# Game ID Game Title Layers 1 BLES00269 [PROTOTYPE]™ Single-Layer 2 BLUS30145 [PROTOTYPE]™ Single-Layer 3 BLES01532 [PROTOTYPE®2] Single-Layer 4 BLES01534 [PROTOTYPE®2] Single-Layer 5 BLES01536 [PROTOTYPE®2] Single-Layer 6 BLUS30756 [PROTOTYPE®2] Single-Layer 7 BLES01614 007™ Legends Single-Layer 8 BLUS30983 007™ Legends Single-Layer 9 BLES00796 2010 FIFA World Cup™ Single-Layer 10 BLES00875 3D DOT GAME HEROES Single-Layer 11 BLUS30490 3D DOT GAME HEROES Single-Layer 12 BLJS10057 428 ~封鎖された渋谷で~ Single-Layer 13 BLES00472 50 Cent: Blood On The Sand™ Single-Layer 14 BLES00909 AC Brotherhood Single-Layer 15 BLES00910 AC Brotherhood Single-Layer 16 BLES00911 AC Brotherhood Single-Layer 17 BLUS30537 AC Brotherhood Single-Layer 18 BLES01466 AC Revelations Single-Layer 19 BLES01467 AC Revelations Single-Layer 20 BLUS30905 AC Revelations Single-Layer 21 BLUS31145 AC Revelations Single-Layer 22 BLES01392 ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON [EU] Single-Layer 23 BLES01393 ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON [UK/RU] Single-Layer 24 BLUS30613 ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON [US] Single-Layer 25 BLUS31214 Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW! Single-Layer 26 BLES01038 AFL Live Single-Layer 27 BLUS30399 AFRIKA™ Single-Layer 28 BLES00516 AFRO SAMURAI Single-Layer 29 BLUS30264 AFRO SAMURAI Single-Layer 30 BCES01335 After Hours Athletes Single-Layer 31 BLES01305 Agarest Generations of War Zero Single-Layer 32 BLES01604 Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers Single-Layer 33 BLUS31210 Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers Single-Layer 34 BLES01316 Air Conflicts: Secret Wars Single-Layer 35 BLUS30850 Air Conflicts: Secret Wars Single-Layer 36 BLUS31320 Air Conflicts: Vietnam Single-Layer 37 BLES01265 Alice: Madness Returns™ Single-Layer 38 BLUS30607 Alice: Madness Returns™ Single-Layer 39 BLES00585 Aliens vs Predator Single-Layer 40 BLES01455 Aliens: Colonial Marines Single-Layer 41 BLUS30862 Aliens: Colonial Marines Single-Layer 42 BLES00422 Alone In The Dark Single-Layer 43 BLUS30232 Alone In The Dark Single-Layer 44 BLES00704 Alpha Protocol Single-Layer 45 BLUS30341 Alpha Protocol Single-Layer 46 BLES01232 ANARCHY REIGNS Single-Layer 47 BLUS30632 ANARCHY REIGNS Single-Layer 48 BLES01943 Angry Birds Star Wars Single-Layer 49 BLUS31273 Angry Birds Star Wars Single-Layer 50 BLES01732 Angry Birds Trilogy Single-Layer 51 BLJS10081 Another Century's Episode R Single-Layer 52 BCES01186 Ape Escape™ Single-Layer 53 BLUS31321 AQUAPAZZA Single-Layer 54 BLJM60476 AQUAPAZZA -AQUAPLUS DREAM MATCH- Single-Layer 55 BLUS30639 Ar tonelico Qoga Knell of Ar Ciel Single-Layer 56 BLUS30027 Armored Core 4 Single-Layer 57 BLES00370 ARMORED CORE for Answer Single-Layer 58 BLUS30187 ARMORED CORE for Answer Single-Layer 59 BLAS50448 ARMORED CORE V Single-Layer 60 BLES01440 Armored Core V Single-Layer 61 BLES00039 ARMORED CORE4 Single-Layer 62 BLES01898 Armored Core™: Verdict Day™ Single-Layer 63 BLUS31194 Armored Core™: Verdict Day™ Single-Layer 64 BLES00168 Army of Two (TM) Single-Layer 65 BLUS30057 Army of Two (TM) Single-Layer 66 BLES01763 Army of TWO™ The Devil's Cartel Single-Layer 67 BLUS31069 Army of TWO™ The Devil's Cartel Single-Layer 68 BLES00659 Army of TWO™: The 40th Day Single-Layer 69 BLUS30408 Army of