The tie that binds since 1926 The Cord Weekly WLU'S DOUBT LAURIER LIT s RELATIONSHIP TIPS The hits university budget season A of six Laurier-based The Cords own Valentine's profile po- very expert amidst economic turmoil PAGE 5 16 ... ets and authors PAGES 14-15 Cordelia dishes out advice PAGE ... ... Volume 49 Issue 22 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2009 www.cordweekly.com Tentative agreement reached Full-time faculty and the university reached an agreement early Monday morning; it will be ratified by a vote ending Friday JEREMY TREMBLAY ment won't be released until after NEWS EDITOR the ratification vote. "It usually takes a little while As of 3:15 a.m. Monday morn- to make sure that all the 'i's are ing, the Wilfrid LaurierUniversity dotted and the 't's are crossed," Faculty Association's bargaining explained Bates, adding that sections of unit for full-time faculty reached any references to the RYAN STEWART a tentative agreement with the agreement from within the docu- GOOD NEWS - Laura Sheridan reacts to the news that she will be the union's 2009-2010 president. university. ment itself will have to be checked The bargaining unit will pres- before its release to ensure there ent the document to union mem- are no errors. bers at a meeting this evening, at Crowley expressed the univer- which ratification will Sheridan's success point a vote sity's pleasure in having reached begin. Voting continues Thursday a tentative agreement. and "It's fair the ends at 4 p.m. Friday. to say, given state the The university's board of gover- of economy and the finan- will also have the de- cial that the Following a delay in elections results, Laura Sheridan learned she was the nors to see challenges are facing tails of the collective agreement university," he said, "reaching an with full-time next students' union president hours before starting next year's VP hiring before it is released. agreement faculty will "Hopefully that be this provides at least one element of week," said university spokesman certainty that will benefit the REBECCA VASLUIANU Helped to her feet by a mem- Sheridan explained that she Kevin Crowley. whole Laurier community, in- NEWS EDITOR ber of her campaign team, Sheri- would have to begin VP hiring for The full-time faculty's previ- cluding students." the union 8:30 - hours Last WLUFA issued dan, clearly exhausted, composed at a.m. two ous collective agreement expired week, a hear the results. To its What candidates and elections herself to a after results were announced. June 30 of last year. The two sides statement on website an- officials have the What started off as a elec- called cleanest near-empty room, Thompson an- regular began negotiating on August 27 nouncing that "parties [were] students' union presidential race nounced that Sheridan had won tion night atWilf's turnedinto hours with the exchange of proposals. engaged in negotiating the terms in anti- with landslide amount- of in the 24 after the The reached and conditions of four-course recent years came to an a victory waiting Lounge agreement was as a and climactic finish Friday morning at ing to nearly 50 percent of student bar's operating hours ended part of a bargaining session that faculty workload, and a salary set- results had been tabulated. 6:30 a.m. in the 24 Lounge. votes. not began with a conciliator at 9 a.m. tlement for the next three years." I Whilethe other three With only President-elect Laura "I feel extremely honoured. candidates Sunday. Negotiators had previ- The announcement also con- Sheridan and several members of think that's probably the best way each left shortly after Wilf's closed, ously met with the conciliator tained the results of a vote by 7he Cord been call of union her campaign team present, Chief to describe it," she told having promised a phone on Monday and Tuesday last members declaring their Returning Officer (CRO) Jayne minutes after hearing the news. from Thompson as soon the results week. "support for and solidarity with Sheridanand her team Thompson and her elections team "Starting 15 minutes ago, I really were known, Yesterday, WLUFA president the position of [the] Negotiating know decided and watch emerged from the Wilfrid Lau- want to ensure that students to camp out Judy Bates said, "The two teams Team and [directing] the WLUFA rier Union I'm here for them Knocked Up in the 24 Lounge while are on the in event University Students' that regardless currently working Executive, the that no of their fac- waited hear who would be of the is (WLUSU) boardroom to reveal the of their year, regardless they to text agreement," ensur- settlement reached in Con- the WLUSU that there results that had been delayed for ulty, regardless oftheir previous ex- next president. ing were no wording ciliation on Sunday, to organize a with