NG INTENTIONS ft.:lowing wedding Mien If ninter rotors ran spring El been filed at the only he far behind? Liberty iv worth whatever to Clerk George H. Win I'. It. SHELLEY Ilse best civilization Is worth. — HENRY GILES Or S. Maconochie, 46:1 g ave. Detroit, Mich., an n. Auchterlonle. 65 R NUCVEP TOWNSMAN rd. VOLUME 63, NUMBER 19 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, MARCH 9, 1950 PRICE, 5 CENTS 127 MAIN BT. U L. S TEL. 2125 19 Years' Experience essmakIng • Remodeling • Alterations THREE WOMEN ELECTED TO SCHOOL BOARD SgrieCir:JrZi Dress, VIEWS Voters Also Return OF White, Abbot, Hatch VANTAGE THE NEWS For Additional Terms By LEONARD F. JANIES The recent proposal of Senator Several Other Officials Returned McMahon to buy off an atomic weapons race with $10 billions To Office Without Opposition—Only GNP diverted from our national de- fense costs merits consideration. 47 Percent Of Voters GJ To Polls The senator would use this money as extended Marshall Plan aid to ANNA II. GREELEY Three women were given places DOROTHY T. 1.11irrninci1: KATHARINE 1. BALDWIN on the five-member school com- include Russia, in exchange for mittee at the annual town election international agreement to con- 3344 Votes Cast all Tuesday when the voters electd trol atomic armaments. Junior Ski Club Anna M. Greeley in her first polit- AGE At first reading this sounds rea- At Town Election Planning N.H. Trip Finance Committee Sees ical venture, and returned Dorothy sonable. Money spent on arma- Monday's annual town election T. Partridge and Katharine A. ments can cause an armaments A day of skiing was enjoyed brought out 3344 of the town's Baldwin for new terms. race which in turn means in- by the Junior Ski club of the An- Increase In Tax Rate 7151 voters, or almost 47 percent, the right mortgage creased expenditures in an ever- despite the lack of contests for In the other contests all candi- dover Youth Center, Saturday, dates for re-election were success- to fit" your needs mounting spiral. But $10 billions under the direction of the lead- • A substantial increase in the tax several offices. a year for five years used as the rate is seen by the finance commit- Voting in Precincts 1 and 6 fui. Sidney Pr White was re-elect- advantage of ar- er, Victor Buschman. A trip into ed to the board of public works senator suggests could perhaps New Hampshire is planned for Pupils To Present tee in its annual report on the were fairly heavy but there was this friendly Say- hay friendship instead of war. As needs of the town as reflected in a falling off in Precincts 3, 4 and for a three-year term; George R. this Sunday. Transportation is Abbott was again named tree -cost arrangements a slogan the proposal is good. How needed and anyone caring to ac- Annual Irish Night the appropriations sought in the 5. Is It as a solution? town warrant. The precinct officers set a good warden for three years; Charles company the group and assist with Tile annual St. Patrick's day G. Hatch won the five-year term your requirements. (Continued on Page 6) the transportatiOn would be great- "The Andover tax rate was hi- record in counting the ballots and program will be presented by the making the returns. In the usual on the housing authority; and the ver? ly appreciated. Please call Ando- pupils of St. Augustine's school at creased last year," the report says, present constables, George A. ver 554. "and from the present outlook it race to be first to report to the ance 8:15 p.m., in the Memorial audi- office of Town Clerk George H. Dane, J. Lewis Smith and George Ask Bus Service Skating was enjoyed at the torium Sunday, Mar. 12. t.ppears that there will be a sub- N. Sparks were returned to office We playstead Friday and Saturday. stantial increase this year regard- Winslow with their tabulations As in the past an excellent pro- the officers of Precinct 3 from for another year. For West Parish The business men's group of the less of what economies we may gram of entertainment has been Shawsheen Village took the hon- The porsibility of the Eastern Lawrence YMCA played the Ando- effect by reducing appropriations Re-elected without opposition prepared under the supervision of ors by reporting at 7:24 p.m. Massachusetts Street Railway Co., ver youth center Wednesday eve- requested in this warrant. were: Arthur SWeeney, modera- the Sisters of Notre Dame and a Stafford A. Lindsay, is warden i,onding its Beacon street ser- ning. " tor; Titaxter Eaton. treasurer; J. large attendance is expected. 