. for the Oper\in.g . · · · o} .the · · FIRST ·pp.RLJAMENT · oJ the cottMONWEALTf\ . o~ AU5TRALIA · C OPYRIGHT. For Friends 1tbroad. l!HJ!L orr 0 0 0 0 lf~@ ~0~0~ ©j Uo [flo ~{L !\~ ©j ~~@ @~@[7]0~~ 0 lf%® ©M~® &~ @M~~@~~ ©f ~~@ !PoL"'~~ !P®ccil@L"'~~ ©j (C@If'[[]W~~~ ~~ccll Y©L"'~ ~&L"'~D~MI®[(]~ ©j ~~® o o ~© f\®~~©ML"'~@ o " o o ~©fflMI©~W®&~~~ ©j o ~ .z;@ ~ ffi&)j 9 ~~@) ~ 0 #\M~~If'&~o& ~ ~ ~ Printed on Fine Art Paper and Bound in Illuminated Covers, 2 I 0 each; or Handsomely Bound, and Blocked in Gold, with bevel edges, 5 I- each. To be obtaii)ed frorrt Or frorrt tlt_e Publisl[er, L, W, CRHW, 4 Garraway's Bt.Iildii)gs, HLL LEHDING BOOKSELlERS Queei)'s Wall-;:, Melbotiri)e. ~ ~ c:_ __, ~ _:) ~_..@!?.- ~__., ~ 00 0~~ ~~\Y/~llC[D) (\JJ~lC5l5 v • ·· 'n OFfiGie'o\l JDirvedorvy 0 0 ! ~ of cl:z e ~ues t s mnvited 0 0 co j\elboZJrvne forv ttze 0 0 Or enin~. of. cl:ze · l~ i rvst 0 0 ~om monwe2i\l ttz f arvl i2i\m en c 0 0 of ~uscrv2i\ li 2i\ . 0----0 P U B LISH ED B Y 9th May) 1901. L E SLI E W . C R AW, 4 G A RRAWA Y ' S B UILDINGS, QUEEN'S WALK, MELBOURNE 10 Rear-Admiral His Royal Highness The Duke of Cornwall and York, KG., KT., K.P., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. JOHNSTONE, 0 ' 8H~NN ESS Y, PHOTO. ~ 3 '-+- 0 {j) {j) ..cQ) u ::l Q Cl ..cQ) f--< {j) {j) Q) c:: ..c .9.0 ::r:: *~ @~ - ' § ~ ~ ..j>.. ~ 1~~~ His Excellency The Right Honorable The Earl of Hopetoun, P.C., K.T., G.C.M. G., G.c .v .o . GOVERNOR-G E NERAL AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE CO~I M O:-.IWEALTH OF AUS T RALIA. """ 5 6)@. _______________ ./~ ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------. c ;::::J 0 ......... Q) 0... 0 ::c:: <+- 0 (/) (/) Q) .........c ;::::J u0 Q) ...c: ~ f- >, ·<..) c Q) Q) <..) :X: u.J ...... Q) ::c:: 6 Opening Ceremony of The First Federal Parliament of Australia. TALMA, PHOTO. 7 ..... (/) 1.1..·= ..c<!) r- 8 9 i-f 0 OUR INVITED GUESTS. 1bis JG,rcellenc~ tbe (.So"ernor (.Seneral an~ Staff: HlS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WALLINGTON, Captain E. W., Private Secretary to CORBET, Mrs. His Excellency the Governor-General. · THE EARL OF HOPETOUN, P.O., K.T., CORBET, Miss Hersey. G.C.M.G .. G.C.V.O., Governor-G.eneral and Com­ GORE, C. Savile, Esq., Assistant Private Secretary to mander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth of Australia. His Excellency the Governor-General. DUFF, Captain R. W., Extra Aide-de-Camp to His Ex<;e!lency The Governor-General. HER EXCELLENCY THE COUNTESS OF HOPE­ WILLOUGHBY, Major The Hon. Claude, Military TOUN. Secretary to His Excellency The Governor-General. PHILSON, Major R.A.M.C., Surgeon to H.E. The CORBET, Captain Bertram D., Aide-de-Camp to His Governor-General. HOPE, The Honourable Charles Melbourne. Excellency The Governor-General. \rbe IDinistr~ of tbe ~ommonwealtb of australia: BARTON, The Right Hon. Edmund, P.O., K.~ ., DRAKE, Mrs. O'CONNOR, The Hon. Richard Edward, K.C .. Vice­ Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of AUlStraha, FORltEST, The Right Hon. Sir John, P.O., G.C.M.G., President of the Federal Executive Council, Sydney, N.S.W. Minister of State for Defence, Perth, W .A. Sydney, N.S.W. BARTON, Mrs. FORREST, Lady. O'CONNOR, Mrs. BARTON, Miss. KINGSTON, The Right Hon. Charles Cameron, P .O., COPE, Miss, Sydney, N.S.W., cjo Hon R. E. O'Connor, BARTON, W. A.;.