WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | Feb. 7-20, 2014 | Volume 75, Number 7 ORLANDO DIOCESE PALM BEACH DIOCESE VENICE DIOCESE Parishioners of St. Philip Phan Van Minh in Orlando Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito is among the many men wear traditional Vietnamese clothing at a Mass gathered at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola for celebrated Jan. 31 by Bishop John Noonan for the Pictured are two of the 300 young people who the annual Catholic Men for Jesus Christ Rally Jan. 25. Vietnamese New Year. (LINDA CALDWELL | FC) represented the Diocese of Venice at the Jan. 22 March (LINDA REEVES | FC) for Life in Washington, D.C. (COURTESY) Vietnamese Men open Activities Catholics relish hearts to Christ reveal pro-life traditions Men of all ages — teens to seniors — sat in the strength pews, stood along the back, filled the aisles and Family is a huge part of the Vietnamese New overflowed into the chapel of the Cathedral of St. Joining hundreds of thousands of marchers, the Year, also known as “Tet,” the biggest event of the Ignatius Loyola Jan. 25 Diocese of Venice sent a group of more than 300 — year in Vietnam. Generally celebrated for three Despite their numbers of 1,300 strong, they all mostly young people — to Washington as part of days, the first day focuses families; the second gathered as one community of faith. With hum- the annual March for Life on Jan. 22. day honors ancestors; and the final day allows the ble hearts, the men witnessed as a priest set the The young people represented nine parishes, faithful to pray for blessings and to sanctify their tone of the day as he processed with a golden two high schools and three local universities. Tak- labor. It is the one time of the year that families monstrance holding the Eucharist. Seminarians ing time from their academic studies and spiritu- strive to be together. followed behind carrying censers with burning al formation, a number of seminarians joined as “Family is a tight-knit unit in the Vietnamese incense, reminding all that Christ was present. well. culture,” said Father Chau Nguyen, pastor of St. The reverent procession was part of the diocesan Even with harsh winter conditions impacting Philip Phan Van Mihn Parish. “Wherever you Catholic Men for Jesus Rally. Men, boys, clergy the Washington area, the group remained fo- are, you try to go home for the New Year. It is like and seminarians attended and witnessed the cused on their reason for being a part of a national Thanksgiving in America.” love of Christ through their active participation. movement seeking an end to abortion. Click on the ORLANDO DIOCESE above for Click on the PALM BEACH DIOCESE for more Click on the VENICE DIOCESE above for more more on this story. on this story. on this story. A look Honoring back religious to the jubilarians decade of the 1950s WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | Feb. 7-20, 2014 | $1.00 FLORIDACatholic ORLANDO EDITION Parish community sends 50,000 meals to hungry in Africa 18-year-old parishioner spearheads campaign to help the hungry LINDA CALDWELL of the Florida Catholic staff INDIALANTIC | Eighteen- year-old Tatiana Martin set a goal of making 20,000 meals to feed the hungry and then real- ized she needed to think bigger. With the blessing of Father Tony Welle, parochial adminis- Philippine Cardinal Luis Tagle of Manila trator at Holy Name of Jesus Par- wipes away tears as he discusses Typhoon ish in Indialantic, and the sup- Haiyan damage with Archbishop port of the youth ministry team, Joseph E. Kurtz, president of the U.S. Tatiana started fundraising for Conference of Catholic Bishops, in Manila, Philippines. Feb. 3. Cardinal a meal-packing event held Jan. Tagle told the U.S. delegation that 26. She created a display with recovery in the Philippines will show a tags labeled from $1 to $150. She church united. (TYLER ORSBURN | CNS) spoke after all of the Masses one weekend, asking her fellow pa- rishioners to take a tag from the board and commit to donating Typhoon the monetary amount appear- ing on the tag. “If each tag was taken, then recovery can we would raise $10,000,” Tatiana Left, volunteers at Holy Name of Jesus Parish seal the food packets that will be shipped to Burkina said. “Within three Masses, all of Faso, Africa. Right, sometimes you need a lift when serving others. This young boy’s father gives him the tags were gone. So, we added a boost so he could add a scoop of vegetables to a food package. (PHOTOS BY LINDA CALDWELL | FC) show world more tags to raise more money and were able to raise our goal Tatiana from packaging 20,000 meals to Martin packaging 50,000 meals.” set a a united Tatiana had participated in a goal of Helping Hands meal-packaging making