Montana Directory of Radio KKGR(AM)- May 26, 1988: 680 khz; 5 kw-D. TL: N46 33 58 W111 Great Falls 727 -7218. Licensee: Fisher Radio Regional Group Inc. Group owner: 54 12. 1400 11th Ave., Helena 59601. Phone: (406) 443 -5237. Phone: Fisher Broadcasting Company (acq 9-27 -95; with co- located FM). (406) 442 -7595. Licensee: KKGR Inc. (acq 3- 16 -99). Format: Oldies. Rep: Christal. Format: News/talk. Target aud: 25 -54. Terry Strickland, KAAK(FM) -Listing follows KXGF(AM). Jim Schaffer, gen mgr, Ron Davidson, gen mgr. gen mgr; Dave France, opns mgr & progmg dir; Anna Palagi, gen sls mgr; Pam Bennett, mus dir; Joe Bower, chief of engrg. 'KAFH(FM )-Not on air, target date: unknown: 91.5 mhz; 250 w. Ant East Missoula 249 ft. TL: N47 32 23 W111 17 06. Drawer 2440, Tupelo, MS 38803. KODI -FM- Dec 31, 1963: 106.1 mhz; 100 kw. 276 ft. TL: N47 31 57 Phone: (662) 844 -8888. Fax: (662) 842-6791. Licensee: American to East Missoula. W111 16 41. Stereo. Box 3129 Format: Classic rock, AOR. Target aud: KLCY(AM)-- Licensed See Missoula Family Association. Marvin Sanders, gen mgr. 18-49. Florence KEIN(AM)- July 1922: 1310 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw-N. TL: N47 31 20 KXGF(AM)- 1987: 1400 khz; 1 kw-U. IL: N47 27 56 W111 20 22. W111 2318. Box 1239 59403. Secondary address: 3313 15th St. N.E., Box 3129 59403. Secondary address: 1300 Central Ave. W. 59403. Black Eagle 59414. Phone: (406) 761.1310. Fax: (406) 454 -3775. KDTR(FM)- 2005: 103.3 mhz; 1.95 kw. Ant 2,083 ft. TL: N46 48 06 Phone: (406) 761 -2800. Fax: (406) 727 -7218. Licensee: Fisher Radio Licensee: Munson Radio Inc. (acq 7.1 -97). Format: Adult standards. W113 58 22. 2425 W. Central Ave., Suite 203, Missoula 59801. Regional Group Inc. Group owner: Fisher Broadcasting Company (acq News staff: one; News: 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus. Laude Phone: (406) 721-6800. Fax ( 406) 329. 1850. Web Site: www.trail1033.com. 12- 28-94; grpsl, including co-located FM; FIR: 2- 20 -95). Rep: McGavren Vosberg, adv dir; Steven Dow, pres & chief of engrg. Licensee: Spanish Peaks Broadcasting Inc. Format: Triple A. Dave Guild. Format: MOR. Target aud: 35 -64. Spec prog: Farm 2 hrs wkly. Cowan, gen mgr; Robert Chase, progmg dir. Larry Roberts, pres; Terry Strickland, gen mgr; Dave France, opns 'KFRW(FM) --Not on air, target date: unknown: 91.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant mgr & sls dir; Kim Landers, gen sls mgr; Tammie Toren, progmg dir; 466 ft. TL: N47 49 13 W111 47 56. 136 E.S. Temple, Suite 1630, Satt Joe Bower, chief of engrg. Forsyth Lake City, UT 84111. Phone: (801) 359 -3147. Fax: (801) 359.8112. Web Site: www.fanlilyradio.com. Licensee: Family Stations Inc. Harold KAAK(FM)-Co -owned with KXGF(AM). June 19, 1972: 98.9 mhz; KIKC(AM)- Oct 10, 1975: 1250 khz; 5 kw-D. TL: N46 15 30 W106 Camping, gen mgr. 100 kw. 500 ft. TL: N47 32 08 W111 17 02. Stereo. Format: Adult 41 21. Box 1140 59327. Secondary address: 210 Front St. 59327. contemp. Target aud: 25 -44. *Tanya Jorgensen, gen sls mgr. Plane: (406) 346 -2711. Fax: (406) 346-2712. E-mail: kikc @rangewed.net. KGFA(FM) --Not on air, target date: unknown: 90.7 mhz; 250 w. Ant Web Site: klkcamfm.com. Licensee: Miles City, Forsyth Broadcasting 249 ft. TL: N47 32 23 W111 1706. Drawer 3206, Tupelo, MS 38803. Inc. (acq 1996; grpsl). Rep: Interep. Allied Radio Partners Format: Phone: (662) 844 -8888. Fax: (662) 842 -6791. Licensee: American Hamilton CHR, oldies. Target aud: 18 -35; general. Stephen Marks, pres; Dick Family Association. Marvin Sanders, gen mgr. Haugen, VP, gen mgr & adv mgr. KBAZ(FM) -- Listing follows KLYO(AM). KGFC(FM)- 1996: 88.9 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 243 ft. TL: N47 27 53 W111 KIKC -FM- September 1980: 101.3 mhz; 100 kw. 1,010 ft. TL: N46 10 21 24. Stereo. Box 2426, Havre 59501. Phone: (406) 265 -5845. Fax: 32 W106 24 21. Stereo. Web Site: klkcamfm.com. Network: Network: KLYO(AM)- Feb 3, 1961: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N46 15 22 W114 09 (406)265-8860. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: vnvw.ynopradiacrg. Westwood One, CNN Radio. Rep: Allied Radio Partners. Format: 45. Box 660, 217 N. 3rd St., Suite L 59840. Phone: (406) 363 -3010. Licensee: Hi-Line Radio Fellowship Inc. Format: Christian Inspirational. Country. News: 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 plus; general. *Steve Fax: (406) 3638436. E -mail: contact @klyq.com. Web She: www.ldyq.com. Target aud: General; those looking for inspirational Christian music & Marks, CEO. Licensee: Capstar TX L.P. Group owner. Clear Channel Communications progmg. Ed Matter, gen mgr; Brenda Boyum, opns mgr; Roger Inc. (acq 2-21-01; grpsl). Network: ABC Information & Entertainment. Lonnquist, dev dir; Brian Jackson, progmg dir. Format: News/talk. News staff: one; News: 25 hrs wkly. Target aud: Fort Belknap Agency 25 -54; adults. Gene Peterson, gen mgr; Jim Coulter, sls dir; Steve progmg news Mike Daniels, KGPR(FM)- April 1984: 89.9 mhz; 9.5 kw. 295 ft. TL: N47 32 23 Fullerton, opns dir, dir & dir; chief of KGVA(FM)- October 1996: 88.1 mhz; 95 kw. 797 ft. TL: N48 11 18 W111 17 06. Stereo. Box 3343 59403. Secondary address: Box 6010, engrg. W108 42 36. Box 159, Harlem 59526. Phone: (406) 353 -4656. Fax: 2100 16th Ave. S. 59406-6010. Phone: (406) 268-3739. Fax: (406) (406) 353 -2898. Licensee: Fort Belknap College. Network: NPR. 268 -3736. E -mail: [email protected]. Licensee: Great Falls Public KBAZ(FM) -Co -owned with KLYO(AM). Feb 11, 1969: 96.3 mhz; 85 Format: Eclectic, news/talk. Target aud: General. Spec prog: American Radio Association. Network: Network: PRI, NPR. Format: Class, educ, kw. Ant 2,066 ft. TL: N46 48 08 W113 58 21. Stereo. 400 Ryman, Indian 15 hrs wkly. Will Gray Jr., gen mgr. news, world mus. News: 44 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Joseph Missoula 59801. Web Site: www.kluq.com. Format: Alternative rock. Duffy, pres; Bill Tacke, VP; Craig Peritz, stn mgr; Karola Brockway, dev Denny Bedard, opns dir; Jim Coulter, gen sls mgr. dir; Doug Wendt, progmg dir; Pat Long, mus dir; Mike Dalton, news dir Glasgow & pub affrs dir; Jim Van Cleave, chief of engrg. KMZO(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 90.3 mhz; 725 w. Ant KLAN(FM)- Mar 1, 1983: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. 