LACK LAMENTATION LAND lack («*».): InSpia; or expr. by rouse the wild-beast from his l„ feramment e lacrimaeque, 1. Iuctusque, Clc; desum, deficio: v. WANT, SCARCITY, ftuticeto [silva, etc.] latitontem ex- planctus et 1, Tac: v. WEEPING, WAIL- lack(".):egeo,2: v. TO WANT dtare, cf. Hor. Od. 3, 12, extr. ING. 2t lamentatio ((Ae acl ofi utter­ lacauer (subs): *gummi laccae laird: dbmlnus: v. MASTER. ing lamenta, cf. sups:) : Cic.: Liv.: lacquer ("•)•• *gummi laccae ob- laity: ialci (sc. homines): Tert Just Join: lamentatio fletusque; duco (Kr.). lake: lacus, us: (Ae I. ofi Geneva, plangoI. r et 1.; 1. et geniiti^ Cic (Not lacquey: 1- pgdissSquns (orwith Lemannus, Caes.: Virg. in the poets.) 3, comploratio (loud l„ one s),/. -a: a throng ofi Is, pedisse- lamb: I. The animal: agnus,/. esp. of a number together): Liv.: Gell. quorum turba, Col. I, pref.: Uie 2,-a : Varr,: Cic.: Hor. Adj., agninus, ofi The form comploratus, us, also occurs, salutlgerulus puer (who carries compli­a lamb, lambtf: PUn. See also LAMB­ Liv. 4. ploratus, us (weeping, wait­ mentary messages): PI. AuL 3, y, 28.KIN . ||, The flesh: agnina (sc. caro)ing): : Liv. 5. fletus, us: Cic : esp. See also FOOTMAN. PI.: Hor. with another word, v. supr. (2): v. laconic: Laconlcus: to be used cau­ lambent: lambo, I, 3: a I.WEEPING . [I, The book ofi Is, lBmenta- tiously, as the adj. is always in Lat flame plays about his hair, tanoxia tiones Jeremiae: Vulg. used with distinct ref. to the people so lambere flamma comas, Virg. Aen. 2, lamented (part, adj.) -. 1. desi- called: a I. saying, *Laconlca quadam684 . dgratus; cf. Inscr. in ForceU, parentes brevitate dictum. Qc. uses tlie Gr. lambkin: 1. agnlcillus: Arn. 7, filio desideratissimo, to their most I. son. word AactocFicrno's to denote laconic bre­ 12, p. 219. 2, agnellus (as term of 2. flebllis, e (poet, in this sense): vity, Fam. n, 2y. endearment): PI. As. 3, 3, 77- Hor. Od. I, 24, 9. laconically: "Laconica quadam lame (adj): 1. claudus (usu. of lamenting (swfts.) .• v. LAMENTATION. brevitate. thepesson): I. ofi one leg, claudus altero lamina: lamina (synclamna,poet): V. PLATE. laconism: •• LACONIC. pede, Nep. Ages. 8: also absol, a I. cob­ laminated: *lamlnatas: as scient. lacteal: "lactealis, e (as med. t. (.). bles; c sutor, PL Aul. 1, 2, 7 (1,1, 34): 1.1. (= laminis conslstens). lad: puer,Edglescens: v.BOY,YOUTH. also' of (Ae limb, Hor. Od. 3, 2, ea:(r. lamp : 1. lucerna: Cic: Hor. Iadanum: lad&num (Bd-): Plin. (pede claudo). See also LIMPING. For Dimin., lucemula, Hier. 2. Iyciinus (Gr. ladder: sca-la: more freq, scalae, fig. sense, v. CRIPPLED, IMPERFECT. 2. Xvxvos- esp. qf an ornamental or festive arum (the pi. indicating (Ae steps): onedebit's , e (in gen. sense, infirm, dis­ kind): hanging Is, pendentes 1, Lucr. I; unae s, Cato, R. R. 13: to carryabled) : a I. leg, A. crus, Suet Vesp. 7. y, 296: cf. Cic. CoeL 28, 67. 