E1680 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2013 In fact, Toledo, Ohio became the first major COLORADO HAS THE SECOND HONORING COLUMBIA city in America to elect a citizen of Lebanese LARGEST AEROSPACE ECONOMY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ancestry to the position of Mayor, Mr. Michael IN THE UNITED STATES Damas who served with distinction. HON. DOUG LAMBORN As one of the world’s early cradles of civili- OF COLORADO zation, Lebanon has persevered, both suf- HON. MIKE COFFMAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fering hardship and sharing in prosperity. Re- OF COLORADO Friday, November 15, 2013 markably, the spirit of its people shines through. I join the people of Lebanon, those of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Lebanese ancestry around the world, and the honor the accomplishments of Columbia Ele- Friday, November 15, 2013 Lebanese American community in celebrating mentary School in Colorado Springs, Colo- Lebanese Independence Day. Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rado, located in my congressional district, for f speak on behalf of myself and my fellow mem- receiving the Department of Education’s pres- bers of the Colorado delegation, Representa- tigious National Blue Ribbon Award. TRIBUTE TO GENERAL ROBERT Established in 1898 in the heart of the city, tives DIANA DEGETTE, CORY GARDNER, DOUG ‘‘BOB’’ KEHLER Columbia Elementary School is one of Colo- LAMBORN, ED PERLMUTTER, JARED POLIS, and rado Springs’s first elementary schools. Its SCOTT TIPTON, about our home state’s aero- HON. JEFF FORTENBERRY space leadership and the long-term plan for mission statement defines the core learning OF NEBRASKA sustaining America’s space-faring future. objectives of the school: The Columbia Community will collabo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Space technologies benefit the everyday lives ratively ensure that learning takes place for of all American citizens and Colorado has the Friday, November 15, 2013 ALL by being responsible, setting high stand- second largest aerospace economy in the Mr. FORTENBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I would ards and accepting no excuses. Our students United States. In our great state, there are like to congratulate General Robert ‘‘Bob’’ will be contributing members of society who more than 165,000 employees of the aero- Kehler of United States Strategic Command are respectful, responsible, and capable life- space industry, eight of the nation’s top aero- on his retirement from the Air Force after 38 long learners. space contractors, over 400 space-related years of outstanding service to our country. I The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program companies, four space-related military com- would also like to thank his wife Marjorie for recognizes public and private elementary, mid- mands, and universities among the world’s her selfless sacrifice throughout his career, as dle, and high schools where students perform best for aerospace-related degrees. well as the sacrifices of their two sons, Matt at exceptionally high levels or where signifi- and Jared. The United States has lost the ability to put cant improvements are being made in stu- General Kehler’s nearly three years as the people into space with our own national as- dents’ academic achievement. A National Blue head of STRATCOM caps an accomplished sets at the end of NASA’s Space Shuttle pro- Ribbon School’s flag overhead has become a career that began in 1975 as a distinguished gram. Colorado is key to regaining the ability mark of excellence in education recognized by graduate of the Pennsylvania State University for manned space exploration with programs everyone from parents to policy-makers in Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps such as Lockheed Martin’s Orion Multi-Pur- thousands of communities. program. Early in his service, he developed pose Crew Vehicle, Sierra Nevada Space Sys- The program recognizes schools in one of expertise in the nuclear enterprise as com- tems’ ‘‘Dream Chaser’’ and other low-earth two performance categories. The first category mander of Minuteman intercontinental ballistic orbit missions aboard United Launch Alliance is ‘‘Exemplary High Performing,’’ in which missile squadrons at Whiteman Air Force vehicles. Colorado was a significant contrib- schools are recognized among their state’s Base, the 30th Space Wing at Vandenberg Air utor to one of the premier space events of this highest performing schools, as measured by Force Base, the 21st Space Wing at Peterson decade. The Mars Science Laboratory ‘‘Curi- state assessments or nationally-normed tests. Air Force Base, and at Air Force Space Com- osity’’ mission, is at the center of Global Posi- The second category is ‘‘Exemplary Improv- mand. tioning System (GPS) satellite technology, and ing,’’ in which schools that have at least 40 The General held numerous additional lead- is also a national leader developing satellites percent of their students from disadvantaged ership positions in the Air Force throughout his that support