COMMUNITY ADVISORY Traffic Control with Flaggers M a y 3 - 4 - 5 , 2 0 2 1 TREASURE ISLAND DEVE LOPMENT AUTHORITY One-lane traffic control with flaggers will be in effect at the intersection of Macalla Road and Treasure Island Road on Yerba Buena Island in support of work by the San Francisco Water Department. The Island community can expect the following: Dates/Time of Work: • Monday May 3rd through Wednesday May 5th, 2021 TREASURE ISLAND Nightly between 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Nature of Work and Traffic Impacts: Administration Building One Avenue of the Palms • Traffic control with flaggers will be in effect through the San Francisco, CA 94130 work site. Phone: 415-274-0660 Fax: 415-274-0299 • There is no impact to the MUNI 25-Treasure Island bus E-mail: [email protected] route. • Expect slight delays along Treasure Island Road and Macalla Road during the work periods. Bob Beck, Treasure Island Director Treasure Island Vaccine Site For residents and workers Saturdays from 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM of Treasure Island April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 (94130 zip code). Treasure Island Building 33, 401 13th St. Vaccines are free and no insurance is required. Appointments recommended. Limited drop-in's available. Call for an appointment: (628) 652-2700. Sitio de vacunación de Treasure Island Para habitantes y trabajadores Sábados de 9:30 AM a 3:30 PM de Treasure Island (código 24 de abril postal 94130). 1, 8, 15, 22 y 29 de mayo Las vacunas son gratuitas y no Treasure Island se necesita tener seguro médico. 401 13th St, edificio 33 Se recomienda hacer cita previa. Se ofrece una cantidad limitada de vacunas para personas que no tengan cita. Llame para programar una cita: (628) 652-2700. City & County of San Francisco sf.gov/GetVaccinated ⾦銀島疫苗接種站 逢星期六早上9時30分⾄下午3時30分 對象:⾦銀島居⺠或⼯作⼈⼠ 4⽉24⽇、5⽉1⽇/8⽇/15⽇/22⽇和 29⽇ (郵政區號:94130) 地址:⾦銀島13 街 401 號 33 ⼤樓 接種疫苗免費且無需健保 建議提前預約|免預約接種有限 預約電話: (628) 652-2700 Lugar ng Bakunahan sa Treasure Island Para sa mga residente at mga Sabado simula 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM manggagawa sa Treasure Abril 24, Mayo 1, 8, 15, 22, at 29 Island (94130 zip code). Treasure Island Libre ang mga bakuna at Building 33, 401 13th St. walang kinakailangang insurance. inirekomenda ang mga appointment. Magagamit ang limitadong drop-in. Tumawag para sa isang appointment: (628) 652-2700. City & County of San Francisco sf.gov/GetVaccinated Free COVID Testing Every Tuesday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Treasure Island Avenue D and 9th St. Parking Lot In the parking lot between Childcare and Service Center Walk-up. No appointment needed. Testing for all ages No ID OK No Insurance OK sf.virusgeeks.com/testreg Pruebas de COVID gratuitas 免費新冠病毒檢測 Libreng Pagsusuri sa COVID Todos los martes, de 9am a 2pm Treasure Island En el estacionamiento de la avenida D y la calle 9, ubicado entre la Guardería y el Centro de Servicios Visítenos. No es necesario tener cita previa. Pruebas disponibles para todas las edades. No se requiere presentar una identificación. No se requiere tener seguro médico. 逢週二上午9時至下午2時 金銀島 D大道夾第9街停車場 | 在託兒與服務中心之間的停車場內 直接步入 | 無需預約 為所有年齡人士提供檢測 無需身份證明 無需醫療健保 Tuwing Martes simula 9am hanggang 2pm Treasure Island Avenue D at 9th St na paradahan Sa lugar ng paradahan sa pagitan ng Alagaan ng Bata (Childcare) at Sentro ng Serbisyo (Service Center) Bumisita. Walang appointment na kailangan. Pagsusuri para sa lahat ng edad. Walang Insurance OK Walang ID OK sf.virusgeeks.com/testreg OUR VOICES, OUR COMMUNITY, OUR HOME Join us for A Community Conversation with D6 Supervisor Matt Haney Saturday, April 24, 2021, 2 PM Treasure Playground 1001-1099 13th St, (Cross Street Avenue E) Go to Google link to RSVP https://forms.gle/Wv2UnuKdFEVroBb86 Light Refreshments will be served For questions contact Residents Supporting Community at [email protected] or text 415-349-0841 4/29/2021 Bay Area gets more housing funds, local mayors warn it's not enough ___ NEWSHOUSING • News Bay Area gets more housing funds, local mayors warn it’s not enough Change comes after San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland shut out of key funding pool By MARISA KENDALL || [email protected] || BayBay AreaArea News Group PUBLISHED: April 28, 2021 at 4:18 p.m. || UPDUPDATED: April 29, 2021 at 5:20 a.m. Afftter exclludiing tthe Bay Area’’s llargestt ciittiies ffrom a key pott off affffordablle housiing ffundiing — prompttiing a majjor backllash ffrom llocall offffiiciialls — tthe sttatte iis changiing iitts rulles.. The mayors off Oaklland,, San JJose and San Franciisco had sounded tthe allarm afftter no projjectts iin ttheiir ciittiies receiived ffundiing ffrom a lliittttlle--known commiittttee tthatt pllays a key rolle iin housiing ffiinance iin Calliifforniia.. On Wednesday,, tthe commiittttee agreed tto change how iitt