\ 1: ^ 24 - MANCHESTER' HKRALD. Wednesday.~March 13, 1985 A OPINION FOCU EXTRA WEATHER Jury-pipking perils Can a catnip mouse Home improvdrhent: Exp'ect some chills M in the federal court make your cat sick? -i^eas for the spiking through Saturday •s« J page 6 ... page 13 ... supplement inside ... page 2 V r/.. S f Q '\S .V Manchester. Conn. — A City of Village Charm Thursday. March 14, 1985 —^ Single copy; 25<P M O RIAR^ BROTHERS. Paper says doc heaved wife / 12. 9% out of window 1,000,000 HARTFORD (U PI) - Connecticut crashed into a utility pole early Friday 1 Ywr/12,000 Mile Warranty inyestigator.s believe Dr. Russell F. near their West HartfOrd home. J Financing Avaiiabie (1 million) Manfredi beat his wife to death with a The warrants in the case have been sharp instrument and threw her Out a sealed bt^The Scranton Tribune today on most used cars A vailable on most used F R E E chance to win. ^ secOnd-flOOr bedrOOm windOw Of their publish^ the investigatOrs' infOrma­ •r'-^nC hOme, a newspaper repOrted tOday. tion Obtained frOm what it said were to qualified buyers car^ to qualified buyers Ask salesman. Must be InvestigatOrs spent Wednesday in ./independent sources. Scranton, Pa., near Manfredi’s hOme­ \ The Tribune repOrted pOlice believe (83 and 84 cars) (83 and 84 cars) licensed driver over 18. town where they told local pOlice what\ Manfredi may have thrown the body Of they believed happened when the ^ his wife, Catherine, 33, frOm the cardiOlOgists' wife was found in a car windOw to avOid taking it past the bedrOOms where their three children were sleeping. 84 TOPAZ 83 MERCURY LYNX The Tribune identified the investiga­ 82 MERCURY LYNX Pillowtex tors as West HartfOrd pOlice detectives AnthOny Duffy and John LOOby and A Edward KezOlski Of the Chief State's 2 & 4 Doors AttOrney’s Office. Sedans & Wagons gets union The state medical examiner’s Office ir.) Sedans & Wagons ruled the death a hOmicide, saying Mrs. By Sarah Passell Manfredi died frOm repeated blows to AT, AG, PS, PB, Speed Herald Reporter her head delivered befOre she left the AT -And Air Conditioning AT -And Air Conditioning 1 hOuse. NO mOtive has been disclOsed. Control, Rear Defpgger WOrkers at PillOwtex Inc. in M ^- Manfredi remained behind bars in chester today vOted to jOin United aW o the HartfOrd jail after he was unable to WOrkers LOcal 376, which represents 'raise a bond Of $150,000. HerakJ phOtO by TarquiniOr “Special Purchase” o “Special Purchase’’ wOrkers in about 30 different cOmpan­ His attOrney, Edward J. Daly Jr,, “Special Purchase” ies in the HartfOrd area, union asked the cOurt Wednesday, to allOw s Attack on apathy representatives said tOday. Manfredi to put up $80,000 wOrth Of If the vOte is certified by the National prOperty and. the rest be accepted as Mark Dignoti, a second-semester freshman at Student Program Board, which has complained of LabOr RelatiOns BOard, it will repres­ non-surety bond. But Superior Court ^3550to M 150 $4250to f&285 ent th^ first ,UAW fOOthOld in Manchester Community College, tries to study in apathy among the students this year, sponso/ed the Judge Joseph J. Putrill refused and ^5850 to $6990 Manchester. the lounge of the MCC Lowe Building Wednesday mid-day event to gain interest in student activities said if Manfredi is released, he must In an electiOn cOnducted this mOrn­ « l undergO psychiatric-examination. ^ while a folk singer entertains students. Th^ college on the campus. ‘Limited Suppiy” “Limited Supply” ing by the NLRB at the PillOwtex^lant Dr. Walter A. BOrden, a psychiatrist . “Limited Suppiy” at 49 Regent St.. 46 Of 75 wOrkers who interviewed Manfredi in jail, told aUglble tO vOte vOted to have LOcal 376 Putrill the suspect was “ cOnfuMd aad- Gambllng^ machines confiscated represent them in future cOntract depressed” but was not likely to flee negOtiatiOns with the cOmpany, accOrd­ and posed no danger to himself Or ‘While They Last” “While They Last” ing tO figures prOvided by RObert others. “While They Last” MadOre, a union Official. Manfredi’s Original bond Of $200,000 He said that the Other 29 eligible Police raid Eiks Ciub, VFW Hail was reduced to $150,000 MOnday by wOrkers vOted against the UAW. SupteriOr Court JudgeEdwardR. DOyle MadOre said the union will be seeking Illegal gaming machines were seized sOcial clubs. ' ’The clubs are put on nOtice said that sOme arrests are expected who sealed the arrest warrant and higher wages and better benefits and Wednesday night in raids on the Elks Club nOw that this is not gOing to stOp." he said. pending a review Of the raids by the Office Of Ordered the susp>ect nOt tO attempt to 80 CHRYSLER 78 FORb wOrking conditions fOr emplOyees who on Bissell Street and the VFW, Hall on East Three gaming machines were seized the state’s attOrney. 