index.fm Page 236 Monday, August 23, 2004 11:25 AM Index A B Abbas, Mohammed (Abu al Abbas), 15 Bahalul, Shadi, 37 Abdel-Al, Mohammed, 41 Balfour Declaration, 20 Academic Reserves, IDF, 123–124 Barak, Ehud, 2, 15, 46, 53, 196–197 Achille Lauro cruise ship hijack, 14–15, 93 Barr, Elie, 76, 109–111, 155–156, 157 “Adam,” 144 Baslet, Tareq, 37 ADC Telecommunications, 119 Ben Israel, Isaac, 35, 44–45, 168 ADKiT, 188–193 Ben-Eliezar, Barak, 129 Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc. Ben-Gurion, David, 17, 24, 25, 52 (ART), 159 Bernstein, Nachum, 59 Agranat Commission, 122 Berry, Orna, 197 Airline hijackings, 54–55 Big Lie, The, 13 Akawi, Omar, 4 Bin Laden, Osama, 212–213 Al Aksa intifada (2000), 65 Binational Foundation Research and Al Huneiti, Muhammad ibn Hammad, 33 Development Foundation Al Nakba, 19 (BIRD), 183 Al Qaeda, Mughniyah link to, 8 Bioccelerator, 132 Al-Harthi, Qaed Senyan, 49 Bnei Brak neighborhood, Tel Aviv, 188 Aliroo, 147 Bricha, 33 Almog, Oz, 215 British White Paper, 32–33 Al-Nabulsi, Shahar, 85–86 Bronstein, Michael and Alex, 31 Alpinistim unit, 105 Buchris, Pinchas, 78, 156–157, 164–165 Aman, 4, 15, 69, 81, 122 Buehler, Hans, 108 Amar, Abu, 9 By Way of Deception (Ostrovsky), 93 Amit, Meir, 70–72, 79–80 Amitai, Mor, 132–134 C Apax Partners, 165 Carmeli, Buky, 33–34 Arad, Uzi, 50–51, 83 Cellular phones, 113–115 Arafat, Yassir, 2, 4, 24, 38, 42, 118, 196–197 triggered, 115 Arrow Missile, 46 Center for Special Studies (Glilot), 67, 80 Artificial intelligence, 118 Central Collection Unit, 12 Assad, Hafez, 78–79 Charash, Dan, 131 Atidim, 130 Check Point Software Technologies, 131, AudiCodes, 118 172–182 Avaya, 118 firewall, 176–177 Avi, 142–143, 164 initial public offering, 177 Avner, Ehud, 28–29 threats/hazards, 177–178 Awadallah, Adel, 7 as touchstone in Israel, 179–180 Ayyash, Yehiya, 85–90 Chromatis, 202 execution of, 89 Clinton, William Jefferson “Bill,” 2, 196–197 hunt for, 88–89 CodeGuru, 199–200 236 index.fm Page 237 Monday, August 23, 2004 11:25 AM Index 237 Cohen, Eli, 80 Finkelshtain, Gennadi, 30–31 COMMINT, 98 Firewall-1, 176 Compugen, 131–134 Foreign military sales (FMS), 204 Comverse Technology, 133 Fundamental surprise, use of term, 208 Covert Action Quarterly (CAQ), 108 Crypto AG, 108 G CTI2, 118 Gal, Uziel, 64 Cubitel, 146–147 Gaza Strip, 19, 39 Customer Experience Management (CEM), General Communications Headquarters 182 (GCHQ), 97 General Security Services, 69 D Ghali, Juma’a’, 7 Darwazi, Salah, 41 Ghazem, Fathi, 7 Davidka, 18 Gilat Satellite Networks, 202 Dayan, Moshe, 13, 70–71 Giza Venture Capital, 214 Decryption, 11 Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Upralenie Denial of service attack, 177 (GRU), 97–98 Digital photography, 111 Global positioning systems, 111–113 Digital recording systems, 118 Golan Heights, 103, 105 Dubester, Yair, 47–48 Goren, Gilad, 140–141, 144, 167 Greenspan, Alan, 209 E Gur, Motta, 56–57 “Eban,” 59, 77 Echelon, 107 H ECI, 60 Ha’aretz, 91, 93, 95, 152 Egyptian military code, Israel’s breaking of, Ha’argaz, 214 109–110 Haconzeptzia, 121 Ein Tzahab, 101–103 Haganah, 27, 32–33, 51–52, 59 Eitan, Rafael, 122, 125, 130 Palmach, 51–52 El Al airlines, 54–55 Halutz, Dan, 4 Elazar, David, 52, 140 Hamad, Kamil, 88, 90 Elbit, 60 Hamas, 39, 