! Reg.NO.GR,IRNP/GOAl32! ! RNINO.GOAEN(H2002/~ Panaji, 21st October, 2004 (Asvina 29, 1926)! SERIES III No. 30 /""'.""'\ '. OFFICIAL~~GAZETTE GOVERN~IENT OF GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA Department of Transport Office of the District Magistrate, South Goa, Margao Department of Tourism Directorate of Tourism Notification No. 37/26/2004/MAG/3267 Order In exercise of the powers conferred on me under Section 116 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 (Central Act No.5/TT(921)/2004-DT/1030 59 of 1988) read with Government Notification No. 5/28/88-TPT(Part) dated 26th September, 1989, I, J. B. The Registration of Tourist Taxi No. GA·01/T-5404 Singh, District Magistrate, South Goa, Margao, do hereby belonging to Shri Richard Rodrigues, Xellim, Loliem, notify No entry, No right turn and Accident prone zone Canacona, Goa, under the Goa Registration of Tourist as indicated in Column 2 of the Schedule below and Trade Act, 1982, entered in register No. 19 at page No. also direct to erect the Traffic Sign Board,S specified 61 is hereby cancelled as the said Tourist Taxi has been in Column 3 of the Schedule below for the purpose of converted in~o a private vehicle with effect from regulating Motor Vehicular Traffic. 10-06·2004 bearing No. GA-08/A-2843. SCHEDULE Panaji, 10th August, 2004.- The Director of Tourism & Prescribed Authority, A C. Pereira. 81. Name of the public Type of No. of Traffic No. place Sign Boards Sign Boards 1 . 2 3 4 Order 1. At the right hand side No EntrY One starting point of Thana- At the right hand No. 5/S(1·337) 2004·DT/l031 -Satrant JlU1ction- to Thana starting point of the road. road. By virtue of the powers conferred upon me under 2. At the right hand side No Right One Section 10(1)(a) of the Goa Registration of Tourist Trade point where the road Thrn At the right hand Act, 1982, I, A. C. Pereira, Prescribed Authority, hereby from Thana meets the meeting point of remove the name of Shri Minguel Joao D'Costa, D'Costa N.H.17 at Thana-Satrant Thana road to High- Junction at Cortalim. way at Thana-Sa't- Guest House, H. No. 383, 4th Ward, Colva from the rant Junction at Register of Registration No. D-29 vide page No. 26 Cortalim . maintained under the aforesaid Act as the said Shri 3. The Cortalim Thana Accident Four Minguel Joao D'Costa has ceased to operate Paying Satrant Highway Junction Prone One each at all Guest Accommodation in his premises bearing No. at Cortalim. Zone the four directions H. No. 383, situated at 4th Ward, Colva. at the Junction. The Sarpanch, Office of the Village Panchayat Consequently, the Certificate of registration No. D/ Cortalim-Quelos~im, shall take necessary action to dis· /1676 issued under the said Act stands cancelled. play the signboards and report compliance. Panaji, 18th August, 2004.- The Director of Tourism Margao, 4th October, 2004.- The District Magistrate, & Prescribed Authority, A C. Pereira. South Goa, Margao, J. B. Singh. 246 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 30' . 21ST OCTOBER, 2004 Advertisements Therefore, public notice is hereby given that any person objecting to the establishment of the storage tank Office of the District Magistrate, NorthGo;a EJistrict, in the property or site, may give notice of such objec­ Panaji-Goa tion to the undersigned and to the applicant, of not less than 'seven days before '!he day of hearing of the app­ Notice lication together with the name and address and call­ No. 9/68/MAG/PET/2004: ing and a· short statement of the. grounds of his/her objection. Shri Devendra Dave, Project Co-ordinator, Goa International School Private Ltd., Pedda, Varca, Salcete Given under my hand and seal of this office, dated Goa has applied for No Objection Certificate for storage this 27th day of September, 2004. of petroleum products of Class "B" capacity 20 K1. for Petrol Pump in the Plot bearing Survey Ne. 15,16,17,18, G. P. Naik, 20,21 & 22 of V;llage ·Siridao Tiswadi Taluka in North Addl. District Magistrate, Goa District. " South Goa, Margao. The site plan is available for inspection with the Office of Mamlatdar of Tiswadi Taluka North Goa and in the V. No. 26830/2004 office of the undersigned. • A public notice is hereby given that any person In the Court of the lind Addl. Civil Judge Senior having any objection against the said storage at the proposed site should file his/her objection in this office Division at Margao within thirty days from the ci,ate of publication of this Special Civil Suit No. 356/96/I1 notice. Given under my hand and seal·of this office, dated Smt. Veena Padmanabh Prabhu this the 6th day of October, 2004. alias Veena Suryakant Naik aged about 35 years, married, S. S. Keshkamat, Occupation service, rIo District Magistrate, B/5-1 Govt. Quarters, P. W. D. North Goa District, Complex, Fatorda, at present Panaji-Goa. residing at c/o Deepak Prabhu, Near Nagmandir, House No. not V. No. 26863/2004 alloted, Murida, Fatorda, Margao, Salcete-Gdi!!. Plaintiff Office of the District Magistrate, South Goa District, Vis Margao-Goa Shri Suryakant Vaman Naik, married, aged 36 years, Public Notice Occupation service, rio B/5-1, Govt. Quarters, P. W. D. No. 35/11/2004-PET-MAG Complex, Fatorda, Margao, 2. Whereas, M/s. