South Africa These are perilous times for South Afri- or how to expand its very modest black ca’s principal opposition party. The Dem- African vote while shoring up its core sup- Opposition ocratic Alliance should be exploiting the port in minority communities. divisions in the ruling African National Ultimately it failed on both counts. The Congress which are restricting President DA itself reported an 18.8 per cent drop in on the ropes Cyril Ramaphosa’s capacity to deliver white support since 2014 as thousands of its meaningful change. voters moved to the white right Freedom GALLO IMAGES VIA GETTY VIA IMAGES IMAGES GALLO Instead, it has descended into crippling Front Plus. But it failed to compensate for South Africa’s internecine warfare. In October 2019, this by mobilizing significant support in the this produced the resignations of Mmusi black electorate where it grew by only 0.4 Democratic Alliance Maimane, elected in 2015 as the alliance’s per cent. is facing an identity first black leader, Athol Trollip, the federal As the first DA leader to preside over a chairman, and Herman Mashaba, the alli- contraction of the party’s vote, Maimane crisis. James Hamill ance’s mayor of Johannesburg. It may yet had no reservoir of goodwill to draw on. end with the demise of the party, at least in The first sign that he was now on the back explains why its existing form. foot was his appointment of a commission Opposition politics can often seem a of party elders to conduct an analysis of his sideshow in a dominant-party system such party’s electoral performance and to make as South Africa’s, but this is a development recommendations on the way forward. with important implications for the health Such a fundamental review of the party in of its democracy. the aftermath of an election that was dis- South Africa needs a more competitive appointing but not calamitous seemed an party system to promote accountability and overreaction. It suggested there were much accelerate progress towards a post-liber- deeper tensions within the party. When the ation politics. The Democratic Alliance’s commission’s report was published these current troubles are all the more striking as tensions proved uncontainable. the party has been on an upward electoral The report criticized Maimane for curve over the past 25 years, moving from being ‘indecisive, inconsistent and con- 1.73 per cent of the vote in 1994, to 22.23 flict averse’, for failing to articulate a clear per cent in 2014. When added to its im- vision and for failing to make the party pressive performances in municipal elec- grow. It recommended his resignation tions – it secured 26.9 per cent of the vote which duly followed on October 23, but he in 2016 – the party had real momentum as did not go without rancour. In his resigna- it approached the national and provincial tion speech he stated that the party was no elections of May 2019 and it was entitled to longer best placed to champion the vision look ahead with confidence. of ‘one South Africa for all’ and went on Yet in the 2019 election its vote declined to resign from both parliament and party. to 20.77 per cent, and it lost five seats in the The commission’s recommendation that National Assembly. The decline was less the DA should return to ‘its core values’ – than 2 percentage points but it was enough individual freedom, a meritocratic society to puncture the belief that it was inexora- and a repudiation of race-based policies – bly progressing while the ANC faced long- also suggested a party stepping back into term decline. its pre-Maimane past. The principal weakness of the Demo- This view was strengthened on Octo- cratic Alliance, or DA, was its inability ber 20 by the election of former leader to deal with the Ramaphosa factor as the Helen Zille as the chairwoman of the fed- new president appropriated the language eral council, one of the most powerful posi- of change following the removal of his tions in the party, an elevation that, given predecessor, Jacob Zuma. her controversial views, seemed destined The various scandals of the to deepen divisions. This was immediately Zuma presidency had provided confirmed by Herman Mashaba’s resigna- an endless supply of ammuni- tion as the DA mayor of Johannesburg, tion to use against the ANC. explicitly in protest at Zille’s return. When the ANC recalled Zuma from the presidency in Febru- Race, the elephant in the room ary 2018, replacing him with a It would be an exaggeration to claim that more able leader in Ramaphosa, all of the party’s tensions are attributa- the DA had fewer easy victories. ble to race but it has emerged as its most The party was unsure how best to attack a popular Ramaphosa Helen Zille, left and Mmusi Maimane 30 | the world today | december 2019 & january 