VOLUME 44: No 50. South Amboy, N. J., Friday, March 20, 192B Price Four Cents. BLOCK CROSSING: HOSPITAL CONCERT END OF BIG BATTLE NOW ALMOST HERE; TAX RATE OF CITY FOR 1925 GIVEN SUSPEND SENTENCE NEXXTHURSDAY The new ordinance forbidding the With a splendid advance sale of CAMPAIGN ENDS SATURDAY, MAR. 28 AS $5.60; SLIGHT INCREASE OVER 1924 blocking of railroad crossings was put tickets, indicating not only anticipa- to a test yesterday at a hearing be- ted appreciation of the splendid ora- Increases of Nineteen Points In County Rate Causes Seven fore Police Justice Forgotson in the torio, but the worthiness of the in- Saturday i* Last Day of Big Votes in Citizen's Big 3-Auto- City Hall. Conductor C. Davison, stitution in whose benefit it is being v Point Increase In Lnnal Tax Rate Over 1924—Rates Engineer A. J. Lippincott and a presented, it seems certain that a mobile Gaiiipaign—-Then Only Six Short Days Re - brakeman, C. A. Herzig, were held large crowd will reward the efforts Throughout County Higher This,Year. on charges entered by the local police of the South Amboy Harmony Club mam. for blocking the crossings from 8:55 in presenting Gaul's beautiful ora- '" \ South Amboy's tax rate for 1925 to 9:11 on Wednesday morning. torio "The Holy City," at the High This vote storeiincUjdes all votes cast for publication up to 9 P. M. \|'ill be, according to figures of the The train explained that they were School Auditorium next Thursday Saturday night last._; -'-• .'-'j:.-'1 . Middlesex County Tax Board, $5.60. waiting for the car inspector to com-evening. ' DISTRICT NO 1 Although a reduction in local ex- BUSY SESSION AT plete his inspection of the train and The affair is being held for the that meantime the train could not be Andrejewski, Jo"h'n ;J.,i-Melrbse ^ 5,559,200 t penses was effected, the tax rate re- benefit of the South Amboy memor- Baldwin, Miss Norma, Fourth street 1,202,100 , ' flects the 19 point increase in the moved because the car inspector had ial Hospital, and the gross proceeds COUNCIL MEETING put up a flag iji front of the locomo- Burkhard, Miss .Estella M., 423 Wilmont street 5,569,100 county tax rate. With 'a reduced Willingness on the part of the of the event..will be turned over to Conway, Albert,- 149 Stockton street 4,850,800 municipal budget, and with a very tive. The car inspector, Howard this institution, as the Harmony Club Monmouth Lighting Company to Hardy explained that the work1 was Domzal, Mrs. Charles F., 131 Broadway 5,510,300 slight increase in valuations, boutn make up past deficiencies again be- is defraying all expanses in connec Harris, Miss Mildred, Melrose 5,049;3*0 Atopy's tax rate, but for the county came apparent at the meeting of the usually 'done in the local yards but tion with the presentation of the that it must be done before the train oratorio. James, H. C, 241 Second street _ 5,550,300 Wcrease, would have been this year Common Council last night, when was allowed to leavje. •• Jaques, R. A., 259 Second street __ 5,441,200 • twelve points lower than in 1924. Councilman Kvist recounted an in- The oratorio is being presented un McDonnell, John A., 139 N. Broadway ; 3,329,000 7 Rates throughout the county have stance that has taken place during The ordinance, it was found, did der the direction of Mrs. Ada Piersol McKenna, Floyd, 261 Main street _ 3,316,100 4eeta soaring this year. the past week. According to the re not specify car inspectors or othen, Cozzens, who is also singing the so- O'Leary, E. T., 228 Augusta street . 5,499,100 Rates EUewkere in the County marks of the Fourth Councilman, the railroad officials that .were shown to prano solo parts. The other soloists Robinson, Mrs. Charles, Cheesequake _3,215,900 Post controversy on Prospect street be really responsible for the blocked are Sophia Gould Holwald, -contralto, Rates announced for the other mu- crossngis. Sentence was therefore Tedesco, Dominic, 211 Augusta street . _ _ 2,694,000 nicipalities throughout the county had finally been adjusted satisfactor- J. Harris Jones, Tenor and Henry,L. Whitworth, Charles, 142 David street ..". 