Local Government Workplan Vote: 568 Mityana District Structure of Workplan Foreword Executive Summary A: Revenue Performance and Plans B: Summary of Department Performance and Plans by Workplan C: Draft Annual Workplan Outputs for 2015/16 D: Details of Annual Workplan Activities and Expenditures for 2015/16 Page 1 Local Government Workplan Vote: 568 Mityana District Foreword FOREWORD This is the Niinth budget since the creation of Mityana District and the fourth budget of the current District Council. The operations of the District continue to be guided by the NRM Government Manifesto, which emphasizes Prosperity for All, social economic transformation and peace for all people in Uganda. The district budget and hence operations are also geared towards the district vision, “A prosperous District with Sustainable High Standards of Living.” The Financial Year 2014/2015 is the fifth year of full harmonization of the National Development Plan (NDP) and the national budget. The budget allocations in Ministries and local governments also have to reflect the NDP priorities. The theme of the NDP is “Growth, Employment and socio-economic Transformation for Prosperity”. We have therefore aligned our development programs and activities in this budget to the NDP ,aspirations ,objectives and strategies. During this financial year (2014/2015), the district council shall continue to focus on working towards improved household incomes and improved infrastructure to attain Prosperity for All. We shall also focus on improved service delivery in regard to health services, education, production, marketing, value addition, environmental protection, stimulation of investments and innovations. I wish to recognize the great role played by the Central Government,Implementng partners the civil society, donors, faith based institutions, the private sector and all people of Mityana in the development of this district. I am grateful to the central government and all partners who have indicated readiness to fund this budget. I pledge total commitment towards full implementation of planned and budgeted activities. Kyazike Deborah Kinobe DISTRICT CHAIRPERSON Page 2 Local Government Workplan Vote: 568 Mityana District Executive Summary Revenue Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Receipts by End Proposed Budget Dec UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 1,310,113 385,300 1,172,456 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 2,046,652 1,168,842 2,619,137 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 23,798,784 9,351,409 20,722,647 2c. Other Government Transfers 2,238,993 1,720,643 798,842 3. Local Development Grant 502,956 251,205 542,956 4. Donor Funding 933,237 233,772 230,000 Total Revenues 30,830,735 13,111,172 26,086,038 Revenue Performance in 2014/15 By close of the first half of the financial yaer,the District had realised Shs 13,111,172,000 which was 42% of the annual budget , 8% less than the expected 50% of the district annual budget .This 8% under perfomance is in part attributed to poor perfomance in donour funding owing to an adjustment by donours to fund activities only up to 40% on account of the poor perfomance nationally on HIV prevalence indicator. Local revenue's poor perfomance was also attributed to a high target set at start of the year on part of the District projections being an over ambitious plan on part of the revenue enhancement committee which they apparently not lving up to leading to poor perfomance on almost all sources of local revenue .Laxity on part of all stakeholders in charge of inspection of sources of revenue and reconcile them with records. However, some sources perfomed above the expected.25% for the quarter i.e other government transfers at 52% on account of Census being funded more than 100% budgeted ( UBOS responded positively to the complaint that lunch and transport allowances be revised upwards It should also be noted that out of Shs 6,941,077,000 receipted , Shs 6,321,408,000 was in total spent by close of first quarter i.e leaving a balance of Shs 619,669,000 in respect of the following reasons .1) Admn:Shs: 72,421,000 which is 8% of the quarterly received revenue was unspent by the end of quarter because of the delay in the procurement process to award contracts.2)Finance :The Department Motor Vehicle was not repiared by the end of the quarter due the on going procurement process.since the contract committee had not sat by end of quarter. 