BEC (CHRISTIAN). - -- Les marchands ecrivains; affaires et humanisme a Florence, 1375 -1434. [Civil. et Soc. 9.] Paris, 1967. .8542 Bec. BEC (PIERRE. - -- ed. Anthologie de la prose occitane du Moyen Âge, XII -XVe siècle; textes avec traductions, une introd. et des notes. Vol.1. [Les Class. d'Oc.] [Avignon.] .84982 -3 Bec. 1. Vidas et razons, chroniques et lettres, prose narrative. [1977.] - -- La langue occitane. [Nue sais -je ?' No. 1059.] Paris, 1963. .449 Bec. - -- Another copy. French Lib. - -- La lyrique française au moyen âge, XIIe -XIIIe siècles; contribution a une typologie des genres poétiques medievaux ... Vol.1. [Publ. du Centre d'Étud. Sup. de Civil. Médiev. de l'Univ. de Poitiers, 6.] Paris. .841104 Bec. 1. Études. 1977. - -- Manuel pratique de l'occitan moderne. [Connaiss. des Lang. Vol. 7.] Paris, 1973. .449 Bec. - -- Manuel pratique de philologie romane. Tom. 1.1. [Connaiss. des Lang.] Paris. .4791 Bec. 1. Italien, espagnol, Portugais, occitan, catalan, gascon. 1970. 2. Français, roumain, sarde, rhétofrioulan, francoprovençal, dalmate. Phonologie, index ... 1971. - -- Another copy. Tom. 1 -2. French Lib. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS BEC (CHRISTIAN). - -- Cultura e società a Firenze nell' età della Rinascenza. [Studi e Saggi, 3.] Roma, 1981. .9(4551)01 Bec. BEC (PIERRE). --- La lyrique française au moyen âge, XIIe-XIIIe siecles; contribution a une typologie des gepres poétiques médiévaux ... Vol. 2. [Publ. du Cent #. d'Etud. Sup. -_de Civil. Médiév. de l'Un.iv. de Poitiers, 7.] Paris. .841104 Bec. 2. Textes. 1978. BEC (PIERRE) [continued]. - -- ed. Nouvelle anthologie de la lyrique occitane du moyen âge; initiation a la langue et a la poesie des troubadours. Textes avec traductions, une introd. et des notes par P.B. [Les Class. d'Oc.] [Avignon, 1970.] .84912408 Bec. - -- Two other copies. French Lib. - -- ed. Petite anthologie de la lyrique occitane du Moyen Âge; initiation a la langue et a la poesie des troubadours. Textes avec traductions, une introd. et desrntes par P.B. [Les Class. d'Oc. No.4.] Avignon, 1954. .84912408 Bec. - -- Another copy. French Lib. --- [2nd pr.] pr. Avignon, 1962. French Lib. BEC. ABBEY. - -- Chronique du Bec et Chronique de François Carré. (And Annales du Bec.) [Lat.] Publ. ... par l'abbé Porée. [Soc. de l'Hist. de Normandie, Publ.] Rouen, 1883. .2711(4424) Bec. - -- Another copy. .9(442)06 Soc. - -- Conduetudinis Becenses. See ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. CUSTOMARIES, BEC. - -- The Bec missal.iee ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. MISSALS. LOCAL. BEC. - -- Select documents of the English lands of the Abbey of Bec. Ed. ... by M. Chibnall. [Camden Soc. 3rd ser. 73.] Lond., 1951. RK. - -- See MORGAN (MARJORIE). The English lands of the Abbey of Bec. ADDITIONS BAC. 4BBEY. -- Seo B01314,12 MO).1) . The history of the royal abbey of Beo. BEC (The) Missal. See ROMAN CHATOLIC CHURCH. MISSALS. LOCAL. Bec. BÉCAMPS (PIERRE). - -- joint- author. Études sur Montesquieu ... See ETUDES SUR MONTESQUIEU, 1970. BECANIIS (MARTIN). - -- Opusculorum theologicorum tomi quinque ... (in 4). Lugduni, 1621. A.17.24-27. - -- Aphorism' doctrinal Calvinistarum, ex eorum libris collecti; cum brevi responsione ad aphorismos falso Iesuitis impositos. Moguntiae, 1608. B.23.75/2. - -- Apologia pro iudice controversiarum fidei ac religionis. 