Ra C Sun Ra C SUNN RAH Raabe C Peter Raabe C PAY-tur RAHAH-buh Raaff C Anton Raaff C AHN-tohohn RAHAHF Raalte C Albert Van Raalte C AHL-bert funn RAHAHL-tuh Raasted C Niels Otto Raasted C NILLSS AWT-toh WAHAH-stehth Raats C Jaan Rääts C YAHAHN RAATSS Rabat tsraruni C Rabat Tsraruni C rah-BAHT ts’rah-ROO-nee C (composition by Oedoen Partos [Ö-dön PAR-tohsh]) Rabaud C Henri Rabaud C ah6-ree rah-bo C (known also as Henri Benjamin Rabaud [ah6-ree bah6-zhah-meh6 rah-bo]) Rabbai C Joseph Rabbai C JO-zuff RABB-bahee Rabe C Folke Rabe C FOHL-kuh RAH-buh C (known also as Folke Alvar Harald Reinhold Rabe [FOHL-kuh AHL-vahr HAH-rahld RAYN-hold RAH-buh]) Rabello C João Lourenço Rabello C zhôôAH6ôô lo-REH6-sôô ruh-BELL-lôô Rabello C João Soares Rabello C zhôôAH6ôô SWAHSH ruh-BELL-lôô C (the middle name is sometimes replaced by Lourenço [lo-REH6-sôô], and the last name is variously spelled Rebello [ruh-BELL-lôô], Rabelo [ruh-BEH-lôô], and Rebelo [ruh-BEH-lôô]) Rabelo C João Soares Rabelo C zhôôAH6ôô SWAHSH ruh-BEH-lôô C (the middle name is sometimes replaced by Lourenço [lo-REH6-sôô], and the last name is variously spelled Rebello [ruh-BELL-lôô], Rabello [ruh-BELL-lôô], and Rebelo [ruh-BEH-lôô]) Rabich C Ernst Rabich C ERNST RAHAH-bihh Rabin C Michael Rabin C M¦-kull RAY-bunn Rabinof C Benno Rabinof C BENN-no RA-bih-nawf Rabinovich C David Rabinovich C dah-VEET rah-bih-NAW-vihch Rabinowicz C Rachel and Miriam Rabinowicz C RAY-chull (and) MIH-ree-umm rah-bih- NO-vihch Rabinowitsch C Max Rabinowitsch C MAHKSS rah-bih-NAW-vihch Rabl C Walter Rabl C VAHL-tur RAH-b’l Rabut C Guy Rabut C G¦ RAY-butt Racek C Jan Racek C YAHN RAH-tseck Rachamim C Kyrie, el rachamim C KÜ-reeay, ell RAH-kah-mimm C (section of the Holocaust Requiem [{REH-kôôee-umm} REH-kôôih-emm] — Kaddish for Terezin [kahd- DIHSH (for) TEH-reh-zinn] by Ronald Senator [RAH-nulld SEH-nuh-tur]) Rache aria C RAH-kay AH-ree-ah C (aria from the opera Don Giovanni [dohn jo-VAHN- nee]; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay]) Rachel quand du seigneur C Rachel, quand du Seigneur C rah-shell, kah6 dü seh-n’yör C (aria from the opera La Juive [lah zhüeev] — The Jewess; music by Jacques Fromental Halévy [zhack fraw-mah6-tahl ah-lay-vee] and libretto by Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb]) Rachmaninoff C Serge Rachmaninoff C sehr-GAY rahk-MAH-nyih-nuff C (known also as Serge Vassilievich [vahss-SEE-liheh-vihch] Rachmaninoff) C (the given name is variously spelled as Serge, Sergei, and Sergey, and the family name as Rachmaninoff, Rachmaninov, Rakhmaninoff, and Rakhmaninov) Rachmaninov C Serge and Sergei Rachmaninov C (see Serge Rachmaninoff) Rachmilovich C Jacques Rachmilovich C zhack rahk-MEE-luh-vihch Racine C Jean Racine C zhah6 rah-seen Raciunas C Antanas Ra iãnas C ahn-TAH-nahss rah-chihOO-nahss Rada C RAH-dah C (Advice) C (poem by W»adys»aw Syrokomla [vwah-DISS-wahf sih-rah- KOHM-lah] set to music by Stanis»aw Moniuszko [stah-NYEESS-wahf mah-neeÔÔSH-kaw]) Radames C rah-DAH-mayss C (character in the opera Aida [ah-EE-dah]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Antonio Ghislanzoni [ahn-TAW-neeo ghee- zlahn-TSO-nee] after Auguste Mariette [o-güst mah-reeett] and Camille Du Locle [{kah-meel dü law-kl’} kah-meey’ dü law-kl’]) Radecke C Robert Radecke C ROHOH-bert RAH-duh-kuh Radecke C Rudolf Radecke C ROO-dawlf RAH-duh-kuh