~_ Esq., Sydney; N.S.W. Minister of State for Trade and Customs, Ade­ K.C. DEAKIN, The lion. Alfred, Attorney-General of the laide, S.A. TURNER, The Right Hon. Sir George, P.O., Commonwealth of Australia, Walsh-st., South KINGSTON, Mrs. K.C.M.G., Treasurer of the Commonwealth CYf Aus­ Yarra. ' LYNE, The Hon. Sir Wm. John, K.C.M.G .. Minister tralia, "Bovey," Carlisle-st. West, St. Kilda. DEAKIN, .Mrs. of State for Home Affairs, Sydney, N.S.W. TURNER, Lady. DEAKIN l\:fiss,es. LYNE, Lady. TURNER, Miss. DRAKE The Hon. James George, Post-Master-General LYNE, Miss. TURNER, Miss Grace. of the Commonwealth of Australia, Brisbane, LYNE, J., Esq. TURNER, Mr. G. J., "Bovey," Carlisle-st. W., St. Queeii!lland. Kilda. ~ 3nternational 1Representati"es: ~ MULOCK, The Hon. William, K.C., Postmaster­ COLLEN, Major-General Sir E . H. H., K.C.I.E., TAYLOR, 1'he Hon. W., C.M.G., Colonial Secretary, General, Canada. India. Ceylon. MULOCK, Mrs. COLLEN, Lady. FROST, The Hon. John, Cape Colony. MULOCK, -, Esq. (son). I2 OUR INVITED GUESTS. "/ :::,!~ 7i<;: /1'\, -~ VIeT0RI1\. <> ~ ~ ~ HIS EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVER­ ACTON, Henry, Esq., Shire Secretary (and Lady), ALEXANDER, W. R., Esq., 1\LL.A., Parliament NOR OF VICTORIA-MADDEN, The Honour­ Shire Hall, Leigh Creek. Hou.se. able Sir John, K.C.M.G., LL.D. ADAM, Dr. Rothwell, Collins-st., Melbourne. ALEXANDER, Mrs. MADDEN, Lady. ADAM, Mrs. ALSOP, D. G. E., c/o Bligh and Harbottle, 504 Little MADDEN, Miss. ADAMSON, The Rev. Samuel, Clifton Hill. Collins-st., Melbourne. MADDEN, Miss Leslie. _<\DAMSON, Mrs. ALSOP, Mrs. MADDEN, Guy, Esq. ADAMSON, The Rev. Thom!liS, Barkly-st .. Ballarat. AI,SOP , .J., Esq., J.P., "Darley," Studley Park-rd., CAMPBELL, Lieutenant-Colonel F . Selwyn, Private ADAMSON, Mrs. Kew. Secretary to His Excellency The Lieutenant­ ADCOCK, John, Esq., "Kuysna," Royal-crescent, Ar­ ALSOP, Mrs. Governor. madale . ALSTON, Majoc T. C. (C. 0. " A" Battery F.A. Bri- WATSON, Major George William, Hon. Aide-de-Camp ADCOCK. Mrs. gade), " Braemer," Berkeley-st., St. Kiida. to His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, Wel­ AD];NA, W. F. C., Esq., c/o Ostermeyer, Dewez, and ALSTON, Mrs. lington-st., St. Kilda. Van Rompaey, 480 Collins.-st., Melbourne. ANDERSON, A. G., Esq., Walsh-st., Sout h Yarra. WATSON, Mrs. ADENA, Mrs. ANDERSON, Mrs. WATSON, Miss. ADDISON, J. G., Esq., 227 Dandenong-rd., Prahran. ANDERSON, E. G., Esq., c/o H earn and Co., Little VALLANGE, Captain C. V., c/o His Excellency The ADDISON, Mrs. Lonsdale-st. Lieutenant-Governor. ADDISON, Miss. ANDERSON, George Wa.tt, Esg., J.P. (and Lady), VALLANGE , Mrs. AGNEW, A., Esq., 609 Bm·wood-rd., Hawthorn. Warragul. OSBORNE, Harry, Esq., " Douro," Yass, N.S.W. AGNEW, Mrs. ANDERSON, John, Esq., M.L.A., Finley's Hotel, OSBORNE, Mrs. AIREY, Charles, E sq., " Warranooke," Glenorchy. Spencer-st., Melbourne. AIREY, Mrs. ANDERSON, Miss. ABBOTT, D., Esq., " Coggeshall," Beach-rd., San- AITKEN, James, Esq., c/o Messrs. Dudgeon and