INDEX 2013 Volume 138, Parts 1–12 Index 2013 The The The The The The GardenJanuary 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenFebruary 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenMarch 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenApril 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenMay 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenJune 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 HOW TO POLLARD AND RHS Plant Trial: COPPICE SHRUBS RHS Plant Trial: growing the a tough test for Ash dieback: RHS GARDEN tastiest asparagus blackcurrants Fuji cherries ROSEMOOR latest RHS advice Smaller-fl owering prunus Recent and future ORCHIDS AND MINACK THEATRE: developments to enjoy BOTANICAL ART CORNISH GARDEN in our Devon garden ON A CLIFF Exploring Sissinghurst, NEW COLUMNISTS CHOOSING one of the UK's great James Wong and THE BEST gardens CAMELLIAS GROWING ALLIUMS Helen Dillon FOR SUMMER e latest DISPLAYS wallfl owers for Best ways to pot on spring colour your container plants WALK THROUGH GARDEN HISTORY AT HATFIELD HOUSE HOW HARDY ARE MY PLANTS? e RHS launches its new hardiness ratings Tastes Revised RHS rift: from SPECIAL Collecting and sowing Award of Garden CENTENARY Merit plants of summer SUPPLEMENT seed of your garden plants Elegance CELEBRATING RHS GROW YOUR OWN beach side HOW TO PLANT A WITH THIS Snowdrops arise ISSUE Bold perspectives in a NEW RASPBERRY CULTIVARS ✤ Quick-growing vegetables ✤ Unusual edibles GREEN WALL IN CHELSEA 100 years of the world's greatest fl ower show Galanthus to brighten the coldest days AND GROWING METHODS ✤ Flavoursome coriander ✤ Events in RHS Gardens to border YOUR GARDEN by design Worcestershire garden REV Jan13 Cover.indd 1 03/12/2012 10:42 Mar13 Cover.indd 1 08/02/2013 09:40 REV May13 Cover.indd 1 11/04/2013 16:09 Feb13 Cover.indd 1 09/01/2013 15:30 Apr13 Cover.indd 1 08/03/2013 15:06 REVJun13 Cover.indd 1 09/05/2013 11:48 January 2013 February 2013 M arch 2013 A pril 2013 M ay 2013 (including June 2013 1 2 3 4 5 Chelsea supplement) 6 Coloured numbers in Acer: florists’ tulips4 : 52, 55, bold before the page campestre as hedging 55 AW RD OF GARDEN MERIT (AGM) number(s) denote the 10: 24 Alcea rosea Chater’s part number (month). japonicum Double Group 11: 69, 69 PLANT PROFILES Each part is paginated ‘Aconitifolium’ 11: 26, Alchemilla: Acacia dealbata 1: 20, 20 Dahlia ‘Glorie van Persicaria affinis separately. 26 alpine species 5: 94 Acer palmatum ‘Sango- Heemstede’ 8: 23, 23 ‘Darjeeling Red’ 10: 22, negundo ‘Winter by Tim Upson 5: 91–94 kaku’ 12: 22, 22 Dianthus ‘Devon Wizard’ 22 The letterC indicates the Lightning’ 12: 24 (stem) cutting back 5: 94 Begonia Elegance 7: 23, 22–23 Phyllostachys vivax Chelsea Centenary palmatum ‘Sango- National Plant (‘Yagance’) 7: 22, 22 Elaeagnus x ebbingei f. aureocaulis 11: 25, 25 supplement, which was kaku’ 2: 69; 12: 22, 22 Collection 5: 94 Caryopteris ‘Gilt Edge’ 11: 25, 25 Picea pungens ‘Globosa’ included with the May acetamiprid 8: 26 planting combinations x clandonensis ‘First Erica carnea ‘Myretoun 2: 22, 22 2013 issue (5). Achillea: 5: 92, 94, 94 Choice’ 8: 22, 22 Ruby’ 1: 20, 20 Primula japonica ‘Miller’s ‘Apfelblüte’ 6: 77 conjuncta 5: 93 Ceanothus arboreus Erythronium Crimson’ 5: 30, 30 Numbers in italics millefolium ‘Rose elisabethae 5: 92, 94 ‘Trewithen Blue’ 5: 30, californicum ‘White Prunus ‘Shōgetsu’ 4: 27, denote a picture or Madder’ 6: 77 erythropoda 