N. C. STATE vs. DUKE UNIVERSITY RIDDICK STADIUM. RALEIGH, N. C. Official :‘oeytember 28, 1946 Program 35c STATE CAPITAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Raleigh, North Carolina Compliments W. E. Cooper Furniture Co. 121 East Martin St. Raleigh, N. C. ORDINARY INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT Industrial and Mill Supplies BEST WISHES Farm Machinery and Equipmenl DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO. DILLON SUPPLY COMPANY Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh Durham Rocky Mount Goldsboro There’s a SANDERS MOTOR co. DAVIE and BLOUNT RALEIGH, N. C. “SANDERS SERVICE SATISFIES” THE WOLFPACK Gammon N. 0. State for each N. C. State College home football game by the Sports Publicity Bureau of North Carolina State College. $1.00 per year,Published35¢ per copy. National Advertising Representative: Don Spencer Company, Inc. 271 Madison Avenue, New York. N. Y. Volume XVI Riddick Stadium, Raleigh, N. C., September 28, 1946 Number 1 NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE ATHLETIC COUNCIL PROF. H. A. FISHER, Chairman D. W. SEIFERT 'FRED WAGONER DR. A. J. WILSON, Secretary W. H. SULLIVAN C. W. DOAK DR. I. 0. SCHAUB A. G. FLOYD J. F. FISLER DR. J. L. STUCKEY DAVID CLARK R. H. REYNOLDS DR. J. W. PATTON G. C. LASSITER FOOTBALL STAFF BEATTIE FEATHERS, Head Coach J. L. VONGLAHN, Graduate Manager of Athletics LYLE M. RICH, Asst. Coach DR. G. B. POWELL, Trainer R. L. SUFFRIDGE, Asst. Coach ALBERT CRAWFORD and CHAS. A. DANIELS, Publicity W. A. WOOD, Asst. Coach ALLAN NELMS, Program Manager C. H. ANDERSON, Asst. Coach N. C. STATE’S 1946 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Date Opponent Time Place of Game Sept. 28—DUKE ......................... 3 :00 p.m. RALEIGH Oct. 5 Clemson ........................ 3:00 p.m. Clemson *Oct. 12—DAVIDSON .................... 8:00 p.m. RALEIGH Oct. 19 Wake Forest .................... :30 p.m. Wake Forest Oct. 26—V. P. I. ......................... 2:30 p.m. Blacksburg Nov. 2——V. M. I. ......................... 2:30 p.m. Roanoke Nov. 9 Vanderbilt ...................... 2:00 p.m. Nashville Nov. 16———VIRGINIA ...................... 2:00 p.m. RALEIGH N0v. 23 Florida ......................... 2:00 p.m. Tampa Nov. 30—MARYLAND .................... 2:00 p.m. RALEIGH Represented for National Advertising by DON SPENCER COMPANY, INc., 271 Madison Ave., New York City. JOHNSON-LAMBE co. Sporting Goods -:- Electric Appliances * ‘A' Leading Distributws In Eastern North Cowolina The Famous . RA W l l N G Athletic Equipment 116-118 S. Salisbury St. Phone 8848 WILSON UZZLE ii at Incorporaled ' 421 Fayetteville St. Compliments of \ CADIEEA0‘2.6LIV)SMOBILE BROGDEN PRODUCE C0. RALEIGH, N. C. Dial 4475 household budget. It has» not gone up in price in recent years like almost all other household neces- sities. In fact, if you are an average residential customer of Carolina Power and Light Company you are actually getting three times as much elec- tricity for your money as you got twenty years ago. @AROLINA POWER LIGHT COMPANY)?- CAUDlE'SSHOESHOP 5Ay_ 216 S. SALISBURY ST. BAM BY BREAD Phone 5636 Raleigh’s Finest Flowers by C O FALLON'S 0 Are . Distinctive Royal Baklng C0. “0“" 8347 RALEIGH, N. C. 205 FAYETTEVILLE STREET Best Wishes from Your Authorized KGeENUINE- REGISTEREDk DEALER BRAWLEY’S 235 FAYETTEVILLE ——- RALEIGH Aldredge Company, Inc. J. Marshal Barber, SR. mo * Insurance Counsellor Wholesale Grocers Life Insurance, Annuities, and * Retirement Income Plans 708 Odd Fellows Bldg. Raleigh, N. C. Dunn, N. C. 2-3268 : Phones : 2—3796 0 O O Bland Soda Shop 106 W. Martin St. HEATER WELL C0. 0 A Good Place to Meet Your Friends For a Snack and Soda After RALEIGH, N. C. the Game A. S. Harrell, Mgr. (7% %%21¢’ amifé/W WM [wk/Ml fl/fl”WE/IIk/yMIZM/mg/m4 20”yW/Wflfllflé, glad/liwm /mm/%/é Welcome, Blue, Devils! State Colleges thickest Red and White welcome mat is rolled out this afternoon for what promises to be one of the strongest football clubs ever bossed by the master coach, Wallace Wade. Greetings from the home club to the followers of the fine Duke University team are equally cordial. In the 21-game series between the Blue Devils of Duke and the Wolfpack of State, begun in 1924, the boys in blue have won 15 and lost 6. There were no ties. Play between the two schools is traditionally spirited but never has a player for either side been banished from a Duke-State game as a result of unsportsmanlike conduct. Today’s game will be the opening cfifiof the season for both elevens. It is a Southern Con— ference test for Duke’s 1945 champions. \ When the Red and White is on the offensive, fans will get a taste of football with a sharp Ten- nessee flavor. Three of State’s five-man coaching staff were tutored in the grid game by the re— nowned Bob Neyland at the University of Tennessee: Head Coach Beattie Feathers, Line Coach Bob Sufliridge and Backfield Coach Babe Wood. End Coach Lyle Rich is a Northwestern alum- nus. Assistant Coach “Butter” Anderson is a former Southern California football and basket- ball great. Today’s encounter with Duke is the first of two successive “bruisers” for the State lads. Next Saturday they go to Clemson to engage the stout Tigers, who have the pitiful sum of 38 letter- men. Hank Walker at end, and Jenkins at center for Clemson are former All-Americans. W4754/;5/5/1445 Holding.:; 3:13;“(Penlliy—‘55 ”am; anovumfnxmuion.or violation(Paulinaof Incl:- ‘ !