84 LINCOLN 83 CHEVROLET 81 MAZDA see Or cOmmunicate with his three 82 MAZDA CORDOBA LTD make pillOws and cOmfOrters. MOst are Center Street, pxtlice said tOday. The raids frOm the Elks Club in a raid on Sept. 8,1982. Since the beginning Of the drive in 1982, TOWN CAR CAMARO Z28 V GLC children — Russell Jr.. 7; Daniel 5, and were carried out by the Statewide Organ­ ■ On the same night, twO machines were about 100 machines have been cOnfiscated, .0’ V Ao*'' AC P PICK UP Black Car Fully EquippPd 4 Door Red. One Owner, 43.000 wOmen, MadOre said. 5-Speed. T-Top 3Door Hatch Back. 5 Speed miles Stephen, 3, until they can be A-; P S e .f' A\' FfJ Su.'<• MadOre charged that wages in many ized Crime Investigative Task' EOrce, with seized at Zipser Club On Brainard PlaOe. Berluti said. was^^;99fl IS * 3 , 5 3 5 was ■’^rfilis * 4 ,7 7 0 questioned. WOOd, referring tO the 1982 raids, said the MOst Of the machines Offer vjdeO pOker, was m;9aLis *1 0 ,7 7 7 * 3 , 9 9 0 cases are nOt much abOve minimum assistance frOm Manchester police. was'nmis *1 4 ,5 9 5 was ■*1:990. is * 3 , 9 9 0 ' machines were eliminated Once and later but are mOdified so that players accumu­ wage, which is currently $3.35. HartfOrd’s State AttOrney JOhn m !' NO arrests were made in the raids, which “ IrOnically the biggest gripe is the Bailey alsO revealed Wednesday Man­ invOlved a total Of 10 sOcial clubs in TtJSeBan to creep back in. late credits based on winning pOker hands treatment that they received, nOt the fredi has been pr.^cticing medicine mchester, VemOh and TOlland. In all. 24 Tpje raid Wednesday was carried out with and get cash payOffs. It is the cash payOffs wages,” MadOre said. "The..wOrkers Connecticut fOr almOst a year without a ines were seized. TwO Of them were at w ariW ts Obtained by the task fOrce. Sgt. that make the machines illegal in COnnecti­ 84 LINCOLN the Elks club and four at the VFW Club, Bruce Haines, a task fOrce member, said cut, Berluti said. 85 MERCURY 82 OLDS 82 MAZDA 80 LINCOLN 79 MAZDA came to us." ' license. V 98 REGENCY 626 LX RX-7 MARK VII state ptOlice said. infOrmatiOn leading to the iksueOf yvarrants The eight Other clubs raided Wednesday MARQUIS BROUGHAM MARK VII 18 000 relies Bii' Biass Edition are the POlish American Citizens’ Club On 4 0 J I' H v-rt A t • I . 4 Door T w o t o choose (rom FOur Officers frOm the task fOrce and came frOm variOus sources, mcluding Loaded. Like new. 7600 miles All G'l Color LPaU^^" Intr^rior FuH three frOm the Manchester POlice Depart­ ‘ anonymous phone calls. ' ' Village Street, ROckville; the Maple GrOve the toys. was"*?;3W.is * 6 , 5 6 5 p- y'.f Club On Franklin Street, VernOn; the Italian was 'W Siis *9 ,3 3 3 was-»W'is *6 ,9 6 9 wasIS * 7 , 8 7 8 ment were invOlved in the twO Manchester WOOd said the task.fOrce asked the pOlice was'»t8^flfl.is * 9 2 2 2 was'OTfris *1 9 ,4 2 9 raids. Although nO arrests were made department to supply three Officers to American Friendship Club in TOlland; the Wednesday, sOme arrests are exptected as a assist in the raids. MOOse LOdge in TOlland; American LegiOn result Of the raids, accOrding to a state The Elks Club is frequented by local ■ POst 14 on West Street. ROckville; the pOlice spokesman. pOlice Officers and the pOlice union Often Italian SOcial Club on Snipsic St., ROck­ 81 CHEVROLET 84 MERCURY 81 MAZDA 83 LINCOLN 83 MERCURY Gary Wood, spOkesman fOr the Manches­ conducts its meetings there. ville; the ROckvRle LOdge Of Elks on NOrth 80 AMC MARQUIS BROUGHAM TOWN CAR CAPRI iJ-. ter POlice Department, said the denart- ■ Haines said the machines at the Elks Club Park St., ROck'ville; and the KOsciuszkO MALIBU CONCORO 026 ment independently will continue a driv^ to were located in a small meeting rOOm. Benefit SOciety on VernOn Avenue, 2 Door AT, Air Conditioning n I A A' t .AC. AM/FM Stereo. Full Instrumen­ 4 Speed Sporty Blue. 5 spd. Bucket seats ■ L ■ ■■ A'.' I •• tation. Looks Brand New. 14.000 rid the town Of illegal gaming machines in Adam Berluti, a state pOlice spokesman. ROckville. miles. 5 spd. 2 to choose from WaS'^tSft IS * 5 ,9 9 0 4 . was'’1:9911 is * 2 , 9 5 0 3S'>HM is * 8 , 7 2 0 was'W is’4,980 was IS *12,940 was'*li;4?9-is * 7 , 2 9 0 Aides caution against eariy summit 85 MERCURY 80 HO^DA 81 MERCURY 82 BUICK 80 DODGE COUMR CENTURY 84 MERCURY MOTORCYCLE - CM400T OMNI 13,000 miles.
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