TWO™: The 40th Day Single-Layer 70 BLES00158 Assassin's Creed Single-Layer 71 BLES00199 Assassin's Creed Single-Layer 72 BLES00288 Assassin's Creed Single-Layer 73 BLUS30089 Assassin's Creed Single-Layer 74 BLES00669 Assassin's Creed II ™ Single-Layer 75 BLES00670 Assassin's Creed II ™ Single-Layer 76 BLES00751 Assassin's Creed II ™ Single-Layer 77 BLES00898 Assassin's Creed II ™ Single-Layer 78 BLES00899 Assassin's Creed II ™ Single-Layer 79 BLUS30364 Assassin's Creed II ™ Single-Layer 80 BLES01667 Assassin's Creed® III Single-Layer 81 BLES01668 Assassin's Creed® III Single-Layer 82 BLES01669 Assassin's Creed® III Single-Layer 83 BLES01968 Assassin's Creed® III Double-Layer 84 BLUS30991 Assassin's Creed® III Single-Layer 85 BLES01882 Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag Single-Layer 86 BLES01883 Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag Single-Layer 87 BLES01884 Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag Single-Layer 88 BLUS31193 Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag Single-Layer 89 BLES01227 ASURA'S WRATH Single-Layer 90 BLUS30721 ASURA'S WRATH Single-Layer 91 BLES01793 Atelier Ayesha ~The Alchemist of Dusk~ Single-Layer 92 BLUS31152 Atelier Ayesha ~The Alchemist of Dusk~ Single-Layer 93 BLUS31391 Atelier Escha & Logy ~Alchemists of the Dusk Sky~ Single-Layer 94 BLES01593 Atelier Meruru The Apprentice of Arland Single-Layer 95 BLUS30941 Atelier Meruru The Apprentice of Arland Single-Layer 96 BLES01030 Atelier Rorona The Alchemist of Arland Single-Layer 97 BLUS30465 Atelier Rorona The Alchemist of Arland Single-Layer 98 BLES01221 Atelier Totori The Adventurer of Arland Single-Layer 99 BLUS30735 Atelier Totori The Adventurer of Arland Single-Layer 100 BLES01596 Back to the Future: The Game Single-Layer 101 BLES00359 BAJA: Edge of Control Single-Layer 102 BLES00711 Band Hero™ Single-Layer 103 BLES00503 Batman: Arkham Asylum Single-Layer 104 BLUS30279 Batman: Arkham Asylum Single-Layer 105 BLES00827 Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Single-Layer 106 BLUS30515 Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Single-Layer 107 BLES00926 Batman: Arkham City™ Single-Layer 108 BLUS30538 Batman: Arkham City™ Single-Layer 109 BLES01587 Batman: Arkham City™ GOTY Single-Layer 110 BLUS30978 Batman: Arkham City™ GOTY Single-Layer 111 BLES01784 Batman™: Arkham Origins Single-Layer 112 BLUS31147 Batman™: Arkham Origins Single-Layer 113 BLES00941 Battle vs. Chess Single-Layer 114 BLES00253 BattleFantasia Single-Layer 115 BLES01275 BATTLEFIELD 3™ Single-Layer 116 BLUS30762 BATTLEFIELD 3™ Single-Layer 117 BLAS50588 Battlefield 4™ Single-Layer 118 BLES01832 Battlefield 4™ Single-Layer 119 BLUS31162 Battlefield 4™ Single-Layer 120 BLES00773 BATTLEFIELD: Bad Company 2™ Single-Layer 121 BLES00779 BATTLEFIELD: Bad Company 2™ Single-Layer 122 BLUS30458 BATTLEFIELD: Bad Company 2™ Single-Layer 123 BLUS30517 BATTLEFIELD: Bad Company 2™ Single-Layer 124 BLES00259 BATTLEFIELD: Bad Company™ Single-Layer 125 BLES00261 BATTLEFIELD: Bad Company™ Single-Layer 126 BLUS30118 BATTLEFIELD: Bad Company™ Single-Layer 127 BLES01520 Battleship Single-Layer 128 BLUS30913 Battleship Single-Layer 129 BLES00599 BAYONETTA Single-Layer 130 BLJM60174 BAYONETTA Single-Layer 131 BLUS30367 BAYONETTA Single-Layer 132 BCAS20144 Beat Sketch !