and protect our nation’s civil, backgrounds demonstrate the most progress many years of service. He represented the commercial and national security interests. in improving student achievement levels as Secretary of the Air Force on Capitol Hill as Colorado seeks to remain on the leading measured by state assessments or nationally- the Legislative Liaison and was point man for edge of America’s space-faring future, pur- normed tests. the President’s intercontinental ballistic missile suing designation as a commercial spaceport Columbia Elementary is an ‘‘Exemplary Im- modernization initiative. After his time on Cap- and leading advocacy for America’s space ex- proving School,’’ but it hadn’t always been that itol Hill, General Kehler assumed the position ploration through organizations like the Space way, and there is an extraordinary story be- of Director of the National Security Space Of- Foundation, Colorado Space Coalition, Colo- hind this. Prior to the arrival of the current fice and was tasked with integrating a number rado Space Business Roundtable, and Colo- school Principal, Karen Shaw, five years ago, of our military’s space organizations. rado’s Official Air & Space Museum, Wings the Colorado Springs School District had General Kehler has been a forward-thinking Over the Rockies. placed the school on ‘‘Technical Assistance’’ leader as evidenced by his achievement trans- status, because the statistical data about aca- ferring the ICBM mission to the Air Force Wings Over the Rockies’ Spreading Wings demic achievement indicated ‘‘low achieve- Global Strike Command and helping to create Gala on November 16, 2013 will gather hun- ment and low growth for a period of several the 24th Air Force to execute the evolving and dreds of aerospace executives and enthu- years.’’ Teachers were working hard, but it critical cyberspace mission. With his important siasts to honor leading advocates for Amer- wasn’t organized or aligned, and kids weren’t work in these areas, there is no doubt that the ica’s space-faring future—Astronaut Edwin E. succeeding. Ms. Shaw changed all of that. United States is more prepared today to face ‘‘Buzz’’ Aldrin, Jr., second man to walk on the She brought a small handful of teachers with the challenges and threats confronting us in Moon, and Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, noted her from her previous school and through in- the nuclear and cyber domains. astrophysicist and host of the forthcoming genuity and hard work implemented new cur- Mr. Speaker, I have had the good fortune to ‘‘Cosmos’’ television series. riculum and interventions, schedules and work with General Kehler on a number of oc- It is imperative that we strive to preserve methodologies, data procedures and trainings casions as the U.S. Representative for Stra- and enhance United States leadership in to change the entire culture of the school. So, tegic Command’s headquarters at Offutt Air space to inspire young people, spur innova- in five years this extraordinary school has Force Base in Bellevue, Nebraska. He is a tion, and ensure continued national and eco- been transformed from ‘‘Technical Assistance’’ brilliant thinker and I know that he has contrib- nomic security. Mr. Speaker, it is with great to a ‘‘National Blue Ribbon School.’’ This new uted immeasurably to SRATCOM’s global mis- pleasure that we thank Astronaut Aldrin and approach transformed ‘‘Low Achievement and sions. Dr. Tyson for their positive vision of our Low Growth’’ test scoring to ‘‘High Achieve- It is my distinct honor to lead my fellow space-faring future and commend Wings Over ment and High Growth. Members of Congress in thanking General the Rockies and all of Colorado’s aerospace I am so proud to have a school of this qual- Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Kehler for his exceptional years community for their commitment to exploring ity in my Congressional District. The strengths of service and to wish him all the best in his new horizons in the frontier of space for the of Columbia are its staff, students, families future endeavors. benefit of generations of American citizens. and community. Teachers embrace using data VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:14 Nov 16, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.028 E15NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 15, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1681 to improve instruction, which ultimately has led Mr. Speaker, I am proud to represent such dependent before leaving the services. My bill to increased student achievement. The staff a fine school and want to recognize the ac- would give veterans more time to ascertain leads by example by being life-long learners complishment of Columbia Elementary School, whether or not life circumstance dictates the themselves! They take advantage of multiple its teachers and staff, and the students who need to transfer the educational benefits to professional development opportunities includ- so richly deserve this coveted Blue Ribbon their dependents.
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