HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 6: LIST OF PLANS. DATE: 8 July 2014 HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 6: LIST OF PLANS. DATE: 8 July 2014 PLAN: 01 CASE NUMBER: 13/02786/EIAMAJ GRID REF: EAST 427756 NORTH 453408 APPLICATION NO. 6.500.7.V.EIAMAJ DATE MADE VALID: 12.07.2013 TARGET DATE: 11.10.2013 REVISED TARGET: CASE OFFICER: Mr Graham Brookfield WARD: Falls Within 2 Or More VIEW PLANS AT: http://uniformonline.harrogate.gov.uk/online- applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=MQ4EU2HY00200 APPLICANT: HTH Harrogate LLP AGENT: Nexus Planning PROPOSAL: Outline application for 450 dwellings, mixed use local centre to include retail, primary school, village green, open space and associated infrastructure with access considered. (Site area 28.07 ha). LOCATION: Land Adjacent To Otley Road, Howhill Road And Beckwith Head Road Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 1QL REPORT SITE AND PROPOSAL The site is located to on the western edge of Harrogate. It is bordered to the north by Otley Road, to the east by Beckwith Head Road, to the west by Howhill Road and to the south a narrow part of the site is bordered by Howhill Quarry Road. The site is largely undeveloped and in agricultural use apart from Bluecoat Nurseries which is operated by Horticap and an equestrian business to the southeast of the site. A few dwellings also border the site. To the northeast of the site are Harlow Carr Gardens, to the east is Cardale Business Park. Beckwithshaw village lies further to the west. This is an outline application for 450 dwellings, a mixed use local centre, land for a primary school, village green, open space and associated infrastructure. The proposal also involves the relocation of the cricket pitch within the site. A gas main passes through the western part of the site. The applicant has taken account of this in the Masterplan layout. MAIN ISSUES 1 Principle of Development and Policy 2 Local and Strategic Highway Impacts 3 Sustainability and accessibility 4 Design and Layout 5 Visual and Landscape Impact 6 Trees 7 Ecology 8 Affordable Housing 9 Education 10 Open Space 11 Crime 12 Drainage and flooding 13 Sustainable construction requirements 14 Land contamination, air quality and noise 15 Archaeology 16 S106 Agreement Summary RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 12/00656/SCOPE – Scoping Opinion for housing, community centre, primary school, village green, open space and associated infrastructure, Opinion given 19.07.2012. There is no planning history that relates to the whole site. Various minor applications have been considered and determined in relation to development at Horticap and the provision of a permanent dwelling at the riding school in the south east of the site. CONSULTATIONS/NOTIFICATIONS Policy Dev Unit NYCC In general, support is given to the fact that the additional housing would bring economic benefits to this part of the county, both through direct construction and subsequently through the indirect effects of household expenditure, etc. Although detailed drainage design is not available at this time, would raise the issue that attenuation by means of underground storage is not favoured due to maintenance and inspection issues and the possibility of severe flooding caused by sudden failure of this mechanism. When the SuDS Approval Body is in place, would only permit this method should surface measures such as retention ponds, basins and swales not be possible. The geophysical survey has been undertaken over those parts of the development area that were readily accessible. The survey has identified areas of magnetic disturbance from modern land use. However, a possible enclosure of prehistoric date has also been identified. Advise that a programme of trial trenching as recommended by the Desk Based Assessment and the geophysical survey report is undertaken to ground truth the results of the survey work undertaken to date. As per paragraph 128 of the NPPF, advise that this work is undertaken in advance of a planning decision being taken to determine the extent of archaeological features, the significance of archaeology and therefore determine the impact that the development may have. Detailed comments have been incorporated into the body of the report. DOT - Highways Agency No objection. BECKWITHSHAW PARISH COUNCIL (119,120) Beckwithshaw Environment Agency - Dales Area Office Are pleased to see that aims and objectives of the Water Framework Directive have been considered as part of the EIA, and that an assessment of the potential impacts of the development on the water environment has been undertaken. Whilst they have concerns over the proposals to divert and culvert sections of Harlow Hill Slack, the applicant has acknowledged that a land drainage consent from NYCC will be required for any works on the watercourse. They are pleased that consideration has been given to measures for the reduction, re-use and recycling of waste. There is insufficient evidence to suggest that a borehole is needed to augment flows. They would be responsible for issuing