2216 Genes Involved in DNA Repair and Nitrosamine Metabolism and Those Located on Chromosome 14q32 Are Dysregulated in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Lori E. Dodd,1 Srikumar Sengupta,4 I-How Chen,7 Johan A. den Boon,4 Yu-Juen Cheng,8 William Westra,9 Michael A. Newton,5 Beth F. Mittl,3 Lisa McShane,1 Chien-Jen Chen,8 Paul Ahlquist,4,6 and Allan Hildesheim2 1Biometric Research Branch, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis and 2Hormonal and Reproductive Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute; 3Westat, Inc., Rockville, Maryland; 4Institute for Molecular Virology, 5Department of Statistics and of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, and 6McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin; 7Department of Otolaryngology, McKay Memorial Hospital; 8Graduate Institute of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; and 9Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland Abstract Polymorphisms in nitrosamine metabolism, DNA repair, and Differentially expressed probe sets within the nitrosamine immune response genes have been associated with nasopha- metabolism pathway were consistently underexpressed ryngeal carcinoma (NPC). Studies have suggested chromo- (100%), with strong effects observed for NQ01, CYP2B6, somal regions involved in NPC. To shed light on NPC and CYP2E1. No significant evidence of increases in rate of etiology, we evaluated host gene expression patterns in 31 differential expression was seen within the immune/inflam- NPC and 10 normal nasopharyngeal tissue specimens using matory pathway. A significant elevation in rate of differential the Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array. We expression was noted for chromosome 4p15.1-4q12 (13.0%; focused on genes in five a priori biological pathways and P = 0.04); both overexpression and underexpression were chromosomal locations. Rates of differential expression evident (38% and 62%, respectively). An elevation in the rate of within these prespecified lists and overall were tested using differential expression on chromosome 14q32 was observed a bootstrap method. Differential expression was observed for (11.3%; P = 0.06) with a consistent pattern of gene under- 7.6% of probe sets overall. Elevations in rate of differential expression (100%; P < 0.0001). These effects were similar when expression were observed within the DNA repair (13.7%; excluding late-stage tumors. Our results suggest that nitrosa- P = 0.01) and nitrosamine metabolism (17.5%; P = 0.04) mine activation and DNA repair are important in NPC. The pathways. Differentially expressed probe sets within the consistent down-regulation of expression on chromosome DNA repair pathway were consistently overexpressed (93%), 14q32 suggests loss of heterozygosity in this region. (Cancer with strong effects observed for PRKDC, PCNA, and CHEK1. Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006;15(11):2216–25) Introduction EBV is a ubiquitous DNA virus with worldwide distribution an early age. In a study of the association between dietary known to be associated with the development of f100% of nitrosamine levels and NPC risk in Taiwan, individuals in the nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC), particularly in southeast- upper quartile of consumption of nitrosamines during child- ern Asia and among those of Chinese descent (1, 2). In addition hood had a 2.6-fold increased risk of NPC (3). Smoking of to EBV infection, numerous environmental and host factors cigarettes, which contain nitrosamines and other agents have been suggested to be associated with NPC in epidemi- capable of DNA damage, has also been shown to be associated ologic studies. with NPC, particularly when smoking occurs for a prolonged Exogenous exposures associated with NPC previously period (4). include sources of nitrosamines (dietary and other), nitrosa- Host factors believed to be associated with NPC tend to fall mine precursors, and other agents involved in damage to into two biological categories: factors linked to DNA damage DNA. Studies have shown an association between dietary and repair and those linked to immunologic control of EBV. consumption of salted fish and other preserved foods rich in Data available to date suggest that polymorphisms in genes nitrosamines and their precursors and NPC risk (1). Such involved in the activation of nitrosamines into reactive exposures seem to be particularly important when occurring at intermediates capable of DNA damage or in the repair of damage are associated with NPC (5-7). In particular, CYP2E1 variants have been associated with NPC (5, 6), and specific Received 6/14/06; revised 8/4/06; accepted 9/11/06. polymorphisms in the DNA repair genes XRCC1 and hOGG1 