3, liimen •a weight up a I, pondera contra scalasTo be I, claudicare, Qc: Ov. (claudere (a light in gen. sense): v. LIGHT (II.). ferre, Varr. in Plin. 7, 20,19: lAe stepsoccur s only ta fig. sense: V.TO HALT). lamp-black : fuligo, Inis, /. (any ofi a I., scalarum gradus, Caec ta CicPhr.. : a-1, excuse, excusatio parum soot) : cf. Quint II, 3, 23. Fam. 6,7,3. See also SCALING-LADDER. justa s. idonea, cf. Cic. Fam. 16, 25. lamp-stand: lychnuchus (frequent­ lade (?) •' ongro, 1: v. TO LOAD. lamely: I. 6/(Ae body: Phr.: ly, hanging; pensilis, Plin.): Cic.Q. Fr. laden (part, and adj.): 1. gnus- to walk I., claudicare: v, LAME. ||, 3,1- tus: ships I. (freighted) with grain,Fig. : poorly, imperfectly: perh. im­ lampoon (subs.).- 1 amosum carmen: naves 0. frumento, Qc Off. 3, 12, yo: perfects, mendose: v. IMPERFECTLY. Hor. Ep. 1,19, 31; also, famosi versus, Lucr.: Tac 2. gravis, e (Aearoly- lameness: |. Lit.: 1. ciau- id. S. 2,1, 68: also, f. llbellus (ire prose hulen, encumbered): ships heavily I.dltas : Plin. 2. claudicatio (rare, esp. or verse), Suet. Aug. yy. P h r.: to com­ with spoil, naves spoliis gr, Liv. 29, 35a,s temporary condition): Cic. N. D. 1, pose a I., carmen condere quod infa- ad init.: so, agmen grave praeda, id.30 , 83: CoL 6, 12, init. 3. claudigo, miam faciat flagitiumve alteri, XII. Tab. 21, y, med. 3. gravldus (lit preg­Inis,/. (not class.): Veg. Vet. 1,26, init. in Cic. fr. Rep. 4,10; c malum condere nant : hence poet): un'lft I. udder, g. 4. debmtas (infirmity disabling Hie in aliquem, Hor, S. 2,1, 82; probrosum ubere, Virg. G. 3, 317: Lucr.: Ov. 4, whole or part of Hie body): more pre­ carmen adversus aliquem facere, Tac. A. plenus: bees with thighs I. with honey,cisely , d. pedum, Tac H. 1, 9. (May 14. 48- apes crura thymo plenae, Virg. G. 4, often be expr. by verb: e. g. if Hie I. is lampoon (v): famosis s. probrosis 181: an army heavily laden with booty,caused by suffering in the sinews, si carminibus iacesso; etc.: v.-preced. art. exercitaB plenissimus praeda, Inscr. in dolore nervorum claudicat [bos], Col. 6, lamprey: prob. muraena: PL: Cic.: Liv. 41,28. 12, med) ||. Fig.: infirmltas: v. Hor. Dimin. muraenula, Hier. lading (subs): gnus; v. FREIGHT. WEAKNESS. lance: 1. lancea: cf. Caes. B. G. ladle (sufts.): 1, llgiila or lin- lament (»•)-• 1. lamentor, 1 8, 48, calcaribus equum conjungit equo giila: used for skimming, Col. 9, 15, (strictly aloud; hence an action thought Quadrati, lancedque infestd (thrusting fin.: Plin. 2. truUa (esp.for servingunbecomin g a man: cf. Pac. in Cic Tusc wine from the crater to the cups): brass,2, 21, fin): to I. any one's blindness al(o fhim with his I), etc: Tac.: v. SPEAR. 2. sarissa (of Maced. infantry): wooden Is, t aheneae, Ugneae, Cato, women), caecitatem alicujus I, Cic. Tusc. Liv. 9, 19, med. Meton. of (Ae men R R. 13: sometimes of costly materials,5, 38, 112. Join: flere ac lamentari, themselves ("the lances"), Auct. Her. 4, Cic. Verr. 4, 27, 62. (The truUa was Clc.; I. ac plangere, Suet 2. deploro, 32,4J. also called gplcbjrsis, cf. Varr. L. L. y, 1 (strictly, to vxep much, intrans.; also lance («•) •* inddo, apgrio: Cels. 6,13. 26 6 124.) 