Augist 2013 Phone 044-620-3338 Fax 044-620-3176 Email: [email protected] Web: ourheritage.org.za Volume 2013, Issue 8 Dear Friends of the Museum, Editor; Rene’ de Kock Heritage Mossel Bay is busy with the Several big events and adventures- production of the first twenty from new hiking routes to a magnificent plaques to go on to the outside of Christmas programme - are planned by the Great Brak Tourism Initiative as Mossel Bay’s unique heritage build- short term goals. ings. These plaques measuring 300 x The September Muse Festival is the 200 mm provide a brief history of first of many exciting programs being the building including the date built. held by the newly established Included is a QR image which when GBT Initiative. photographed using a Smartphone, will take you directly to the entry on FEESGANGERS KAN GEDURENDE our web site ourheritage.org.za DIE KUNSFEES NA UITSTEKENDE where more detail on the specific KUNSTENAARS BY BEKENDE UITHANGPLEKKE, RESTAURANTE building can be found. EN KOFFIEWINKELS IN DIE DORP Not to be outdone the Great Brak UITSIEN. DIE SPYSKAARTE WISSEL River Museum are also producing a VAN JAZZ TOT LIG-KLASSIEK MET This museums most recent RANDAL WICOMB, VAN POËSIE limited number of these plaques. If exhibition is about the dif- TOT VOORLESINGS DEUR SWAAR ferent peoples of the you want to become involved, please GEWIGTE SOOS NIC DE JAGER, contact Ina at the Info office. TOT PLAASLIKE KUNSTENAARS ‘Cape Coastal Corridor’ of SOOS PETRONEL BAARD WAT the Western Cape who be- An example is shown below, however REEDS HULLE MERK GEMAAK gan their lives in our area; the background colour is still to be HET. Modern Man who started established. some 200,000 years ago to colonise the earth, the TOERISME, in en om Groot Brak- VARIOUS ASPECTS OF THE ARTS COME TOGETHER DURING THE San who believe they were rivier is deesdae die gonswoord op MUSE FESTIVAL: here from the beginning of almal se lippe. time and for at least the past 12,000 years and our Khoe who are the more recent arrivals. Special Points of In- terest this month. Computer & Cell-phone Talk …. P age 11 Education ………………………..… Page 11 Historical Collection ……….……. Page 15 Ina’s Tourism Snippets …......... Page 7 Information on Fossils …………. Page 9 Occupation of our ‘Coastal Corridor’ Caves ………………………………… Page 13 Stone age technology …………… Page 12 Village News …………….….…..…. Page 3 What’s On in Great Brak ………… Page 6 August 2013 Great Brak River Museum News Letter Page Number 1 The Memory Boxskop skop af met ‘n Robins Hair Salon wynproe geleentheid.. The Ou Pastorie National Arbor Week [email protected] plans a trendy “ High Tea” and a fashion show. Stefan Jamneck van Transkaroo In celebration of Arbor Week the nursery at the Garden Route Bo- gaan die koffie –kultuurbeweging prakties demonstreer en Vera’s Feast tanical Garden in George will be gaan dekadente eetgoed daarna op die holding a sale of indigenous trees proef stel! from Saturday 31 August to Satur- Tussendeur sing Randal, speel Romon Styles for the ‘Cat Screamed Alexander klavier en gaan selfs die day 7 September, from 09h00 to at Midnight Show’ kinders vermaak word met ‘n poppespel 15h00 every day including Sunday 22 Mossienes Avenue en gesigverwery! ! Hierdie is maar net ‘n 1 September. A range of over 60 Great Brak River paar lusmakers op ‘n heerlike vol indigenous trees have been ob- program! Phone 044-620-2826 tained for the sale, including the 2 FIVE DAYS OF IMPRESSIONS, trees nominated as the 2013 Tree TASTES AND IDEAS-– WATCH of The Year - Keurboom ( Virgilia Bolton Footware Ltd THE PRESS FOR DETAILS, oroboides) and Crossberry / Kruis- [email protected] PROGRAMMES AND DATES! bessie ( Grewia occidentalis). Plant a tree in your garden this year or A new and additional exclusive donate a tree to a school or a Great Brak River events web ad- community facility and help to “ dress for the Great Brak Tourism green” our environment.The Bo- Initiative www.greatbrakriver.net tanical Garden is also busy devel- 1 Charles Street has been established. They have oping a new section of the Gar- also registered the Afrikaans ver- dens and would welcome a Great Brak River sion. donated tree. Phone 044-620-2111 The Great Brak River Museums The nursery is situated at the website and other local community Botanical Gardens in George Great Brak Pharmacy web sites will be linked both to and at 49 Caledon Street. [email protected] from this new web site. If you have a suggestion or would Enquiries: Kristen at 044 – like to be involved please contact 874 1558 or email the specific committee. Contact de- [email protected] tails available from 044-620-3338. 