Italy Polluce Wreck History The Frogmen GLOBAL EDITION October - November Ecology 2005 Number #7 Mangrove Science Salt Profile Miranda K Portfolio BALI MichaelCOVER PHOTO BY PETER SYMES Portelly 1 X-RAY MAG : 7 : 2005 Tulamben DIRECTORY X-RAY MAG is published by AquaScope Underwater Photography Copenhagen, Denmark - www.aquascope.biz www.xray-mag.com PUBLISHER CO- EDITORS Goby on sponge. Tulamben, Bali. Indonesia & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Andrey Bizyukin - Caving, Peter Symes Equipment, Medicine [email protected] Michael Arvedlund - Ecology contents MANAGING EDITOR Dan Beecham - Photography & ART DIRECTOR Michel Tagliati - Videography, Gunild Pak Symes Rebreathers, Medicine [email protected] Leigh Cunningham ADVERTISING - Technical Diving The Americas + Asia-Pacific: Edwin Marcow Claude Jewell, USA - Sharks, Adventures International sales manager [email protected] REGULAR WRITERS Europe + Africa: John Collins - Ireland Michael Bremner, UK Nonoy Tan - The Philippines [email protected] Amos Nachoum - CA, USA South East Asia: Robert Aston - CA, USA Catherine GS Lim, Singapore Bill Becher - CA, USA [email protected] CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE Internet-advertising: Bridget Hedderman Deb Fugitt, USA [email protected] Jesper Meyer Michael Arvedund, PhD SENIOR EDITOR Naako Morimoto Michael Symes Andrey Byzuikin, PhD [email protected] Miranda Krestovnikoff TECHNICAL MANAGER Leigh Cunningham Søren Reinke Enrico Cappeletti [email protected] Gianluca Mirto CORRESPONDENTS Richard Stewart John Collins - Ireland Michael Portelly Edwin Marcow Yann Saint-Yves - France mini-theme: Salt mini-theme: Salt mini-theme: Salt Jordi Chias - Spain Svetlana Murashkina, PhD 15 36 42 45 46 plus... TULAMBEN PROFILE: SCIENCE SCIENCE MANGROVE Enrico Cappeletti - Italy Gary Myors BALI, INDONESIA MIRANDA KRESTOVNIKOFF SALT OF THE SEA DRINKING SEAWATER CONSERVATION Gary Myors - Tasmania Yann St. Yves EDITORIAL 3 BY PETER & GUNILD SYMES TV-PRESENTER BY MICHAEL SYMES BY MICHAEL SYMES BY BRIDGET HEDDERMAN Marcelo Mammana - Argentina Gunild Pak Symes NEWS 4 Svetlana Murashkina - Russia Michael Symes NEW EQUIPMENT 34 Tomas Knutsson - Iceland Peter Symes BOOKS 65 Jeff Dudas - CA, USA out of Italy out of Italy out of Italy 53 66 73 80 93 CLASSIFIEDs & Barb Roy - WA, USA CARTOONS: THE AMAZING TALE ABOUT HISTORY: MANUFACTURER: ROYAL TASMANIA PORTFOLIO & WET N WIERD 87 Garold Sneegas - KS, USA Simon Cooke POLLUCE WRECK, ITALY THE FIRST FROGMEN TECHNISUB - THE STORY THE BLACK WATERS TRIBUTE TO BY ENRICO CAPPELETTI BY SVEN ERIK JØRGENSEN BY ANDREY BIZYUKIN, PHD BY GARY MYORS MICHAEL PORTELLY CARTOONS 97 Further info on the Contacts page of our website: www.xray-mag.com SUBSCRIPTION X-RAY MAG International Edition in English is FREE. columns... To subscribe or donate funds, go to: www.xray-mag.com Tell a friend about X-Ray Mag 50 62 74 87 click here: COVER PHOTO TECHNICAL MATTERS: UWPHOTOGRAPHY: SHARK TALES: THE LIFE IN Soft coral as elegant as a cherry branch SOLO OR NOT? MANIPULATION? JAWS - 30 YEARS ANEMONE CITY www.xray-mag.com/refer Photo by Peter Symes. Tulamben, Bali BY LEIGH CUNNINGHAM BY PETER SYMES BY EDWIN MARCOW BY MICHAEL ARVELUND 2 X-RAY MAG : 7 : 2005 Amsterdam Barcelona Cape Town Chicago Copenhagen London Moscow Okinawa Oslo Paris Ravenna Reykjavik San Francisco Sharm El Shiekh Warsaw editorial Some of our dive location adver- Recently, we had bombs in And we must not forget the other tisers are probably not going to London and in Sharm el Sheikh. main part of the whole tragedy. be too happy with me for this edi- The Londoners had seen it all It’s always the locals who get hurt torial. It is about terrorism. “Why a couple of times before, and the most from terrorism, directly bring up such a depressing sub- amidst the apprehension, they as well as economically. They are ject, which may even make our stood up and once more refused left with the pain and devastated clients think twice about coming to let their way of life be affected. businesses when we tourists check out to see us?” I hear them say. Following the bombs in Sharm onto our flights home and don’t Because it is in the back of our el Sheikh, which, while they were come back. minds anyway, that’s why. obviously meant to hurt Egypt’s all important tourism industry, para- Bali So, let’s face it instead of sweep- doxically and sadly killed mostly a In this issue, the travel story is ing it under the carpet. The lot of Egyptian workers and dam- about Bali. There are a thousand good news is that a lot of travel- aged a lot of Egyptian property good reasons to go to Bali as lers are staring the terrorists in the and businesses. there are to go to a lot of other