the students' strike nearly six hours due to a ballot- perience union," disagreements. vote as quickly as possible." SEE SHERIDAN, PAGE 6 Details of the printing error. she continued. collective agree- Kitchener matches Waterloo's pool donation months of uncertainty, the Laurier pool's future is now secure in Following forward on a long-term plan, so in the region," said Vrbanovic. that's wherewe're to going go." Baxter explained that the next the short to be developed in near future term; long-term plans Grand River Ward Chicopee 2 step is to meet with the different councillor Vrbanovic noted Berry groups to confirm the donations. understand that there's that this installments over the next "They no donationis contin- "The tenders are to LAUREN MILLET $50,000 strictly ready go. The in water for the will SPORTS EDITOR five years to community groups [their community groups], gent on pool's repair projects repairs start right after the Re- the of their efforts so saw of con- forward as of Waterloo support fundraising they importance actually going planned. gion swim club meet in to the Di- commit- the to save the WTU pool. tributing solution," said "We'realso suggesting a middle of said Baxter. This Monday at the City of Kitch- May," the sum rector of Laurier Athletics Peter be made of the two universi- ener unanimous The city is matching pre- tee up council meeting, a the of Wa- Baxter. the two citiesand the to vote that granted by City ties, region passed a motion stating viously also wanted last week. "They us to move look at the future ofa 50-metre SEE PAGE Kitchener will donate $250,000 in terloo pool POOL, 13 News FEBRUARY 11, 2009 ■ THE CORD WEEKLY 2 WEDNESDAY, The Cord Weekly - Vietie that binds since 1926- Paper fire clears phone: (519) 884-1970 ext. 3564 fax:(519)883-0873 email: [email protected] The Cord Weekly Science Building 75 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5 2009 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, JEREMY TREMBLAY minutes before people would be VOLUME 49 ISSUE 22 NEWS EDITOR allowed to re-enter the building. He also told the Next Issue: February 25 students pres- last the ent that the fire was a result At about 6:40 p.m. night, of QUOTE OF THE WEEK Science evacuated someone the toilet Building was lighting paper "Thanks for the hot tip. Get it? Hot tip?" due to a fire in the men's wash- on fire. - Arts andEntertainmentEditor Daniel Joseph NlOOl. A "Until it room across from por- we can get ventilated, thanking someone for passing on the news that there was a fire in the Science can't let Building. tion of Bricker Avenue between we you back in," he said. WORD OF THE WEEK King and Albert Streets was closed Students outside of the building as a result. were unsure of what to dobecause Evolution - the which different process by living organisms have diversified from earlier life are thought to several of them had been sched- CONTRIBUTORS uled to write a "He went to open the door, then Morgan Alan LindaGivetash lonathanRivard midterm that Sheena Archie YusufKidwai JenniferRae ChrisBaluschak Andrei Kovacsik Alison Schofield Busta Nick Mara BIG OF CAME Shannon Lachance Silvestri THIS [CLOUD SMOKE] evening. Melissa Cupovic Andrea Millet laclyn Stief Natasha Dilkie Jamie Wade Neugebauer Thompson "I know I'm not Matt English Taryn Orwen-Parrish Emily Vanderheide OUT." KatieFlood JamesPopkie AlannaWallace write Elli Garlin Jillian Wood willing to an exam [inside right - Claire Palvetzian, first-year WLUSP STAFF now]," said Pal- kinesiology student vetzian, explain- ing that she was Copy Editing Manager Meredith Barrett write Copy Editors Caitlin Henderson supposed to Ariel Kroon to Claire a Distance Education exam in Gina Macdonald According Palvetzian, ge- Natasja Pannecoucke a first-year kinesiology student, ography shortly after the building Distribution Manager Nicole Weber shortly after the fire alarm went was evacuated. off constable after Waterloo a special was going Just 7:30 p.m., a around informing students that Regional Police Service vehicle WLUSP ADMINISTRATION the alarm was not a drill. marked "Forensic Identification" President Greg Sacks "He went to open the door, then arrived at the scene. By 7:45 p.m., VP: Advertising Angela Foster VP: Brantford Gibson this Holly big [cloud of smoke] came students still hadn't been allowed Chair of theBoard Bryn Ossington into Vice Chair Janice Lee out," she said. back the building. Board of Directors BrendanMcGill after 7 a con- Neither consta- Luay Salmon Just p.m., special police, special the stable toldstudents who were con- ble services nor fire depart- RYAN STEWART ADVERTISING gregated on the north side of the ment were available for comment F\RE - The Science BLHWing was evacuated around 6:40 last night.
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