© Entomologica Fennica. 31 May 2011 Aspects of European Argyra systematics: molecular insights and morphology (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) Christoph Germann, Marc Pollet & Marco Valerio Bernasconi* Germann, C., Pollet, M. & Bernasconi, M. V. 2011: Aspects of European Argyra systematics: molecular insights and morphology (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). — Entomol. Fennica 22: 5–14. We focused on systematic aspects of some of the most common European Argyra species. Bayesian and Maximum Parsimony analyses were performed, using three mitochondrial markers (COI, 12S, and 16S) with ten Argyra species as the ingroup, and three other Diaphorinae as an outgroup. The topology of the trees derived from the two analyses was slightly different but not conflicting and al- lowed the identification of five species groups corroborated by morphological characters. The Argyra argyria species group and the Argyra atriceps species group encompass the majority of the species and can be regarded as Argyra sensu stricto.TheArgyra diaphana species group is characterized by a pubescent scu- tellum, a characteristic of Lasiargyra.TheArgyra elongata species group has previously always been regarded as Argyra s.s., but consistently clustered sepa- rately from this clade in our analyses. The Argyra vestita species group corre- sponds with Leucostola, and is characterized by a bare scape. C. Germann & M. V. Bernasconi (*corresponding author), Zoological Museum, Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zu- rich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland; E-mail: *[email protected] M. Pollet, Research Group Terrestrial Ecology (TEREC), Department of Bio- logy, Ghent University, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium; De- partment of Entomology, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (KBIN), Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium; and Information and Data Center (IDC), Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Kliniekstraat 25, B- 1070 Brussels, Belgium Received 17 March 2010, accepted 28 May 2010 1. Introduction 2007) with only a few known representatives from the Neotropical and the Oriental realm. Argyra is a primarily Holarctic genus with 100 Argyra is represented by 26 species in Europe species worldwide (Yang et al. 2006; see also (Pollet 2007). Sinclair et al. 2008). Its species diversity is com- All species of the genus Argyra are character- parable in the Nearctic (46 sp.; Pollet et al. 2004) ized by (i) a vertical row of 2 or more erect setae and the Palaearctic (42 sp.; Negrobov 1991, Pol- on the hind coxa, decreasing progressively in let 2007, Selivanova & Negrobov 2006a, 2006b, length towards the apex, with the uppermost one 6 Germann et al. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 22 inserted near the basis of the coxa. Other features specimens) as the ingroup, and 3 species (4 speci- are equally diagnostic and found in most species: mens) of 3 other diaphorine genera (Asyndetus (ii) the silvery pruinosity of thorax and abdomen latifrons (Loew, 1857), Diaphorus nigricans (males), and (iii) a scape with a dorsal pubescence Meigen, 1824, Chrysotus neglectus (Wiede- (bare in Leucostola). The following features are mann, 1817)) as an outgroup (Table 1). Outgroup encountered in many Argyra species, but are not species were selected on the basis of a previous unique to this genus: (iv) a concave occiput, (v) a phylogenetic analysis (Bernasconi et al. 2007b). rather large head closely attached to the thorax, All samples are conserved in 100% ethanol at – (vi) distinctly pubescent eyes, (vii) a prothoracic 20°C. spiracle bordered with dense pubescence, (viii) biserial acrostichal setae, (ix) six dorsocentral setae, (x) four scutellar setae (see further), (xi) an- 2.2. DNA extraction, amplification, terior abdominal segments often yellow or with and sequencing yellow lateral patches, (xii) hypopygium often with macrochaetae, and (xiii) hind femur without DNA was extracted from fly specimens using a preapical seta (except in A. elongata). The gen- Dneasy Tissue kit (Qiagen AG, Hombrechtikon, eral structure of the hypopygium is characteristic Switzerland) carefully following the manufac- as well: the hypopygium itself is entirely sym- turer’s instructions (for more details, see Bernas- metrical; the hypandrium is simple, shows a ven- coni et al. 2007a, 2007b). Standard PCR reac- tral curve and largely encloses the aedeagus with tions and subsequent direct sequencing (includ- an enlarged apex; the basiventral epandrial lobe is ing amplification and sequencing primers, reduced and represented by 2 or more epandrial Microsynth GmbH, Balgach, Switzerland) were setae; the apicoventral epandrial lobe is usually performed following the methods reported in de- well developed and equal-sized