JEB Journal of Environmental Biology Website : www.jeb.co.in ISSN: 0254-8704 (Print) ISSN: 2394-0379 (Online) E-mail : [email protected] CODEN: JEBIDP Inner shell as variation key of local hard clamMeretrix spp. H. Hamli13 *, M. H. Idris , M. K. Abu Hena 1 , A. H. Rajaee 1 and A. Arshad 2 1Department of Animal Science and Fishery, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Bintulu, 97008 Sarawak, Malaysia 2 DepartmentofAquaculture,FacultyofAgriculture,UniversitiPutraMalaysia,43400UPM,Serdang,SelangorDarulEhsan,Malaysia 3School of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu Darul Iman, Malaysia *Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The morphology and 12 shell morphometric features proportionate to shell length were Publication Info analysed between local hard clam;Meretrix lyrata, M. meretrix and M. lusoria from Sarawak, Paper received: Malaysia.Meretrix spp. was observed to comprise a unique feature of a pallial sinus scar for each 21 April 2015 species. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences amongMeretrix spp. using proportion ratios of SL for SW; LL; AL; LCT; AW; PW and PS (p<0.05). Cluster analysis among Revised received: morphometric features ofM. lyrata , M. meretrix and M. lusoria were discriminated at 98.5% 10 April 2016 similarities and supported by the principal component analysis. The present study suggests that pallialsinusscarshape,togetherwithinteriorandexteriormorphometricfeatures,weresuitableas Accepted: identification keys forMeretrix spp. Hence, the present study emphasizes on the application of 15 April 2016 interior, rather than exterior morphology and morphometric features in hard clam identification beforefurtherinvestigationcanbeperformedthroughgeneticidentificationmeans. Key words Hard clam,Meretrix spp., Morphometric, Pallail sinus scar Introduction introduced alien species from China and Korean Peninsula into the natural habitats ofM. lusoria in Japan (Yamakawa Approximately, 1000 species of marine bivalve from and Imai, 2012). Therefore, cross-breeding between these 82 different families are currently known throughout the twospeciesmaycauseambiguousidentification. world. There are two common species of hard clams in Sarawak, Malaysia;Meretrix lyrata and M. meretrix (Hamli The morphological features between different et al., 2012). These species are distributed in the Indo-West Meretrixspecies and locality has been described by Lin et al. Pacific region from east Africa to Philippines, north to Japan (2007) and are well supported with molecular works. Shell and south to Indonesia (Poutiers, 1998). Meanwhile, colour, periostracum character, shell length and outer shell Meretrix lusoriaand M. petechialis are common Meretrix shape are the main morphological components for Meretrix spp. that are often misidentified asM. meretrix (Yamakawa spp. classification (Yamakawa and Imai, 2012; Yoon et al., and Imai, 2012). However, Chenet al . (2009) suggested that 2012). Moreover, linear dimension between umbo, pallial M. lusoriaand M. petechialis should be categorised as junior line scar, anterior and posterior margin ofM. casta has been synonyms toM. meretrix . Furthermore, Toriiet al. (2010) explored by Durve and Dharmaraja (1970) as additional suggested that hybridization was occurring betweenOnlineM. features. More quantification Copy of morphological features are lusoriaand M. petechialis , since the later species has been an used in order to differentiate species as applied by Toriiet al . © Triveni Enterprises, Lucknow (India) Journal of Environmental Biology, Vol.37 (Special issue) , 641-646, July 2016 642 H. Hamli et al. Table1: ShellmorphometricanalysisofonewayANOVAwithTukey'sHSDtestforthreeMeretrix species Shell Morphometric M.lyrata M.meretrix M.lusoria FValue P characteristic (mm) (mm) (mm) N=194 N=35 N=25 Outer SW/SL 0.618±0.003aa 0.624±0.005 0.596±0.005 b 3.261 0.04064* SH/SL 0.873±0.003aa 0.880±0.005 0.885±0.006 a 1.387 0.2526 ns UL/SL 0.839±0.003aa 0.819±0.005 0.822±0.005 a 5.383 0.05365 ns LL/SL 0.348±0.006aabb 0.331±0.011 0.298±0.012 4.082 0.01848* AL/SL 0.504±0.003ab 0.533±0.005 0.540±0.006 b 15.34 <0.0001* PL/SL 0.771±0.007aa 0.780±0.005 0.785±0.008 a 1.074 0.3532 ns Inner LPAS/SL 0.599±0.003aa 0.601±0.007 0.581±0.005 a 22.74 0.1058 ns LCT/SL 0.262±0.002ab 0.238±0.007 0.221±0.004 b 16.12 <0.0001* PVM/SL 0.185±0.006aa 0.179±0.004 0.187±0.003 a 0.6202 0.5426 ns PS/SL 0.157±0.005ab 0.109±0.005 0.195±0.008 c 33.36 <0.0001* AW/SL 0.121±0.001ab 0.104±0.003 0.102±0.003 b 35.33 <0.0001* PW/SL 0.164±0.001ab 0.149±0.003 0.159±0.006 a 11.85 <0.0001* SL=Shell length, SH=Shell height, SW=Shell weight, UL=Umbo length, LL=Ligament length, AL=Anterior length, PL=Posterior length, PVM=Pallial line to ventral margin, LPAS=Length of posterior