300 ft. TL: N48 05 42 331 ft. TL: N46 13 46 W114 14 01. Faith Communications Corp., 2201 KINX(FM)- Feb 4, 2002: 107.3 mhz; 94 kw. Ant 2,037 ft. TL: N47 09 W106 37 08. Box 671 Phone: (406) 228 Fax: S. 6th St., Las Vegas, NV 89104. Phone: (702) 731 -5452. Fax: (702) Stereo. 59230. -9336. 34 W111 00 39. Box 3129 59403. Phone: (406) 761.2800. Fax: (406) (406) 228 -9338. E -mail: kltz @kltz.com. Web Site: www.kltz.com. 731 -1992. E -mail: info @sosradio.net. Web Site: www.sosnetwork.org. 727 -7218. E -mail: mail @x107.com. Web Site: www.x107.com. Licensee: Licensee: Glasgow Broadcasting Corp. Format: Adult contemp. Shirley Licensee: Faith Communications Corp. Format: Contemp Christian. Fisher Radio Regional Group Inc. Group owner: Fisher Broadcasting Trang, gen mgr; 11m Philips, news progmg dir; Stan Ozark, dir. Company. Format: Active rock. Terry Strickland, gen mgr. KUFM(FM)- October 1998: 91.9 mhz; 850 w. 499 ft. TL: N46 1346 W114 14 01. do KUFM(FM), Univ. of Montana, Missoula 59812. KLTZ(AM)- Aug 14, 1954: 1240 khz: 1 kw-U. TL: N48 13 09 W106 KLFM(FM)- Feb 14, 1982: 92.9 mhz; 98 kw. 410 ft. TL: N47 32 19 Phone: (406) 243-4931. Fax: (406) 243 -3299. Web Site: www.kum.org. 38 54. Box 671 59230. Phone: (406) 228-9336. Fax: (406) 228 -9338. W111 15 41. Box 3309 59403. Secondary address: 20 3rd St. N. Licensee: The University of Montana. Format: Jazz, classical, news, E -mail: kltz®kltz.com. Web Site: www.kltz.com. Licensee: Glasgow 59403. Phone: (406) 761 -7600. Fax: (406) 761 -5511. Licensee: Inc. eclectic. News: 2 hrs wkly. William Marcus, gen mgr; Daniel Plante, Broadcasting Network: ABC Information & Entertainment. Format: CCR -Great Falls IV LLC. Group owner: Cherry Creek Radio LLC (acq stn mgr. C &W. Target aud: 25 plus. Shirley Trang, gen mgr; Tim Phillips, 12 -19 -2003; grpsl). Rep: Allied Radio Partners. Format: Good time dir. progmg dir; Stan Ozark, news oldies. Target aud: 25-54. Ron Korb, gen mgr & gen sls mgr. KXDR(FM)- July 16, 1999: 98.7 mhz; 100 kw. 417 ft. TL: N46 30 36 W113 58 45. 1600 North Ave. W., Suite 101, Missoula 59801. Phone: Glendive KLSK(FM)- 2003: 100.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 495 ft. TL: N47 15 57 (406) 728 -5000. Fax: (406) 721 -3020. Web Site: www.starfm.net. W111 08 39. 6080 Mt. Moriah, Memphis, TN 38115. Phone: (901) Licensee: Fisher Radio Regional Group Inc. Group owner: Fisher 375.9324. Fax: (901) 375 -0041. Licensee: Flinn Broadcasting Corp. KDZN(FM)- Dec 21, 1969: 96.5 mhz; 100 kw. 400 ft. TL: N47 0515 Broadcasting Company Formal: Hot adult contemp. Larry Roberts, Format: Hip -hop -rap. *Karen Wheatley, gen mgr. W104 48 04. Stereo. 210 S. Douglas 59330. Phone: (406) 377 -3377. pres; Chad Parrish, gen mgr; Bill McPherson, gen sls mgr; Cary Fax: (406) 365.2181. Licensee: Magic Air Communications Co.
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