1 CURRICULUM VITAE Name: StevenSkiena Date of birth: January 30, 1961 Office: Dept. of Computer Science Home: 6Storyland Lane StonyBrook University Setauket, NY 11733 StonyBrook, NY 11794 Tel.: (631) 689-5477 Tel.: (631)-632-8470/9026 email: [email protected] URL: http://www.cs.stonybrook.edu/˜skiena Education University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Fall 1983 to Spring 1988. M.S. in Computer Science May 1985, Ph.D in Computer Science May 1988. Cumulative GPA 4.87/5.00. University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA, Fall 1979 to Spring 1983. B.S. in Computer Science with High Distinction, May 1983. Final GPA3.64/4.0, with 4.0+ GPAinComputer Science. Rodman Scholar,Intermediate Honors, Tau Beta Pi. Employment Founding Director,Institute for AI-DrivenDiscovery and Innovation (IAIDDI), August 2018 to date. College of Engineering and Applied Science, StonyBrook University. StonyBrook University,Empire Innovation Professor,fall 2018 to date. Distinguished Teaching Pro- fessor of Computer Science, spring 2009 to date. Professor of Computer Science, fall 2001 to spring 2009. Associate Professor of Computer Science, fall 1994 to spring 2001. Assistant Professor of Computer Science, fall 1988 to spring 1994. Also, Adjunct Professor of Applied Mathematics, spring 1991 to date. Affiliated faculty,Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Institute for Advanced Computa- tional Science (IACS), and Graduate Program in Genetics. Yahoo Labs/Research, Visiting Scientist, NewYork, NY.summer 2015 to summer 2016. Chief Scientist, General Sentiment Inc. (www.generalsentiment.com) Woodbury NY spring 2009 to spring 2015. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Visiting Professor,Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, fall 2008 to summer 2009. Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation Institute for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science, University of Haifa, Israel, fall 2001 to spring 2002. DIMACS, Rutgers University,visitor,fall 1994 to spring 1995. Apple Computer,Advanced Technology Group, Cupertino CA, summer 1988. University of Illinois, Urbana IL, teaching assistant, fall 1983 to spring 1987. fellowship, summer 1987. research assistant, fall 1987 to spring 1988. MIT Lincoln Laboratories, Lexington MA, summers 1984 and 1986. Weizmann Institute of Science, RehovotIsrael, visitor,summer 1985. Western Electric Engineering Research Center,Princeton NJ, summer 1983. Bell Telephone Laboratories, Holmdel NJ, summer 1982. MiddlesexCounty College, Edison NJ, instructor,summer 1981. 2 Princeton Gamma-Tech, Princeton NJ, programmer,summer 1980, winters 1980 and 1981. Awards Distinguished Alumni Award, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, 2019. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2019. Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology (CITAMS) Paper Award, 2017. Clifford James Geertz Prize for Best Article, American Sociological Association, 2014. Fulbright Scholar,2001-2002. IEEE Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2001. President’sand Chancellor’sAward for Excellence in Teaching, SUNY StonyBrook, 2000. ONR Young Investigator Award, 1993. EDUCOM Higher Education Software Award for Distinguished Mathematics Software, 1991. NSF Research Initiation Award, 1991. Fourth Prize, First International Design the Future Competition, Tokyo Japan, 1989. First Place, Apple Personal Computer of the Year 2000 Competition, 1988. University of Illinois Summer Fellowship in Computer Science, 1987. Honeywell Futurist Award, 1985. Winner,ACM ’85 Computer Chess Turing Test. The Daily Illini “Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students,”spring 1984 and 1985. First place, 21st Southeast ACM Student Papers Competition, 1983. U.VaSigma Xi Anniversary award for undergraduate research in Engineering Science, 1983. Research Interests Data science, algorithm design and applications, computational biology,natural language processing and social media analysis. Publications in Journals (1) Diet Modulates Brain Network Stability,aBiomarker for Brain Aging, in Young Adults (with. L. Mujica-Parodi, A. Amgalan, F.Sultan, B. Antal, X. Sun, A. Lithen, N. Adra, E. Ratai, C. Weistuch, S. Govindarajan, H. Strey, K.Dill, S. Stufflebeam, R. Veech, and K. Clarke) Proc. National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). March 3, 2020. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1913042117 (2) Maximizing the Expected Value of a Lottery Ticket: HowtoSell and When to Buy (with A. Kim). Toappear in Chance. (3) Stereotypical Gender Associations in Language have Decreased Over Time (with J. Jones, R. Amin, and J. Kim) Sociological Science.January 7, 2020. 