2019-20 Nonpublic School Academic Classifications *with 2018 enrollment For classification category definitions, please refer to §107 of Bulletin 741 Nonpublic Site Code Site Name Parish Grades Served Classification Brumfield v. Dodd Pre-K K-12 NA ABLE Academy, LLC East Baton Rouge K-12 Non-Accredited Approved NA N/A N/A 506025 Academy of Our Lady Jefferson 8-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 532 506051 Academy of tHe Sacred Heart Orleans PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 44 573 504001 Academy of tHe Sacred Heart St. Landry PK3,PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 16 214 641001 Alexandria Country Day ScHool Rapides PK3,PK4,K-8 Accredited Approved 1/28/1982 48 331 593001 Amite CHristian ScHool Livingston K-5 Non-Accredited Approved NA 0 84 674001 Angles Academy East Baton Rouge PK4,K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 9/17/2009 0 22 506002 Annunciation ScHool City of Bogalusa PK3,PK4,K-7 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 19 113 506004 ArcHbisHop CHapelle HigH ScHool Jefferson 8-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 552 506134 ArcHbisHop Hannan HigH ScHool St. Tammany 8-12 Accredited Approved 2/28/1991 0 618 506127 ArcHbisHop Rummel Jr. HigH ScHool Jefferson 8-9 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 265 506005 ArcHbisHop Rummel Sr. HigH ScHool Jefferson 10-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 393 506006 ArcHbisHop SHaw HigH ScHool Jefferson 8-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 438 598001 Arden Cahill Academy Jefferson PK3,PK4,K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 2/28/1991 52 210 502001 Ascension CatHolic Diocesan Regional ScHool Ascension PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 37 415 933002 Ascension CHristian ScHool Ascension PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 6/28/2001 55 476 9BF001 Ascension Classical ScHool Caddo K-3 Non-Accredited Approved 12/05/2017 0 92 580001 Ascension Episcopal ScHool Lafayette PK3,PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 62 714 506007 Ascension of Our Lord ScHool St. JoHn tHe Baptist PK3,PK4,K-7 Accredited Approved 7/22/1981 26 194 742001 Assembly CHristian ScHool Iberia PK3,PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 3/28/1985 44 212 555001 Atonement LutHeran ScHool Jefferson PK3,PK4,K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 44 188 596001 Baton Rouge International ScHool East Baton Rouge PK4,K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 10/21/2010 25 285 539001 Baton Rouge LutHeran ScHool East Baton Rouge PK4,K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 08/26/1976 0 79 944001 Ben's Ford CHristian ScHool City of Bogalusa PK3,PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 10/17/2002 38 323 504053 BercHmans Academy of tHe Sacred Heart St. Landry PK3,PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 08/26/1976 4 126 845002 BetHany CHristian ScHool SoutH Campus East Baton Rouge IN,PK3,PK4,K-5 Accredited Approved 12/01/2015 16 54 921001 BetHel CHristian ScHool Jefferson Davis 1-12 Non-Accredited Approved 01/5/2003 0 137 588001 BetHel CHristian ScHool Lincoln PK3,PK4,K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 5/28/1998 20 59 872001 BisHop McManus ScHool Orleans PS,PK3,PK4,K-8 Accredited Approved 5/01/2003 17 89 527001 BisHop Noland Episcopal Day ScHool Calcasieu PK3,PK4,K-8 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 77 279 727001 Boutte CHristian Academy St. CHarles PK4,K-7 Non-Accredited Approved 7/26/1984 45 96 679001 Bowling Green ScHool WasHington PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 12/06/2001 25 372 548001 Briarfield Academy East Carroll PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 5/28/1981 9 139 907001 BrigHter Horizon ScHool of Baton Rouge East Baton Rouge PK3,PK4,K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 4/22/1999 13 94 694001 BrigHton ScHool East Baton Rouge K-12 Accredited Approved 1/09/2006 0 137 506009 BrotHer Martin Junior HigH ScHool Orleans 8-9 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 457 506130 BrotHer Martin Sr. HigH ScHool Orleans 10-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 668 506010 Cabrini HigH ScHool Orleans 8-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 393 772001 Calvary Baptist Academy Caddo K-12 Accredited Approved 5/20/2004 0 650 770001 Calvary Baptist ScHool Orleans PK3,PK4,K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 1/28/1988 24 72 504002 Carencro CatHolic Elementary ScHool Lafayette PK3,PK4,K-8 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 34 217 9BH001 Carlie Care Kids Jefferson PK3,PK4,K-1 Non-Accredited Approved 1/22/2019 N/A N/A 504003 CatHedral Carmel ScHool Lafayette PK4,K-8 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 73 700 710001 CatHedral Montessori ScHool Orleans PK3,PK4,K Louisiana Montessori Accredited 3/09/2012 54 10 502033 CatHolic Elementary ScHool of Pointe Coupee Pointe Coupee PK3,PK4,K-6 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 79 330 502003 CatHolic HigH of Pointe Coupee Pointe Coupee 7-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 302 502002 CatHolic