INAUGURAL - DISSERTATION zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Naturwissenschaftlich-Mathematischen Gesamtfakultät der Ruprecht - Karls - Universität Heidelberg vorgelegt von Carlo Dietl (Diplom-Geologe) aus Mainz 2000 zum Thema: Structural and Petrologic Aspects of the Emplacement of Granitoid Plutons: Case Studies from the Western Margin of the Joshua Flat-Beer Creek-Pluton (White-Inyo Mountains, California) and the Flasergranitoid Zone (Odenwald, Germany) Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Reinhard O. Greiling PD Dr. Eckardt Stein Case studies for the emplacement of granitoid plutons I Table of contents Page Introduction 1 General statement about pluton emplacement 1 Overview of the investigated area 3 Overview of the contents of the individual chapters 5 Contributions of the individual authors to the co-authored manuscripts 7 Summary of the results 9 Results for the Joshua Flat-Beer Creek Pluton 9 Results for the Odenwald 16 References 20 Dietl, C.: Emplacement of the Joshua Flat-Beer Creek Pluton (White Inyo Mountains, California): A story of multiple material transfer processes 23 Abstract 23 Introduction 23 Regional setting 24 Field and microscopic observations 24 Petrography of the pluton 24 Field relationships and structures inside the JBP 24 Petrography of the aureole rocks 28 Structures and field relations in the contact aureole 28 Measurements of the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS) 29 Measuring conditions 29 Magnetic susceptibility and AMS in the JBP 29 Strain measurements in the aureole of the JBP 30 Samples and measurement method 30 Table of contents II Shape and orientation of the strain/fabric ellipsoids 30 Quartz c-axis measurements 31 Description and interpretation of the quartz c-axis fabrics in the aureole rocks of the JBP 31 Discussion 33 Field observations as evidence for diapirism or dyking 33 Field relations and AMS: arguments for an intrusion of nested diapirs and magma chamber expansion 34 The meaning of fabrics and foliations: implications for vertical material transfer 34 Summary: time sequence of emplacement processes 36 Conclusions 36 Acknowledgements 37 References 37 Dietl, C.: Magma mingling and mixing in the Joshua Flat-Beer Creek Pluton: Evidence for the interaction of mafic and felsic magmas from remote sensing, field and chemistry investigations 39 Abstract 39 Introduction 40 Regional setting 41 Remote sensing 43 Theoretical background 43 Data acquisition and processing 46 Image analysis 47 Field observations 49 Petrography 49 Field relationships in the banding zone 51 Whole rock geochemistry 57 Major elements 57 Case studies for the emplacement of granitoid plutons III Mixing test 62 Discussion and conclusions 62 Acknowledgements 66 References 66 Dietl, C.: Evaluation of the f (fluid) conditions in and around a pluton: The intrusion of the Joshua Flat – Beer Creek Pluton (California) 71 Key words 71 Abstract 72 Introduction 73 Geological setting 75 Petrography and sample description 76 Petrography of the JBP and sampling 76 Petrography of the aureole and sampling 81 Geothermobarometry 83 Methods of investigation 83 Amphibole thermobarometry 84 Nomenclature of amphiboles 84 The amphibole-plagioclase thermometer 85 The hornblende-clinopyroxene thermometer 88 The Al-in-hornblende barometer 91 Summary of the results of amphibole thermobarometry 93 Na-in-cordierite thermometry 94 Structure and chemistry of cordierite 94 Methodology 94 Results of the Na-in-cordierite thermometry 96 Infra-red spectroscopy at cordierites 97 Table of contents IV Methodology 97 Results of the infra-red spectroscopy 98 Modelling of the intrusion of the JBP with “CONTACT” 101 Conclusions 104 Acknowledgements 106 References 106 Kontny, A. & Dietl, C.: Relations between metamorphism and magneto-mineralogy in a contact aureole: a case study from the White Inyo Range, Eastern California 113 Abstract 113 Keywords 115 1. Introduction 115 2. Geological setting 117 3. Methods of investigation 118 3.1 Mineralogical methods 118 3.2 Magnetic methods 118 4. Whole rock geochemistry 119 5. Fe-Mg silicate assemblages 120 6. Mineral chemistry and quantitative / semi-quantitative approaches for temperature and pressure estimation 123 6.1 Ti-in-biotite-thermometry 123 6.2 Na-in-cordierite-thermometry 128 6.3 Chlorite thermometry 132 6.4 Phengite barometry 137 7. Oxide assemblages and their chemical composition 139 8. Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility and its application for ferromagnetic phase identification 144 9. Discussion and conclusions 148 Case studies for the emplacement of granitoid plutons V Acknowledgements 154 References 154 Dietl, C. & Stein, E.: The diapiric emplacement and related magmatic fabrics of the Porphyritic Ludwigshöhe granite, Central Odenwald (Germany) 159 Summary 159 Zusammenfassung 160 Key words 161 Introduction 161 Mesostructures and microfabrics 163 Cathodoluminescence investigations 168 Strain/shape orientation analyses 169 1. Shape orientation of K-feldspar phenocrysts 171 2. Shape orientation of plagioclase 171 3. Shape orientation of hornblende 172 4. Shape orientation of quartz 172 5. Shape orientation of biotite 173 6. Shape orientation of the enclaves 173 The anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS) 174 Quartz-c-axes measurements 177 Summary of the results 179 Conclusions and discussion 180 Acknowledgements 182 References 182 Table of contents VI Stein, E. & Dietl, C.: Implications of hornblende thermobarometry at granitoids for the meaning of shear zones in the Bergsträßer Odenwald (Germany) 188 Summary 189 Zusammenfassung 189 Key words 190 Regional setting of the Odenwald 190 Introduction 190 The magmatic rocks of the Bergsträßer Odenwald 191 The metamorphic rocks of the Bergsträßer Odenwald 192 The geology of the Flasergranitoid zone 192 A brief classification of the intrusives of the Flasergranitoid zone 195 Short description of the samples 196 Amphiboles 197 Nomenclature of amphiboles 197 Thermobarometry 199 Factors influencing the Al-content of hornblende 200 Factors influencing the Al-content of the investigated hornblendes 201 The amphibole-plagioclase-thermometer 202 General comments 202 Application of the amphibole-plagioclase-thermometer To the Ludwigshöhe and Billings plutons 204 The Al-in-hornblende-barometer 208 General comments 208 Application of the Al-in-hornblende-barometer to the investigated plutons 211 Conclusions 215 Acknowledgements 217 Case studies for the emplacement of granitoid plutons VII References 217 Data appendix 221 Structural field measurements in and around the Joshua Flat-Beer Creek-Pluton 222 AMS measurements in the Joshua Flat-Beer Creek-Pluton 232 Strain measurements for aureole rocks of the Joshua Flat-Beer Creek-Pluton 236 Quartz-c-axes measurements at samples from the aureole of the Joshua Flat-Beer Creek-Pluton 240 Infra-red spectroscopy measurements for aureole rocks of the Joshua Flat-Beer Creek-Pluton 241 AMS measurements in the Ludwigshöhe-Pluton 247 Strain measurements for the Ludwigshöhe-Pluton 248 Case studies for the emplacement of granitoid plutons 1 Introduction General statement about pluton emplacement About 75% of the earth’s crust consist of igneous or metamorphosed igneous rocks. Therefore it cannot surprise that the origin and evolution of granitoid bodies is the subject of intense debate since the days of Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749 - 1817) and James Hutton (1726 - 1797). The ideas of ”neptunism“ and its younger relative ”granitization“ can be considered obsolate, but the argument goes on. Debate concentrates, however, on processes active during the ascent and emplacement of granitoid melts. Such ”granite problems“ were discussed only recently, following the recognition of the fundamental importance of magmatism in the evolution of the earth’s crust and lithosphere (Paterson et al. 1996): 1) Magmatism is one of the most important heat transfer mechanisms in the earth’s crust and has to be regarded as a significant driving force of metamorphism. 2) Igneous processes enable mantle material to be transported into the crust. Consequently, these processes make an eminent contribution to the evolution and growth of the earth’s crust in general and the continents in particular. On the opposite, crustal material can be transferred into the mantle during pluton ascent and emplacement, where it can influence the chemistry of and physical processes in the mantle. 3) The high amount of igneous rocks in the continental crust controls its rheology and, therefore, also orogenic mechanisms. 4) The age of plutonic intrusions can be dated by several accurate geochronological methods. Granitoids, therefore, yield a kind of time schedule, in which orogenic processes can be quantified. To interpret magmatic phenomena correctly, it is imperative to understand ascent and emplacement mechanisms of plutons and particularly, how space is made for a rising granitoid pluton. According to Paterson and Fowler (1993) only a few processes really make space for a pluton being emplaced into the crust: Introduction 2 1) Melting of magma generated in the crust and its ascent, provided that no material exchange across the Moho occurs and therefore addition of mantle material into the earth’s crust by, for example, lowering of the Moho is prevented. 2) Deformation of the earth’s surface, for example by updoming. 3) Volume loss, for example by cooling. 4) Elastic and plastic contraction of the host rock. All the other so-called emplacement mechanisms, such as extensional tectonics or stoping, are actually material transfer processes, which do not lead to
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