Sec. 562, P. L. & R. U. S. POSTAGE HONO., T.H.52 8-4-49 J J” 9 ® > T Single Issue V PAID raper Hawaii Needs 10c Honolulu, T. H. $5.00 per year Permit No. 189 by subscription HONOLULU .RCCORD Vol. 1, No. 21 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Dec. 23, 1948 JoMkss . Wonder Why S-B Writer Named Them “Fags” “No Credit” To Police, By VERA HALL (As Told to Staff Writer) “I don’t, know whether I’m the early bird or the vag,” said the boy in the leather jacket, “but I know if I don’t get Says Pearl City Judge a job, my wife and kids are going to be. hungry Christmas Day.” That-was almost the first thing I heard when I got in line at the U. S. Employment Serv­ Banquet At Olaa Negro Veteran Beaten, Is ice office Saturday morning. I knew the boy in the leather jacket As Lockout Ends; had been reading those articles NAACP Election Charged With “Assault” about the unemployed by Tom Frazier in the Star-Bulletin. May­ 4,000Attend Luau When . Judge Robert M. Yates said the case of Willie . be he was, the same boy in the Lucas “reflects no credit on the Honolulu Police Depart­ leather jacket that Frazier wrote Results In Tie OLAA, Hawaii, Dec. 20—Today it about. Anyhow, he “ was feeling is “Operation Sugar” once again ment,” he voiced what some people feel was a masterpiece pretty low Saturday morning. at Olaa but yesterday it was “Op­ of understatement. Many Are Discouraged Away Vote For Pres. eration Luau” as close to 4,000 Willie Lucas, a shipyard worker and a veteran, was ac­ There were, only a few of us in (By Special Correspondence) people gathered at the Olaa ILWU cused of assaulting two well-armed policemen near his home the line because a lot of people The election of officers for 1949 Local 142, Unit 3 union hall at Pearl City on Dec. 3. Willie don’t go- after .they’ve been told in the National Association for the grounds to celebrate with a gigan­ was unarmed and'as a result of : there isn’t any chance. I got to Advancement, of Colored People, tic “Sugar Workers’-Victory Luau” WOMEN MOVING his “assault” he got what the doc.- talking with an elderly man and Honolulu branch, Dec. 15, resulted .- the end of Une 68-day-old lockout tors called “severe bruises of the the kid in the leather jacket—he in a tie vote for the chairmanship, at-Olaa Sugar Co. FROM KITCHEN mouth and throat,” and he lost a wasn’t much more than 20. between Luther Wideman and Al­ It was a momentous day for the lot of blood. If the cops got any­ TO NEW JOBS thing more than skinned knuckles, “I guess I’m the oaf,” the el­ fred P. Stacy, Each received 31 sugar workers in the Puna dis­ derly man said, “but I still need votes for the office.' trict as .the 1,100 members of the WASHINGTON (FP)—The past it didn’t come out in court on Dec. a job.” Candidates for other offices were Olaa ILWU unit, their families, eight and one-half years have seen 17, when Lucas was acquitted. elected while members of the ex­ guests and friends poured into America’s working women move Hawaii a, “Gold Mine” They kidded a little, but they Olaa by buses, cars, bicycles and out of . other people’s kitchens and -still felt the things Tom Frazier ecutive- committee- were unan­ ' The story was like this: Lucas nounced due to the decision of the on foot to partake of the delicious into clerical, farm and. factory jobs ' and his wife were having a do­ wrote. I hadn’t thought too much kau-kau prepared by the Olaa in large numbers, a recent Labor about the articles till I saw their membership to seal the vote pend­ mestic argument and the neighbors ing ihstructions from the national ILWU Ladies’ Auxiliary, whb were Department women’s bureau sur­ called the police to investigate the effect on those guys. I’m a cook assisted by union members. vey shows. with 18 years’ experience and I office of the NAACP on the pro­ noise. Three policemen came and saw the last depression, so the ar­ cedure to be followed in deciding Largest Luau Ever Held The -bureau reports that be­ entered the Lucas apartment. Lu­ ticles didn’t bother me so much. the question of the tie vote. It was the first time in the his­ tween April 1940 and October 1948 cas had been drinking and there Mrs. Catherine Christopher was tory of the little community of the working women’s population, was some argument. “Why does the newspaper elected vice chairman, Mrs. Arthur Olaa