HigH ScHool East Baton Rouge 8-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 1141 504041 CatHolic HigH ScHool Iberia 4-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 701 589001 Cedar Creek ScHool Lincoln PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 4/26/1979 38 664 861001 Cedarwood ScHool St. Tammany PK3,PK4,K-7 Accredited Approved 7/28/1994 62 102 503001 Central CatHolic ScHool St. Mary PK3,PK4 K-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 57 415 536001 Central Private ScHool Central Community PK3,PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 10/28/1999 46 353 531001 Central ScHool Corporation DeSoto K-12 Accredited Approved 3/23/2000 0 117 KBY001 Children's College St. Tammany PS,PK4,K Non-Accredited Approved 12/01/2015 14 11 660001 ChitimacHa Tribal ScHool St. Mary PK3,PK4,K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 15 108 746001 Christ Episcopal ScHool St. Tammany PK3,PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 3/28/1985 46 586 506012 Christ tHe King ScHool Jefferson IN,PK3,PK4,K-7 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 39 169 506013 Christian BrotHers ScHool Orleans PK4,K-7 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 63 779 529001 Claiborne Academy Claiborne PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 10/28/1999 10 183 886001 Claiborne Christian ScHool (CG) OuacHita PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 5/28/1998 120 281 556001 Concordia LutHeran ScHool Jefferson PK4,K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 4 61 522001 Conquering Word Christian Academy Jefferson PK4,K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 08/19/2004 0 8 522002 Conquering Word Christian Academy Eastbank Orleans PK3,PK4,K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 01/15/2009 0 0 9B6001 Courtney Christian TangipaHoa PK3, PK4, K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 03/07/2017 N/A N/A 637001 Covenant Christian Academy Terrebonne K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 8/21/2008 0 438 962001 Covington Montessori ScHool St. Tammany PK3,PK4,K Louisiana Montessori Accredited 6/19/2013 20 5 557001 Crescent City Christian ScHool Jefferson K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 2/25/1993 0 361 736001 Crescent City Montessori ScHool Orleans PK3,PK4,K Louisiana Montessori Accredited 6/19/2013 33 4 502047 Cristo Rey Baton Rouge HigH ScHool East Baton Rouge 9-12 Non-Accredited Approved 8/12/2014 0 186 506016 De La Salle Junior HigH ScHool Orleans 8-9 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 216 506123 De La Salle Senior HigH ScHool Orleans 10-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 365 502048 Diocese of Baton Rouge Special Education Program East Baton Rouge K-12 Accredited Approved 6/16/2015 0 49 503015 E.D. WHite CatHolic HigH ScHool LafourcHe 8-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 709 994001 Ecole Bilingue de la Nouvelle---Orleans Orleans PK4,K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 4/20/2006 45 177 560001 Ecole Classique Jefferson PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 11/19/1981 13 192 700001 Elan Vital East Baton Rouge PK3-3 Non-Accredited Approved 6/15/2011 24 10 9B8001 eLearning Academy LaFourcHe K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 6/21/2017 0 85 9BJ001 eLearning Academy of Houma Terrebonne PK3,PK4,K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 1/22/2019 N/A N/A 669001 Emmanuel SeventH Day Adventist ScHool TangipaHoa K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 10/17/2012 0 17 716001 EpipHany Day ScHool (E) Iberia PK4,K-5 Accredited Approved 05/27/1982 16 70 537001 Episcopal HigH ScHool East Baton Rouge PK3,PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 47 897 658001 Episcopal ScHool of Acadiana St. Martin PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 6/24/1981 32 559 719001 Evangel CHristian Academy Caddo K-12 Accredited Approved 04/26/1984 0 532 559001 Evangel House CHristian Academy St. Martin 6-12 Non-Accredited Approved 2/17/2011 0 7 561001 FaitH LutHeran ScHool Jefferson K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 8/26/1976 0 79 636002 FaitH Training CHristian Academy HigH ScHool Vernon 7-12 Non-Accredited Approved 1/15/2009 0 100 640001 False River Academy Pointe Coupee PS,PK4,K-12 Accredited Approved 5/23/1985 17 216 723001 Family CHristian Academy East Baton Rouge PK4,K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 4/25/1996 27 177 579001 Family Community CHristian ScHool Franklin PK4,K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 1/15/2009 37 460 538001 Family WorsHip CHristian Academy St. Landry PK3,PK4,K-12 Non-Accredited Approved 2/15/2007 60 177 Site Code Site Name Parish Grades Served Classification Brumfield v. Dodd Pre-K K-12 9BD001 First Baptist CHristian Academy Beauregard K-4 Non-Accredited Approved 6/19/2018 13 47 712001 First Baptist CHristian Academy Calcasieu PK3,PK4,K-8 Non-Accredited Approved 6/19/2013 44 159 786001 First Baptist CHristian ScHool Lafayette PS,PK3,PK4,K-11 Non-Accredited Approved 6/24/1993 50 250 936001 First Baptist CHristian ScHool St.
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