Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from THE MUSIC TRADE REVIEW Henry Woodruff, the musical comedy now play- Fascinating Widow." "Katy Did" is an adapta- ing in the West to good houses, is set for January tion of De Souchet's famous farce, "My Friend BUY YOUR rVUJSIC FROM at the Princess. Harris publishes the music. from India"; the lyrics of the musical comedy Chauncey Olcott closes at McVickers' at the thus formed are by Wm. Carey Duncan. The Publishers end of next week. "Barry of Ballymore" is other production, called "The Fascinating Widow," playing to crowded houses, and the various tune- is by Otto A. Hauerbach, who also wrote the lyrics BOSTON ful numbers promise to linger in the ears of of "Madame Sherry," "Three Twins," "Bright lovers of the Irish lilt for many a day. Eyes," and "The Girl of My Dreams." Julian Clarice Vance, who, as everybody in the trade EUinge, the famous female impersonator, will star JOS. M. DALY Gaiety Theatre Bldg., 665 Washington St., Boston, Mass. knows, is the wife of Mose Gumble, has been in "The Fascinating Widow," which was written Publisher of "CHICKEN REEL." "SCENTED ROSES" WALTZES, cheering up the audiences at the American this and composed expressly for him. M. Witmark & And Many Others week. Among other numbers she is singing Sons publish the music of "Katy Did" and "The "I'm Going Where the Weather Suits My Fascinating Widow" as they also do of the other OLIVER DITSON COMPANY Clothes" (Remick) and an English number, Hoschna compositions. BOSTON NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA "I've Just Got Back from Paris." Anticipate and Supply Every Requirement of Music Dealers "The Girl in the Train," with Frank Daniels, "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" A TRIUMPH. Sallie Fischer and Vera Michelena, succeeds WALTER JACOBS Immediate Success Attends Presentation of 167 Tremont St., BOSTON, MASS. Bernhardt at the Studebaker a week hence. Wit- Publisher of marks publish the music. Victor Herbert's New Light Opera—Music "Kiss of Spring." "Some Day When Dreams Come True." And Some Others World Famous "Bright Eyes" closes what has turned out to Outclasses All Else in the Piece. be a decidedly successful engagement at the With "Naughty Marietta," the light opera pro- WHITE-SMITH MUSIC PUB. CO. Colonial a week hence, to go on the road. The PUBLISHERS, PRINTERS & ENGRAVERS OF MUSIC duced at the New York Theater last Monday eve- Main Offices: 62-64 Stanhope St., Boston English musical comedy, ''Our Miss Gibbs," the ning, Oscar Hammerstein has made the success Branch Houses: New York and Chicaco music of which is published by Chappell & Co., of his re-entry into the musical field, inaugurated will take the boards there. Miss Pauline Chase B. F. WOOD MUSIC CO. with "Hans, the Flute Player," doubly assured. "EDITION WOOD" appears in the title role, but will, it is intimated, This new work of Victor Herbert had been BOSTON NEW YORK 246 Summer St. 23 East 20th St. depart for London after giving the entertainment awaited with great interest, and the hopeful antici- Also at London and Leipzig the prestige of her presence. She will then be pations have all been justified as far as Mr. Her- succeeded 1>v Miss Gertrude Vanderbilt. bert's own par in it is concerned. The music, BEGArT^ that is, greatly excels the book in point of merit. Authors of Book and Lyrics of "Lower Berth WILL WRITE FOR HAROLD ROSSITER. Thirteen," Musical Comedy Now Running (Special to The Review.) in Chicago, Wrote Numerous Successful Chicago, 111., Nov. 7, 1910. Numbers. Chris. Smith and Shelton Brooks, the well- Arthur Gillespie and Collin Davis, authors of the known song writers, have signed a contract to book and lyrics of "Lower Berth 13," the musi- write exclusively for the new Harold Rossiter cal farce published by Chas. K. Harris and now Music Co. They have already placed several num- in performance at the Whitney Opera House, Chi- bers with the firm, and these process of cago, are both Chicagoans. Gillespie first came publication. James Sumner, the professional man- into fame as a song writer when he shared au- ager of this house, has "landed" Willa Holt Wake- thorship with Earle Remington. His first big suc- field on the song "Grow Old Along with Me," cess was the song, "Absence Makes the Heart which Mr. Sumner wrote expressly for Miss Grow Fonder," which