ANDERSON, John W., Esq., Tower Hill, Koroit. dringham. Arnall, 524 Lonsdale-st., Melbourne. ANDERSON, Mrs. ABBOTT, Mrs. AITKEN, Mrs. ANDERSON, R. C., Esq., 330 Barker's-rd., Hawthorn. ABBOTT, The Hon. J. H., M.L.C., Bendigo. AITKEN, .James, Esq., Boundary-rd., Toorak. ANDERSON, Mrs. ABBOTT, Mrs. AITKEN, Mrs. ANDERSON, The Hon. Wm. (and Lady), Southern ABBOTT, Miss. AKINS, Cha.11les A. , Esq., J.P. (and Lady), Stawell. Cross. ABBOTT, Miss S. ALBRECHT, Chas. E., Esq. , C.E., Shire Secretary ANDERSON, Miss Nelly, Miss Kitt, and Miss Polly, ABBOTT, Richard H . S., Esq., Pre;sident (and Lady), (and La.dy), Shire Hall, Swan Hill. ANDERSON, Councillor Wm. Robert, J.P. (and Lady), Market-sq., Bendigo. ALCOCK, R. J ., Esq., 26 Kooyongkoot-rd.. Hawthorn. McKillop-st., Geelong. a'BECKETT, The Hon. W. A. C. , " Wilton," Church­ ALCOCK, Mrs. ANDERSON, W ., Esq., Bond-st., Ballarat East. st., Brighton. ALLAN, James, Esq. (and Lady), Pine Villa . K an­ ANDERSON, Mrs. a'BECKETT , Mrs. garoo .Flat. ANDERSON, W. R., Esq., P.M., Castlemaine. a'BECKETT, His Honour Mr. Justice, " Karbarook," ALLAN, Jas. Henry, Esq., J.P., President (and Lady), ANDERSON, Mrs. Orrong-rd., Armadale. Mirbo() North. ANDERSON, William P., J.P. (and Lady), P•ortland. a'BECKETT, Mrs. ALLEN, G. T., Esq., Tre!l!Sury Buildings, Melbourne. ANDREW, James, Esq., President (and Lady), tHen- a'BEOKETT, Miss. ALLEN, Miss. vale. a'BECKETT. Edward Fitzhayley, Esq., The Univer­ ALLEN. Wm. Edward, Esq., Mayor (and Lady), ANDREW, Walter John, Esq ., Shire Secretary (and sity, Carlton. Clunes-rd., Creswick. Lady), Shire Hall, Ballan. a'BECKETT, Mrs. ALLEN, Professor Harry Brookes, M.D., The Univer­ ANDREWS, R. H ., Esq., 28 Sutherland-rd. South, ABRAHAMS, The R ev. Dr. Joseph, M.A., 392 Albert­ sity. Carlton. Armada! e. st ., East Melbourne. ALLEN, Mrs. ANDREWS, Mrs. ABRAHAMS, Mrs. ALLEN, Miss, 60 Maud-st., Geelong. ANDREWS, Miss. OUR INVITED GUESTS-VICTORIA. !3 ANDJtEWS, Charles Leonard, Esq., Glenroy. AUSTIN, The Hon. Sydney, M.L.C., Geelong. BARLOW, Mrs. ANDREWS, Mrs. AUSTIN, Miss. BARNET, David Tod, Esq., Town Clerk (and Lady), ANDREWS, Miss. AYDON, F., Esq., Bijou Theatre, Melbourne. Town Hall, Footscray. · ANDREWS, '1'. R., Esq., J.P., Melbourne Hospital. BARRETT, E., Esq., Titles Office, Melbourne. ANDREWS, Mrs. · BARRETT, Mrs. ANDREWS, W., Esq., cfo J. F. and H. Roberts BAGGE, J., Esq., Clayton's-rd~, Clayton, Mulgrave. BARRETT, J. G., Esq., 425 Cardigan-1St., Carlton. Ltd., 316 Flinders-lane, Melbourne. BAGGE, Mrs., Sen. BARRETT, Mrs. ANDREWS, Mrs. BAGGE, Major M. L. (C.O. Submarine Mining Corps, BARRETT, Jno. Gibbon, Esq., President (and Lady), ANDREWS, W. K., Esq. (and Lady), Titles Office, V.E.), Canterbury Park, Balwyn. Mornington. Melbourne. BAGGE, Mrs. BARRETT, J . W., Dr., M.D., 127 Collins-st., Melb. APPLETON, Major G. B. (Hon. A.D.C.), Brighton BAILES~ Alfred Shrapnell, Esq., " Narara," Barnard- BARRETT, Mrs. Beach. st., Bendigo. BARRINGTON, Arthur E ., Esq., M.B. (and Lady), APPLETON, Mrs. BAILl<JS, Mrs. Benalla. APPLETON, W. T., Esq., Huddart, Parker a~d Co., BAILES, Miss. BARRY, D. M. ,Esq., "Elgin," Orrong-rd., Armadale.
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