40, 42, 86, 101, 106, 114 Electronic espionage methods, 81 Hayden, Michael V., 212–213 and computers, 82 Hayek, Boaz, 62–63 ELINT, 97–98 Hebrew language, 21 Ellis, Shmuel, 152–153 Hersh, Seymour M., 109 ELTA, 183 Herzl, Theodore, 17 Encryption, 11, 110–111 Hindawi, Nezar, 55 Entebbe operation, 98, 165 Hizbollah (Party of God), 3–4, 7, 9, 43–44, Erez, Yaacov, 6 102 Ericsson, 118 Holocaust survivors, as immigrants, 20 Erlich, Yigal, 180–181 Homeland security, 213–215 Eshkol, Levi, 13 Hot Iron, 40 Every Spy a Prince (Melman), 91 Humane Genome Project, 131 Hussein (king of Jordan), 12–13, 95, 122 F Hussein, Saddam, 47, 77–78, 107, 118 Faigler, Simchon, 131, 133 Farkash, Aharon Ze’evi, 4 I Farkash, Ze’evi, 97–98, 111, 153–154, 188 IDF, See Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Fatah, 38 Ilan, Gabi, 158–160 Fedyaheen, 53–54 Ilan, Uri, 97 Fiber-optic cables, 117 Ingenuity, 16 index.fm Page 238 Monday, August 23, 2004 11:25 AM 238 SPIES, INC. Innovation, 34–35, 181–182, 211–212 education in, 61–62 and change, 209 industrial capacity, 60 and Israel, 26 respect for ideas, 45 Innovators, Israel as nation of, ix–x retraining of enlisted soldiers, 200– Intelligence, 10–11, 69–73, See also Unit 201 8200 military culture, 50 cellular phones, 113–115 military-intelligence culture, 83–84 collection and action, 73–74 Mossad, 69–71, 75 signals, 98–100, 109–110 outwitting the system, 31–33 swings in, 155–156 RAFAEL, 52 and the unknown, 83 reengineering of, 213–214 Intelligence Day, 80 regional conflicts, 65 Intelligence gathering, 89–90, 101–119 resources, 112 Intelligence Service 2, 58, 94–95 response mechanism, 42–43 Intelligence systems, development of, 76 science and nation-building Internet, 117–118, 174, 189 combination, 21 Intifada, 2–3, 30, 37–40, 62, 65 scientific papers published by, 29 Islamic Jihad, 101, 102, 103 security, 100 Israel: lynchpin of, 46 Air Force, 7, 47, 74, 99–100, 106, 207 self-defense, 51 Air France hijacking, 98 SIGINT, 14, 45 Aman, 69 size of, 49–50 cat and mouse game of terror/ startups, 30 prevention/retaliation, 42 synthesis of dilemmas in, 23 challenges, 112 and technology, 49–50 challenges faced by, 21 transformation to potent military, 52–53 compared to Japan, 31 War of Independence, 19 contraction of time as characteristic of, war on terror, 39–41 22–23 workforce composition, 29 dual-edged mentality in, 50 and World Economic Forum Economic early communications systems, 111– Creativity Index, 29 112 and Zionism, 20–21 early espionage artifacts, 67–68 Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), 25, 31, 46, early security, 19 205 electronic espionage methods, 81 Israel, Drori, 152 establishment of state of, 17–18 Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), ix, 32, 46, 50, as exporter of Soviet arms, 60 197 General Security Services, 69 Academic Reserves, 123–124 gross domestic product, 29 assembly of geniuses, 123 homeland security, 213–214 innovations, 117–118 human/technological resources, “Low Intensity Conflict” conference, marshalling of, 72, 91 211 immigrants, 21–22 recruitment/identification/selection ingenuity of, 50 process, 138–141 and innovation, 26 soldiers’ stories, 137–148 intelligence bodies, 69–73 technological intelligence units in, 11 internal