5: 93, 94 30 Beauty’ 4: 27, 27 27 illustration. ‘Paprika’ 6: 77 faeroensis var. pumila Clematis ‘Prince Charles’ Euphorbia polychroma radish ‘Rudolf’ 4: 27, 27 ‘Summerwine’ 7: 38 5: 93, 94 7: 22, 22 ‘Major’ 3: 26, 26 Rhodanthemum Where a plant has a Aconitum: glabra 5: 93, 93 Clerodendrum fig ‘Brown Turkey’ 8: 22, hosmariense 6: 25, 25 Selling Name (also known its uses, by James mollis 5: 91, 92–93, 93, trichotomum 22 Rhododendron as a trade designation) it Wong 7: 17 94 var. fargesii 8: 22, 22 Garrya elliptica ‘James yakushimanum is typeset in a different ‘Bressingham Spire’ 7: 17 plicatula 5: 93, 93 Cornus sericea Roof’ 1: 21, 20–21 ‘Koichiro Wada’ 5: 30, 31 font to distinguish it carmichaelii as a sericata 5: 94 ‘Hedgerows Gold’ Hippeastrum papilio Rosa Penny Lane from the cultivar name pollinator plant 9: 30, speciosa 5: 92, 93 12: 22, 22 1: 20, 20 (‘Hardwell’) 6: 25, 25 (shown in ‘Single 30 valdehirsuta 5: 92 Cortaderia richardii Laburnum x watereri Rubus cockburnianus Quotes’), which by law Actinidia arguta 3: 73, 73 venosa 5: 92, 93 11: 24, 24–25 ‘Vossii’ 7: 22, 22 ‘Goldenvale’ 2: 22, 22 must be shown on plant Adopt an Ash Tree xanthochlora 5: 93, 93 Cotinus ‘Flame’ 10: 23, Lathyrus vernus Sorbus labelling. initiative 5: 12 Alder, Fern, on: swapping 23 ‘Alboroseus’ 3: 26, 26 pseudohupehensis Advice, RHS (see plants 2: 21, 21 Crocosmia Lilium martagon 6: 24, ‘Pink Pagoda’ 11: 25, 25 For more information Practical Advice panel) Alexander, Rosemary: her x crocosmiiflora ‘Star of 24–25 squash ‘Sweet about plant names and Advisory Service, RHS garden at Sandhill Farm the East’ 9: 24, 24 Mandevilla x amabilis Dumpling’ 9: 24, 24 the RHS Award of Garden (see RHS panel) House, W Sussex, by Crocus: ‘Alice du Pont’ 9: 24–25, Stachyurus praecox Merit (agm), see RHS aerating lawns 4: 32; 9: 65 Andy Sturgeon 2: 34–39 biflorus ‘Blue Pearl’ 25 3: 26, 26 Plant Finder 2014, p11. Aesculus: algae, use of barley straw 2: 22, 22 Milium effusum Viburnum tinus ‘Eve guignardia leaf blotch to reduce 5: 13 cartwrightianus 9: 24, ‘Aureum’ 6: 25, 25 Price’ 12: 22, 22 8: 29 alien plants: 24 Omphalodes Zauschneria californica horse chestnut by Nigel Colborn 7: 21 Cyclamen coum 2: 23, cappadocica ‘Cherry ‘Dublin’ 10: 22, 22 bleeding canker 8: 29 readers’ response 22–23 Ingram’ 4: 26, 26 Zygopetalum James horse chestnut leaf- 9: 18 Cytisus x praecox pea ‘Onward’ 3: 26–27, 27 Strauss ‘Scentsation’ mining moth invasives: ‘Warminster’ 5: 30, 30 pear ‘Beth’ 10: 22, 22 12: 22–23, 23 (Cameraria ohridella) ban on sales 3: 11 8: 29, 29 (effects) EU report 9: 33 A problems 8: 29 Gunnera 5: 77 Agapanthus: Allium (see also garlic, angulosum 6: 43, 44, 44 flavum 6: 42, 44 subsp. montanum 100 hundred years at dividing 3: 69 leek, onion): ‘Beau Regard’ 5: 66–67 hookeri 6: 45 6: 44 Chelsea, by Brent Elliott poor flowering8 : 26 alpine 6: 45–46 beesianum 6: 45–46, insubricum 6: 46, 46 sikkimense 6: 46 C: 8–11 ‘Blue Moon’ 3: 83 cultivation 6: 46 46 karataviense 6: 43–44, stracheyi 6: 45 Abbey Nursery, Dorset, ‘Gold Strike’ 9: 14, 14 edible 6: 45 caeruleum 6: 43, 44, 45 44 tuberosum 6: 45 by Roy Lancaster Agapetes ‘Ludgvan foliage problems 6: 28 carinatum mairei 6: 46 wallichii 6: 45 10: 70–73 Cross’ 2: 69 leaf miner (Phytomyza subsp. pulchellum narcissiflorum 6: 46 allotments: Abbotsbury Subtropical agm (see Award of gymnostoma) 4: 30, 6: 44 nigrum 6: 44, 45 preserving, by Lia Gardens, Dorset, by Phil Garden Merit, Award 