ANOKA COUNTY BOARD AGENDA FOR THE FEBRUARY 17,2015, COUNTY BOARD MEETING 9:30 A.M. County Board Room #705 - Government Center l. Chair calls meeting to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Present: District #l Matt Look District #2 Julie Braastad District #3 Robyn West District #4 Jim Kordiak District #5 Mike Gamache District #6 Rhonda Sivarajah District #7 Scott Schulte Others: 4. Tax claims and abatements. 5. Review of checks issued from Finance and CentralServices and from Human Services. 6. Approval of minutes from the January 27,2015,county board meeting. 7. Chair's remarks. A. Consider, for informational purposes, a report from the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District. 8. Committee reports. A. Management Committee report. B, Transportation Committee Chair report #1. C. Transportation Committee Chair report#2. D. Finance and Capital lmprovements Committee Chair report. E. Information Technology Committee Chair report F. Parks and Community Services Committee report. G. Property Records and Taxation Committee Chair report. g. 10:00 A.M. - Public Hearing - to obtain comment on a proposal to issue bonds in an amount presently estimated not to exceed $2,880,000 to refund certain outstanding bonds of the county. See attached public hearing notice. A. Consider Resolution #2015-25, Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of General Obligation Airport Refunding Bonds (AMT), Series 2015A; Establishing a Pricing Committee; Fixing Their Form and Specifications; Directing Their Execution and Delivery; and Providing for Their Payment. See attached memo dated February 17, 2015, and resolution. County Board Agenda For the Meeting of February 17,2015 Page2 10. Committeeappointments: A. Consider reappointing Robyn West to the Anoka County Community Action Program for a three-year term expiring February 2018. See attached committee application form. ANOKA COUNTY : MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT l OR THE FEBRUARY 17,2075, COI.JNTY BOARD MEETING l The Management Committee meeting was held on January 27,2075,at 8:45 a.m. in the Master Conference j Room#772oftheAnokaCountyGovemmentCenter,Anoka,Minnesota. Present: Committee Members - Commissioner Robyn West (Chair), Commissioner Julie Braastad, Commissioner Jim Kordiak, and Commissioner Rhonda Sivarajah , Others - Commissioner Scott Schulte; Melanie Ault, Human Resources Director; Jerry ¡ Soma, County Administrator; Tony Palumbo, County Attorney; Marlene Moulton Janssen, "l Library Director; Cindy Cesare, Community Social Services & Behavioral Health Director; i Don llse, Human Services Division Manager; Andrew Dykstra, Facilities Management and ¡ ConstructionDirector;SusanVreeland,InformationTechnologyDirector;LindseyFe1gate, Purchasing Manager; Martha Weaver, Public Information Manager; and Teresa Swoyer, , Administrative Coordinator : ; l All items.were approved by all committee members unless otherwise noted. l l *Action Items L proposed l. The Management Committee recommends approving revisions to the county Personnel l Rules and Regulations relating to the following: A. Section I. Purpose, Adoption, Amendment and Administration of Personnel Rules and l Regulations. I B. Section II. Definitions, entire document. i C. Section IIL Employee Relations B; M. D. Section IV. Appointment Process. E.SectionVI.EmployeeSeparation,C,G.MandatoryLeave' F'SectionXI.EmployeeBenefits,B.LeavesWithoutCompensation,I.Continuationof Benefits Upon Loss of Coverage. : G. Section XV. Personnel Board of Appeals ' H'SectionXVII'AppendixB:RecordsandInformationSecurityPolicy. I. Section XXI. Appendix G - AccesE Control and Security Policy. f J. Section XXIil. Appendix I. See attached memo dated Janua ry 20,2015. *Requires board approval. Management Committee Report For the February 17,2015, County Board Meeting Information Items 2. In accordance with the Personnel Rules and Regulations, and at the request and recommendation of the respective department heads, the Management Committee approved the consent items. See attached consent items. ! , 3. The Management Committee recommended approving entering into Contract #2010-0006C : (renewal) with Royal Vending for vended food and beverages and office coffee service in county ji facilities for a six-month period ending July 31, 2015. This matter was referred directly to the county board for action at their meeting of January 27,2015. Anoka County COUNTY AÞMINIgTRATION lnformation Technology Anoka Count¡¡ Technology Secu rity Policy December 11, 2014 This Technology Security Policy serves to: . Ensure proper accountability and protection of any electronic information related to County business; . Maintain controls necessary for the County to operate efficiently; . Enable greater productivity for our users; . Comply with Federal and State law