Radenkovic C Milutin Radenkovi C mee-LOO-tinn rah-DEHNG-kaw-vihch Radic C Dušan Radí C DOO-shahn RAH-dihch Radica C Ruben Radica C ROO-benn RAH-dih-tsah Radicati C Teresa Bertinotti-Radicati C tay-RAY-zah bayr-tee-NOHT-tee-rah-dee-KAH-tee C (known also as Teresa Bertinotti) Radiciotti C Giuseppe Radiciotti C joo-ZAYP-pay rah-dee-chee-OHT-tee Radio sinfonie orchester frankfurt C Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt C RAHAH-deeo-ZINN- fo-nee-awr-KEH-stur FRAHNK-fôôrt C (Frankfurt [FRAHNK-fôôrt] Radio Symphony Orchestra) Radio sinfonieorchester stuttgart C Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart C RAHAH-diho ZINN- fo-nee-awr-KEH-stur SHTÔÔT-gart C (Stuttgart [SHTÔÔT-gart] Radio Symphony Orchestra) Radio symphonie orchester berlin C Radio-Symphonie-Orchester, Berlin C RAHAH-diho-ZÜM- fo-nee-awr-KEH-stur, behr-LEEN C (Berlin [behr-LEEN] Radio Symphony Orchestra) Radkevitch C Nikolai Ivanov-Radkevitch C nyee-kah-LAHIH ee-vah-NAWF-raht-KAY-vihch Radnai C Miklós Radnai C MICK-lohohsh RAHD-nahih Rado C Aladár Radó C AH-lah-dahahr RAH-dohoh Radoux C Charles Radoux C sharl rah-dôô Radoux C Jean-Théodore Radoux C zhah6-tay-aw-dawr rah-dôô Radoux rogier C Charles Radoux-Rogier C shar-luh rah-dôô-raw-zheeay Radovanovic C Vladan Radovanovi C VLAH-dahn rah-daw-VAH-naw-vihch Radziwill C Prince Anton Heinrich Radziwill C (Prince) AHN-tohohn H¦N-rihh RAHT-tsih- vill C (Germanized version of the Polish Prince Antoni Henryk Radziwi»» [(Prince) ahn-TAW- nee HENN-rick rah-DZEE-veew’]) Raeli C Vito Raeli C VEE-toh rah-AY-lee Raesel C Andreas Raesel C ahn-DRAY-ahss RAY-zull C (the last name is also spelled Raselius [rah-ZAY-lihôôss]) Rafael ruiz el macarenoC Rafael Ruiz "El Macareno" C rah-fah-ELL roo-EETH "ell mah- kah-RAY-no" C (character in the opera El gato montés [ell GAH-toh mawn-TAYSS] — The Wildcat; music and libretto by Manuel Penella [mah-nooELL pay-NAY-l’yah]) Rafaga C Ráfaga C RAH-fah-gah C (composition by Joaquín Turina [ho-ah-KEEN too- REE-nah]) Raff C Joachim Raff C YOHOH-ah-kimm RAHF C (known also as Joseph [YOHOH-zeff] Joachim Raff) Raffalli C Tibère Raffalli C tee-behr rahf-FAHL-lee Raffanti C Dano Raffanti C DAH-no rahf-FAHN-tee Ragazze C rah-GAHT-tsay C (girls) C (characters in the opera La bohème [lah baw-emm] — Bohemian Life; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] after Henri Murger [ah6-ree mür-zhay]) Ragin C Derek Lee Ragin C DEH-reck (Lee) RAY-gunn Rago C Alexis Rago C ah-LAYK-seess RAH-go Ragon C Gilles Ragon C zheey’ rah-gaw6 Ragonde C Dame Ragonde C dahm rah-gaw6d C (character in the opera Le Comte Ory [luh kaw6t aw-ree]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb] and Charles-Gaspard Delestre-Poirson [sharl-gahss-par d’less-tr’- p’war-saw6]) Ragossnig C Konrad Ragossnig C KAWN-raht RAH-gawss-nihh Ragotski C rah-GAWT-skee C (character in Candide [kahn-DEED], an operetta, with music by Leonard Bernstein [LEH-nurd BURN-st§n]; libretto by R. Wilbur [R. WILL-bur], J. Latouche [J. lah-TOOSH], D. Parker [D. PAR-kur], and Leonard Bernstein after L. Hellman [L. HELL-munn] after Voltaire [vawl-tehr]) Ragweng C RAHG-vehng C (The Crown Prince) C (character in the opera Das Nusch-Nuschi [dahss NÔÔSH-NÔÔ-shee] — The Nusch-Nuschi; music by Paul Hindemith [PAHÔÔL HINN- tuh-mitt] and libretto by Franz Blei [FRAHNTSS BL¦]) C (the Nusch-Nuschi is a mythical