that a luau of such great increased by more than five mil­ write like that about us?” the Lucas, who is' a Negro, quotes Gilliam treasurer, and Mrs. Thel­ proportions was held. lion—17.3 million as opposed to a one of the police as saying: “You kid asked me. “Why do they ma Stacy and Mrs. Thelma Davis, It seemed as though everyone pre-war 11.9 million. The pro­ want us to feel ashamed? They’ve n------- s have a gold mine here secretaries. in Puna was there. The entire portion, of women working in do­ and you don’t know it, In the got to have us to work for them.” Murray Leaves Chair managerial staff, from manager mestic service dropped from 17.6 I tried to explain it to him, but states you’d have to ride in. the Considerable confusion existed W. L. S. Williams right on down, -per cent to 8.5 per cent in that back' of buses.” he didn’t understand. during the meeting due to the of" Olaa Sugar Co., was invited. time. Women are also less prom­ Tm not asking for relief- or any­ failure of Attorney Edward Ber­ Businessmen, merchants, police of­ inent in the professions than in . The police asked Mrs. Lucas, if thing like that,” he said. ‘Tm just man to bring the instructions on ficers and politicians from Olaa, 1940, the survey shows. she wanted to spend the night with hunting for a job—for a chance procedure. Mr. Berman assured Mountain View, Pahoa, Kapoho, Farm jobs attracted 1.2 million friends and she said she did, to work. Is that anything to be acting chairman Morris Murray Hilo and vicinity and farmers from more women workers in 1948 than whereupon one of the policemen ashamed of?” escorted her outside while the (more on page 3) (more on page 4) (more on page 5) other two lingered . behind. Lucas ■ About that time the elderly man called to his wife and asked her went up to the desk and they told to come back and talk to him, him there wasn’t anything for him. and then he added: “Stop talking Make You Feel Ashamed Invalided, Joe Capsin Wins Friends, to that Japanese.” “I’ll be a vag soon, all right, if Symonds Trips Policemen - this keeps up,” he said as he Then, the “assault” occurred. walked out. Influences People All Over America According to the police, Lucas, un­ The boy in the leather jacket armed, attacked them from behind. felt even lower after that and Not so many months ago an known through the mails for sev­ ton, giving Congressmen and According "to Lucas, one of the. po­ he said, “I guess this is the be­ American novelist on vacation eral years. Senators his opinions and get- licemen walked back to him, asked, ting . friendly, thoughtful ginning of depression all right. was pleasantly surprised when he That’s a fair sample of the “What did you say?” and punched ■ I’ve heard about it. I’ve heard things. Joe likes to do for his swers, all vja the U. S. mail.. him in the mouth when he repeat- my father talk about how stepped off a ship at Georgetown, friends. You might think a man As his activities broadened, his . ed his words. ■ ashamed they could make you.” British Guiana, to be met by a re­ confined to his bed, with no circle of acquaintances both grew In the cross-examination, At­ “If this ’ is the depression, you porter and a photographer from prospect of getting out' of it, and became more intimate. Now, torney Myer C. Symonds, ap­ haven’t seen anything yet,” I told the local -p ap- er. The writer, R. E. would lose interest in the out­ he is addressed familiarly as “Joe” pearing for the defense, elicited him. Gould, had met with some recent side world. Confinement had by a fairly large number of high the information from Officer I didn’t tell. him about how the success in the U. S. with his first just the opposite effect on Joe. functionaries on Capitol Hill who Mana, first, that he didn’t make papers and the relief agencies all novel, “Yankee Storekeeper,” but He began going out to meet peo­ never saw. him.- the anti-Negro remark and la­ do their best to make you ashamed he had no idea his fame had ple all over the U. S. and before Last week, after he had sent ter, that he didn’t think he to. ask for help. I didn’t tell him spread to such remote places. long he was right in Washing- Secretary of the- Navy John L. made it. - Mana also testified about my niece who was just starts So he sat down and wrote his .
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