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Ft , I' , ; • ' 4 ;,,,, . .. , .1.44,,1 ,,i . 4 ,,, •,. prrr, . i )4' .e .9 4't11*; " Wtfilaks.ssttlestfa.raes.testoMilitallochratt.rativ.,..04,,,,..4,011,01.0;rartvifttst,tup,....worm'su•A.rat.;rattravviltasont/srao.vcravv. • 1;191 est *rats.. v..,spvitov 7 . t ,4,00 .4 440 ,.4,4461114,.....47.1140. it 4410.1t.si 01.,C441tr,1,1 i nwr .47 • ':;•, • "t it* 03.1.464. , , • " t 5 ; 411Nialft,040410161.1.11040,110.114.1* 44 • t ,•, itithisitameacmtimooaittate ., ra; .1,0411•1011,0.2141,4•.131•Art/1 ' ' . , s. ' i 4." .., 4 , .-t r If: ' 1 ‘.1' • ' •tt;', l ;,S rA . ", ., - , , :**.i21 . , , ..,1 , ,,y.,.. 1 , ', 1.. y ip,. ', • ., • . , . ),,,,.„.•,,„,....,,'.!:,.•:.....7...vvia4.).■ t., l'' , , . set•sot.. r • , ) v. 2A '-, . t . , o t , ' s' , • ,, vt • , .....,4, 1,. ',... • „., '1.45""rilt,"440.1tir/TRIM At.fieret.,-.0T,nii,,tmitt-,-.0.,04,4,,'.•.4.0,* ' Atiftwirpil....41,4,..4.:(A 1..ii,,7;,, ri'.., tr.; ',.,....,41. 0`. 1 .4,4,..,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,-..,. , • so.,,,, ,.. ,- 4 _ • row! ; .04 41 • r . I , BURMA R.N.V,R. OFFICE * OF'71-T . COMMANOINC3 OFFiCER.e i-ANGOC.)N. ..„4 • ■ • . This account of the 'beginning . .Of the Burma R.N.V41.' and its activitiesduring the war -•' 'may, I hope, do something to show what the young • generation in 'Burma can achieve.. Starting' •-• from scratch with 'few facilities for training, the officers and men, of this small but\en.7 ..-thusiastic . .force became expert at the parti, 'cular type of 'coastal forces operations which they were required to undertake. 'v- These . operaU,ons included voyages to places -on the coaut Of Burma in Japanese occupation well behimi the enemy's front line. - M, I', had to keel) out of Bight of .' land " . during :day- • :light and 41-y roach the coast on the darkest nigits ''-to- , arrive at' their appointed plaklea', which were far away from their baeo! ...exactly . the time they were ordered to be '• • ••","/ there , a performance which would try tie 134)(.1,14. 4•1;•71 seamen or long , experience.. ' - 'Thirty was'thervaximum'onumber oet sconstal-,, ..,fdrces veas91w, in . by the Burma 11.N.V.R. at any time -With the exception of the,A4,eniqr': <A. officer. of one' of the flotillao the- 'commandini; 0 frif.cer of one Eihtp„,-0.,-.n. were • commando and, .mann-ed entirOly, by o and. pen ..xecr-tiLted.. .from , the peoplilfif, This people had produced tw004iiiht officers , cap40e Of taking coratianq all theothor officers and,al.lthe,..",enylie.' q uai l tios needed . -to obtain ,:fiuch are •- inherent in th . Burmeso . charactecopragp i, r.! I) ride, lov,ilty,:cheerfulnees in actItere:kti•f,': • --. •"„re,' . quickck brain 'ack:i pronounced ••• a clyeriture • • tiY; • TA' I a the we qual iti e s which have ,rtla(i.e.