™ Single-Layer 133 BCJS30059 Beat Sketch !™ Single-Layer 134 BLES00286 Beijing 2008 Single-Layer 135 BLUS30865 Bejeweled 3 Single-Layer 136 BLUS31017 BEN 10 OMNIVERSE™ Single-Layer 137 BLUS31215 BEN 10 OMNIVERSE™ 2 Single-Layer 138 BLUS30663 Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction Single-Layer 139 BLES00161 Beowulf Single-Layer 140 BLUS30091 Beowulf Single-Layer 141 BCES01121 Beyond: Two Souls™ Double-Layer 142 BCES01122 Beyond: Two Souls™ Double-Layer 143 BCES01123 Beyond: Two Souls™ Double-Layer 144 BCES01888 Beyond: Two Souls™ Double-Layer 145 BCJS37009 Beyond: Two Souls™ Double-Layer 146 BCUS98298 Beyond: Two Souls™ Double-Layer 147 BCUS99134 Beyond: Two Souls™ Double-Layer 148 BLJS10091 BIG 3 GUN SHOOTING Single-Layer 149 BLES01211 BINARY DOMAIN Single-Layer 150 BLJM60199 BIOHAZARD 5 Alternative Edition Single-Layer 151 BLJM60342 BIOHAZARD® Operation Raccoon City Single-Layer 152 BLES00465 Bionic Commando Single-Layer 153 BLES00316 BioShock Single-Layer 154 BLUS30166 BioShock Single-Layer 155 BLES00728 BioShock 2 Single-Layer 156 BLUS30420 BioShock 2 Single-Layer 157 BLES01705 BioShock Infinite Single-Layer 158 BLUS30629 BioShock Infinite Single-Layer 159 BLUS30831 Birds of Steel Single-Layer 160 BLUS30101 Blacksite: Area 51™ Single-Layer 161 BLES00191 Blacksite™ Single-Layer 162 BLES01395 Blades of Time Single-Layer 163 BLUS30833 Blades of Time Single-Layer 164 BLUS30070 BLADESTORM: The Hundred Years' War Single-Layer 165 BLES00820 BLAZBLUE Single-Layer 166 BLJM60157 BLAZBLUE Single-Layer 167 BLUS30392 BLAZBLUE Single-Layer 168 BLJS10226 BLAZBLUE CHRONOPHANTASMA Single-Layer 169 BLES01119 BlazBlue Continuum Shift Single-Layer 170 BLUS30576 BlazBlue Continuum Shift Single-Layer 171 BLJM60394 BLAZBLUE CONTINUUM SHIFT EXTEND Single-Layer 172 BLUS30869 BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND Single-Layer 173 BLES00103 Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII Single-Layer 174 BLUS30052 Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII Single-Layer 175 BLES00023 Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII Single-Layer 176 BCAS20186 BLEACH SOUL IGNITION Single-Layer 177 BLES01315 BLEACH: Soul Resurreccion Single-Layer 178 BLUS30769 BLEACH: Soul Resurreccion Single-Layer 179 BLES00759 Blur Single-Layer 180 BLUS30295 Blur Single-Layer 181 BLES01314 Bodycount® Single-Layer 182 BLES00697 Borderlands™ Single-Layer 183 BLES00698 Borderlands™ Single-Layer 184 BLUS30386 Borderlands™ Single-Layer 185 BLES01684 Borderlands™ 2 Single-Layer 186 BLUS30982 Borderlands™ 2 Single-Layer 187 NPUB30133 Braid Single-Layer 188 BLES00817 Brink Single-Layer 189 BLES01304 Brink Single-Layer 190 BLUS30310 Brink Single-Layer 191 BLES00318 Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™ Single-Layer 192 BLES01130 Brunswick Pro Bowling Single-Layer 193 BLUS30532 Brunswick Pro Bowling Single-Layer 194 BLES00562 Brütal Legend Single-Layer 195 BLUS30330 Brütal Legend Single-Layer 196 BLES01134 Bulletstorm Single-Layer 197 BLUS30651 Bulletstorm Single-Layer 198 BLES00073 Burnout Paradise Single-Layer 199 BLES00074 Burnout Paradise Single-Layer 200 BLUS30061 Burnout Paradise Single-Layer 201 BLES00455 Burnout™ Paradise The Ultimate Box Single-Layer 202 BLES00462 Burnout™ Paradise The Ultimate Box Single-Layer 203
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