to the surstylus; tails in Germann et al. (2010). the surstylus is composed of an inner and outer plate, the latter showing a blunt apex and mar- ginal setae, most of which are directed towards 2.3. DNA sequence analyses the inner side; the cercus is usually rather small, triangular with strong outer setae. The mitochondrial sequences (COI, 12S, and Although representatives of Argyra are easily 16S) were handled and stored with the Lasergene and unequivocally recognizable, in the past sev- program Editseq (DNAstar Inc., Madison, WI eral attempts have been made to split off species USA). Alignment of all gene sequences was per- in subgenera or even separate genera, e.g. species formed using Megalign (DNAstar Inc.) with de- with a pubescent scutellum – a characteristic trait fault multiple alignment parameters (”gap pen- of Lasiargyra Mik, 1878 – and a bare scape, typi- alty = 15”; “gap length penalty = 6.66”; “delay di- cal for Leucostola Loew, 1857. In addition, vergent sqs(%) = 30”; “DNA transition weight = Bernasconi et al. (2007b) speculated on a sepa- 0.50”). The COI alignment included a single gap rate position of Argyra elongata in respect of the of three nucleotides (caused by the deletion re- other Argyra species. In the following we present corded in Diaphorus nigricans Meigen and and discuss new insights into the systematic posi- Asyndetus latifrons Loew, before the stop codon; tions of some common European Argyra species. see also Bernasconi et al., 2007b, Pollet et al., 2010). Concerning the 16S and 12S gene frag- ments, the obtained alignments using default val- 2. Material and methods ues were not subsequently manually adjusted. In the phylogenetic analyses, gaps were treated as 2.1. Samples “missing”. Phylogenetic reconstruction was car- ried out using Bayesian analysis (BAY), per- Atotal of 16 specimens of 13 species of European formed with MrBayes version 3.1.2 (Ronquist & Diaphorinae (Dolichopodidae) were included in Huelsenbeck 2003) and Maximum Parsimony the present study, with 10 Argyra species (12 (MP; using the heuristic search with stepwise ad- ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 22 • Systematic aspects of European Argyra 7 Table 1. Species (samples) used in the present study with the respective GenBank accession numbers. Species Origin of specimen GenBank accession number Belgian province: locality COI 12S rDNA 16S rDNA Argyra (ingroup) Argyra argentina (Meigen, 1824) Oost-Vlaanderen: Aalst DQ456922 DQ464766 GU827369 Argyra argyria (Meigen, 1824) Oost-Vlaanderen: Denderhoutem DQ456888 DQ464767 GU827370 Argyra atriceps Loew, 1857 Oost-Vlaanderen: Denderhoutem DQ456890 DQ464819 GU827371 Argyra atriceps Oost-Vlaanderen: Aalst DQ456924 DQ464769 GU827372 Argyra diaphana (Fabricius, 1775) Oost-Vlaanderen: Denderhoutem DQ456884 DQ464865 GU827373 Argyra elongata (Zetterstedt, 1843) Hainaut: Chimay, Lac de Virelles GU827382 NA* GU827374 Argyra grata Loew, 1857 Limburg: Sint-Pieters-Voeren DQ456934 DQ464782 GU827375 Argyra ilonae Gosseries, 1988 Oost-Vlaanderen: Aalst GU827383 NA GU827376 Argyra leucocephala (Meigen, 1824) Oost-Vlaanderen: Denderhoutem DQ456883 DQ464859 EU864019 Argyra perplexa Becker, 1918 Oost-Vlaanderen: Aalst DQ456923 DQ464768 GU827377 Argyra vestita (Wiedemann, 1817) Oost-Vlaanderen: Baasrode DQ456939 DQ464794 GU827378 Argyra vestita Oost-Vlaanderen: Denderleeuw DQ456945 DQ464802 GU827379 Other Diaphorinae (outgroup) Asyndetus latifrons (Loew, 1857) Antwerpen: Nijlen GU827384 NA GU827380 Chrysotus neglectus (Wiedemann, 1817) Limburg: Zonhoven DQ456893 DQ464829 EU864020 Chrysotus neglectus Antwerpen: Nijlen GU827385 NA GU827381 Diaphorus nigricans Meigen, 1824 Limburg: Zonhoven DQ456894 DQ464833 EU864021 *Abbreviations: NA: not available. dition option, TBR – Tree Bisection Reconnec- each branch and were calculated from the remain- tion – branch swapping, and 100 additional repli- ing trees generated from the two parallel runs. cates) using PAUP*4.0b10 (Swofford 2002); re- The two independent runs executed in parallel, liability of internal branches for the Maximum converged very fast, reaching average standard Parsimony analysis was assessed by bootstrap- deviation values of the split frequencies of less ping with 5,000 pseudo-replicates. Modeltest 3.5 than 0.05. MEGA (Molecular Evolutionary Ge- (Posada & Crandall 1998) enabled us to identify netics Analysis version 4.0; Tamura et al. 2007) the evolutionary model(s) for the Bayesian analy- was also used for managing and drawing the trees ses. Data were partitioned by gene (COI, 12S, and produced by the various phylogenetic analyses 16S) and the COI gene was further partitioned by and to calculate the genetic distances. The se- codon (first-, second-, and third-codon position). quences of the three mitochondrial genes for the Bayesian analyses
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