WEATHER SPECIAL ISSUE Rain latar today­ Four~page section hNvyattl_­ looks back at seven chance of a rStorm decades of reporting VOL.2-N'o. 1 ~ RIDER UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCEvn.LE, N.J. - Nov. 8, 1996 PRICE ··FREE.· Why all News' advisor Rider Newspapers plays key role the hoopla! Celebrate 70 Years in keeping staff TQ most of yo~ out (here, this 70th in shape anniversary issue of your campus news­ paper may nbc mean much. but to of Publication By BRIAN J. KEUEY those of w who sacrifice: many hours of F..xccu.tiw: Editor partying and sleep on those long Although listed last in the masthead Thursday-nighlSi'ifut merge imo Friday on the editorial page, the advisor of me mornings (or af I all it. 'Thriday), it is Ritkr Nws certainly is not the least of a aU to arms to ~ sure We connnuc ,he people inv,?lved in putting this . serving mis campus community. paper out every week. The JaJn Nt'UIS Ius heen mere dur­ The faculty advisor acts to smooth ing good times, like the day Rider OUt the waters when the seas get rough became a university• . as weD as the bad: nom dme to time during a long, gruel­ the facuhy strike of 1974, the near ing year. Lds face it: When you have It· strike: in 1994, the fatal shooting OU[- about IS to 20 staff" members with dif­ 0; side the Student Center in 1993 and ferent ideals and personalities trying to the unthin~ablc assauft that just work together in a collegiate atmos­ occurmi,this week. phere, things tend to get a little crazy We were here when big names in and tempers sometimes flair over the cntenainmcnt ~ to srop by and play stupidest things. us a song or [Wo, like Janis Joplin • . BiUy . Dr. E. Graham McKinley, a professor Jocl and "Slowhand" -himself. Eric of co mmunications, currently sits in the Clapton when he W2S with Derek and position of advisor of the Ritkr N~wI. the Dominoel. "It's a hard job," she says. "But I . We hope you enjoy me photo spread know what it's like puuing a newspaper on thcinside of chis and the back page. together all night." It is representative of the eras in which McKinley, who also currently works me RUin- Nws served the campus com- part time as a copy editor at the limes munity. ofTrenron, added that the greaU$t chaJ­ But we intend to keep rrying to make lenge of the job is trying to keep the sure aU the voices on this campus are sraffhappy and content. being heard. "The job is so stressful and people Members of the Rider community. tend to lose it," she said. we are here for you. $0. if you have McKinley is into her third year of something you want to express. give us advising the N~WI and she says she is ;1 call or write a letter to the editor and fortunate she got off to such a good get your point across . start with her first executive editor, . We hope you enjoy mis new edition Marilyn Mackiewicz (1994-95). of The Rider Rooster. although no one "I was really lucky with Marilyn, is quite sure: why a rooster was picked because she WAS a real self starter," she. to be the name of the paper back in said. "That whole Staff was really com­ 1926. mitted to the paper and it was a great We have had a lot of problems this 'The Rooster' launched sellen first experience for me." semester. but hopefuliy we can sun to Dr. Pamela Brown, professor of com­ put those behind us and begin to put decades of student" newspapers on munications. was the advisor for 10 out a quality. comprehensive newspaper years before McKinley took over and that wiD mrive for 70 more: years on the the Rider campus she, tOO, agreed that the job was a tough Rider campus. one. By BRIAN J. KELLEY The Roos.·er was published during We expect big things next semester. "I would caJl in at II p.m. to see how Executive Editor the 1926-27 academic year and aetu­ like: a new look and format. as well as they were doing, but I WOuld go to sleep Sc;venty years ago on Nov. 10, ally had a cover price of five cents. our very own website on the Rider expecting to get a call at [WO. three o' 1926, the Rider College campus - After The Rooster crowed its last, Home Page. dock in the morning with some kind of then located in Trenton - was the Rider College News became the What we want to accomplish by the legal or ethical question," Brown said. awakened and informed hy The official newspaper of the campus