§‘\9|:SHDE',- annng‘ c. In I. ‘47 , ”mumI {fitflafln-. I 5 ”“1” tier.Isms. fieldtouchdown.soul, conversion.or ‘ Penaltyfund, inco1 - 7 ‘ Dietsmilndfp a ' , venion,lot] or bothcon- clipping.Unneceluryor runningrounhnou.the 0 etc.“a“ offuido. nndkicker.pouible(Family.disquulifim-15 ynrdu Plant illo- _ er.lion.)(Penalty.Running5intokiebW“) .hinothud-tionII“!Infrommo- 1km lime- InterferenceI“! on offenie.with forwnrd15 yardspm. Ind(If . , ‘ my.null.5161.)(Pen‘ fame.0 baildown.no Interferenceoffense on spotby de-0! ‘ 3'm04P3fl'Deny of _. foul u um down) I“!1516” Time out. WHEN IT COMES TO LIFE INSURANCE Peter Pan Restaurant THE ATLANTIC LINE A 1207 HILLSBORO STREET IS TOPS * Fred Dixon, Agency Director Choice Western Steak (A State College Man) * Atlantic Life Insurance Co. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT PETER PAN Security Bank Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. Phone 8866 BERNHARD'S lynn's Service Station Where BETTER LIVING Begins 515 Hillsboro St., Raleigh, N. C. DIAL 4841 Morgan and Dawson Streets Modern Lighting Electric Appliances Distributors of Built-In Steel Cabinets ‘ Attic Ventilation Lee Tires and Atlantic Products GREGORY & POOLE, INC. srAr DISTRIBUIING corn. * Raleigh, N. C. GENERAL CONTRACTORS * Member Distributors of Associated General Contractors Carolina Road Builders Association Garrett’s Virginia Dare Wines * Cook’s Imperial Champagne 405 Capital Club Bldg. Telephone And Raleigh, North Carolina 8921 Ale J. G. Poole, Mgr. Drewry’s Old Stock KeepUpWiIh Sports-—Tunelo WPTF 680 On Your Dial Jim Reid and Phil Ellis are in constant touch with all sporting events in the Carolinas. They know what’s going on. So, for up—to-the-minute sports, hear Jim at 6:05 pm. every weekday on the BC SPORTS REVIEW. Tune in FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD every Saturday at 11:05 pm. for scores and comment. Listen each Sunday at 12:30 pm. for PIGSKIN POST MORTEM, where outstanding coaches and sports writers discuss the previous day’s play. Hear Bill Stern each Friday at 10:30 pm. in SPORTS NEWSREEL. JIM REED If you can’t go to a game, tune in WPTF each WPTF’s Sports Director Saturday to hear the best game of the day. WPTF's 1946 Foolball Schedule Sept. 28 Duke —- State Oct. 5 Tennessee — Duke Oct. 12 Maryland — Carolina Oct. 12 Davidson — State (Night Last Half) Oct. 26 Florida —- Carolina Nov. 2 Georgia Tech — Duke Nov. 9 Wake Forest —— Duke Nov. 16 Wake Forest — Carolina Nov. 23 Duke — Carolina Nov. 30 Carolina —— Virginia Jan. 1 Rose Bowl (Exclusive) THE GREATEST SHOWS IN RADIO PHIL ELLIS ARE ON WPTF, YOUR NBC STATION WPTFS£E$E§3 Em“ N. C. STATE WOLFPACK COACHES The 1946 State College Wolfpack’s well rounded coaching staff. Reading from left to right: Lyle Rich, South Dakota, tackles and ends, second year with school. Bob Suffridge, Tennessee, guards and centers, first year with school. Beattie Feathers, Tennessee, head coach, third year with school. Carl H. (Butter) Anderson, Southern California, assistant line coach and “B” squad. First year with school. Walter (Babe) Wood, Tennessee, back- field, fourth year with school. For a while we were having to say “no.” Then, as things gradually improved, it became “may- be.” But now, on most all of our fine men’s cloth- ing, we’re beginning to say “yes.” Come in now. You may be able to find just the suit, or hat, or shirt, or shoes that you’ve been waiting so long for. Yes, soon now, you’ll hear “Yes” to such famous brands as Hickey Freeman suits, Arrow shirts, Dobbs Hats, and French, Shriner & Urner and Nettleton shoes. xxxx.\>~>~‘>’<Xxxxyxxxxi’s‘ l ‘ ,\\‘00-»xx»xx Xx , lk , éS . ”é\ h‘< 3;i u'xux'xxx“¢, X\.\‘\.\\\g\\xxx\>~\‘/\‘O“y'\~ .> X\_X iF Every Alumnus, Student, Faculty Member, And Friend Of North Carolina State College [3 Requested To Support THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE FOUNDATION. INC. Whose sole purpose is “to foster and promote the growth, progress, and general welfare of North Carolina State College.” Specific projects that will never be furnished from Stalte funds now being promoted by the Foundation inc ude: 1. General Endowment Fund. 2. Chimes and bronze doors for World War I Me- morial Tower. 3. Scholarship and Fellowship fund. P Library fund. 5. Alumni Memorial Building —— This is considered as the most important project at the present time.
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