face and refusing to be subdued fine dive locations in the world. by their destructive activities. Even so, travellers didn’t want to Yet, given a range of choices, Divers want to go diving no mat- cancel their trips. When travel when we visited Asia earlier this ter what, and this might be the agencies cancelled their flights, year, we opted to go to Bali very best anti- because we wanted to put the dote to terror- spotlight back on an island which ism—showing was hit hard by a big terrorist that we are not Brave New World attack a couple of years back. shaken... per- This may not be the most pro- haps stirred, but Brave New Citizens fessional of reasons, but it has not shaken. a global objective. There surely A couple years ago, the dev- they had customers scolding are numerous other locations astating events on 9/11 changed them for giving in to terrorism. It out there that are also worthy our traditional views overnight seems that the general public has and deserving of a visit with all of the world and our safety. come to a new realisation that the promotional spin-offs a major Trips were cancelled and the we can’t withdraw ourselves from magazine article affords them. airlines, the tourist industry and this problem. We need to face it But the positive changes in Bali a lot of local dependants all suf- out there. We can’t hide at home since the terrorist attack speak fered great losses. It is just human anyway. And we shouldn’t. volumes about the local people nature to react, to retract and to and their resilience to disaster. It be scared when our picture of But it isn’t what the George is a story we are seeing a lot of the world and of our daily lives is Bush’es, Tony Blairs and top around the world lately. shaken to the core—down to the brass military state on t.v. that Fanatical religiously-based ter- bedrock—as was the case back will make the difference. We all rorism will hopefully be confined then. know what they are going to say to a limited space in history, just Then came SARS (remember anyway, and we have heard all as the political terrorism we had in that, anyone?) topped off with their standard phrases before. Europe in the 1970’s and 80’s did. a tsunami in the Indian Ocean It is what you and I do that will Those terrorist activities are now that devastated areas from Asia make a difference. If we stand pretty much a thing of the past. to Africa and sent a shock wave our ground, the terrorists will lose What can we do? Dive on! throughout the dive and travel the war. industry world-wide. We salute you fellow travellers. ■ 3 X-RAY MAG : 7 : 2005 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY EDUCATION PROFILES PORTFOLIO CLASSIFIED That’s a’spicey News edited by Peter & Gunild Symes NEWS Lots of new Marine Life Map of the Artic be thriving in the extreme cold of the first squid under a lid of ice currently 1-21 and octopus meters thick. These unexpected ever found in populations have been sheltered the area as well under the Artic ice for millennia. as new species The US Coast Guard Cutter of comb jellyfish, Healy sailed 24 scientists from sea anemones the US, Canada, Russia and and benthic the study of China on the 30-day Hidden bristle worms. the impact Ocean expedition coordinated They also found of climate and funded by the US National two species of change, Oceanic and Atmospheric amphipods, or energy Administration (NOAA). The inde- sand flea-like exploita- pendent Census of Marine Life crustaceans, tion, fishing involved eleven of these scien- which were pre- and ship- tists in an unprecedented 10- viously thought ping. These year global scientific collabora- not to exist in tools included a remotely oper- tion to inventory the biodiversity Artic environments. In addition, ated underwater vehicle, under- of the seas in order to create a scientists found a sponge with a ice cameras and SCUBA divers, comprehensive portrait of life in calcium-based skeleton at a sur- pelagic nets, an ice corer, ben- the oceans. prising depth of 4,500 meters. thic camera platforms and box The scientists of the expedition The expedition employed a cores. Scientists said that modern returned with thousands of speci- number of tools and high tech technology has enabled them mens from the isolated ocean, equipment to gather specimens to obtain comprehensive high- the Canada Basin, as well as at 14 locations and data from resolution mid-water and seafloor THIS PAGE: photos of various marine ani- the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. depths to 3,300 meters below the images of the area and its crea- mals discovered by the explorers ot the Artic. Courtesy of NOAA.
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