133 CATALOGUEOF TYPE,FIGURED AND REFERREDFOSSILS IN THE GEOLOGICALMUSEUM OF TRINITYCOLLEGE, DUBLIN:PART 1 (PROTOZOA,PORIFERA, ARCHAEOCYATHA, COELENTERATA,BRYOZOA) JOHNR. NUDDS (ReceivedNovember 17th 1981) Introduction mining the status of many type specimensin a work of this nature, they are simply labelled as The collections of the Geological Museum 'type' unless they were actually designated as of Trinity College, Dublin, initiated by the holotype, paratype,neotype, etc. in the original Rev. WilliamHamilton (1755-1797), originally publication,or by a subsequentreviser, or unless formed part of a general College museum and they are clearlyholotypes by monotypy. are older than the Department of Geology it- self (founded 1841). Two cataloguesof minerals, 4. There were initially three separate and the first published in 1807 by Whitley Stokes independent series of museum registration (1763-1845), keeper of the College museum, numbers for 'type', 'figured', and 'referred' and the second in 1850 by James Apjohn specimens, each series being preceded by an (1796-1886), Professor of Mineralogy and initial letter of 'T', 'F' or 'R' respectively. Applied Chemistry, represent the only pub- These continued to T26, F82, and R13 after lished lists of the museum's holdings, and which there was introduceda singleconsecutive the present catalogue is the first to deal with series of numbers, but which retained the the palaeontologicalcollections. appropriateinitial letter (e.g. T83-90, F91-95, T96, etc.). This continued up to F266 after The following are included as explanatory which the initial letter was dropped and the notes: numberswere precededby 'TCD'. 1. Specimens are listed by the latest name In some early publications registration under which they have been describedin pub- numbers are followed by an oblique stroke lication, but are cross-referenced under all and a second number (e.g. T59/1007), the earliernames publishedfor that specimen. latter referringto their originalmuseum storage location which is no longervalid. 2. Authors of species are cited, but the cus- In a few cases thin sections from the tomary practice of parenthesising the name museum's petrological collections contain where species have been referredto subsequent figured fossils; these are registered with the genera is not followed, owing to the difficulty prefix 'P'. in a work of this nature of determining the originalgenus. 5. Stratigraphicaland locality information has been updated from the original label or cata- 3. Similarly, owing to the difficulty of deter- logue entry wherever possible. All specimens J. Earth Sci. R. Dubl. Soc. 4, 1982, 133-165 134 Nudds - J. Earth Sci R. Dubl. Soc. 4 (1982) are from Irelandunless otherwisestated. mens mentioned in the catalogue which are reposited in other geological collections: NMI 6. If figured or referredspecimens are in cut or (National Museum of Ireland, Dublin); GSI broken pieces which have been registered (Geological Survey of Ireland, Dublin); UCD separately, the whole specimen is regardedas (University College, Dublin); BM (British being 'figured'/'referred', but the catalogue Museum, London); GSM (Geological Survey entry is annotated to explain which particular Museum, London); UCLA (UniversityCollege, piece(s) of the specimen has (have) been Los Angeles);LU (LeicesterUniversity). figured/referred. t = cast of originalspecimen 7. The following abbreviationsrefer to speci- * = specimenmissing from collection Protozoa: Foraminifera Ammarchaediscus(Rectodiscus) rotundus inflata Conil & Lys Figured TCD. 12397 Upper HolmpatrickLimestone, ArundianStage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Holm 69). Marchant1974, p. 456, pl. 4, fig. 37. Archaediscidforaminifer Figured TCD. P10771 WeirviewQuarry bed 66, ArundianStage, Lower Carboniferous. WeirviewQuarry, north of the bridgein Lucan,Co. Dublin. Marchant& Sevastopulo1980, text-fig. 3a. cf. Brunsiinasp. Figured TCD. 12379 CourceyanStage, Lower Carboniferous. Malahide,Co. Dublin (loc. Mal 39, Block E). Marchant1974, pl. 1, fig. 7. Endothyra sp. Figured TCD. 12385 Lane Limestone,Chadian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 38). Marchant1974, pl. 3, fig. 24. Endothyra sp. Figured TCD. 12386 Lane limestone, ChadianStage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 39). Marchant1974, pl. 2, figs 17, 18, pl. 3, fig. 21. Endothyra sp. Figured TCD. 12387 Lane Limestone,Chadian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane40). Marchant1974, pl. 3, figs 20, 25. J. Earth Sci. R. Dubl. Soc. 4 (1982) - Nudds 135 Endothyra sp. Figured TCD. 12390 Lane limestone, ChadianStage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 43). Marchant1974, pl. 3, fig. 26. Endothyra sp. Figured TCD. 12395 Lower HolmpatrickLimestone, Arundian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Holm 