435,200 ily by reason of the lighting concern suspended. Van Mater, baritone. were, as follows: DISTRICT NO 2 Crajibury Township receeding from the arbitrary stand taken in the past and meeting the Grover, Wm. M., 441 Bordentown avenue , .'5,536,300 Carteret Borough property owner more than half way. RECEPTIONTO" LIGHINGCOMPANY Maloney, James, 217 South Broadway ; _...5,157,7OO Dmiellen Borough 4.42 The history of the case as recount- Quinlan, Mrs. Sallie, ,'S:!2 George street _ ._.. ....1,170,300 East Brunswick Township 4.37 MORTGAGE BONDS llobinson, Mrs. A., 442 Bordentown avenue _ 4,145,300 Helmetta Borough 2.03 ed briefly by Councilman Kvist RETURNED PASTOR seenft to date back several years. In A reception will be given the Rev. Under the approval of the NpwRender, William, 331 Catherine street 5,565,800 Highland Park Borough 4.7b the beginning Mr. Post made an ap- Roddy, Mrs. Charles, 122 John' street 2,253,600 Jamesburg BorougTi 4.3b E. A. Wells and his wife, who havo •Icrgey Board of Public Utilities, there plication for electrcial service and been returned by the New Jersey .was offered yesterday an issue of Skehan; Mrs. Win. J., 354 Ward avenue _ ._.. 5,562,300 Madison Township 4.U9 the company submitted a contract Metuchen Borough - 4.02 Annual Conference to this city for $11,500,000 first mortgage 6>/4% "Seven more days." These three didate has any material advantge that called for a payment by Mr. bonds of tha Jersey Central Power words have a potent meaning when over the remainder at present, and Middlesex Borough -S.37 Post of some one hundred and unothefr year, on Tuesday evening, Milltown Borough *••}' Murch 24th, in the Lecture Room of and Light Company, which is now we consider the importance of the re- the amount of subscriptions that seventy-five dollars to cover the cost operating the Monmouth Lighting sult of the Citizen's big automobile each is able to turn in before Satur- New Brunswick •*•»'* of the erection of two or three poles, the First Methodist Episopal church 4 Company, supplying South Amboy. and gold campaign, which is nearing day night may tell the tale. Monroe Township -26 stringing wire, etc. Eventually the of John street. The affair will be- gin with a short entertainment and The company is controlled, through a conclusion. Now For the FinUh . North Brunswick Township o.if case was appealed to the Public Util- The last of the big votes will un- Perth Amboy *•]& ities Commission in an effort to get will be followed by a Bocial hour. stock ownership, by the National And now for the whirlwind finish. All members of the congregation Public Service- Corporation, which doubtedly be the deciding factor in Now for the sensations and the sur- Piscataway Borough 4.44 the service connection without pay- operates public utilities in nine states determining the winners of the splen- prises. These are the days that will Raritan Township —--•&•" ing the sum. The commission de- and their friends are extended an in- cided that the company was entitled vitiation to be present. This invita- and is under the supervision and did array of prizes which has dazzled test the resourcefulness of the candi- Plainsboro Township »•«•> tion includes the children as well as management of the General Engin- the eyes of the entire community by dates. Here is where their courage Sayreville Township 4.10 to the payment. Refunds were to be made yearly based on a percentage the older folks.. eering and Management Corporation. their excellent value in this famous upholds them and makes them fight, South Amboy ,_--» -•»•»? ,The address of wolcome will be The Jersey Central Power afyd campaign. or the lack of it takes the stiffness South Brunswick Townnsmp ._.J.U5 of the amount of current actually consumed by the Post family. given by Mayor Hoffman. Light Company, by the merger of Who ii Your Favorite? out of their knees and leaves them Sputh River Borough 4-17 several utility companies, now sup- Fj)r nine weeks the contestants trailing in the dust. Sometimes too, Spotswood Borough 4.10 When the attention of the new plies electric light and power to 78 have been engaged in accumulating supreme courage urges them on when WoSdbridge Township —6.20 superintendent of the company, J. E. DEAT1 H CISMTMRS. •• communities and gas service to 31 votes and during this tifne the Citi- they tire, and that is the GAMEST Hill was called to the matter by the communities. A subsidiary com- zenls big automobile campaign has FIGHT OF ALL. Fourth Ward Councilman, the for- SUSAN FOURATT pany supplies water to Lukewood gained fame that is widespread. This Votes will pile up rapidly during FmETRUCRfflLLS mer at once promised to have the ser- Funeral services for the late Mrs. and vicinity. The territory, served is the most liberal prize-winning the next few hours. The LIVIEST vice connection made upon the usual Susan Fouratt, of Woodbridge, were has an agr.egate population in eofcesa event ever inaugurated in this section part of the competition is now at ARE ORDERED PAID terms. Only three or four days held on Tuesday faternoon and in- of 214,0*00 and includes Morris'town' ofvthe state.
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