torah Reading Soncino Page 86 Artscroll Page 78 Turk Family Bais Medrash Haftarah Soncino Page 113 Artscroll Page 1134 Mara D’Asra Rabbi Daniel Korobkin Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Zev Spitz Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Baruch Taub President Melech Tanen Executive Director Mordechai Bookbinder Youth Director Richard Winkler THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE & ANNOUNCEMENTS MAZEL TOVS זמני השבוע | WEEKDAY SCHEDULE For Sunday, Nov 20 ‐ Friday, Nov. 25 Joshua Benbassat on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah, and to his parents, Joseph & Lillian Benbassat and to his grandparents, Miguel & Batsheva Benbassat and DAF YOMI* Rosalie Swartz SUN with Rabbi Korobkin 7:15 & 8:45 AM Mark & Barbara Glatt, Rabbi Doron & Rochi Book, and Shifra & Tanchum Subar, MON & THURS with Rabbi Korobkin 6:00 & 8:30 AM on the birth of a grandson and great grandson, Yoav, a son to EJ & Miri Glatt TUES & FRI with Rabbi Korobkin 6:00 & 8:20 AM Marv & Eileen Goldstein and Rosi Lennon on the birth of a granddaughter, Aviya WED with Rabbi Spitz 6:00 & 8:20 AM Simcha, a daughter to Tova & Josh Lennon SUN ‐ THURS with Rabbi Chaim Gross 9:00 PM Hannah Yael Halberstadt on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah and to her parents * Men Only Ari & Monica Halberstadt and grandparents Pesach & Gloria Halberstadt and SHACHARIS Misulin & Eva Oielgisser Sam & Brenda Herskovits, Chaim & Mindy Halper and Susan Oliver & Arthur MINYAN 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Mensher on the upcoming wedding of Aharon & Rachel and to the grandmother, SUN 6:30A 7:00B 8:00B 9:00B 9:30A Sheila Oliver. Mazel tov also on Aharon’s aufruf this shabbos A B C* A B Lawrence & Adele Levine and Sam & Elvie Cohen on the engagement of their MON & THURS 6:20 6:45 6:50 7:30 8:30 children, Michal to Yitzchak and to the grandparents, Avraham & Esther Pinto and TUES, WED & A B C* A B Rica Cohen 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:30 8:30 FRI Thomas & Glo Lupas and Sue Goodman & Dave Beckler on the birth of a granddaughter, Chava Tehilla, a daughter to Michali & Nosson Shulman and a A ‐ Moshe & Mania Gruda Bais Medrash C* ‐ West Wing Library B ‐ Turk Family Bais Medrash (Men Only) great granddaughter to Rafael Lupas and Froma & Norman Shulman Myer & Naomi Slutsky and Ronit & Ami Keren on the recent marriage of their children Shira & Ofir and to the grandmother Ruth Goldsmith Earliest time for Tallis & Tefillin : Sun ‐ Fri: 6:20 am ‐ 6:26 am Sof Zman Krias Shema: Sun ‐ Fri: 9:42 am ‐ 9:45 am NACHAS & POT POURRI Yashar Koach to Zachary and Maya Winkler who raised over $16,000 in their 10th MINCHA/MA’ARIV annual "Do Something Sweet" event in support of the Hospital for Sick Children EARLY MINCHA Sun. ‐ Thurs. 2:00 PM CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH MINCHA/MA’ARIV Sun. ‐ Thurs. 4:35 PM MA’ARIV Sun. ‐ Thurs. 7:15 PM This week’s Congregational Kiddush in honour of Miriam Peretz will be held in the LATE MA’ARIV Sun. ‐ Thurs. 9:45 PM Rebbetzin Judy Taub Hall and is sponsored by: David & Debbie Diamond EREV SHABBOS ‐ Friday, Nov. 25 Omry & Nancy Farajun PARSHA & KUGEL 4:10 PM Howard & Marie Halpern in honour of the engagement of Joshua to Rebecca CANDLE LIGHTING 4:26 PM Jonathan & Yehudit Hames in honour of Amit Hames ‐ a new Golanchik MINCHA/KABBALAS SHABBOS 4:30 PM Shaun & Lisa Kobrin Moishe & Nicole Posner QUESTIONS FOR PARSHAS VAYEIRA Shmulik & Nadine Sheinberg BY: THE RAV Jerome & Ilana Stanleigh in honour of the Torah Dedication in memory of their son Audey Lior ben Yaakov Zvi z”l in Jerusalem First Aliyah: (18:4‐5) Why, when offering his guests water, SHALOSH SEUDOS Avraham used the passive tense, but when it came to bread, he This week’s Shalosh Seudos will be held in the Perlis Hall. said that he himself would bring it? Rabbi Avi Berman will speak at Shalosh Seudos Second Aliyah: (18:33) What is meant by, “Hashem left after speaking with Avraham” – does Hashem ever really leave CONDOLENCES anywhere? The Congregation extends condolences to: Stan Raphael on the loss of his brother, Bert Raphael z”l Third Aliyah: (19:19) What kind of evil was Lot afraid of that was waiting in the mountainous area? UNVEILING Fourth Aliyah: (19:26) Why did Lot’s wife turn into a pillar of salt The unveiling for Gavriel Levy z”l, father of Chaim Levy and Yehoshua Levy will specifically? take place this Sunday, November 20th at 10:30 AM at Pardes Shalom Cemetery, Fifth Aliyah: Why is the story of Hagar and Yishmael relevant to Nachlas Chabad section the Jewish people? Sixth Aliyah: (21:33) What is the connection between the covenant Avraham made with Avimelech and the “Eshel” that he Weekly Halachah—Parshas Vayeira planted right after? R’ Mordechai Torczyner – [email protected] Seventh Aliyah: (22:11) Why did the angel call out Avraham’s I took the wrong coat from shul, and when I came back mine was gone. May I wear name twice? the coat I took incorrectly, temporarily? A community may declare a formal policy allowing people to use coats or boots taken YOUNG PROFESSIONALS CORNER by accident until the owner can be identified. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein favoured creating The Young Professionals Kiddush will take place this week, after such a policy. the Rabbi is finished speaking, in the Moshe and Mania Gruda Bais In the absence of such a policy, one who accidentally takes the wrong coat, and then Medrash on the first floor. returns to find that his own coat is gone, may not continue to use the coat he took. Kiddush this week is sponsored in honour of all the Young Profes‐ Rather, one must seek the rightful owner of that coat. Further: One who uses someone sionals at the BAYT. else's coat is legally obligated to offer to pay for that benefit, unless it turns out that the owner of this coat was using the first person's coat simultaneously. For more information, or to sponsor, please contact Tova Segal at: [email protected]. (Bava Basra 46a; Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat 136:2; Aruch haShulchan Choshen Mishpat 136:2; Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim 5:9:7; Mishneh Halachos 5:276) THIS WEEKEND PROGRAMS & EVENTS BAYT Brotherhood Presents Warm socks & underwear ‐ BRAND NEW ONLY To be dropped off at the Sisterhood Room at the BAYT on: Tuesday Nov. 29 between 6 PM ‐ 7 PM Sunday December 4 between 1 PM ‐ 2 PM Travel Size Toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothbrushes etc.) Can be dropped off daily at the marked bin situated next to the Keilim Mikveh AFTER HOURS MAINTENANCE ASSISTANCE Should you require after hours assistance from a member of our maintenance staff, please call 905.886.3810 ext. 300 BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS All submissions for the bulletin should be sent by noon on Wednesday to Avital at: [email protected] Submissions submitted after that are not guaranteed to be in that weeks bulletin.
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