adductor scar to anterior adductor scar, AW=Anterior adductor scar width, PW=Posterior adductor scar width,LCT=Lengthofcardinaltooth,PS=Pallialsinusopenscar Note: *different superscripts between column indicate a significantly difference at level p<0.05 using Tukey mean comparison, ns: not significantly difference Fig.1:DistributionofMeretrix spp.attwodivisionofSarawak,Malaysia (2010) in which 9 shell features were used to differentiate M. morphological study from Southeast Asia is limited. lusoriaand M.petechialis formJapanandKorea. Inadequate published material ofMeretrix spp. identification Onlineand an earlier morphological Copy study from Southeast Asia Several published studies regardingMeretrix spp. region is not well defined and unable to support the have been performed in the East Asian region, but a detailed postulation concerning hybridization among Meretrix Journal of Environmental Biology, Special issue July 2016 Inner shell variation of hard clam 643 Fig. 2 : Measurements of shell characters forMeretrix spp. Note: 1(SL), 2(SH), 3(SW), 4(LL), 5(PL), 6(AL), 7(UL), 8(LCT), 9(LPAS), 10(PW), 11(AW),12(PVM),13(PS) species (Purchon and Purchon, 1981; Hamliet al ., 2012). and Idris, 2014), and an additional character of pallial sinus Therefore, a morphological study ofMeretrix spp. from this openscar(PS)shapewereanalysed(Fig.2). region was carried out to provide additional information in malacology. Statistical analysis : The morphometric ratio on variables were tested using one-way-analysis of variance (ANOVA) Materials and Methods with general linear model (GLM) using statistical analysis computer software (SAS) version 9.1 (SAS Institute 2004). Study area: ThreeMeretrix species were collected from two Ifsignificantdifferencesweredetected(p<0.05),comparison study areas of Sarawak, Malaysia (Fig. 1) and transferred to between morphometric ratios ofMeretrix spp. were laboratory for morphological and morphometric analysis. determined by Tukey's mean comparison test. Significant The visceral mass in each sample was removed and only differences of morphometric ratios betweenMeretrix spp. shellswereusedformorphologicalstudy. was tested for similarity by Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and hierarchical cluster analysis was carried out by Morphological and morphometric features : A total of computer program PRIMER version 5 (Plymouth Routines 194, 35 and 25 individuals ofMeretrix lyrata , M. meretrix In Multivariate Ecological Research) (Clarke and Gorley, andM. lusoria , respectively, were used in the present study. 2001). The samples were preserved in ice and transferred to laboratory for analysis. Morphological structures of Meretrix Results and Discussion spp. were identified based on Poutiers (1998). A total of 13 shell characters, such as shell length (SL), shell height (SH), Exterior shell : ThreeMeretrix specieshad identical trigonal shell width (SW), umbo length (UL) ligament length (LL), shapeof the shell,whichwasan unreliablecriteriafor species anterior length (AL), posterior length (PL) (Masset al ., identification. However, eachMeretrix sp. had their own 1999), length of cardinal tooth (LCT), length of posterior unique colour and pattern on the shell. The easiest to identify adductor scar to anterior adductor scar (LPAS), pallial line wasMeretrix lyrata due to undulate pattern on the shell scar to ventral margin anterior (PVM), adductorOnline scar width surface(Fig.3).AccordingtoPoutiers(1998), CopyM.lyrata hasa scar (AW), posterior adductor scar width scar (PW) (Hamli concentric grove at the shell surface, as compared to the Journal of Environmental Biology, Special issue July 2016 644 H. Hamli et al. 98.0 98.5 99.0 Similarity 99.5 100.0 M. lyrataa M. lusoria M. meretrix Fig. 4 : Hierarchical cluster between three local hard clams from Sarawak,Malaysia toM. meretrix . However, this feature was frequently misidentified due to the eroded shell surface, particularly for synonym species. Variable environmental factors are known to influence shell morphology and morphometric of many bivalves such as latitude (Beukema and Meehan, 1985), depth (Claxtonet al ., 1998), shore level (Franz, 1993), Fig. 3 : Outer shell and pallial sinus scar pattern for (A) Meretrix lyrata; currents (Fuimanet al ., 1999), water turbulence (Hinch and (B)M.meretrix; (C) M.lusoria Biley, 1988), wave exposure (Akester and Martel, 2000) and type of substratum (Claxtonet al ., 1998). Confusion in smooth surface ofM. meretrix . A smooth and shiny shell species identification was due to hybrid and is discussed in surface is unique toM. meretrix and M. lusoria. The shell several literature (Toriiet al ., 2010; Yamakawa and Imai, color of M. meretrix was light brownish
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