3)Production and marketing : The District received a total of Shs 114,053,000 as NAADS wage component for terminal benefits of 36 terminated NAADS Staff and by the end of the quarter, and because of absence of guidelines for payment. The Department had un presented cheques. Health : Shs. 5,277,821/= GAVI funding for revitalizing immunization activities in the District scheduled for implementation in the 2nd quarter thus remaining unspent by the end of the quarter 4) Education: Construction of the planned projects had not started yet.as tenders had just been awarded. 5) Roads and Engineering :Shs:72,421,000 which is 8% of the quarterly received revenue was unspent by the end of quarter because of the delay in the procurement process to award contracts.6) Water :17% was unspent because was committed on last FY 13/14 projects: boreholes,shallow wells, 5 stance lined latrrine and rehabilitation of 35 boreholes and others for new developments are still pending because of the on-going procurement processes 7) Natural Resources:Shs 18,000,000 of LGMSDP for tree planting and shs 94,981,000 for LVEMPII was unspent because the approval process for procurement was long. 8) Community Based Services: For the empowerment grant to PWD groups, we had to hold the money for the groups to go through the processes. For the council's grant, money is received in small bits split into all councils (Women, Youth & PWD) that has to be accumulated. 9) Planning Unit a District census Office : The un spent balance were in respect of UBOS funds not spent by close of quarter because of delay in approving a reallocation by UBOS Planned Revenues for 2015/16 Basing on budgeted Revenues for financial year 2014-2015, revenue forecasts for 2015/2016 show the following patterns I'e 1) Local revenue for 2015/2016 down by 11% because of tax policies on cess and other taxes 2) Discretionary grant up by 28% from that of Fy 2014-2015, in part because of LRDP becoming a grant under the consolidation modality by MOFPED. 3 ) Other transfers less by 36 % from that of last financial year for the reason that LRDP is a grant Expenditure Performance and Plans Page 3 2014/15 2015/16 Local Government Workplan Vote: 568 Mityana District Executive Summary 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end of Dec 1a Administration 2,142,478 982,771 1,853,116 2 Finance 580,478 325,771 584,775 3 Statutory Bodies 769,273 348,927 2,730,848 4 Production and Marketing 1,511,418 205,818 487,979 5 Health 6,412,131 2,352,290 4,779,711 6 Education 15,878,897 6,571,634 12,981,052 7a Roads and Engineering 1,080,371 620,645 1,173,525 7b Water 513,901 101,020 514,598 8 Natural Resources 613,625 228,172 258,481 9 Community Based Services 469,963 180,248 477,756 10 Planning 785,427 765,866 156,688 11 Internal Audit 72,774 23,183 87,510 Grand Total 30,830,735 12,706,346 26,086,038 Wage Rec't: 20,098,812 7,557,895 15,818,500 Non Wage Rec't: 5,763,626 3,737,598 7,263,466 Domestic Dev't 4,035,061 1,253,610 2,774,072 Donor Dev't 933,237 157,242 230,000 Expenditure Performance in 2014/15 By end of December 2014 ,half year expenditure perfomance out of the annual budget .1) Admn:42 % of the annual budget however some funds were unspent by the end of first quarter because of the delay in the procurement process to award contracts.2)Finance 46% as Department Motor Vehicle remained unrepaired by the end of the quarter due the on going procurement process.since the contract committee had not sat by end of quarter. 3)Production and marketing 14% : The District received a total of Shs 114,053,000 as NAADS wage component for terminal benefits of 36 terminated NAADS Staff and by the end of the quarter, and because of absence of guidelines for payment. The Department had un presented cheques. Health 36%: Shs. 5,277,821/= GAVI funding for revitalizing immunization activities in the District scheduled for implementation in the 2nd quarter thus remaining unspent by the end of the quarter 4) Education 41% as Construction of the planned projects had not started yet.as tenders had just been awarded. 5) Roads and Engineering :48% of the quarterly received revenue was unspent by the end of quarter because of the delay in the procurement process to award contracts.6) Water :20% owing to unspent funds because funds were committed on last FY 13/14 projects: boreholes,shallow wells, 5 stance lined latrrine and rehabilitation of 35 boreholes and others for new developments are still pending because of the on-going procurement processes 7) Natural Resources35% as Shs 18,000,000 of LGMSDP for tree planting and shs 94,981,000 for LVEMPII was unspent because the approval process for procurement was long. 8) Community Based Services expenditure for half year rated at only 37%:as District had to hold the funds for the groups to go through assessment processes.
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