't nere are two major problems of Precinct 3, George J. Burke, vice from its present stop near There is a vacancy in tine rug involving large capital expendi- Everett Collins, selectman and as- The program: Announcer, John clerk, and the others are Norman he Lawrence-Andover line to hooking classes and anyone de- tures, the first and most important sessor; William V. Emmons, board Polgreen; Medley of Irish Airs, A. Warhurst, George R. Cairns, Vest Andover center has been sug- siring to join this class should of which is that concerning the of health; Arthur W. Reynolds, chorus; Grade 1—Sunbonnet Sal- Albert N. Wade, George L. Gahm, ested by the selectmen in a re- contact the center oft details. expansion and Improvement of the library trustee; Frederick E. ly and Overall Jim, Arthur An- Lucien J. Topping, John L. Flah- ent letter to the company. The dramatic club meeting has water supply. .itere is no doubt Cheever, planning board. drew, Michael Connolly. Leo Cro- erty, James J. Reilly and Francis In view of the recent curtailment been changed from Thursday to that we must keep abreast of our Despite the apparent lack of in- nin, Robert Di Grazia, David P. Reilly. t trains by the B. & M. the Tuesday at 7:15. demands for water and according terest in the election due to the Doucette, John Farragher, Dennis Precinct 1 at the central fire electmen have also suggested ex- to the testimony of the board of absence of contests about 47 per- Gendron, Charles Ileseltine, Roy station was next at 7:31 is. err. riding bus transportation to Bat- public works and its engineer, we LarivIere, Bernard Levesque, John Then followed Precinct 2 at 7:47 cent of the voters went tee the ardvale. Announce Seniors should appropriate not less than polls. Lynch, John Merrill, Ronald Mes- p. in., Precinct 4 at 8:02 p. ne.,. No reply has been received to $130.500. to assure the town of senger, Donald Miller, Ronald Precinct 6 at 8:05 p. nn., and Pre- Making her first entrance into hese suggestions. With Top Honors adequate water during the next ler, William Miner, David Murphy, cinct 5 at 8:06 p. or. the local political field Anna M. 111111111111111111.1111111111 The selectmen have also written few years especially in view of the The four highest ranking stu- Ronald Pepin, Thomas Shann, Greeley polled a large vote in the he 13. & M. regarding the cut in constantly increasing demands The vote by precincts: dents of the senior class of Punch- !Michael Sheehan, John Waldie, contest for the three-year term to ervice with a suggestion to make upon the system as the result of Precinct Reg. Cist ard high school wino will have Michael Perry, Carl Porter, Thom- the school committee, for which ere stops at liallardvale. In reply new construction and to provide 1 1614 921 leading parts in the commence- as Matton. Carol Buote. Sandra he railroad says the midday traffic adequate reserves in the event of 1493 675 (Continued 011 Page Seven) ment exercises next June have Callahan, Bertha Caughey, Joyce 3 r and from the 'Vale is relatively failure of the pumps at Haggett's 1488 493 just been announced. Guerin, Barbara Hayden. Pamela 4 ght. pond. 783 347 They are Arlene Kupis, first Lee, Marie Levesque, Therese Lev- 611 259 183 Arrests Made 'Do you have any particular "The second big problem is that powerful honors, who will be valedictorian; esque, Elizabeth Lynch, Susan Mc- 6 1162 649 ours of the day where the pee- Martha Ann Fieldhouse, second of the school eystem which de- ', most need an added stop? Farland. Dorothy Miller, Joan 'rotal 7151 3344 By Police In 1949 honors, who will be salutatorian; Murnatte, Joanne O'Neill, June mands some additional construc- hilt I cannot give you any en- Ann Marie !Murray, third honors, Simeone, Maureen Sullivan, Eva tion in the immediate future and Andvver made 1 53 arrests uragement in the matter we hind Kent Donovan, fourth honors. Tatarunis, Rita Tatarunis. probable long range construction Rob Taxi Driver during 1949, of which 35 were mild like to help you if you have to care for expanding school pop- for speeding and 11 for operating Ever Built! Grade'2—I've Got the Rhetuna- able specific suggestion or re- ulatin, and theee two demands to- tooter the influence of liquor, ac- tin: Joseph Barton, John Cormier, est." gether will naturally have the In West Andover cording to the annual report of 18 Room School John Ilurley, Laurence Kirwin. Since the letter was written the effect of increasing the tax rate Police of several communities Pollee Chief George A. Dane. Robert Lake, James Leete, David l al strike has been settled and Urged By L.W.V. for this year ano several years joined Sunday night in search of Drunkenness with 54 topped the is believed that the B.
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