vot. LETH0RIOOC. ALMRTA. TUEIOAY, OCTOBER 27, IMI. MO. LAURIERT i TTTfeTnVCS1 MAJORITAft i lAnFTYV TTVOY EXCEEPV/^fTrDv T^II^rtFIFTYr Quebec ALGOMA. WEST-Gibson, Lib., re- ARTHABASKA-Larerg ne. Lib. LIBERALS MAY HAVE AS LARGE A MAJORITY port, d elected. BAGOT—Maral. Lib; BRANT-Hon. Wm. Paterson, 300 BEAUCE-B*l*n4, Ub,, . MM ; maj. : jority, .• .;. ";'.;..' .'.; . ^ .,.' .-: • • '; ;„. ' BROCKVILLK—Hon. G. P. Gra- BEAUHAEKOI8-Papin.au, Lib; AS IN THE OLD PAR1JAMENT ham, Lib., 200 maj. defeated Bergeron—a Liberal fain. ; v BRUCE, NORTH-Tolmie, Lib., BEBTHIER-Ecrem*nt. Lib., *:£. elocL'd. BELLECHABSE-Ialbot, Lib.. U- 100 maj. Every Province In the But Two Return a Majority Of Supporters For the BRUCE, SOUTH—A. J. Donnelly, BONAVEXTUR>>-M»reil, Lib., V,- Cons., elected; a Conservative gain. 700 mai. Liberal Party — Ontario, From Present Returns, Cuts Down the Conservative Lead Consider- CARLETON—Borden, Cons., elect- BROKE—HOB. S. A, Fii»her, Lib., ed. ' 390 maj. "CENTRE TORONTO-Bristol, Con,, CHAMPLAIN—Bloodity Cons., 45 ably — Members Beaten — Only One Cabinet Minister Defeated—Almost a Clean Sweep In elected. —a Coniervatw fain, . DUNDAS-Broder, Cons., 350. CHATEAUGUAf-Brown, Lib., by Saskatchewan — Alberta's* Standing In Doubt ESSEX, NORTH-Clark, Lib., 100 300. maj.* CHAMBLY-VERCHERHS — Gtot- Ottawa, Oct. 2?.—It ii within the, vituperation, unexampled in its men- contests in this province, besides the, ESSEX, NORTH—R. F. Suther- frion, .Lib. leaders are beaten. Even East To- xrands of possibility that the deieat land, Lib.' ' . -.—V DORCH£8TER-Roy, Lib.—a Lib. dacity and rancor, has fail.'d, and one in the Yukon. , ! ronto has turned down A. E. Kemp of Hon. Wm. Templeman in Vic- Canada, with enthusiastic voice, has Prince Edward Island returns two oral faint. in favor of an Independent. ELGIN EAST-M»rshall,, Cons. 0ria, B.C., will reault in the retire called upon Laurier to finish his HOCHELAGA—Bmt, Lib. liberals' and two Conservatives. Sir Wilfrid Happy. ELGIN, ..WEST-T. W. Crothers, HUNTINGDON—Mobb.. Lib., *>k-ct- ooeni of that gentlentm iron'public work. He goes back to Parliament Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Quebec. Oct. 26.—Sir Wilfrid Laur- Cons., 500 maj. ife, and the leadership of the Paci- with a majority of at least fifty in return d twelve and eleven Liberals Liberal" gain" ier, seen at the Chateau Froritenac, E. NORTHUMBERLAND — Webb, fic Coast Liberal* v will devolve-upon the Commons, and this ia almost cer- : JACQUES CARTIEB-F. D. Monk. respectively, against;six and two Op- where he received the results in his either Ralph Smith or Dun can ~ Ross, Lib., a Liberal gain. Con*!, 760 maj. x, tain to, be increased by later and positionists. This is a Liberal fall- rooms, said he was delighted with corrected returns, aa w.-ll as by the FRONTENAC—Edwards, Cons., JOLIET-Dubeau, Lib. ing off of Nova Scotia and an im- the result. He was bubbling over Quebec. Oct. ».