^ a t a . v a ' i i n t *a*»-st ^ ?ublle aj;' W a t « » a n tfj 07.74.7 TH E1 : ' ***** Independent^ ☆ The Weekly Newspaper Vol. 7 NO. 29 Wednesday, May 25, 1977 20 Cents Nine candidates seeking school board appointm ent Mrs. Mitchell said. Mrs. Lockie is a m e m b e r B y l.ee Duigon The board held a closed session Monday to Mrs. Mitchell said, but the board attorney of the Beers Street School P T O and Mrs. HA/,1, F.T interview the candidates and attempt to advised that a roll call vote is required by the Caprio’s husband, Ralph, has sought election After interviewing nine candidates, the reach an informal decision. state O p e n Public Meetings Act. to the board in the past. Board of Education Monday night failed to "W'e came up with absolutely nothing,” “I don't like to put any of the candidates in Mrs. Pflug is a teacher in the Middletown reach a consensus on a replacement for the Mrs. Mitchell said. "The interviews started an a w k w a r d position,” she said, “but if school system, specializing in reading, and late Carlo Genovese. at 8 p.m. and ran past 10 p.m., and we that's h o w w e have to vote, that’s h o w w e ’ll Arian has a background in business admin­ The board is scheduled to make the discussed it till after midnight without being vote.” istration and finance, Mrs. Mitchell said. appointment at its June 6 meeting, according able to reach a decision.” If the appointment is not m a d e June 6, she Miss Pierce. 24. was educated in the Hazlet to Board President Bonnie Mitchell. " T h e y ’re all well-qualified people with added, the board m a y call a special meeting school system and holds a bachelor's degree Seeking the vacant school board seat are good credentials,” Mrs. Mitchell said. “That to make a decision before the deadline. in sociology. She is the daughter of Township Henry Pekarsky, 52 Virginia Ave.; Jo Anna m a k e s it hard to choose.” Mrs. Rabenda served four years on the C o m m i t t e e m a n Jack Pierce. I.ockie, 30 Coral Drive; Vincent Caeca vale, The board has until June 29 to appoint board in the later 1960s and Pekarsky and “At this point," Mrs. Mitchell concluded, 19 Hemlock St.; Carmella Caprio, 8 Ridge s o m e o n e to serve two years of G e no ves e’s Abramowitz have been candidates in recent “we have not eliminated anybody. When one Drive; Betty Rabenda, 19 Appleton Drive; unexpired term. If the board cannot meet the school board elections. Pekarsky is president of the candidates asked m e what his chances Elliott Arian, 10 Kildare Drive; Marie deadline. Mrs. Mitchell said, the county of the Hazlet Youth Athletic League. were. I told him, 'One out of nine, the s a m e < mmh i ivv M-.u-lv.il In d Leggett wall lii's as Firemen Chet Calloway andJeff Walling of Pierce, 32 Sycamore Drive; Barbara Pflug, superintendent of schools will have to make Mrs. Lockie, Mrs. Caprio, and Caccavale as evervbodv else's.” i iiii'i't \ ilosi' ran i out debris from chemical fire early Saturday morning at Keyport High 527 S. Laurel Ave.; and Steven Abramowitz, the appointment. have been “regulars” at board meetings. sii'fiool dll' fire mis eonfined lo a chemistry laboratory and storage closet. 79 Briscoe Terr. So m e of the board mem b e r s wanted to vote either in closed session or by secret ballot, Open classes Work on water mains Youth's jacket provided face challenge at Cambridge expected to cause rust M \T\\\ \\ MATAWAN TOWNSHIP Co. mains and storage tank.. key to high school fire case The township purchased the private utility A lorum w ill be held June 8 for a group of Residents of the River Gardens section of parents w h o have expressed dissatisfaction the township can expect rusty water for the in D e c e m b e r 1975. KEYPORT walls, stole “several items.” and started the was discovered, sending all seven of the borough's volunteer fire companies to the with the open classroom structure used at next week. Township Manager Donald F. According to T & M Associates, the town­ A teenager's coat led to the arrest fire. ship’s consulting engineer, a “reverse flow” They have been charged with illegally high school. Borough Councilman Harold the C a m b r i d g e Drive School. Guluzzy said yesterday. Saturday of three youths