2 pts. (in 1). Mogvntiae, 1617. A.17.67. - -- Manuale controversiarum huius temporis, in quinque libros distributum ... Antverpiae, 1624. *D.23.70. - -- Summa theologiae scholastica.e ... Postr. ed. Pars prima. Lugduni, 1621. A.17.23. - -- Summa theologiae scholasticae. Duobus tractatibus ... aucta; uno de natura theologiae, altero de gratiae auxiliis, authore Gervasio Biionio. Paris, 1658. C* 18.38. - -- Supplicatio ad imperatorum, reges, principes, super causis Generalis Concilii convocandi. Contra Paulum Quintum. [Dedicatory epistle subscribed Novus Homo.] Lond., 1513 [1613.] D* 32.58/2. BECARTTD (JEAN) . - -- La regenta de 'Clarín' y la restauracion. Traducción de T. Garcia - Sabell. [Cuadernos Taurus, 57.] Madrid [1964.] P .86859 Ala. Béc. ADDITIONS BECANUS (MARTIN). - -- See PARIS. UNIVERSITY. FACUIIPÉ DE THÉOLOGIE. Summa actorum Facultatis Theologiae ... contra librum inscriptum Controversia Anglicana de potestate regis & pontificis ... auctore M.B. BÉCARUD (JEAN). - -- De La Regenta al 'Opus Dei'. [Ensayistas, 149.] Madrid [1977.] .9(4608)04 Bec. BikAtti3B-(-154Yi0: and LAPOUGE (GILLES). Anarchistes d'Espagne. [Coll. R.] Paris [1970.] .33583(46) Béc. - -- [Anarchistes d'Espagne.] Los anarquistas españoles. (Tr. de G. Jacas). 2a ed. [Ediciones de Bolsillo, 120.] Barcelona, 1973. .33583(46) Bec. - -- and LÓPEZ CAMPILLO ( EVELYNE). - -- Los intelectuales españoles durante la II Republica. [Estud. de Hist. Contemp. Siglo XXI.] Madrid, 1978. .9(46081)01 Bec. RF;CATTI (GIOVANNI). - -- Case ostiensi del tardo impero. Roma, n.d. F .913(376) Bec. - -- [L'età classica.] The art of ancient Greece and Rome from the rise of Greece to the fall of Rome. (Tr. from the Italian by J. Roos.) Lond. [1968.] F .7(37-8) Bec. - -- Il maestro d'Olimpia. [Quad. per lo Stud. dell'Arch. 6.] Firenze [1943.] F .7333 Bec. ADDITIONS lICATTI (GIOVANNI). - -- [L'et4 classica.] The art of ancient Greece and Rome from the rise of Greece to the fall of Rome. (Tr. from the Italian by J. Ross.) Lond. [196R.] Archaeol. Lib. BECATTI (GIOVANNI) [Continued]. - -- Oreficerie antiche dalle Minoiche alle Barbariche. 4o Roma, 1955. F .73922(3) Bec. - -- ed. See ITALY. MINISTERO DELLA PUBBLICA ISTRUZIONE. Scavi di Ostia. BECCADELLI (ANTONIUS) Panormita. See PANORMITA (ANTONIUS). BECCARI (ODOARDO). - -- Asiatic palms. Corypheae. Posthumous work by O. B. Rev. and ed. by U. Martelli. The species of the genera Corypha, Nannorhops, Sabal, etc. [Ann. of the Roy. Bot. Garden, Calcutta, 13.] 20 Calcutta, 1931. Ne.2. - -- Plates. 2o Calcutta, 1931. Nf.1. - -- Asiatic palms. Lepidocaryeae. 3 pts. (in 8). [Ann. Roy. Bot. Garden, Calcutta, 11-12.] 20 Calcutta. 1. The species of Calamus. 1908. Ne.2. Plates. 1908. Nf.1. Supplement. 1913. Ne . 2. [Plates to Supplement.] 1914. Nf.1. 2. The species of Daemonorops. 1911. Ne.2. Plates. 1911. Nf.1. 3. The species of the genera. Ceratolobus, Calospatha, Plectomia, etc. 1918. Ne.2. Plates. 1921. Nf.1. BECCARIA (AUGUSTO). - -- I codici di medicina del periodo presalernitano, secolo IX, X e XI. [Stor. e Lett. 53.] 8o Roma, 1956. .0-16091 Bce. kt.t. BECCARIA (CESARE, marchese). /1 - -- Opere. [Class. Ital. Vol. 293-294.] 8o Milano, 1821 -22. T.17.92 -93. [ - - -] Dei delitti e delle pene ... Coi commenti del Voltaire, confutazioni, ed altri opuscoli ... di vari autori. [Anon. ] Ed. noviss. 2 tom. (in 1). 8o Venezia, 1781. E *31.44. 4 1 1 1/{ 1 lV 114 BECATTI (GIOVANNI). -- See CALZA (GUIDO) and B.(G.) BECCAFUMI (DOMENICO). - -- Domenico Beccafumi. [By] D. Sanminiatelli. [Ant. Pittori Ital. ] Milano [1967.1 . 