Grant support: National Cancer Institute Intramural Research Program and NIH grants have been suggested to affect NPC risk (7). CA2243, CA97944, and CA64364. P. Ahlquist is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Immunologic factors have been hypothesized to be associ- Institute. ated with NPC development because interindividual differ- The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. ences in immunologic control of the ubiquitous EBV infection Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. are likely important determinants of NPC risk. In this Note: Current address for I. Chen: College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, respect, genes that encode for human leukocyte antigens Taipei, Taiwan. Analyses were done using BRB ArrayTools developed by Dr. Richard Simon and Amy Peng. (HLA) responsible for the presentation of viruses, such as This study used the high-performance computational capabilities of the Biowulf PC/Linux EBV, to the immune system have been studied. Studies to cluster at the NIH, Bethesda, MD (http://biowulf.nih.gov). date have consistently shown an association between specific Requests for reprints: Allan Hildesheim, National Cancer Institute, 6120 Executive Boulevard, Room 7062, Rockville, MD 20852. Phone: 301-435-3984. E-mail: [email protected] HLA alleles and haplotypes and risk of NPC (8, 9). Among Copyright D 2006 American Association for Cancer Research. others, HLA-A*0207, HLA-A*1101, HLA-B*4601, and HLA- doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-06-0455 B*5801 are associated with NPC risk. In addition to HLA gene Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006;15(11). November 2006 Downloaded from cebp.aacrjournals.org on September 25, 2021. © 2006 American Association for Cancer Research. Cancer Epidemiology,Biomarkers & Prevention 2217 polymorphisms that might affect the adaptive immune were evaluated by wide-spectrum cytokeratin immunohisto- response, recent studies have begun to evaluate the role of chemistry using monoclonal mouse anti-human cytokeratin innate immune responses in NPC pathogenesis through the primary antibody (AE1/AE3; 1:20 dilution) from DAKO and evaluation of KIR genes and their HLA ligands (10). DAKO EnVision+ System, Peroxidase (3,3¶-Diaminobenzidine) Most recently, studies of multiplex families at high risk of Mouse (DAKO Corp., Carpinteria, CA) as per manufacturer’s NPC have been conducted. Initial reports from these family- protocol, and in situ hybridization for EBV EBERs was done based studies have suggested linkage of several chromosomal using EBV Probe ISH kit (NCL-EBV-K) from Novocastra regions (including 4p15.1-4q12 and 14q32) with NPC in these Laboratories Ltd. (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom) families10 (11). following manufacturer’s protocol. As summarized above, data point to the involvement of Tumor tissue was defined as section areas that stained multiple factors in NPC pathogenesis. However, other than positive for both cytokeratins and EBV EBERs. the evaluation and localization of EBV in tumor cells of the Laser Capture Microdissection. For tumor enrichment from nasopharynx, little is known about events occurring locally at NPC sections containing <70% tumor tissue as well as to the nasopharynx that might support any of the hypotheses isolate epithelial compartment from normal healthy nasopha- mentioned above. ryngeal tissue specimens, we used laser capture microdissec- Herein, we describe results of a study in which expression tion (LCM). Most of the adjacent matched nontumor biopsies levels of a priori–defined genes were evaluated using micro- were found to harbor tumor cells and were not included array technology (Affymetrix array) and compared between for further study. To prepare and orient the sections for tissues obtained from NPC lesions and normal nasopharyngeal LCM, serial adjacent sections were briefly hematoxylin stained, tissue. Our results provide important evidence linking the dehydrated through graded ethanol, and air dried. Tumor expression of genes involved in nitrosamine metabolism and identification and mapping were aided by referring to the DNA repair to NPC. The results also provide evidence for adjacent slides evaluated by cytokeratin immunohistochemis- the involvement of a gene(s) on the telomeric end of the long try and EBV in situ hybridization. LCM was done using an arm of chromosome 14 in the etiology of NPC. A separate Arcturus PixCell II laser dissecting microscope and CapSure report from this study has evaluated expression levels in genes Macro LCM caps (Arcturus Bioscience, Mountain View, CA). included on the Affymetrix array and related them to levels of expression
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