tensions, 23 training, 141–143 invasion of Lebanon, 43–45 Israeli Knesset, 74, 97 killing of militants, 39–40 Knesset, 74, 97 J military, 60–66 Jacada, 118 conscripts, 126 Jamming technology, and remote-triggered culture, 63–64 bombs, 115–116 index.fm Page 239 Monday, August 23, 2004 11:25 AM Index 239 Jaradat, Hanadi, 102 Meir, Golda, 22, 122 Jerusalem, 171 Melissa virus, 177 division of, 19 Melman, Yossi, 91, 95 Jihad, Abu, 90 Memco, 58 J.J. (unit 8200), 139–140, 143 Merck & Co., 132 Jonathan, 191–192 Merkava, 60 Meshal, Khalid, 75, 102 K “Michael,” 141–142, 160–163 KAMAN, 190 Microwave relay stations, 117 Kant, Immanuel, 44 Miluim, 53 Karine-A, 1–10 Mintz, Eli, 131–132, 133 brief history of, 7–8 Mintz, Liat, 131 interception of, by Israelis, 5 Mlavsky, Ed, 183 mission of, 6 MMRM, 56 Katsav, Moshe, 22 Mofaz, Shaul, 1, 3, 4–6 Katzav, Moshe, 4 Mofet technology venture fund, 157 Keinon, Tal, 214 Mohtashemi, Ali Akbar, 108 Khan, Abdul Qadeer, 108–109 “Monster, The”, 55–56 More Energy (Medis Technologies), 30 Kibbutz, defined, 27 Mossad, 12, 69–71, 71, 75, 91–92, 199 Kibbutz Hatzerim, 27–28 Mount Hermon ground station, 103–105 Kibbutz Kfar Gilladi, 31 Mughniyah, Imad, 8 Kibbutzniks, defined, 27 Mughrabi, Adel, 7, 9–10 Kishon, Ephraim, 23 Murphy, Anne-Marie, 55 Klinghoffer, Leon, 14 Musharraf, Pervez, 109, 116 Kochba, Avi, 56–58 Kramer, Shlomo, 175 N L Nablus, 202 Nacht, Marius, 131, 175 L’affaire Pollaire, 74–75 Nagel, Yaacov, 129–130 Landan, Amnon, 212 Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 12–13, 95, 150 Lanir, Zvi, 206–208, 210–211 Nasser-Hussein intercept, 12–14 Latin American Jews, as immigrants, 20 Natan, Amir, 131, 133–134 Lavi, Hezie, 188–191 National Intelligence Estimate, 69 Lavi project, 203–205 National Security Agency (NSA), ix, 80, 97, Lebanon, war with, 65 179 Leibovitz, David, 18 Nation-building, and Zionism, 26–27 “Leni”, 141, 166–167, 188 Ne’eman, Yuval, 81–83 Levin, Benny, 182, 182–185 Negev Desert, 105–106 Lieberman, Amir, 214 Nemesysco, 214 Lior, 191 Nesher, 60 Lucent Technologies, 202 Netafirm, 28 Netanyahu, Binyamin, 51, 53 M Netline Communications Technologies, 115 Ma’ariv, 6 NICE Systems, 182–183 MAFAT, 35, 44–45, 168 CEM, 186–187 Majdal Shams, 103 client list, 186–187 MALAT, 47 digital recording system, 185–186 Malka, Amos, 198, 201 military intelligence, 187–188 Mamram, 56–58 Nicecom, 185 Mashiah, Eli, 58 partnership with Tekelec, 184 Mazin, Israel, 58 Nortel, 118 Medis Technologies, 30–31 Novartis, 132 index.fm Page 240 Monday, August 23, 2004 11:25 AM 240 SPIES, INC. O R Odeh, Ibrahim, 41 Rabbit unit, 58, 94–95 Office of Special Services (OSS), 58, 59 Rabin, Yitzhak, 24, 52 Omar, Ihab Issa al-Saizer, 38 RAFAEL, 52, 64 Open source information, 110 Ram Pool, 103 Operation Defensive Shield, 39 Ramat Gan neighborhood, Tel Aviv, 172 Operation Noah’s Ark, 4–8 Rantisi, Abdel Aziz, 114 Operation Peace for Galilee, 43 Remote-triggered bombs, and jamming Operation Rooster, 64–65 technology, 115–116 Optinetix, 159 “Reuven”, 92–93, 155 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Ritter, Scott, 108 Development (OECD), 29 Rosh gadol, use of term, 60–61 Ori, 191–193 Rosh katan, use of term, 61 Oshap Technologies, 94 Rubin, David,
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