a licence for any water abstraction through a borehole, but it would have to be demonstrated that this was a reasonable use of water. No evidence has been submitted that would support this case. Natural England Based upon the information provided the proposal is unlikely to affect any statutorily protected sites or landscapes. On the basis of the information available to us, our advice is that the proposed development would be unlikely to affect bats. This application may provide opportunities to incorporate features into the design which are beneficial to wildlife. The authority should consider securing measures to enhance the biodiversity of the site from the applicant. This application may provide opportunities to enhance the character and local distinctiveness of the surrounding natural and built environment; use natural resources more sustainably; and bring benefits for the local community. Natural England welcomes the inclusion of the Green Infrastructure Plan submitted. The proposed amendments to the original application are unlikely to have significantly different impacts on the natural environment than the original proposal. Conservation and Design Section The Parameter Plan in relation to Access and Movement is satisfactory because the general position of the access points are agreed, and the routes across the site are indicative only. Detailed comments have been incorporated into the body of the report. Landscape Officer No objection on landscape grounds to the outline application, provided that the detailed issues raised in response are addressed within the reserved matters application and providing that the 'Parameter Plans' and the 'Illustrative Site Layout' and the supporting text within the LVIA can be conditioned as part of any approval given for this site. Satisfied in principle with the amendments covered by letter and Green Infrastructure Schedule and Plan (dated 24.01.14) in respect of the alterations to the access points onto Otley Road. Detailed comments have been incorporated into the body of the report. Health and Safety Executive HSE does not advise, on safety grounds, against the granting of planning permission in this case. Northern Gas Networks (Joint Radio) A very important high pressure natural gas pipeline owned and operated by Northern Gas Networks crosses the proposed site. This pipeline will be protected by an easement which restricts the work which may be undertaken within that easement without consultation with Northern Gas Networks. No permanent structures should be erected within the easement, nor should ground levels be reduced or increased. Additionally, there is a restriction on the tree planting which may be undertaken within the easement strip. Access to the pipeline along the full easement strip should not be restricted. Additionally, a low pressure gas main runs along the verge of Otley Road. This main may be affected by any proposed road widening and may require a section replacing at a greater depth. The cost of any diversion works would be rechargeable to the developer. Housing Department The applicants have agreed to provide the Council's target percentage of affordable homes, subject to financial viability. The mix, type, size, tenure, location and phasing of those homes will be controlled by condition and agreed at Reserved Matters stage. As such, Housing supports the proposal. NYCC Highways And Transportation Conditions recommended and matters to be included in a Section 106 agreement. The Highway Authority response has been included within the main body of this report. Planning Policy With the withdrawal of the Sites and Policies DPD, no weight can be given to this document in determining this application. Nonetheless, by including this site as an allocation in the withdrawn Sites and Policies DPD, the Council has indicated that it regards the site as appropriate and sustainable for development. This position can be afforded some weight as it forms part of the history of the site. The District does not currently have a five year land supply. Therefore, in determining this application the Council needs to consider whether the proposed development is sustainable in terms of the NPPF, any adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of development, or there are any other specific policies in the Framework that would justify refusal. In conclusion, there is no policy objection to this application, subject to: o the inclusion of appropriate conditions/obligations to safeguard the land for the a new primary school on-site, and an appropriate contribution towards school provision if required; o resolving the objection from Sport England by imposing a planning condition/obligation to ensure the delivery of the replacement sports provision; o the inclusion of a condition/obligation to guarantee the continued maintenance of on-site public open spaces and the appropriate management of the SINC site; and, o exploring opportunities to extend the existing bus service into the site. Detailed comments have been incorporated into the report.
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