3. (?) cjrathus (concerning in gen. sense, with direct ace.: stronger lanceolate: *lanceSlatus: as bot (. (. the precise use of which, v. Dr. Smith's than Eng.): (0 I. disasters, calamitates lancer: lancearius (late): Amm. 21, Diet Ant. *. 0.): Varr. L. L. 1. c.: Hor.d :, Cie Ph. 11,2,6. 3. lugeo, 2: v. TO 13, fln. Juv. 4. cochlear, cochleare, cochle- MOURN, GRIEVE FOB. 4. Seo, vi, turn, 2; imteres. defleo (chiefly poet, in this lancet: 1. scalpellum or -us: to arium: v. SPOON. use the I., s. admovere (corpori), Cic. ladle (ej: nearest word, haurio: v. sense): v, TO WEEP FOR. 5. mlsgror, I (to regard and speak ofi as miserableSex t 6y, init.: Cels. 7, 2, med. (masc). TO DRAW (II.). or to fte pitied) -. cf. Caes. B. G. i, 39, 2. phlgbgtfimus (for bleeding) : lady: 1. matrona (a married I.) .- Veg. Vet.i, 27, easlr.: Coel. Aur. (Veg. v. MATRON. 2. dgmlna, hgra (ol lAecommun e periculum miserabantur: v. TO COMMISERATE, PITY. Vet. 1, 22, reied, uses sagitta of are in­ head ofi a lumsehold): v. MISTRESS. In strument for blood-letting) gen. sense, the ladies, muUeres, feminae: lament (subs).- v. LAMENTATION. lamentable: I. To be deplored: lancet-window: "fenestra lanceo­ v. WOMAN. late (?) _ lady -day: *dies annuutiationls 1, lSmentabllis, e (poet, in this sense): Virg. Aen. 2, 4. 2. mlsg- land (subs.) .* |. As distinguished V. B. M. from water: 1. terra: Caes.: Cic. lady-like: 1, libgralis, e (ofi orrandus : Cie Cat. 4, 6, 12 (misera ac miseranda): Sail. 3. lacrimabUis, e By I. and sea, t. marique, SaU. Cat 13: befitting a fireewoman): Join: honestas Cic.: also, terra ac rnari, Cic Att. 10, et liberal's, Ter. Andr. 1, 1, 96 (forma (poet.): Virg. (Flebilis in this sense should be confined to verse: in Qc. Ph. 4, init. 2. tellus, uris, /. (poet.): honesta et liberahs); lepida et liberal's sea and I. were indistinguishable, mare (forma), PI. Ep. 1,1,4y. 2. hgnestus: II, 3, 7, ponite ante oculos miseram illam et flebilem speciem, the sense ise t t nullum discrimen habebant, Ov. M. V. RESPECTABLE. I, 291. ||. Any portion cf preced.: ladyship: expr. by dgmlna, hgra: piteous: q. v.) See also SAD, MOURNFUL, ||. Expressing lament or grief: ager, agri: to bestow a grant ofi I, agrum V. MISTRESS. dare, Liv. 2,16, med,.: to hold public l., lady's-maid: ornatrix: Ov. A. A. 1, lamentabllis: to deplore with I. agros publicos tenere (possldere), Cic. 3, 239; Snet cries: 1. voce deplorare, Clc Tusc. 2, Agr. 2,26,68: Is paying dues or rent, lag (v.): cesso, 1: v. TO LOITER. 13, 32. 2. flebllis, e: Cie: cf. supr. I agri vectigales, ib. 2, 24, 64. Belonging laggard (subs) -. cessator: Hor. S.(fin).: V. PLAINTIVE, PITEOUS. 3. to or affecting such I, agrarius: e. g. a 2, 7,100: Qc. Sometimes tardus may lacrimabHis: a I. groan, gemitus 1, lair:covert):cubilecreature):itegereFestarserves lagoonlaiclaggintapplie . ,: s. :1.iscfCi d lHcus,.v.): gtetore^lfte: cffitlbtilum Hor (adj.)RabhidePhaedr :. Ep.sea Vulg nest,:.inLucrPosa . tardusgenerally).1 , 2their(collecti t.,.2 ,4 1bed,3 (I«rftirij7-place,,iy extr., Sam: 12,104 ocfIs,.42r o.4 .lair Phr. preced xxi (wheraquaelatibuli. ofi :24 e,.
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