49 Long Street Great Brak River THE GARDEN CAWS 4 PAWS (Community Animal Wel- fare Pet Neutering Campaign) ROUTE BOTANICAL Phone 044-620-2511 GARDEN - GEORGE It’s that time of year again when the CAWS 4 PAWS machine gets into gear along with the Gar- den Route SPCA to sterilize as many pets from Watson Shoes underprivileged homes in the Great Brak area as [email protected] possible. BUT we need your help! To date we have sterilized in excess of 500 cats & dogs, preventing the birth of thousands of un- wanted kittens and puppies. Please assist with this wonderful service by donating whatever you Enquiries: Kristen at can to the following bank account: 044 – 874 1558 Great Brak River CAWS 4 PAWS The Home of Great Standard Bank Mossel Bay Shoes Branch code 050-414 Current Account 06-181-4989 1 Charles Street Or contact Barry Greyvenstein at the number listed below The Great Brak River museum re- Great Brak River PO Box 750, Great Brak River 6525, H 044-620-2826, ceives support from the Department Phone 044-620-2111 [email protected] of Cultural Affairs and Sport. August 2013 Great Brak River Museum News Letter Page Number 2 VILLAGE NEWS Your Editor Another one of the easy to make products started HOLD YOUR OWN EX- by a member of the new village promotion group Annetjie Beyers is making dolls for the underprivi- HIBITION IN OUR leged kids for Christmas. Please contact her on 072-390-7788 for more information. The following is an example: MUSEUM!! We here at the Great Brak Museum would like to showcase your valuable or not-so-valuable collec- tion you have at home. Should it be miniature dolls, historical documents or photos, pieces of beautiful art of any genre, stamps, spoons, and badges, miniature items for printer’s trays, Medals and tro- phies? Whether or not it has any relevance to the village, it does not matter, however if it is relevant to the village, we would absolutely welcome it. We would like to keep your items for between two and three weeks at the museum, in order to give as many people as possible the opportunity to see what you have. rd We will start the exhibit on 23 of September- a day before Heritage Day! A glimmer of hope: that’s the general consensus Please contact Ina at 044 620 3338 between 9.30 amongst players in Mossel Bay’s tourism industry. am and 4 pm or email me at gbrmu- “There seems to be more of a buzz around,” said [email protected] Mossel Bay Tourism board member, Fred Orban, who owns and operates Sandpiper Cottages and You have no doubt seen it around Great Brak River. the Oystercatcher Trail, and who coordinates the Well done Kitty Munch for producing on her own Point of Human Origin Tours at the Pinnacle Point Caves. initiative and hanging the poster around the town. It is a striking display board for the Great Brak He said that the discoveries at Pinnacle Point – Museum. Kitty this is much appreciated. which have revealed the earliest evidence for modern human behaviour – have brought unprece- dented levels of international attention to Mossel Bay and the Garden Route. “This is the kind of marketing windfall that very few destination are lucky enough to receive, and we in Mossel Bay must continue to capitalise on our amazing good fortune.” Hotelier and restaurateur Albert Wiffin (the Point Village Hotel, Oceans Hotel, the Kingfisher Restau- rant, Delfino’s Restaurant, and others) agreed. “There is definitely more optimism, and I think this has to do with the proposed developments by PetroSA. It looks like there is something in the off- ing, and we’re seeing more business from the August 2013 Great Brak River Museum News Letter Page Number 3 petro-chemicals industry. take root in the estuary. The distribution and ex- “Our forward bookings are better, and our mid- tent of these vegetation types is determined by winter occupancy at the Point Village Hotel is well water levels in the system and salinity. up in the double figures over last year.” Benthic invertebrates of the Great Brak estuary Mr. Wiffen believes that one solution to the chal- are dominated by the mudprawn Upogebia africana, lenges of seasonality would be to appeal to niche the sandprawn Callianassa kraussi and the bivalve markets by running numerous events and small, Loripes clausus. Diversity and abundance is consid- specialist festivals throughout the year. ered to be low relative to other closed estuaries in The latter is where the new Tourism commit- the region. Zooplankton biomass and abundance in tees in Great Brak River intend to make their the estuary is typical of temporarily closed sys- mark. tems, and is dominated by the copepods Acartia longiptella (during closed phases) and Pseudodiap- www.greatbrakriver.net tomus hessei (during open phases).
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