International Journal of Computer Vision 54(1/2/3), 159–182, 2003 c 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Euler Spiral for Shape Completion BENJAMIN B. KIMIA, ILANA FRANKEL AND ANA-MARIA POPESCU Division of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, R1 02912, USA Received May 25, 2001; Revised September 20, 2002; Accepted February 3, 2003 Abstract. In this paper we address the curve completion problem, e.g., the geometric continuation of boundaries of objects which are temporarily interrupted by occlusion. Also known as the gap completion or shape completion problem, this problem is a significant element of perceptual grouping of edge elements and has been approached by using cubic splines or biarcs which minimize total curvature squared (elastica), as motivated by a physical analogy. Our approach is motivated by railroad design methods of the early 1900’s which connect two rail segments by “transition curves”, and by the work of Knuth on mathematical typography. We propose that in using an energy minimizing solution completion curves should not penalize curvature as in elastica but curvature variation. The minimization of total curvature variation leads to an Euler Spiral solution, a curve whose curvature varies linearly with arclength. We reduce the construction of this curve from a pair of points and tangents at these points to solving a nonlinear system of equations involving Fresnel Integrals, whose solution relies on optimization from a suitable initial condition constrained to satisfy given boundary conditions. Since the choice of an appropriate initial curve is critical in this optimization, we analytically derive an optimal solution in the class of biarc curves, which is then used as the initial curve. The resulting interpolations yield intuitive interpolation across gaps and occlusions, and are extensible, in contrast to the scale-invariant version of elastica. In addition, Euler Spiral segments can be used in other applications of curve completions, e.g., modeling boundary segments between curvature extrema or modeling skeletal branch geometry. 1. Introduction disambiguate the optimal grouping (Parent and Zucker, 1989; Sha’ashua and Ullman, 1988). The human visual system is constantly confronted with The process of completing contours beyond occlu- complex scenes where objects are partially occluded by sions or across gaps, alternatively referred to as the others, Fig. 1. Yet, it can effortlessly identify fragments curve completion, gap completion,orshape comple- which belong together and construct a complete ob- tion problem, is under-constrained: in completing a ject representation from them. Similar phenomena have missing contour, e.g., the kangaroo’s back across the been observed in completing the trajectory of a moving occlusion in Fig. 1, there exist numerous curves that object which is temporarily occluded. Gestalt psychol- meet the “boundary conditions” of passing through ogists understood the significance of completing con- specified endpoints and tangents. The selection of the tours which are interrupted by occlusions and explored optimal completion curve, therefore, has typically re- it, e.g., in the special case where the occluder blends lied on assumptions regarding on what constitutes the with the background, thus generating illusory or sub- most “likely” curve or the most “pleasing” or the jective contours, Fig. 1. In computer vision, where re- “smoothest” curve (Nitzberg et al., 1993). sults from low-level edge operators need to be grouped The explicit recovery of a completion curve is use- into complete object boundaries, e.g., for recognition, ful in a variety of visual tasks, such as the task a number of approaches have been developed that take of disambiguating edge maps in perceptual group- advantage of the properties of the completion contour to ing, the partitioning of visual form for part-based 160 Kimia, Frankel and Popescu Figure 1. (a) Branches of a tree occlude each other, but each branch maintains its “identity” across such occlusions. (b) The same idea is illustrated for an occluded kangaroo where the continuity between the two separated segments is maintained. In addition, note that in mentally removing a part, e.g., the front paw, we are able to continue the main body outline. (c) Illusory contours arise from an occluder that blends with the background. object representation and recognition, and for filling- phenomenon and in inpainting, the presence of recon- in tasks in the reconstruction of occluded areas structed contours allows for proper filling-in of the in- in figure-ground segregation. First, Fig. 2(a) depicts a ternal regions, thus avoiding diffusion in the missing series of edges which sample an object boundary, but contour areas, Fig. 2(c). with missing gaps and embedded in a set of spurious edges. In perceptual grouping tasks, spurious edges Curve Completion in Other Domains: The problem of must be identified and removed, while gaps must be selecting an optimal visual interpolation across miss- filled