charged with of water was created when the two systems entering the school, larceny, and malicious Stout said last night that a “still alarm,” T h e lorum. which will begin at 8 p.m. at the setting a fire which had destroyed a Approximately 600 to 700 feet of water were integrated. Water previously had dam age . All three w er e released to their which would have brought out only the fire school, w a s announced at a Board of chemical storage room and seriously d a m ­ mains on Ferndale Street will be cleaned flowed in only one direction, T & M said. It parents and will have a hearing in the County c o m p a n y closest to the school, should have Education meeting Monday night by Lynn aged a laboratory at Keyport High School tomorrow. Guluzzy said. T h e project, which n o w flows in either direction, depending on Juvenile Domestic Relations Court, Free­ been used. Roomer, one ol the parents who are seeking only hours earlier. what they call a mo r e traditional approach to which storage tank is being used. hold. T h e fire chief r e c o m m e n d e d using a still will begin at 9 a.m., is a test to determine “Th e arrests w e r e made two hours after education whether cleaning most of the lines in the T h e reverse flow, the engineering firm w e got on the case," Capt. Michael Kelly said All four of the borough's schools were alarm in 1971, Stout said, but his r e c o m m e n ­ dation has not yet been implemented. A survey ol 114 people whose children system will eliminate rust from the water. explained, breaks loose rust which probab­ yesterday. closed Monday, so that custodians could, ly tv«>s been accxuoxilntvng ltl Wie xsaVec nxatns Several other councilmen commented on attend the elementary school was taken Rusty water has periodically plagued resi­ The investigation was headed by Louis clean up the area of the high school which for the past two decades. the fire • / r. l i nllv. M s i R o o m e r told the board, and dents of the northern portion of the township T o m a s who arrested two 16-year-old had been damaged by the fire. The schools } In an effort to r e m o v e s o m e of the rust, olio, “I would hope,” said Councilman James tu\> thirds of them "would like to have boys and a 15-vear old youth. All three boys re-opened yesterday. for months. Birmingham, referring to the three youths, partitions erected between classrooms.” Guluzzy said, the township will flush the are borough residents and attend the high There w a s no estimate of the cost of “There definitely will be rusty water as a “that not too mu c h leniency would be shown M s Roomer invited the board to attend the mains from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. every day for school. Kelly said. repairing the damage. result of the test,” Guluzzy said, “and w e the next week. T h e items stolen from the school, a bottle to these people.” lorum. Although the board has scheduled a T h e lire, reported at 12:34 a.m. Saturday, hearing the same night for lour teachers w h o want to warn the people.” T h e cleaning and flushing projects, he of mercury, a telescope and a light, were Councilman Richard Volpe said the bor­ was started in a chemistry laboratory and were not offered new contracts. Board Installation of a valve which again divides said, m a y cause rusty water in “a good recovered, police said. ou gh ’s parental responsibility law should be storage closet, according to a police report. President Judith Hurley and Marilyn Brenn­ the municipal water system into two sections portion of River Gardens.” The Board of Education has scheduled a enforced m o r e strictly. The youths climbed up a drainpipe and er indicated they would attend. w a s completed yesterday, he said. The mains on Ferndale Street will be meeting for tonight to discuss the fire. entered the school through a roof hatch, "II they're going to have a meeting to talk cleaned by Aqualine Environmental Serv­ police said. T he y scrawled graffiti on the A general alarm was sounded when the fire A similar valve was removed last year so Board weighs about closing up the classrooms at C a m ­ that the township’s original system could be ices Inc.
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