30 (larva) cepa ‘Quattro’ 12: 10, 10 obliquum 6: 45, 45 Leendertz 4: 23 Clayton 8: 42–47 of Garden Merit Plant pests 4: 30 cernuum 6: 42–43, 44 schoenoprasum 6: 45 quick to crop Acacia dealbata 1: 20, 20 Profiles panel; for RHS planting companions ‘Dwarf White’ 6: 44 ‘Forescate’ 6: 45, 45 vegetables, by Susie Acaena saccaticupula Annual General 6: 28 ‘Hidcote’ 6: 44 var. sibiricum 6: 45 Watson 3: 65, 65 ‘Blue Haze’ 11: 37 (leaf), Meeting, see RHS panel) summer, by Brian cristophii 4: 49; 6: 56 ‘Silver Chimes’ 6: 45, Aloe striatula 8: 56 41 air quality: its effects on Mathew 6: 42–46 cyaneum 6: 46, 46 45 alpine growing media Acca sellowiana 3: 74, 74 tree disease 2: 17 combinations 6: 44, cyathophorum senescens 6: 44, 45 5: 61 Akers, James, on: English 46 var. farreri 6: 45 subsp. glaucum 6: 44 2 The Garden | Index 2013 Amelanchier – Balmforth The The The The The The GardenJuly 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenAugust 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenSeptember 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenOctober 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenNovember 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 GardenDecember 2013 | www.rhs.org.uk | £4.25 UNCOVERING AN URBAN SCHOOL GARDEN Spires of Beside the sea Autumn Guide to liquid Holly bears Inspiring coastal gardens plant feeds summer sparklers CHOOSING Choosing Veronicastrum PERENNIALS the crown Nerines to light FOR BEAUTIFUL Using Ilex in your garden for your garden borders WINTER FOLIAGE up the garden GROWING PLANTS FROM SEED Which ones will come true? ✤ P e best crab apples for fruit and fl owers EXPLORING THE A GUIDED BRESSINGHAM TOUR AROUND GARDENS RHS GARDEN Caring for trees HYDE HALL Making after planting good use e best of this year’s GARDENING IN RHS Chelsea Flower Show TOP 10 BORDER PHLOX Picking the best plums of fallen PLACES OF CONFLICT RHS Plant Trial: fl avour-packed basils leaves Scottish splendour SUMMER FRUIT: IDENTIFYING ✤ CONTAINER DISPLAYS FOR EVERY SEASON ✤ PRACTICAL AUTUMN LAWN CARE CELEBRATING AUTUMN AT Roy Lancaster unwraps Exploring a formal walled garden in Argyll & Bute FLAVOURSOME HYBRID BERRIES THE BEST OF RHS HAMPTON COURT PALACE FLOWER SHOW ✤ EXPLORE RHS GARDEN HARLOW CARR ✤ TRY SOME UNUSUAL CLIMBERS RHS LONDON HARVEST FESTIVAL SHOW seasonal Christmas box July13 Cover.indd 1 11/06/2013 15:29 Aug13 Cover.indd 1 16/07/2013 10:36 Sept13 Cover.indd 1 08/08/2013 14:39 Oct13 Cover.indd 1 09/09/2013 10:57 Nov13 Cover.indd 1 08/10/2013 10:48 Dec13 Cover.indd 1 12/11/2013 15:01 7 July 2013 8 A ugust 2013 9 September 2013 10 O ctober 2013 11 November 2013 12 D ecember 2013 Amelanchier: Anglesey Abbey, Cambs: erubescens 12: 48, 50 ‘Ballerina Red’ 4: 49, elatior 1: 62, 64 (agm), RHS: agm plants 4: 68 its Winter Garden 11: 50 flavum 12: 51, 51 49 ‘Asahi’ 1: 62, 64 assessment process berries 4: 68 annuals: griffithii 12: 49, 50, 51, ‘Ballerina Rose’ ‘Hoshi-zora’ 1: 63, 2: 47 by Chris Lane 4: 64–68 for late colour 8: 24 51 4: 48, 49 64, 64 awards to: cultivation 4: 67 sown to overwinter lichiangense 12: 51, 51 ‘Ballerina White’ ‘Lennon’s Song’ Amelanchier 4: 68 National Plant 8: 29 nepenthoides 12: 49, 49 4: 49 1: 63, 64 asparagus 4: 94, 94 Collection 4: 68 ant dispersal of seeds ringens 12: 49 Armillaria (see honey ‘Okame’ 1: 62, 64, 65 basil 8: 70–71 planting combinations 2: 59 f.
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