—Sir Wilfrid{Laur .results of -deferred elections. prqyeinent in New Brunswick. The UG. • '• .': < , ' •••••.. • KAMOROUSKA-LaPointo. Lib. ? with good humor, and was particular- ier this morning absolutely r:fused GLENGARRY^—J. A. McMillen, LABELLE—Major, Lib., 400. The only Cabinet Minister defeated Maritime Provinces Ministers all had ly iater sled in the returns from to make any comment on the-result was* Hon. Wra. Templeman. The Lib., 300 maj. " L'ASSOMPTION—Sequin, Lib., large majorities. Ontario, which seemed to give him of. the elections. other Ministers w.re returned by de- LAVA'L—Wilson, Lib., 70—a Lib r Quebec remains faithful in its al_ 'great pleasure. Sir Wilfrid was ask- GREY EAST-SprouJe, Cons, ' i cLsive majorities. legianc.v sending to the support of al gain. ed to send a message to the electort GREY, SO^TH—Millar, Lib., elect- Ottawa, Oct; 27—The Liberals are LEVIS-Camer, Lib., 435. Ltading Torit* Trounced. Sir Wilfrid 52 out of 65 members, a of Canada, and while he felt inclined id by 100 majority. preparing a big welcome to the Pre. L'ISLET—Dr. Parquet, Cons. 113. Many of the most prominent Con- SIR WILF LAURIER, delegation which will be increased to to do so, .a-sked to hay.- the matter GREY, NORTH—Middleboro, Cons.- mier, and are getting enthusiastic 54 when the deferred elcctioas are LOTHBINERE—Fortier. Lib., 300. servatives went down to defeat, among who wit: ever the daotinies If ft in abeyance-until tomorrow, when —a Conservative gain. • •• aver the matter. "Nothing ia yet them W. H. Bennett, of East Sim- held. he result of the election would be MAISONNEUVE—Vervillc. Labor of the nation lit another term. HAMILTON, EAST—S. Barker, known as to which constituency. coe; G. W. Fowler, A. A. Lefurgey, ' * a Good Old Ontario. complete. • • „ • ' ... ; MASKINONGE-Michaud, Lib. Ccns., 163 maj. Quebec East or Ottawa, Sir-Wilfrid and W. F. Cockshutt, of .Brantford. Perhaps the most noteworthy f a- Personation and Perjury. MEGANTIC—Savoie,-Lib., 600. HAMILTON, WEST—Stewart, Con.; will git for. There will be a keen R. L. Bord n was elected in both Hali- vice, every triclc," every expedient, ture of the result was the, way in Winnipeg, Man., .Oct. 26.—Strong ' MIBSIQUOI—Mei«», Lib., 37. 5ght for nomination between factions .a Conservative gain. MONTREAL. ST. JAMES-Ger fax and Carleton, Sir Wilfrid Lauffer fair and unfair/ to beat him. which Ontario showed, its apprecia- evidence of p:rjury and parsonation if;he does not retain the Ottawa seat. tion of Sir Wilfrid's presentation of HASTINGS, EAST—W. B. North- var's Lib., 1519. in both Ottawa and Quebec East. In In Saskatchewan the Liberals made in the Winnip g campaign were the Government's case, and refused nip, Cons. ••'"'•' MONTREAL. ST7 ANN'S-Doherty Only Minitter Dtftatftd. the latter he put on hia old-time four- almost a cle'an ^jweep, Qu'AppelU brought to light yesterday afternoon, to respond to the rec:nt appeal of HURON, SOUTH—M. Y. McLean, Cons., 70 majority—a Conservativ Victoria, B.C.," Oct. 37.-OvH. Bar- figure majority. ~ In Manitoba, for alone returning^i^ Conservative, and when throe men were arrested and Roblin and the other slanderers. Lib., 'elected. gain. , nard was yesterday elected to repre- reasons which will bz analyzed, tho in Alberta,"the pjvbable outcome will lodged in_ the Rupert St. station. Two The .great English-speaking province MONTREAL, ST. ANTOINE—H. B sent Victoria in the Dominion Houae, victorious -Liberal Government was be the election "of four Liberals anc are charged with, personation and one HURON) WEST—Lewis, Cons rva- r of the Dominion* returns no fewer Ames, Cons., 300-maj. defeating