beast, half rat and half alligator) C (the opera is subtitled A Play for Burmese Marionettes) Rahlwes C Alfred Rahlwes C AHL-frayt RAHL-vuss Raichev C Alexander Raichev C ah-leck-SAHN-d’r RAHEE-cheff Raichl C Miroslav Raichl C MIH-raw-slahf RAHIH-k’l Raida C Karl Alexander Raida C KARL ah-leck-SAHN-ter RAHIH-dah Raimann C Rudolf Raimann C ROO-dawlf RAHIH-mahn Raimbaud C reh6-bo C (character in the opera Le Comte Ory [luh kaw6t aw-ree] — Count Ory; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Eugène Scribe [ö- zhenn skreeb] and Charles-Gaspard Delestre-Poirson [sharl-gahss-par d’less-tr’-pwar-saw6]) Raimondi C Gianni Raimondi C JAHN-nee rahee-MOHN-dee Raimondi C Ignazio Raimondi C ee-n’YAH-tseeo rahee-MOHN-dee Raimondi C Pietro Raimondi C peeAY-tro rahee-MOHN-dee Raimondi C Ruggero Raimondi C rood-JAY-ro rahee-MOHN-dee Raimondo C rahee-MOHN-doh C (character in the opera Lucia di Lammermoor [loo-CHEE- ah dee LAHM-mer-môôuhr] — Lucy of Lammermoor [LOO-see of LAMM-mur-môôuhr]; music by Gaetano Donizetti [gahay-TAH-no doh-nee-TSAYT-tee]; libretto by Salvadore Cammarano [sahl-vah-DOH-ray kahm-mah-RAH-no] based on the novel The Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott [WAWL-tur SKAHT]) Raines C Margaret Raines C MAR-guh-rutt RAYNZ Rainette C La rainette C lah reh-nett C (the frog) C (character in the opera L'enfant et les sortileges [lah6-fah6 ay leh sawr-tee-lehzh] — The Child and the Fantasies; music by Maurice Ravel [mo-reess rah-vell]; libretto by Sidonie Gabrielle Gauthiers-Villars [see-daw-nee gah- breeell go-teeay-veel-lar]) Rainey C Ma Rainey C MAH RAY-nee Rainger C Ralph Rainger C RALF RAYN-jur Rainier C Priaulx Rainier C pree-o reh-neeay Raisa C Rosa Raisa C {RO-zuh RAHIH-zuh} RO-sah RAHIH-sah Raison C André Raison C ah6-dray reh-zaw6 Raitio C Pentti Raitio C PAYNT-tih RAHIH-tihaw Raitio C Väinö Raitio C VAIH-nö RAHIH-tihaw C (known also as Väinö Eerikki [AYAY-rih- kih] Raitio) Raitt C Bonnie Raitt C BAHN-nee RAYT Raitt C John Raitt C JAHN RAYT C (known also as John Emmet [EMM-mutt] Raitt) Rajicic C Stanojlo Raji i C stah-NOY-lah RAH-yih-chihch Rajna C András Rajna C AHN-drahahsh R¦-nah Rajna C Thomas Rajna C TAH-muss R¦-nuh C (probably an Anglicized version of the Hungarian name Tomas Rajna [TOH-mahsh R¦-nah]) Rajter C Ludovít Rajter C LÔÔ-daw-veeeet R¦-ter Rakhmaninoff C Sergei Rakhmaninoff C sehr-GAYEE rahk-MAH-nyih-nuff C (the given name is variously spelled as Serge, Sergei, and Sergey, and the family name as Rachmaninoff, Rachmaninov, Rakhmaninoff, and Rakhmaninov) Rakhmaninov C Serge Rakhmaninov C (see Serge Rakhmaninoff) Rakov C Nikolai Rakov C nyee-kah-LAHIH RAH-kuff Raksin C David Raksin C DAY-vudd RACK-sunn Raleigh C Sir Walter Raleigh C (Sir) WAWL-tur RAH-lih Ralf C Oscar Ralf C AWSS-kar RAHLF C (known also as Oscar Georg [yee-AWRY’] Ralf ) Ralf C Richard Ralf C RIH-hart RAHLF Ralf C Torsten Ralf C TAWSS-tenn RAHLF C (known also as Torsten Ivar [EE-var] Ralf ) Ramann C Lina Ramann C LEE-nah RAH-mahn Ramati C Roman Haubenstock-Ramati C RO-mahn HAHÔÔ-benn-shtahk-rah-MAH-tee Ramb C Matthias Ramb C maht-TEE-ahss RAHMP Rambaldo C rahm-BAHL-doh C (character in the opera La rondine [lah ROHN-dee-nay] — The Swallow; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Giuseppe Adami [joo-ZAYP-pay ah-DAH-mee] after Dr.

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