has been sung everywhere. Wakefield. Some of his other well-known songs are "Hiram Green, Good-Bye," "I Don't Want To Be a TWO NEW HOSCHNA SHOWS PREPARING. Sailor," "The Last Rose of Summer Is the Sweet- Two more musical comedies, the music of which est Song of All," and "All I Want Is My Black was composed by Karl Hoschna, of "Madame Baby Back." He has furnished nearly all the sing- Sherry," "Three Twins," "Bright Eyes," and "The EMMA TRENTINI. ing comedians in this country with material, says Girl of My Dreams" fame, will be seen a little '"Naughty Marietta" overflows with entrancing the Morning Telegraph. He and Davis wrote the later in the season. These are now in rehearsal, melody that makes up for any shortcomings of musical comedy, "The Man from Bam," which and are respectively entitled "Katy Did" and "The the piece, and justifies the high reputation which was produced at the Pekin Theater, and "The Girl the composer enjoys. The libretto is none too from Frisco" and "The Red Pappoose," two musi- strong, and the comedy that has been injected is cal comedies, have been taken for production. NOW READY! not on a level with the high standard set by the Gillespie and Harold Ward wrote "The Question TWO GREAT NEW work itself. The music and singers, however, are of the Hour," a temperance play which was pro- COMPOSITIONS undoubted successes. The efforts of Mrs. Rida duced in the South last spring. By HARRY D. KERR Johnson Young, the author of the book, did not Collin Davis also began his career as a song "YOUR LOVE IS MY GUIDING STAR" meet expectations, but a saving point in th's con- writer. He wrote songs for Mabel Barrison and High class ballad outranked by none. nection is that her work was taken over by one William Norris in " The Land of Nod," the "Yama "PLAYIW HONEYMOON" of the foremost light opera composers in the coun- (Continued on page 50.) A dainty, classic child song. try, who simply exceeded the demands of the book, These songs are of the kind that never grow old. Send for our standing order proposition and price as these would probably have been seen by another lists when you order the above pieces. composer. MILLER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Mr. Herbert conducted his own score Monday night, and brought every effect and climax possible 515 So. Hermitage Avenue, Chicago. VICTOR KREMER out of it. A big singing chorus, handsome settings and costumes all added their share to the pro- duction. It was the singing and the melodious Real Live Sellers BOIERT TELLER SONS ft DORNER music, after all, that counted. Mule Eiiravcrg nd Prtiten Miss Emma Trentini, Orville Harrold, and Maria Duchene, three singers well known to pa- "NIGHT AND DAY" HMD MANUSCRIPT AND IDKA OF TITL.B 3 Keys. Brauen and Lloyd. •OR ESTIMATE trons of grand opera at the Manhattan Opera House last season, were the stars of the new pro- 111 WOT IM ITBBT, NIW YMI CITY "THE ANGLE WORM WIGGLE" duction. All of them sang magnificently, and by I. Maynard Schwartz and Harry S. Lorch, the audience sat up and listened as long as it could an over night hit. and then called for more. On the whole, "Naughty SOME OF Marietta" quite takes the palm from the Viennese "SHE'S A PATIENT OF MINE" by Chris Smith. operettas which other producers thought it neces- Big hit from Jumping Jupiter. HAVILAND'S HITS! sary to rely upon for success. 11 "Somebody Else, It's Always Somebody The titles of the various numbers in the opera DON'T FORGET ME DEARIE" Else." are "Naughty Marietta," "Mr. Voodoo," "I'm Fall- J. B. Walsh and Al W. Brown. "Cupid's I. 0. U." ing in Love with Someone," " 'Neath the Southern " ANY OLD TIME OR ANY OLD PLACE" Moon," "It Never, Never Can Be Love," "Italian same writers "You'll Gome Back." Street Song," "Live for To-Day," "The Sweet By "That Chinatown Rag.'' and By," "If I Were Anybody Else but Me," "AFTER THE ROUND UP" Our New Issue proposition will be of interest to you— great cowboy song. write us (or it and our special bulletin of big hits. "You Marry a Marionette" and "It's Pretty Soft MAIN OFFICE THE F. B. HAVILAND PUBLISHING CO. for Simon." These, with a set of waltzes, a selec- OT3S.CURKST It will pay you to subscribe for tion, and the complete vocal score, are published CHICAGO our new issues. 1 26 W«at 37th Strait, New York. by M. Witmark & Sons..
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