Hon. W . Templeman, Min- not BO successful as elsewhere, carry- three Conservatiir^s. with perjury. On \ arrest was made liv'e, elected by 28 majority. ; . ing only three seats but of ten. .than. 99 Liberals, and th/re may be at the instance of one of the deputy EAST—Gordon,; Lib., 400. MONTREAL, ST. LAWRENCE— ister of Inland Revenu? and Mines, In British Columbia, where • loca! Biekerdike, Lib. by a total of 2,171 votes, as opposed $ift.n Won. more. returning officers, .and the prisoner is WEST-McCoig, Lib. A lib- issues decide ntoot contests, one Lib- MOHTBEAL, ST. MARY'S-Kartin, to 2,166 votea, a majority .of. five/ Hon; Clifford Sifton was'elected in -Kemp Went Down. ^ charged^ with attempting to personate eral gain Lib.,-900. There w.re 75 spoiled billots and 11 Brandon after a campaign in which eral and three' Conservatives are ap- The Ontario Ministers V go; back Ernst B. 'Hulle£ aV.o'ne of the north Wm. Harty, MOSTMAGNY-Roy, Lib., 175-a rejected ballots. The officer dtcUra- hia opponents resorted to every de-j patently are deferred triumphantly, and^many' of the Tory md polls. At a lak- hour kst night Lib., 375. ,.-!. "",'.: -...-I .'>..' "Liberal gain. ,- - ;ion by the returning 'offtce'r will be the magistrate was. brought to the LANARK MONTCALM-Hen*, Lib., 300 maj. .nad« today. :t . '•>._ -^" , ajjd accepted, bonds to tie ." ,-, ^90'__. : : 300.: - ^ -*~~ 'A Majorfty of Fifty." "J of $1,000 each, from'the prison- g«3n- •'. " .". ' - •."'.'.' . .' ••"•""" r ers Geo. McKay and A. j." Norquay, LAXARK,, SpUTH^Hoh^ V J^; ;;G, MO?rrCALM—D^«a«, Lib., 300. Winnipeg, Man.. Oct. *.—The Con- Vel easing the man-on bail, .. ... ^lagg.irt. ' -.. '•••'/ • / " ';. -MQNTMOBMENCY—Pawht, Lib., ;ervative campaign of vilification and elected.. '-' LENNOX AND ApDINGTON—F-S. XAPIERVIUX-Lanctot, Lib., 394. Wartman, Lib., 47—a Liberal gain. PONTIAC—Hodgins, Lib., elected New Brunswick LONDON—Beattie, Cons., elected. "by 10L majority; a Liberal-gain. British Cbhimbia CARLETON—F. BV Carvel!^ Lib. i37 MIDDLESEX; NORTH —;, Smith, POBTNEUF—Deliile, Lib., -500. : Lib., ,150 maj. ' • , NANAIMO—Smith. Xib./ elected. ma;._ -., , ~ • •'• -!•" • • ' : • •; ; . 'QUEBEC COUNTY—Turcotte, Lib. MIDDJLESEX AVEST—Calvert, Lib., iNEW WESTMINSTER—TayloT; BY ONE HUNDRED VOTES CHARLOTTE—Todd, Lib., a Lib- QUEBEC, CENTRE—Lachanee, Lib. : Cons., 500 maj.—a Conservative fain. eral gBiri. - ... ' MUSkblKA—Wright, Cona. - QUEBEC, EABTr-Sir Wilfrid Lau- NIPISSING' — Gordon, Cons.—a VANCOinfER-Cowan, Cons., larfi GLOUCHKSTER—Turgeon, Lib., Conservative gain. ribr,.Lib.. 996. maj; oaajority, a oCnservative gain. QUEBEC, WEST—Trice, Cons., Reports, So Far, Indicate a Majority Of About 160 -Quite elected. NORFOLK—McCoil, 'Cons. 200.. VICTOBIA—Barnard, COM., B maj.—a Conservative gain. KENT-0. J. Leblanc, Lib..,. NORTHUMBERLAND, WEST— 7. :naj., defeated Hon. Win. : RICHMOND AND WOLFE—Tobin, a Number Of Polls To Hear From — Liberals Surprised B. MeColI," Lib., 200* maj. " man. KINGS-ALBERTMcAllister. Lib., Lib. defeat d-Gi W. Fowler. N. dNTARTO—Sharpe, Cons.,...elect-': d by 371 majority; a Conservative RIMOU8KI—Rosa, Lib. 450\maj. At Vote In Medicine Hat and Taber NORTHUMBERLAND — Loggie, SHEFFORD—Allen, Lib., 270. Lib. , • :• . .. gain.
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