in. Williams and Thornber (1999) describe and ing boundaries is not unique to vision. In design, compare a class of such approaches where an affin- mechanical engineers have used “French Curves”, ity measure is first computed for each pair of edges to a template consisting of a large number of smooth describe the likelihood that they belong to the same curves, to complete the partially specified surface boundary. This is then followed by an optimization of ships, aircraft fuselage, etc. (Farin, 1996), Fig. 3. over groupings of a larger set of edges, or curve hy- Similarly, in computerized typography, where fonts potheses, to determine the saliency of each edge el- need to be specified in a formal scalable language, ement. The properties of the completion curve, such partially specified letters and symbols need to be as total curvature, have been used as the affinity mea- smoothly interpolated (Knuth, 1979). In compress- sure, some of which require an explicit recovery of the ing shapes for example, retaining a sampling of completion curve. Second, the completion curve has curvature extrema with their tangent is an efficient been used as the “break curve” in partitioning shapes, representation of the shape if appropriate contour where the properties of the completion curve are used completion algorithms are available. In civil engi- to disambiguate conflicting part hypotheses, Fig. 2(b) neering, this geometric interpolation problem arises (Dhandapani and Kimia, 2002; Siddiqi and Kimia, in highway turn-out design, railroad construction, 1995). Third, in visual tasks emulating the filling-in e.g., between two specified tunnel entrances, and the Figure 2. The Euler spiral completion curve is particularly useful in (a) disambiguating perceptual grouping of edge maps, (b) resolving conflicts among break curves in partitioning tasks, and (c) in augmenting the current inpainting techniques to avoid diffusion across missing boundaries. Euler Spiral for Shape Completion 161 and has been the topic of numerous formalizations, es- pecially in the context of subjective contours (Kanizsa, 1979). Ullman (1976) suggests that the interpolated curve C, which should depend only on the relative ge- ometry of the point-tangent pairs, must satisfy the fol- lowing axioms: Figure 3. (a) The use of French Curves in the field of mechanical design employs was common place for drawing smooth curves of C a range of curvatures (Weisstein, 1998). (b) We suggest here that 1. is invariant to rotations and translations (isotropy). segments of the Euler Spiral can serve this purpose well. 2. C is at least differentiable once (smoothness). 3. C minimizes total curvature—using the thin beam analogy (minimum total curvature). resulting curve is known as a transition or ease- C ment curve (Higgins, 1921; Kurtz, 1945; Talbot, 4. is extensible (originally referred to as locality); as 1927). More modern applications include the design defined below. of roller-coasters and bike tracks, Fig. 4. Finally in C , , our own quotidian lives, we confront various forms Definition. An interpolation between A0(x0 y0 θ 2 , ,θ , of this problem, e.g., in parking and other driving 0) and A2(x2 y2 2)isextensible if for any A1(x1 y1,θ1)onC the interpolation between A0 and A1 and scenarios. C In this paper, we assume that a pair of point- that between A1 and A2 both coincide with . tangent pairs are under consideration, e.g., a can- didate pair of T-junctions or curve endpoints. The While Ullman hints at the doubly cantilever-ed beam properties of the optimal completion curve such as and the related cubic spline approximation as the loci of smoothness, length, etc. (Sha’ashua and Ullman, minimum curvature (Ahlberg et al., 1967; Sokolnikoff, 1988) as well as its spatial interaction with exist- 1956), he proposes a completion curve consisting of ing curves and completion contours will be crucial two circular arcs, one tangent at one point edge and the in identifying the optimal grouping of point-tangent other tangent to the other edge, and both tangent to each pairs. Thus, the problem we address can be formu- other. Since there exist multiple biarc solutions, the lated as: minimum total curvature property is used to select the optimal biarc. He then suggests a three-layer network Problem Statement: Given a pair of points A0(x0, y0) with local connections to achieve this. As we shall see, and A2(x2, y2), with associated unit tangent vectors, the computation of a biarc solution is also integral to T0(cos θ0, sin θ0) and T2(cos θ2, sin θ2), find the most “pleasing” curve which passes through both points the approach here, but one which minimizes curvature at their respective tangents.1 difference not total curvature. Rutkowski (1979) analyzes the minimum total cur- Despite the appeal of our visual intuition for the ex- vature biarc construction of Ullman, describes a numer- istence of a solution, this problem is under-specified ical method for computing it, and compares the results Figure 4.
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