allllocattes ffutture ffiinanciing.. Butt llocall expertts worry iitt’’s nott enough,, parttiicullarlly as allll tthree ciittiies sttrugglle wiitth drasttiic affffordablle housiing shorttages.. “We’’re hopeffull wiitth tthese changes tthatt we’’llll att lleastt be ablle tto gett some projjectts buiilltt,,” saiid Pedro Gallvao,, polliicy diirecttor ffor tthe Non--Proffiitt Housiing Associiattiion off Nortthern Calliifforniia.. “Butt we sttiillll have ffartther tto go..” https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/04/28/bay-area-gets-more-housing-funds-local-mayors-warn-its-not-enough/ 1/4 4/29/2021 Bay Area gets more housing funds, local mayors warn it's not enough Att riisk are tthousands off homes.. There are 3,,000 uniitts off proposed affffordablle housiing iin Oaklland,, San JJose and San Franciisco waiittiing ffor ffiinanciing tthiis year,, accordiing tto tthe ciittiies.. IItt remaiins tto be seen whetther any off tthose projjectts wiillll secure ffundiing iin tthe nextt round off allllocattiions — whiich wiillll be announced iin Augustt.. The deciisiion wiillll come ffrom tthe Calliifforniia Debtt Liimiitt Allllocattiion Commiittttee,, whiich diivviies up tthe sttatte’’s allllottmentt off ffederall bonds — a viittall source off ffundiing ffor projjectts tthatt house tthe sttatte’’s llow--iincome and fformerlly homelless resiidentts.. An earlliier change iin how tthe commiittttee allllocattes resources priioriittiized llower-- costt projjectts,, essenttiialllly shuttttiing outt tthe majjor Bay Area ciittiies,, where consttructtiion iis more expensiive.. Butt now commiittttee members acknowlledge tthey had underesttiimatted how tthatt woulld iimpactt tthe Bay Area.. To giive tthe regiion’’s majjor ciittiies a betttter chance att securiing ffundiing iin tthe nextt round,, tthey approved severall new changes.. The commiittttee now wiillll do more tto ffacttor iin tthe hiigh costt off consttructtiion iin tthe Bay Area when dettermiiniing whiich projjectts meriitt ffundiing.. And iitt wiillll giive tthe Bay Area more resources.. Previiouslly,, tthe Bay Area receiived 17% off tthe ffundiing allllocatted by regiion.. Now,, tthe Bay Area wiillll gett 21%.. Thatt wiillll hellp,, butt tthe Bay Area needs even more,, say llocall offffiiciialls,, devellopers and housiing advocattes,, who had advocatted ffor 24%.. “Whiille we appreciiatte tthe changes adoptted by tthe Commiittttee as a sttep iin tthe riightt diirecttiion,, iitt wiillll lliikelly nott suffffiice tto recttiiffy tthe diispariitty iin sttattewiide ffundiing allllocattiions,,” San JJose Mayor Sam Liiccardo wrotte iin an emaiilled sttattementt.. “We cannott afffford an approach tthatt conttiinues tto shutt outt tthe majjor Bay Area ciittiies as we work ttogetther tto buiilld affffordablle housiing and dramattiicalllly reduce homellessness..” The commiittttee allso grantted an appeall allllocattiing ffundiing tto a projjectt on Auzeraiis Avenue iin San JJose tthatt previiouslly had been deniied.. One by one Wednesday,, llocall housiing advocattes,, ciitty sttaffffers and devellopers who ffaiilled tto secure ffundiing urged tthe sttatte commiittttee tto priioriittiize tthe Bay Area.. Butt representtattiives ffrom Soutthern Calliifforniia objjectted tto tthe changes.. By iincreasiing tthe Bay Area’’s share off tthe piie,, tthe commiittttee reduced tthe share tto otther regiions.. Los Angelles,, ffor examplle,, saw iitts share llowered ffrom 18% tto 17%.. https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/04/28/bay-area-gets-more-housing-funds-local-mayors-warn-its-not-enough/ 2/4 4/29/2021 Bay Area gets more housing funds, local mayors warn it's not enough “II tthiink tthatt iitt’’s a lliittttlle prematture ffor tthe commiittttee tto make adjjusttmentts tto tthe allllocattiions,,” saiid JJiim Siillverwood off San Diiego--based Affffiirmed Housiing.. Colliin Miillller,, viice presiidentt off tthe San Diiego Housiing Commiissiion,, argued hiis ciitty has worked tto sttreamlliine permiittttiing,, reduce ffees and ottherwiise cutt consttructtiion costts.. San Diiego shoulldn’’tt be penalliized ffor lloweriing iitts priice ttag tto buiilld new housiing,, he saiid.. Butt Bay Area lleaders argued even afftter attttemptts tto reduce costts,, tthe regiion’’s majjor ciittiies remaiin exttremelly expensiive ffor devellopers tthanks tto tthe hiigh costt off lliiviing.. And tthey urged tthe sttatte tto do more tto address tthe regiion’’s desperatte need ffor housiing.. “IIn Oaklland we have 13 shovell--ready projjectts ready tto proviide nearlly 950 new homes ffor Oaklland ffamiilliies,, iinclludiing 300 homes ffor our unhoused neiighbors currenttlly lliiviing iin iinhumane condiittiions on tthe sttreett,,” Oaklland Mayor Liibby Schaaff wrotte iin an emaiilled sttattementt.. “We’’re askiing our parttners att tthe sttatte tto hellp
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