and Anoka County policies; and . Document a comprehensive county-wide standard for security planning and execution Anoka County Technoloov Securitv Policv Page 2 of 19 Anoka County Tech n ol ogy S ec urity Pol i cy 1.0 Introduction The use of technology resources permeates our everyday work life. When used properly, our tecþnology resources greatly enhance our job productivity and efficiency. This security policy sets out rules and umbrella guidelines that can be used in the protection of our data and technology resources, and serves as the foundation for the County's technology security infrastructure. This document addresses the security of our technical infrastructure, and the expected behavior of the users of our electronic systems. lt is your responsibility to secure and protect the information you access as a part of your job. Ensuring the security of the County's technology resources is critical to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our data and other electronic information assets. This policy was originally adopted by the Anoka County Board of Commissioners on December 10, 2007, and revised on October 21,2014. Managing Risk It is impossible to eliminate all risk. Therefore, security measures will be taken to reduce risk to a reasonable and appropriate levelto ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all electronic data created, received, disseminated or maintained by Anoka County. With all security decisions, it is important to keep in mind what can be done to reduce risk to an acceptable level, given the criticality of the outcome and the limitations faced. Keeping the risk of the outcome in mind will help to formulate decisions about the level of security required for an electronic information asset. Acceptable risk will be defined through identifying the County's technology risk exposures, examining the various alternativès to either eliminate or reduce those exposures, selecting the appropriate alternativê(s) to dealwith each risk, implementing the most feasible alternative(s), and monitor the alternative(s) for the purpose of altering or improving the risk exposure. Securing our lnformat¡on Technology resources are exposed to multiple threats and therefore, securing our resources must include administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect against these threats. For example, our security environment includes the use of such measures as firewalls, encryption, passwords, anti-virus software, and physical locks, just to name a few. User awareness and protection is another layer of defense that is important to our security protection. Please always keep security in mind in the use of your technology resources. 2.0 Purpose This policy documents a comprehensive County-wide standard for technology security planning and execution to ensure that the County's electronic information assets are protected against destruction, theft, loss, unauthorized access, unauthorized change, and disruption of service. This policy shall serve as a foundation for the County's technology security infrastructure in accordance with the Anoka County Personnel Rules and Requlations, the Anoka County HIPAA Policies the Anoka County Data Policies, and describes the required actions to ensure the security of technology resources. Each County division, department, and office should align specific security requirements, programs, processes, and procedures in accordance with this policy and based on their business needs. Page 3 of l9 Anoka County Tech n ol osv Sec u rîty Pol i cv Technology is ever-changing and never static. Accordingly, security practices and policies must be adapted to those changes. This policy was created to be applicable to the County's changing needs and security requirements. ln order to provide for the ability to accommodate rapid changes in technology, attached to this policy is the Technology Security Policy Supporting lnformation document. This document was de5igned as a supplement to this policy in order to address changes in technology and security specific terminology infrastructure standards, password guidelines, incident reporting, and associated technology usage agreements for County employees and vendors. The Anoka County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Director of lnformation Technology to routinely make modifications or updates to the Technology Security Policy Supporting lnformation document in order to protect Anoka County's electronic information assets. The Technology Security Policy is intended to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our data and other electronic information assets, wherever they may reside or however they are accessed. Due care must be exercised to appropriately piotect the County's electronic information
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