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Salcete-Goa. Defendant p. O. Box 48, F. L. Gomes Road, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa has applied in Form IX under Rule 143 read with Rule 144 of the Petroleum Rules 1976 for grant of No Objection Notice Certificate for storage of Class "p,:' and "B" of Petroleum Products in the Plot surveyed under Survey No. 143/1 3. It is hereby made known to the public in general of Village Cuncolim of Salcete Thluka South Goa District that by way of Judgement and Decree passed on & quantity of products shown in the Schedule below: 31-8-1999, the marriage solemnized on 9-1-85 between Sr. Type of Petroleum Quantity of Smt. Veena Padmanabh Prabhu alias Veena Suryakant No. Product Petroleum Naik, rio B/5-1, Govt. Quarters, P. W D. Complex, Fatorda, Product to be at present residing at c/o Deepak Prabhu, Near stbred at time Nagmandir, House No. not alloted, Murida, Fatorda, Margao, Salcete Goa and Shri Suryakant Vaman Naik, 1 2 3 rio B/5-1, Govt. Quarters, P. W. D. Complex, Fatorda, l. Petroleum Class A 32 K1. Margao, Salcete Goa, is dissolved by way of divorce, 2. Petroleum Class B 44 K1. under Article 4 (4) of the Family Law. Whereas, a copy of the application alongwith the plan Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this of the project is available for public inspection in the the 13th day of September, 2004. Office of Mamlatdar of Salcete & S. D. O. Salcete and also in this Office during working days and hours for Vandana TenduIkar 30 days from the date of this public notice; II nd Add!. Civil Judge Senior Division and JMFC, Margao IIC of Whereas, the undersigned will hear the application Civil Judge Senior Division and . in my Office at the Collectorate Building, on expiry of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Margao. period of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice; V. No. 22712/2004 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 247 SERIES III No. 30 21ST OCTOBER, 2004 Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Pernem-Goa . Bardez-Goa' Notice Notice \ 4. Whereas Smt. Maria D'Souza, resident of Bagayat, 8. Whereas Shri Yallappa RamappaVarde, resident of ! Pernem-Goa desires to change her minor qaughter's ConiWaddo, Colval,' Bardez· Goa 'desires to change his name from "SilverD' Souza" to "Silyia:D'Sduza"-under the name/surI\ame from "Yallappa Ramappa Varde" to Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990) "',linod Prakash Varkhandkar" under the Goa Change of Any person having any objections to the change may Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). lodge the same in this office within thirty days from the Any person having any objections to the change may date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the lodge the same in this offlCe within thirty days from the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 in force. date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Pernem, 9th September, 2004.- The Civil Registrar­ Goa Change of Name and Surname Aot, 1990 in force. -cum-Sub-Registrar, Nirmala R. Hunchimani Mapusa, 8th October, 2004.-The Civil Registrar-cum-. V No. 26812/2004 -Sub-Registrar, VithalGopalSalkar. --+-.-. V No. 26870/2004 Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, • Bicholim-Goa Office of the Notary Ex-Officio of. this Judicial Division of IIhas, Panaji-Goa Notices Shri W. S. Rebello, Notary Ex-Officio, of this Judicial Division of IIhas, Panaji-Goa. 5. Whereas Sbri Sbripad Bhikaji Parsekar, resident of Bordem, Bicholim Goa has applied to change his minor 9. In accordance with the 1 st Para of Article 179 of son's surname from "Vijay Shripad Parwar" to "Vijay Law No. 2049 dated ,6th August 1951, and for the Sbripad Parsekar". purpose of 2nd para ofthe same article it is hereby mane public that by a Notarial Deed of Succession dated 12th Any person having objection, if any, may file the same in October, 2004 recordeu before me in Book No . .684 of this Office within thirty days from the publication of this Notarial Deeds atpage 11 and onwards the following is notice as required under Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of noted:- Name and Surname Act, 1990.
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