event while at the Steubenville 20,000 Church Conference last summer. Pre- meals to feed DENNIS SADOWSKI sented by Catholic Relief Ser- the Catholic News Service vices and Stop Hunger Now and held throughout the country, hungry. the goal of the meal packaging With MANILA, Philippines | An emotional events is to bring food — a sand- the help Cardinal Luis Tagle of Manila welcomed wich-sized plastic baggie filled of her parish, U.S. Catholic leaders reviewing Typhoon with rice, soy meal and dried 50,000 Haiyan recovery efforts, saying that the vegetables, supplemented by a meals work to rebuild devastated communities packet of vitamins — to the hun- were can show the world a Church united in the gry of Burkina Faso, a drought- packed. service of people in need. stricken country in West Africa. With tears welling up as he described Tatiana said the Steubenville the utter destruction he saw during a visit event had a profound effect on to Tacloban soon after the Nov. 8 typhoon her. She felt called to serve others swept in from the sea with 195-mile-an- who are hungry and struggling. hour winds and a tsunami-like storm surge, It also served as a catalyst for her Cardinal Tagle reminded the international senior project at West Shore Ju- amazing. We also had online tic baggies. delegation Feb. 3 that storm survivors can nior/Senior High School in Mel- registration. We not only filled “I love the feeling you get from INSIDE teach visitors about the importance of per- bourne. the shifts, but we are over capac- a group project where you are ac- severance and maintaining faith in God. In addition to financial sup- ity.” complishing something useful Our Catholic Appeal “I don’t know how we could make the port, she would need enough The day of the event, parish- to help someone else,” said John Weekend is Feb. 15-16. whole world realize how much we could volunteers to fill the packets. ioners jumped into action and Grant, a retiree who joined the Learn more about the help. For a few days (during my visit) we Again, Tatiana was amazed by within a half hour had packag- parish a year ago. “Throughout life-changing ministries knew it was possible for humankind to be the support of her parish com- ing and sealing stations up and my life, I have strived to do for in the Diocese of Orlando together, to be one, to feel for one another munity. running, and everyone from others. This is a wonderful un- on Page 5. “People flooded to the tables preschoolers to seniors, families PLEASE SEE TYPHOON, 11 to volunteer,” she said. “It was and teens, began filling the plas- PLEASE SEE FOOD, 2 Feb. 7-20, 2014 Florida Catholic Your orlando cOMMUNITY 2 Sharing the message of God in sign language LINDA CALDWELL Duffy was surprised to learn there Iris Bleck is a regular at Mass of the Florida Catholic staff were 14 deaf people in her parish and Bible study. “I come to learn community. She is pleased to see about prayers and about God and ORLANDO | Karen Duffy more than half of them on average Jesus,” she signed. “I want to know learned how to sign to help a deaf participate in the weekly Sunday more about my Church.” friend better understand what was Mass, and most of those stay for The Bible study group discusses happening during Mass. the 45-minute Bible study after- the works of Catholic authors as That humble gesture has grown ward. well. At a recent gathering, Bebee into a ministry for the deaf at St. “Even though everyone can Martin raved about Scott Hahn’s Isaac Jogues Parish in Orlando. read the readings from their Cate- book, “Rome Sweet Home.” In addition to interpreting the 10 chumen Lectionaries beforehand, “It is a different kind of book a.m. Sunday Mass for the deaf for there are many unanswered ques- that I read,” Bleck signed. “I am the past 15 years, as well as special tions,” Duffy said. “We try to an- glad he wrote it.” events, Duffy leads a Bible study swer those questions and provide Duffy encourages other par- group for the hearing impaired. a fuller understanding not only of ishes that offer sign language in- “So often, the deaf community the day’s readings, but also other terpretation at Mass to continue does not have a deep understand- elements of the Mass, such as the the celebration with a Bible study ing of the Catholic faith, the doc- Eucharist, the Lord’s Prayer, the afterward. She believes the added trine, theology and Bible because songs and the priest’s homily.” instruction has truly enhanced the they miss out on some of the things The additional instruction faith lives of the hearing impaired Iris Bleck responds to a question, signing “yes,” during Bible study for the priest is saying, details that en- means a lot to the group, which of her parish community.
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