Sept. 4, 1951 W. PETERSON 2 566,581 STEREOTYPE CASTING MACHINE Original Filed March ill, 1948 Z2222227 2e A222s22. 3-2 22.2%v1. Patented Sept. 4, 1951 2,566,581 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,566,581 sTEREOTYPE CASTING MACHINE Wayne Peterson, Moorhead, Minn. Continuation of application Serial No. 14262, March 11, 1948. This application April 28, 1950, Serial No. 158,747 1 Claim. (C. 22-3) My invention relates generally to stereotype cated at 8) is an elongated metal box or melting casting machines, and, more Specifically, to a pot 9, which has upwardly-diverging sides O. A stereotype casting machine scorcher combina tilting lever is secured fast to the metal box 9 tion. The present application is a continuation through one of the pivot connections 8 for tilting of application Serial No. 14262, filed March 11, the metal pot 9 when it is desired to pour through 1948, now abandoned. a Suitable pouring spout 2. formed in the rear The primary object of my invention is the pro wall. Othereof. It will be observed that the pivot vision of a novel arrangement, including casting connections 8 are located to one side of the platens, metal pot, heater, and scorcher, wherein longitudinal center of the metal box 9. A front the heat utilized to melt type metal in the mettal 0. Wall 0 of the metal box is provided with a for port is also utilized for heating the Scorcher Wardly-projecting flange 3, which is adapted to platen. normally rest upon a Supporting bracket 4 con Another object of my invention is the provision necting its opposite ends to forward edges of the of a novel scorcher having relatively fixed and upStanding flanges 7. movable platens which may be readily separated 5 Heating means, Such as a gas burner 5, is for the insertion and removal therebetween of Supported by the frame through the medium matrix to be dried and which will quickly close of a pipe 6 and underlies the metal box 9 in under the action of gravity. Without exerting un Spaced relation thereto. The numeral 7 indi due (but uniform) pressure upon the matrix. cates a suitable valve in the pipe or line 6. A still further object of my invention is the 20 A SCOrcher, generally used to dry the mats be provision of a novel construction, which is rugged fore placing the same between the casting platens in construction, easy and quick to operate, and 5- and 6, is mountd in a novel manner to utilize inexpensive to maintain. the Waste heat from the heating element 5, de The above and still further objects of my in flected from the front side O of the metal pot 9, vention will become apparent from the following 25 as shown. A relatively fixed scorcher platen f 8 detailed specification, appended claim, and at is secured intermediate the flanges 7, but for tached dra WingS. Wardly thereof, by means of brackets 4 adjacent Referring to the drawings, wherein like char the upper edge of the flanges 7, and a pair of acters indicate like parts throughout the Several similar brackets 9 adjacent the lower ends of views: 30 the flanges 7. It will further be observed that Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a stereotype cast platen 8 inclines slightly in a rearward direc ing machine incorporating my novel scorcher; tion and is provided preferably with a plurality Fig. 2 is a Side elevation with Some parts being of integrally-formed ribs 20 which serve not only broken away and some parts shown in section; to reinforce the same but also to provide heat Fig. 3 is an enlarged fragmentary view in croSS 35 catching pockets. With reference particularly to section, taken substantially on the line 3-3 of Fig. 2, it will be observed that the bottom end of Fig. 1; and the Scorcher element f8 projects below the level Fig. 4 is a view corresponding to Fig. 3, but of the heating element 5, whereas the top edge showing a different position of Some of the parts. thereof projects above the level of the metal box Referring With greater particularity to the 9 With the rearwardly-inclined edge 2f thereof drawings, the numeral f indicates, in its entirety, being in Substantially the same vertical plane as a frame structure preferably comprising later the adjacent flange 3 of the metal box 9. It ally-spaced substantially parallel side members will further be observed, by reference to Fig. 2, 2, a rear member 3, and a front member 4. The that the heating element 5 is in a plane below frame f is adapted to Support, for rocking move medial center of the Scorcher element 8. With ments intermediate the side portions 2, a casting this novel arrangement, the heat emanating from box having a lower platen 5 and an upper platen the heating element 5 is impinged upon the bot 6, which may be mounted therein in any conven tom of the metal box 9, whereupon it is deflected tional manner, such as illustrated in my Patent laterally outwardly and into contact with the No. 2,442,246. Projecting upwardly from the 50 SCOrcher element 8. The rearward inclination frame , adjacent the front end 4 thereof, are a of the platen 8 assures a maximum utilization pair of laterally-Spaced parallel Supporting men Of the heat rising upwardly therebetween and bers in the nature of flanges T. Located inter the forwardly-inclined side fo of the metal box 9. mediate the flanges 7, adjacent the upper portion A movable platen 22 is mounted for movements thereof, and pivotally mounted thereto (as indi 55 toward and from face-to-face contact with the 2,566,581 3 4. fixed platen 8 by means of opposed pairs of only saves time but also utilizes Waste heat for diagonally-disposed links 23, pivotally connected the drying of the matrix. at their opposite ends to the side edges of the What I claim is: platens 8 and 22. It will be noted that the links In a device of the class described, a pair of 23 are parallel to each other and that one thereof 5 spaced vertically-disposed frame members, a is extended to form an operating lever 24. With metal pot Secured intermediate said members ad this arrangement, the movable platen 22 is grav jacent their upper ends, a pot heating element ity-biased toward contact with the fixed platen 8 immediately below said metal pot for heating the and may be moved upwardly and outwardly Same, and a Scorcher plate carried by the upper therefrom by merely pulling downwardly on the O portions of Said frame members and shaped to operating lever 24, as indicated by dotted lines extend therebetween and project above and in Fig. 2. Referring particularly to FigS. 3 and 4, laterally outwardly of said metal pot to provide it will be seen that the inner adjacent faces of therewith a heating Zone for matrix to be dried. the platens are covered with suitable materials such as asbestos, indicated by the numeral 25. 5 WAYNE PETERSON. In use, the operating lever 24 is depressed to its dotted line position of Fig. 2, whereby to dispose REFERENCES CITED the platens 8 and 22 in the spaced relation in The following references are of record in the dicated in Fig. 4 and a mat inserted therebetween. file of this patent: Thereafter, the operating lever 24 is released and 20 UNITED STATES PATENTS the movable platen 22 moves under the action of gravity toward contact with the fixed platen 8, Number Name Date as indicated in Fig. 3, whereby to frictionally hold 436,372 Murray ------------ Sept. 16, 1890 the mat or matrix between the asbestos sheets 25 537,183 Bucher -------------- Apr. 9, 1895 until it is dry. The matrix is indicated in Fig. 3 25 723,654 Curtiss ------------ Mar. 24, 1903 by the numeral 26. It will be noted that one 1,514,926 Powers ------------- Nov. 11, 1924 matrix 26 may be drying between the Scorcher 1,610,763 Fisher ------------- iDec. 14, 1926 platens 8 and 22 while another thereof is being 1,611,697 Toomey ------------ Dec. 21, 1926 used in the casting box made up of the platens 1,632,646 FitzSimmons ------- June 14, 1927 5- and 6. The novel combination illustrated not 30 2,222,227 Hamblen ----------- Nov. 19, 1940 .
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