Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU Alumni News University Archives 1990 Eastern Today, Summer 1990 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Eastern Today, Summer 1990" (1990). Alumni News. 170. http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news/170 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. s��stem Today The "typical" American family is no longer Mom, Dad, and 2.5 children -- Eastern Today is published periodically for members of the Alumni Associa1io11 of Eastem Michigan Unfrersity a11d produced by the Office of Public l11formatio11 and CONTENTS U11iversi1y Publications. Please direct questions or comments 10 tire Officefor Alumni Relations. Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48/97; (313) 487-0250. EASTERN TODAY EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Jack Slater. director of alum11i relotions and uni,·ersiry development Pat Moran, associate director of alumni relations Carole lick, assis10111 director of alumni re/a1io11s Be,•erly Farley. assistant director of university de,·elopment f Eugene Smith. director o atlrletics Jim Streeter. sports information director Ka1h/ee11 Ti1111ey. assistant vice presidelll. execmfre division Sue McKenzie, associate director of university publicatio11s Page 6 Page 8 Page 10 Kare11 M. Piuon. editor Nancy}. Mida. s1a!Jwri1er a11d alumni association represemotil'e Jody ly1111 Reilly. srude111 writer GRAPHIC ARTIST 'Ideal' American family fast disappearing ......................... 4 lore/le Otis Thomas David Kieft PHOTOGRAPHER The working parent's challenge- Dick Schwarze finding quality child care .................................................... 6 ALUMNI ASSOCIATIO BOARD OF DIRECTORS William Mays. Jr .. ' 54. presidem Jah11 Charles Fove11esi, '73, president elect EMU pride follows families A1111 o· Beay Pa,.elka, ·74_ '79, past president Robert l. Baird. "72. "75, secretary-treasurer Par Moran. execurfre director through the generations ....................................................... 8 Normajea11 Anderso11. '35 Ly,111 Babcock, "66, "69, '78 Wendy Baxter, ·73 Jah11 Beleutz, "60 Joan M. Colladay. ·72 DEPARTMENTS Sanford Herman. "67. "74 Bernadeue Larki11s. '83 Richard Lepping, · 83 Nick Madias. "71 Campus Commentary ............................................................................ 1 Daniel Manthe, ·53 Na11cyJ. Mida, "72 Jack Minzey. "50 Alumni Association News .................................................................... 2 Ralph Paso/a. "71 Denise Repasky. · 88 Development ......................................................................................... 3 Karen Ann Rutgers. '84 Clark G. Spike. '44 Sports ................................................................................................... 10 Joyce Squires, '52 Thomas Stobie. '74. · 82 Matthew Miller. swdent represenwrive Campus News ..................................................................................... 14 Don Ward. s111de111 represen1a1ive EASTER MICHIGA U lVERSITY Class Notes .......................................................................................... 15 EXECUTIVE OFFICERS William E. Sire/ton. president Coast to Coast ...................................................................................... 24 Roy Wilbanks. executive vice preside111 Ronald W. Collins. pro,·ost 011d vice president for academic affairs Janet G. Piclrette, vice president for business a11d finance and treasurer 10 tireboard of regents Laurence N.Smith, vice president for university On the Cover marketing a11d student affairs The rapidly changing face of America's families, as depicted by EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGE TS graphic artist Lorelle Otis Thomas. Joh11 Burton, chairman Anthony A. Derezinski, vice chairman James Clifton Thomas Guastella Richard N. Robb William Simmons Gene,•a Y. Titsworth l_ -campus Commentary This edition of Eastern Today will focus on the family. Financial difficulties can cause problems in any family. Worries about paying the bills or being able to provide for those we care about strain our relationships. It's a similar situation in the family of higher education. We work harder with fewer resources to provide a quality education for those who depend on us, our students. But in order to continue providing the kind of education they deserve, more money will have to be found. That's why the Presidents Council of State Universities sponsored a series of forums around the state, one of which was co-hosted by Eastern Michigan University. The forums on the "Future of Public Higher Education in Michigan" fo­ cused on the critical need for financial support and strategies to address the problem. A report issued by the Presidents Council shows Michigan's public universities are relying on tuition and fees for a continuously increasing proportion of their revenue. In l 988-89, the level of state appropriation to public colleges and universi­ ties per full-time student was $468 below the national average. Of the fifty states, Michigan was thirty-second in funding per full-time student. The report notes that Pat Moran part of the problem can be attributed to the cyclical nature of Michigan's economy and pressing demands on the state budget to address other critical priorities. At the same time more and more students have been enrolling in public universities in recent years, and the universities are serving an increasingly diverse constituency. There has been a moderate increase in the number of minority students, a sharp increase in the number of women enrolled in higher education, and a substantial increase in the number of students attending school on a part-time basis. Yes, higher education is expensive. But as EMU President William Shelton says, "It's important to look beyond the cost to the value." It's not just the students who attend our universities who benefit, but all of us, our communities, businesses and the state. The students we are educating today are the people we will depend on to lead us in the future. They'll be making decisions which may impact the cost of a new car, for example, or the extent of our social security benefits. On a separate topic entirely, I want you to know I am leaving Eastern Michigan to further pursue the development of my professionalcareer. It has been a great five and one-half years and I will miss all of you as I move on to other challenges. Your support has been most appreciated. Please keep in mind that as EMU alumni your continued efforts to enhance this University will be its true measure of success. Pat Moran Associate Director for Alumni Relations -Alumni Association News Tell a friend about us This is a busy time for the Alumni faces as well, alumni who haven't yet Alumni Action newsletter. Other Association. Plans are being made for joined the association. benefits include discounts at selected this year's Homecoming (Oct. 27). Obviously, all of you know about the local businesses and at the EMU We're looking forward to cheering the great benefits enjoyed by association Bookstore, ticket discounts for various football team on to victory in Fresno, members. One of the benefits is your campus events, and a Warehouse Club Calif., and Bloomington, Ind.; and to subscription to Eastern Today. But membership. getting together with old friends at the perhaps your friends who also attended So remind fellow alumni who have various Alumni Outreach events. It EMU don't realize that in addition to yet to join the association that doing so would be terrific to ee some other their subscription, membership would not only brings tangible benefits, but bring them monthly updates from the also the chance to continue to be Alumni Association through the involved in the EMU experience. Phone-a-thon surveys alumni needs ln its continuing effort to ascertain alumni relations. the needs of EMU alumni, the Alumni The association contacted 925 Association recently conducted a alumni, and Moran said 50 percent of phone-a-thon. Association members the non-members contacted requested and non-member were questioned informationon membership benefits about their opinions of alumni events, and a membership application. and the extent of their participation in Questions asked dealt with future Homecoming '90 promises to be alumni activities. alumni outreach activities, interest in a fun-filled weekend "We received very good responses," purchasing an alumni directory, and said Pat Moran, associate director for support of the association. It's not too early to start making plans to join your fellow alumni at this year's EMU Homecoming game. The Alumni Association is sponsoring Alumni Association picks scholarship awardees several events, including a Golden Twenty-three students will benefit Out of twenty-seven applicants for Years brunch and a brunch at which this fall from the Alumni Association this year's scholarships, seven students alumni can honor those celebrating Scholarship Fund. have been chosen to receive scholar­ their 25 year class reunion. The Black The association awards scholarships ships of $500 each. They are Jennifer Alumni chapter also will hold its to selected children and grandchildren Birmingham and Kerry Birmingham, annual cholarship luncheon Home­ of EMU alumni who wish to attend granddaughter
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