67). Marchant1974, pl. 4, fig. 34. Endothyranopsisex gr. staffelliformisN. Tchern Figured TCD. 12389 Lane Limstone, ChadianStage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 43). Marchant1974, p. 454, pl. 4, fig. 30. Endothyranopsisex gr. staffelliformisN. Tchern Figured TCD. 12390 Lane limestone, ChadianStage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 43). Marchant1974, p. 454, pl. 4, fig.29. Endothyranopsissp. Figured TCD. 12388 Lane Limestone,Chadian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 43). Marchant1974, pl. 4, fig. 28. Endothyranopsissp. Figured TCD. 12389 Lane Limestone, ChadianStage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 43). Marchant1974, pl. 1, fig. 11. Eoparastaffellasimplex Vdovenko Figured TCD. 12390 Lower HolmpatrickLimestone, Arundian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Holm 60). Marchant1974, p. 454, pl. 4, fig. 32. Eoparastaffellasimplex Vdovenko Figured TCD. 12394 Lower Holmpatricklimestone, ArundianStage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Holm 62). Marchant1974, p. 454, pl. 4, fig. 33. Eoparastaffellasp. Figured TCD. 12396 136 Nudds - J. Earth Sci. R. Dubl. Soc. 4 (1982) Lower Holmpatricklimestone, ArundianStage, LowerCarboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin(loc. Holm68). Marchant1974, pl. 4, fig. 35. Forschiellasp. Figured TCD.12387 Lane Limestone,Chadian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 40). Marchant1974, pl. 3, fig. 23. Palaeospiroplectamminadiversa N. Tchern Figured TCD. 12392 Lower HolmpatrickLimestone, Arundian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Holm 59). Marchant1974, pl. 4, fig. 31. Pseudolituotubagravata Conil & Lys Figured TCD. 12396 Lower HolmpatrickLimestone, Arundian Stage, LowerCarboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Holm 68). Marchant1974, pl. 4, fig. 36. Pseudolituotubellasp. Figured TCD. 12388 Lane Limestone,Chadian Stage, LowerCarboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 43). Marchant1974, pl. 4, fig. 27. Spinotoumayella? michoti Conil & Lys Figured TCD. 12384 Lane Limestone,Chadian Stage, LowerCarboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 37). Marchant1974, p. 458, pl. 2, fig. 16. Spinotournayella? michoti Conil & Lys Figured TCD. 12386 Lane Limestone,Chadian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane 39). Marchant1974, p. 458, pl. 2, figs 13, 19. Spinotoumayella? michoti Conil & Lys Figured TCD. 12389 Lane Limestone, ChadianStage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane43). Marchant1974, p. 458, pl. 3, fig. 22. Spinotoumayella? michoti Conil & Lys Figured TCD. 12391 Lane Limestone,Chadian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin (loc. Lane43). J. EarthSci. R Dubl.Soc. 4 (1982) - Nudds 137 Marchant1974, p. 458, pl. 2, fig. 14. Spinotournayella? cf. michotiConil & Lys Figured TCD.12382 LaneLimestone, Chadian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin(loc. Lane31). Marchant1974, p. 454, pl. 1, fig. 12. Spinotoumayella? cf. michotiConil & Lys Figured TCD.12383 Lanelimestone, Chadian Stage, Lower Carboniferous. Loughshinny,Co. Dublin(loc. Lane32). Marchant1974, p. 454, pl. 2, fig. 15. Spinotoumayella? aff. michotiConil & Lys Figured TCD.12378 CourceyanStage, Lower Carboniferous. Malahide,Co. Dublin(loc. Mal38, BlockE). Marchant1974, p. 460, pl. 1, fig. 8. Spinotournayella? aff. michotiConil & Lys Figured TCD.12379 CourceyanStage, Lower Carboniferous. Malahide,Co. Dublin(loc. Mal39, BlockE). Marchant1974, p. 460, pl. 1, fig. 10. Spinotournayella? aff. michordConil & Lys Figured TCD.12380 CourceyanStage, Lower Carboniferous. Malahide,Co. Dublin(loc. Mal43, BlockE). Marchant1974, p. 460, pl. 1, fig. 9. Spinotournayella? aff. michotiConil & Lys Figured TCD.12381 CourceyanStage, Lower Carboniferous. Malahide,Co. Dublin(loc. Mal45, BlockE). Marchant1974, p. 460, pl. 1, fig. 6. Tournayellacf. discoideaDain Figured TCD.12374 CourceyanStage, Lower Carboniferous. Malahide,Co. Dublin (loc. Mal 33, Block E). Marchant1974, p. 448, pl. 1, fig. 4. Tournayelladiscoidea Dain formamaxima Figured TCD. 12374 CourceyanStage, LowerCarboniferous. Malahide,Co. Dublin (loc. Mal 33, Block E). Marchant1974, p. 448, pl. 1, fig. 3. 138 Nudds- J. EarthSci. R. Dubl.Soc. 4 (1982) Tournayellagigantea var. minoris Lipina Figured TCD.12374 CourceyanStage, Lower Carboniferous. Malahide,Co. Dublin(loc. Mal33, BlockE). Marchant1974, p. 448, pl. 1, fig. 5. Tournayellasp. Figured TCD.12375 CourceyanStage, Lower Carboniferous. Malahide,Co. Dublin(loc. Mal35, BlockE). Marchant1974, pl. 1, fig. 1. Tournayellasp. Figured TCD.12376 CourceyanStage, Lower Carboniferous. Malahide,Co. Dublin(loc. Mal37, BlockE). Marchant1974, pl. 1,
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