2020 South Africa 06.indd 30 02/12/2019 23:10 pronounced fault line and is beginning to evident on two levels: first, in their un- Maimane’s attempt to expand the black define the party. Two camps are currently derstanding of South African society and, vote. Both were culpable in the failure of in dispute over the issue of race and the second, in their approach to internal party 2019, but one has been removed from the meaning of liberalism in South Africa. matters. leadership while the other has returned to The first are those, largely whites, who In both areas, it is argued, there is a hos- the summit of the party despite post-elec- appear to have reasserted their control of tility to transformation and an inability to tion tweets bemoaning ‘black privilege’ and the party during the recent upheavals. They empathize with black South Africans in ‘victimhood’. Such racialized messaging GALLO IMAGES VIA GETTY VIA IMAGES IMAGES GALLO view themselves as the natural custodians favour of more self-serving notions of ‘mer- from the highest levels of a supposedly non- of the party’s liberal tradition with a philos- itocracy’, which make little sense against racial party highlights a wilful blindness to ophy rooted in individual rights and, eco- the backdrop of centuries of structural how it is perceived by South Africans. nomically, in the primacy of markets and a racism. These differences are so fundamental diminishing role for the state. In contending that race is not a proxy it is hard to see how they can be resolved. They opposed the party’s direction un- for disadvantage, they reveal a discon- While all South African parties are coali- der Maimane which they considered an in- nect with the country in which they live. tions to some degree, the DA risks becom- coherent attempt to fuse liberalism, social Despite the emergence of a small black ing a pantomime horse being pulled in dif- democracy and nationalism at the expense middle class, South Africa is still character- ferent directions. of authentically liberal policies. They felt ized by grotesque levels of absolute poverty The removal of Maimane and the re- Maimane was too inclined to follow the and largely race-based inequalities. Black assertion of ‘liberal principles’ smacks of lead of the ANC on policies such as affirm- South Africans remain acutely disadvan- a campaign to ‘get our party back’ by its ative action, race quotas and redress for taged compared with their white compa- white leadership group. That, in turn, apartheid, thus the dismissive references triots when it comes to access to sanitation strengthens the long-standing narrative to his DA as ‘ANC lite’. and clean water, formal housing, education of both the ANC and Economic Freedom This group was also unhappy with what and employment, and in rates of infant Fighters that the Democratic Alliance is they felt was the fast-tracking of black mortality, HIV/Aids and life expectancy. essentially a white-run party with token South Africans to senior leadership posi- black representation which is unreconciled tions within the DA for which they were What now for the DA? to the new South Africa. supposedly unprepared. For this group, There is also an unwillingness to recognize Some of this is unfair caricaturing, but the removal of Maimane coupled with an that, with 17 million people reliant upon they are also perceptions which the Demo- ideological reset were part of the process state social grants for survival, poorer black cratic Alliance itself has helped to entrench. of returning liberal values to the front of Africans will inevitably be suspicious of Its two most senior positions are now held DA politics. parties advocating laissez-faire econom- by white South Africans, Helen Zille as This position is contested by others ics and a diminishing state. chairwoman of the federal executive and within the party who view the politics of Critics of the liberal position argue that John Steenhuisen as the new interim party those who have re-estab- within the party there is an instinctive leader. lished their dominance paternalism and racial condescension that Indeed, as the former party speech- as nominally non-ra- has always been a strand of white South writer, Jon Cayzer, notes, the DA appears cial but in practice African liberalism. Blacks are assigned to be consciously returning to its comfort laden with racial- to junior positions by a white hierar- zone by downgrading both the importance ized assumptions chy which grants itself a ‘gatekeeping’ of winning black votes and by trying to and behaviour role in which it determines ‘suitabil- make the party look more like the country which works to re- ity’ and ‘merit’, when and if black Afri- it aspires to govern.
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