`., possible tho rmati on • of a Navy for 'by men provSAE ■ 0:1y Burma's own peop14.— • • . ' , CAPTAIN, 11.0"Yhti.,14AVYA, X' ■ 0 . i'J, ,--- 4.--r"Irt0+`/IT"---", . fp. - •-ri.--,.--- . 14,..•....'j: I .;!Ig . ''.' . •• '1......::." 121' ,. ',...iy, . is ,^...'" IVII."4••••••••••1.9.•• ;•11;mdmiliwoos .447. 7.,:::. 0:11,100. 7 0:1;:::4,:i.:4,1?,:c ,.7.1.: .. ,77.......::: : 74.4r.:. ::: .. ("H.,: :,...i...,....:.,::::;:.,::,7:70::14.....":.....,....,..,...... ' ..2...,p-s'.lm.r.''I'w?14:-L , ::,. .i.:::.:-o----,!4---r--- l , ,• ■ , 11,... - '.k ' , '.. ■ /.L..4741P! '. ' 1 ..i‘ ''''' * , . i t i .14.4 . ,..,,,r,•• ir,,,.:...t ,,:..-.! ..: ;.,.'''. ''' .1..:1,');341:.,1..1;-:'''44 ',,,;',--:!,!, . • .* ' 34' ' :::14 . =9. II ;. ''. ! .1' t ri., r. ';'''ilh''1::4 i ‘‘', ,0 ,, 11), Z,4`,tfr..:`,...!.,-, ,, . „,,, i , t . b ' 1 q i....$1: „t,,'..kl.,,,., ., , • • rdlit II Weeittaval416.611,Arks61.141.4 WWI 244044 ■41**Niii440.....tuurattirka,45010.60 "...ft I Ai t4 MarAK3.4,1/4..4 cum...view setsviqrs111 1,4611.4 *Mks I...to. 44. a.t.nr . 1.1.0...rwediawdatouset Nitro illimOne • 11.00.41"44,10.14 ..s, I, /1 IM • oe 21, •P;;Iml #.11 410./...10111,..,,i,:«,./ Him...4 KW WO MX t ft.. v.* taat.a.taa.........1.4 H a ,1•4 1, Ara vg •••,"..... 40411....40644.04 •1 Agt17,71,11 L"7: 71r Iii.rt:i,■ 11) 7.1.11'7'7.1"174"11 4 • • I • • ; C • • :L. 41,,•4 • ••-0. F. ' 1•14,: 441, 4., (1,j(,1 • • 44. 3 I 4 :2j",t4A;'' f:' 1,1 4‘ 1 • r e. • ■,i,i6t;i4,4444,4Lhz.anA •iv %. •'" neon t 4 44, us, sryhtrome am. .4,1, 1 'IV Cf.1111/.404.0 kV> 5 ' to r .4.45 • Z.! , • lo'cv«i.ergomoi tolt • 1( I 11 • • .4- ), f 1 %I 10,17 -11R •rnks. ' . • , .0 bipt . ■••••■• • •) lf t,,, ))(1,, !Of IV, .0.)) 11; 1, ',fall' IC,' 101*V,1eIS , ri1ft : ‘, 151 4•11.1v •;/ .fdigu..,m1),-) 777""=.34f, .....c i . I.. ,, , • ,,peZ•y,.fir'*e at;77,4ji, ;114.14q • 4 , ,, 'ii'ei1 '.. 4 '• ''''' - - te.4. A,4 i . %; ';‘,C-:.(741‘..:C'A 1,19. il.C..).. iitroti. ,i lw.,,:offy,..v,;y..,41‘PI'w.?).4i-- i,o,e WilititAkibtOSUIP01.2,1J S),,c)40- 11144.1011411461.41,00,4. .14.144611,441~milles UteMbe1441100..itAmacit,,: 4t ■ lt ' ...17:417.11.7713,170TeMtatIMVISTrlin. Mia-71..7. • ..;•.. - • „". - ! I A •• • • •: .„. 