10.15195/v7.a1 Also Eastern So- ciological Society (ESS) Annual Meeting.Boston, MA, March 14-17, 2019 and 6th Interna- tional Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2020). (4) Prokaryotic Coding Regions have Little if anySpecific Depletion of Shine-Dalgarno Motifs (with Y.Yurovsky, M.Amin, J. Gardin, Y.Chen and B. Futcher). PLOS One,August 23, 3 2018. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0202768 (5) Re-annotation of 12,495 16S rRNA3’ends and analysis of Shine-Dalgarno and anti-Shine- Dalgarno sequences (with M. Amin, Y.Yurovsky, Y.Chen and B. Futcher). PLOS One,Au- gust 23, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0202767 (6) Latent Human Traits in the Language of Social Media: An Open-Vocabulary Approach (with V. Kulkarni, M. Kern, M. Kosinski, S. Matz, L. Unger and H. A. Schwartz). PLOS One, November 28 2018. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0201703. (7) DeepBrowse: Serendipitous Browsing through Large Lists (with H. Chen and A. Anan- tharam). Information Systems (to appear). Invited paper from Tenth Int. Conf Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2017), Munich, Germany, October 4-6, 2017. (8) Who’sBigger? Where Computer Scientists Really Rank (with C. Ward). BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics 32 (2017) 257-264. (invited pa- per) Special issue, St. Andrews Mathematical Biographyconference. (9) A Codon-Shuffling-based method to Prevent Reversion During Production of Replication-De- fective Herpesvirus Stocks (with G. Li, C. Ward, R. Yeasmin, L. Krug, and J. C. Forrest). Na- tureScientific Reports 7, 44404 doi: 10.1038/sep44404 (2017). (10) Vector-Based Similarity Measurements for Historical Figures (with Y.Chen and B. Perozzi) Information Systems 2016) doi:10.1016/j.is.2016.07.001. Invited paper from Eighth Int. Conf Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2015), Springer-Verlag LNCS 9371, 179-190. Glasgow, Scotland. October 12-14, 2015. (11) The Books of Numbers: Quantifying Historical Trends in Numeracy(with Y.Chen). The Mathematical Intelligencer.38(2016) 67-73. (12) A Paper Ceiling: Explaining the Persistent Underrepresentation of Female Names in Printed News. (with E. Shor,A.van de Rijt, A. Miltsov, and V.Kulkarni), American Sociological Re- view 80 (2015) 960-984. DOI: 10.1177/0003122415596999 (13) Measurement of Average Decoding Rates of the 61 Sense Codons in Viv o.(with J. Gardin, R. Yeasmin, A. Yurovsky, Y.Cai, and B. Futcher). eLife 2014;10.7554/eLife.03735. Published October 27, 2014. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03735 (14) Is there a Political Bias? Female Subjects’sCoverage in Liberal and Conservative Newspa- pers. (with E. Shor,A.van de Rijt, C. Ward, and S. Askar). Social Science Quarterly 95 (2014) 1213-1228. DOI: 10.1111/ssqu.12091. (15) Deliberate reduction of glycoproteins HA and NAexpression of influenza virus leads to an ul- tra-protective liv e vaccine candidate in mice. (with C. Yang, B. Futcher,S.Mueller,and E. Wimmer). roc. National Academy of Sciences. (2013) 9481-9486. (16) Only Fifteen Minutes? The Social Stratification of Fame in Printed Media (with A. van de Ri- jt, C. Ward, and E. Shor). American Sociological Review 78 (2013) 266-289. Also, presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Las Veg as, August 20-23, 2011. (17) Time Trends in Printed News Coverage of Women, 1880-2008 (with E. Shor,A.van de Rijt, C. Ward, and A. Blank-Gomel) Journalism Studies,2013. Also, presented at the 106th Annu- al Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Las Veg as, August 20-23, 2011 and the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Denver, CL, August 17-21, 2012. (18) Synthetic Sequence Design for Signal Location Search (with Y.-L. Lin and C. Ward) Algorith- mica 67(3): 368-383 (2013). Also, Proc. 16th International Conf.onComputational Molecu- lar Biology (RECOMB 2012).Barcelona Spain, April 21-24, 2012. (19) Identification of twofunctionally redundant RNAelements in the coding sequence of the po- liovirus RNApolymerase using computer generated designs and synthetic DNAsynthesis 4 (with Y.Song, Y.Liu, C. Ward, S. Mueller,B.Futcher,A.Paul, and E. Wimmer). Proc. Na- tional Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 109 (2012) 14301-14307. (20) Phase Balancing Algorithms (with K. Wang and T.Robertazzi) Electric Power Systems Re- search.96(2013) 218-224. (21) Redesigning Viral Genomes IEEE Computer (invited paper) special issue on Computational- ly-DrivenExperimental Biology.45(March 2012) 47-53. (22) Computationally-recoded AAVRep 78 is Efficiently Maintained within an Adenovirus Vector (with V.Sitaraman, P.Hearing, C. Ward, D. Gnatenko, E. Wimmer,S.Mueller,and W.Bahou) Proc. National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 108 (2011) 14294-14299. (23) Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccines by Computer-Aided Rational Design (with S. Mueller,R. Coleman, D. Papamichail, C. Ward, A. Nimnual, B. Futcher,and
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