end of this year is to put out a newspa­ Brown, however, remains close to the Rider Rooster, the first-ever student community. The first issue of that per you can be proud to call your own editors she had the pleasure of advising newspaper in the school's history. paper, which came out Jan. 17, 1930, and one of the highen qualitative and during the years. even though s~e had Among the eight articles included represents the true origin of what professional standards. to do a lot of "negotiating" at the begin­ on that issue's front page were stO:­ became simply.the Rider News in the So enjoy this liule trip Nck in time ning with her first editor. Barbara ries about the "delightful mystery summer of 1940. as we salute all the Nws' staffers nut Boyer, about how much of a role Brown dance" scheduled for Nov. 19, a However, Sunday represents a have come before: in their re:lendess pur­ should play in the operation of [he speech given by Gov. Moore to the landmark in Rider student journal­ suit of me truth and their defense of the paper. Assembly and the welcoming of two ism history so, in honor of that first first amendment. "She was so fearful that this new advi­ new instructors to the Rider commu­ publication, the newspaper is bring­ But, once'again, this is your paper­ sor was going to somehow take over," nity - one of which was legendary ing The Rooster and its oid-fash­ n(Jt ours. We only neer it through mis said Brown. "I really didn't wane ·to, but Rider men's basketball head coach ioned style back to life - so to nream of time. I did want to have a say." Clair Bee, who had been previously speak - for this one issue. Today, the advisor gives us direct ion, Dean of the National University of Enjoy the trip down memory Jane. but the uaff takes its own roads 10 get Kentucky. there. ""SPECIAL FOUR·PAGE PULLOUT SECTIQN"" P2 70 YEARS AND STILL CROWING Friday, November 8,1996 - "SPECIAL FOUR-PAGE PULWUT SECI10N" J6 Friday,N~mber8,1996 ·70 YEARS AND STILL CROWING P3 ""SPECIAL FOUR-PAGE PULWUT SECTION"" P4 70 YEARS AND STILL CROWING Friday, Nowmber 8, 1996 Former editor recalls 'first love' ; By RON PANARO'ITI '93 paper to reflect on their memories. it part of the campus community. Darrick and getting our hands good and di ~ty &ecuti~ Editor 1991-93 was like geuing to go to Homecoming Suber made that inc~dible shot in the from delivering the Nnm sustained IUS again. last four seconds all. • Espcc;ally me. In a. sense, "she" was like my first To me,- the '!11~]~;;;i;';ii1ir.;1 of a game that let love. N~ was the main k Rider squec:ze past The greatest gift the Nnm gave: me. She gave a wct-bchind-thc-c::us course of study: Wagner, 65-64. I think, is nOt one that can be seen in undergraduate me experience: he would classes were inci- turning Alumni black and white. 1De N~J taught me need. Many people thought she was a dental. textbooks a Gym into a mad- humility and a sense <<;If balance: no waste of time, but he knew bener. If he: necessary evil and house as the maner how right you think you are at screwed things up with her ,onc week, a usocial lifc:" me~- 'llroncs made it to any given time. juS[ look hard enough he could always redeem himself during Iy meant you did the NCAA [ouma- and you'll probably see· another side ~ o the next. He felt that taking care of her your drinking in meht. the story. was the reason the fates had brought The Pub on wc:c:k- We saw the Iu sad. as I was to hang up my hat him to this four-year suburban college, ends instead of in first people of three and half ynn .ago, 1 1i:I, tha, my and she never dis2ppointed him. good old SC234 color to be chosen Rider career meant something. and that And she is 70 years young this during those Homecoming 1 had hdped any on a uadition. month. Thursday night King and Queen. Now, the current editor, Brian "Shc" is, of (.:!lUl""..c, the RNkr Nnvs. crunches. I felt like: And a fraternity Kelley, and his team are carrying the a campus inS[i[Ution ~hat has been nothing more: than trying to roll back N~s into its 70th incredible year and through coundess incarnations and another journalist. racial progress beyond! It's a birthday buh\ that I'm chronicled the facc:s. evcn.ts and forces who also happened instead of taking it proud to be a part of.
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