4,4 101(1/1!! UP() ill !Old If q) ,..;,',- ;:v:77777.77,-i,.,7:7777,-;77.;;,,K,5' , t , ' i .. , . ''' .4 .,•:::. ,. , , - i.:, - , .-).:,: - , , .; •, .. ')4, . I 4. ,,, k , ,. , , . ' t -. ! ! '' . '‘'''''' i . - 4 C`i > ,11, 4r.‘'..1. ,.',.. i -I. ' • 4ii .v...4. (t?' 14 .i 4 tV , -,' K. ,3:,4 . .• i..14''' . ..0 ,1 l': .. ' . :1 ... ' ' ,,,,:,,,,, . " 1:,, , •,..,..-,.,:..,:',.:' . ..,,,.:**-'` '' I t))■1:*;,".., ..,, r)701; :ia ; ' !..j',...‘:,, '.:4f/....,,t, ''''..t ;‘,,,,.,,...:..*,,.... , : ,'. '''''..:'.;;'7i'::.. .; ...t :' ,' :. - ' ' : '" c't'41.: . ..'ts ',1'..--#.:t..: ° ) , . ;•4; 1 At,,v14, t 3 N • 4j f•i; 1 :jQ ! '4411 • ;:'.1"kr;i:PfA •ki;',4v; F f ;-' 44V`'tei • ! , 4: , 1":..,-.14.ikkip.., o7"7,-;,1- ,,,stir4attmatmc.,,,ag=raitjaml,44....e.144.4tattze.mstvieg,4144 • „ , NTF;NFS Formation ••• Recruitment • • • Ships ••• War with Japan • Invasion ••• • •'1, 12 Rangoon •.• •.,• 14 Moulmein • . 15 Fall of Rangoon 16 Demolition & Departure • • • • • • 19 „ Akyab 22 India ••• ••• 26 Operations on the Arakan Coast 27, Change of Base ••• 32 Liberation of Arakan Return to Rangoon .•• Re-organisation T A • • • 11)11111. Iftt 11i1/1,/,a/t,. 1);; )6)/ 7)/1( 111;rf d)fi :41 44:7:44,,, ; - • ...ositA ' "SetOtAte., fix..-"*.44,1 ; _ P. •Air 3..• 40— ' 0!: • • ..,„ ;•;.-, ;!.i; • '') ;,:f ‘•? • , , 4 1.".1-7P4IP I 41 IOU r'‘)0.1 te4t;' goit A 4 ,pfrr 'k4r •' : •:„ ;,;4" vhamiClItiLiCA 114'4 rtmetwor4.60,4,144‘.4g A71,140a4 , r‘ . ).‘ PAGE . - The Rt. Hon'ble Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith ... ••• 11 Captain K. S. Lyle ••• •• iv • • • On patrol off the Burma Coast ••• I M. Ls of the Burma Flotilla .• ••• viii Navy Personnel ••• ••• ••• ••• 4 M. L's on patrol ••• ••• .•• 8 Wireless Receiving Station ••. 10 M. L's Operating •• •• ••• • . 15 Sir Reginald inspects M. L. ••• 20 Allied bombing before amphibious assult ••• ••• 21 . 25 H. M. I. S. Barracuda . ••• 0 e• Cadets under training . ••• 28 M. L's on patrol ••• ••• ••• ••• 32 . Liberation of Burma ••• 35 Assault in Arakan •• ••• .., 36 -i ••• Landing in Arakan I•• ••• 37 M. L's and Landing Craft in Ara.kan ••• ••• .38 Action Station ••• ••• 39 Japanese Surrender at Rangoon ••• .• Captain Lyle and Sub-Lieut. Kyaw Thein Lwin ••• 40 Supreme Allied Commander addressing Burma Navy ••• 42 First official Parade, 1940 ••• ••• 14 '4 .A4001.4+ BURMA'S NAVY Burma separated from India in 1937. She thereafter became responsible for her own local Naval defence. • It was decided that a Burma R.N.V.R.
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