75(4506 -07) Bet. - -- mirar completa del Beccafumi. Presentazione di G. Briganti. Apparati critici e filologici di E. Baccheschi. [Class. dell'Arte, N.S. 4.] Milano, 1977. F .75(4506 -07) Bec. - -- Another copy. Fine Art Lib. BECCARIA (CESARE, marchese) [continued]. - -- [Dei delitti e delle pene.] An essay on crimes and punishments. Tr. from the Italian. With commentary, attributed to Mons. de Voltaire, tr. from the French. 4th ed. Lond., 1775. Law Lib. - -- [Dei delitti e delle pene.] On crimes and punishments. Tr., with an introd., by H. Paolucci ... [Lib. of Liberal Arts, 107.] Indianapolis [1963.] .3641 Bec. - -- Another copy. Law Lib. - -- [Dei delitti e delle pene. Of crimes and punishments. See MANZONI (ALESSANDRO). [Storia della colonna infame.] The column of infamy ... --- [Dei delitti e delle pene.] Traité des délits et des peines. Tr. de l'italien [by A. Morellet] d'après la 3e ed. ... [Anon.] Lausanne, 1766. JA 29541 Adam Smith Collection. - -- [Dei delitti e delle pene.] Des délits et des peines. Tr. de l'italien par M. Chevallier. Introd. et notes par F. Venturi. [Les Class. de la Pensée Po1.1.] Genève, 1965. .3641 Bec. --- Della riduzione delle misure di lunghezza all' uniformitá per lo stato di Milano ... [Custodi, Scritt. Class. Ital. di Econ. Pol. Pte. Mod. Tom. 12.] n.p., 1804. In Zo.8.69. - -- Elementi di economia pubblica di C.B. 2 tom. [Custodi, Scritt. Class. Ital. di Econ. Pol. Pte. Mod. Tom. 11-12.] n.p., 1804. Zo.8.68 -69. - -- See CAFE (IL). Dat'Il Caffè,[by A. Verri, C.B. ...] - -- See VOLTAIRE (FRANÇOIS MARIE AROUET DE). Commentaire sur le livre Des délits et des peines. ADDITIONS BI CARIA (CESARE, marchese). Tentativo analitioo sui contraband'. LCuatodi, Soritt. Class. Ital. di Edon. Pol. Pte. Mod. Tom. 12.] n.p., 1804. Bound in Zo.8.69. BECCARIA (GIAMBATISTA). - -- Elettricismo artificiale. Torino, 1772. I* 19.2. --- A treatise upon artificial electricity, in which are given solutions of ... electric phóenomena ... Tr. from the ... Italian. Lond., 1776. I* 19.3. - -- Experimenta atque observationes quibus electricitas vindex late constituitur atque explicator. Augustae Taurinorum (1769.) *H.21.20. - -- Gradus Taurinensis. August Taurinorum, 1774. *0.21.48. - -- Another copy. V* 17.35/1. - -- A letter ... to Mr. Wilson, concerning the light exhibited in the dark by the Bologna phosphorus, made according to Mr. Canton's method ... [With Mr. Wilson's answer.] [Eng. and Ital.] Lond., 1776. *V.26.44/6. BECCARIA (GIAN LIIIGI). - -- L'autonomia del significante; figure del ritmo e della sintassi Dante, Pascoli, D'Annunzio. [Nuova Bibl. Scient. Einaudi, 49.] Torino [1975.] .456 Bec. - -- Ritmo e melodia nella prosa italiana; studi e ricerche sulla prosa d'arte. [Saggi di 'Lett. Ital.' 4.] Firenze, 1964. .456 Bec. - -- ed. I linguaggi settoriali in Italia. [By] G.L.B., M. Cerruti ... [Nuovi Saggi Ital. 11.] Milano [1973.] .45 Bec. BECCARIA (JOANNES). - -- Refutatio cuiusdam libelli sine auctore [by J.B. Fickler] cui titulus est, De iure magistratuum in subditos, & officio subditorum erga magistratus. n.p., 1590. *E.32.14. BECCARIA BONESANA (CESARE, marchese). See BECCARIA (CESARE, marchese). BECCARIA DE PAIRE (RAYMOND) Baron de FOURGNEVAULX. See FOURGNEVAULX. BECCATELLI (LODOVICO) Abp. - -- The life of Cardinal Reginald Pole ... tr. ... with notes ... To which is added an appendix, setting forth the plagiarisms ... in T. Phillips's History of the life of R. Pole, by the Rev.
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